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A discussion of the “biology” of sex, by gender

Yes, I looked at the first several pages full of links, and in direct refutation of you faith-based assertion, not a single one was pornography. They were all articles about what men can do to give females more sexual pleasure, including things like "communication", "empathy", "patience", and "cunnilingus". They were not only of similar content to the types of women's mag articles you anecdotally offered as evidence, but several were from some of the most widely read periodical and mags in the US including Cosmo, Men's Health, Men's fitness, and the NY Post.

Again, not a single porn link in any of the first several pages or when jumped to the 10, 20, and 30th page of links. Links continued to include sources like HuffPo and Psychology Today.

Did you make any attempt at all to number only unique search results?

None of the hundreds of links on the pages I looked at were duplicates, and whether some hits are duplicates or porn doesn't matter anyway because that applies equally to searches for both pleasing woman and pleasing men. All that matters for testing your baseless claim is using the same sampling method for both search terms, because it is the relative number of observations for both that matter not the absolute number. Plus, even if 95% were duplicates, it would still amount sample of unique observations that was millions of times larger than your personal anecdotes about mags you've seen.

Your proven ignorance of basic research methods make it unsurprising that you'd offer up such an irrelevant red herrings.

Seriously. I thought you were some kind of grad student.

My academic credentials related to social-science research would make you look like you failed out of pre-school.

This is something that wouldn't even be taken seriously in a freshman English class.

What grotesque hypocrisy. This is an informal discussion board. You made the claim that current culture constantly focuses on how women should please men but never on how men could better please women. Your only evidence you offered was personal anecdotes about a couple of magazines you've seen years ago. Making not effort to examine the quality of this info, whether the articles were unique, but suddenly think these are critical issues when talking about google links. While imperfect, my sampling method is infinitely superior to yours in every way and offers more than enough evidence to show that your claim is false. It is a far more random sample of what is available to people, far more representative of the information that most people today are actually exposed to, a far larger sample, and uses the same method to sample both types of information that are central to your claim (info about pleasing men versus pleasing women).

Whether there are generally some biases in medicine and marketing is irrelevant to what the cause is of ED research being more prevalent than research about female pain during intercourse (the entire point of my first post from which this whole exchange stems).

In a nutshell, you are absolutely wrong.

No, in a nutshell, this like virtually all your arguments is a fallacious red herring having no relevance to the discussion. Since you clearly have no concept what logical relevance means, it means that nothing you said can possibly show I am wrong because it has no implications for what I said. This is predictable since you are not capable of offering any counter-argument, so instead you are offering arguments against irrelevant strawmen and hoping no one notices the difference.

Plus, what is not at all well documented is your assumption that gender differences in medical research and marketing stem from sexist disregard for women in general and their sexual pleasure in particular. It is your particular dogmatic assumption about the underlying causes that is in question. And in this instance, that assumption is refuted by a reasoned analysis of the relevant facts which predict more ED research even in an ideal world such sexism was non-existent.

The bias against women in terms of medical research is well documented. The bias for white males is well documented. I have no idea what 'reasoned analysis' you think was presented, but you are mistaken entirely.

You have no idea what a reasoned analysis even refers to. You have deliberately evaded the two most central facts that directly refute your assumption, which are that ED drugs have higher profitability for drug companies and that profitability is the primary factor in how much attention the medical industry gives to various ailments. Those fact alone prove you are wrong, and you haven't even attempted to refute them, you've just ignored them and offered fallacious red herrings about secondary issues.

Nothing I said implies that women require a penis to experience sexual pleasure. Rather what you said assumes that no women derive sexual pleasure via intercourse with their male partner. Only such an absurd assumption supports your claim that the prevalence of ED research is simply due to society only caring about male sexual pleasure. Recognizing that assumption is clearly false would make it obvious why your entire response to my original post is invalid, as is the argument in the OP I was responding to.

I made no assumption that no women derive sexual pleasure via intercourse with their male partner. If you inferred such, that says a great deal more about your powers of reason than mine.

Your entire response to me was based on such an assumption. The fact that you have no idea what assumptions your dogmatic claims are making is unsurprising and totally on you. You agreed with the OP article that the prevalence of ED clinical trials is simply due to a cultural bias that only cares about male sexual pleasure. That claim requires assuming that failed intercourse has no negative impact on women,and thus ED drugs that allow otherwise failed intercourse has no positive impact on women.

Your myopia is almost eclipsed by your inability to actually understand what is written or to consider that someone might have a valid point of view that differs than yours. Not quite, but almost.

But nice to see you walk back your claim of hundreds of millions of totally unique and nonpornographic hits to a more realistic claim of hundreds.
I think that no one falls in a certain category when is about sex and sexual desires. Everybody is so different.

I learned about sex by experience only, not by reading something about.

I found out that regardless of love to a woman, there are other things beyond an attractive body. I have had sex with a very attractive woman but I truly didn't feel much pleasure, Amazingly, other two guys who went with her told me the same. She was pretty, great body, no "defects" neither "bad odor" or similar, it was just her warmth, perhaps her skin, or something which impede me to find a greater satisfaction.

I have had great times with a fatty cute girl to whom I missed a lot later on after we finished our relationship. I felt great with her, and luckily she felt the same with me.

I think the same happen with women with respect to men when having sex.

I was told that between a man and a woman, when is about sex, everything is allowed but one from the another be pulling the eyes from their sockets. I think that makes sense.

I like sex but I truly am not a big fan of pornography, specially the one made in the whole American continent, US, Canada, Mexico, Panama, and etc. To me, the best porno comes from old French movies. I found old VHS of movies like Emmanuelle.


There you have something that really will turn you on.

One time, and solely once, I found myself in the greatest dilemma about sex.

It was a date to be in a girl's apartment, and the same night I was invited to the movies by two friends. It was a hard decision, the girl was splendid, but the action movie plus popcorn and soda got me harder. Hell with the girl, the movie was good.
I don't subscribe to male orientated magazines like Guns and Ammo or Golf etc but I do checkout "Men's Health" from time to time. If you check out the "Sex" section, the first three articles are about how to give a woman orgasms, one titled "7 ways to give her an orgasm she will never forget".

Out of curiosity, how many words do they spend advising the man to wonder whether it’s actually working or whether to ask if she has any discomfort. If you do your magic fingers thingy to a woman who is suffering discomfort, and you think you’re Mr. Magic and so of course she’s gonna love it cause the magazine said so, how would you ever know what she thinks?

Bringing us right back to “men get off on thinking they have sexual prowess, but there’s no one talking much about whether it’s true...”

You know what I mean?
The magazine says, “do this, she’ll love it!” And they’re all, “check me out, baby”

Any articles on “How to find out if she likes what you’re doing”
No idea what you mean. If you're curious about the articles then you read them and give your critiques. I never read them. Just saying they are out there.
The difference between men and women is just clothes.

Women's magazines are full of pictures of women wearing the latest clothes; while men's magazines are full of pictures of women NOT wearing the latest clothes.
The difference between men and women is just clothes.

Women's magazines are full of pictures of women wearing the latest clothes; while men's magazines are full of pictures of women NOT wearing the latest clothes.

Yeah, this kind of thinking is why a lot of women would prefer not to have sex.
"7 ways to give her an orgasm she will never forget".
For some reason, I instantly recall that joke: "She said, give me 9 inches and make it hurt. So I fucked her three times and slugged her in the jaw."

'never forget' is not necessarily the acme of skill...

- - - Updated - - -

Yeah, this kind of thinking is why a lot of women would prefer not to have sex.
My mother always said, if there were a third gender, most women would marry it.
"7 ways to give her an orgasm she will never forget".
For some reason, I instantly recall that joke: "She said, give me 9 inches and make it hurt. So I fucked her three times and slugged her in the jaw."

'never forget' is not necessarily the acme of skill...

- - - Updated - - -

Yeah, this kind of thinking is why a lot of women would prefer not to have sex.
My mother always said, if there were a third gender, most women would marry it.

Speaking for myself, I enjoy having sex with men. But: I have had sexual with someone who ‘learned’ what women liked by reading...who knows what. As far as he was concerned, it was great! And if I wasn’t enjoying it, the problem was me. This is not a recipe for a good relationship. Things ended quickly.
Any articles on “How to find out if she likes what you’re doing”
you know what's really fucked up? if you're a man who isn't in the cliche masses that only care about getting off yourself and who has a significant portion of your sexual psychology wrapped up in the pleasure of your partner, you learn that you pretty much can't... not really.

it's quite fucked up spending a lifetime having the entirety of your sexual identity be wrapped up in being able to genuinely pleasure other people, but then never being *really* sure if you're pulling it off because you know about this whole fucked up cultural bullshit we subject women to when it comes to sex.

i guess ultimately "how to find out if you're doing it right" can only be a thing if the answer can be trusted to be honest.
until then, the premise of that question is flawed because the answer is the same either way: if women lie or obfuscate, how can you ever really know?
Any articles on “How to find out if she likes what you’re doing”
you know what's really fucked up? if you're a man who isn't in the cliche masses that only care about getting off yourself and who has a significant portion of your sexual psychology wrapped up in the pleasure of your partner, you learn that you pretty much can't... not really.

it's quite fucked up spending a lifetime having the entirety of your sexual identity be wrapped up in being able to genuinely pleasure other people, but then never being *really* sure if you're pulling it off because you know about this whole fucked up cultural bullshit we subject women to when it comes to sex.

i guess ultimately "how to find out if you're doing it right" can only be a thing if the answer can be trusted to be honest.
until then, the premise of that question is flawed because the answer is the same either way: if women lie or obfuscate, how can you ever really know?

That goes both ways though. I have never really enjoyed sex, but you can't really say that after the act, can you? If they ask how it was for you, you need to say it was great. Anything else is just rude.
That goes both ways though. I have never really enjoyed sex, but you can't really say that after the act, can you? If they ask how it was for you, you need to say it was great. Anything else is just rude.
i think it can definitely go both ways contextually, but in aggregate and as a study for the species not so much.

it's the ultimate joke IMO, the dichotomy between men and women when it comes to sex (this is obviously a broad generalization and there are of course exceptions on both sides but as a general rule i think these statements are reasonably true):
it's a struggle for men to get sex, but 100% of the time it's the most amazing thing that ever happened to you.
women can get sex at the drop of a hat, but it's a total crap shoot (with the odds against you) that it will be any good, worth your time, or actually satisfying.
That goes both ways though. I have never really enjoyed sex, but you can't really say that after the act, can you? If they ask how it was for you, you need to say it was great. Anything else is just rude.

I stopped asking my wife how it was for her after she said "How was what ?".

Cheeky mare :D
I stopped asking my wife how it was for her after she said "How was what ?".

Cheeky mare :D
it's so fucking bizarre to me being part of a culture where that sort of mentality is considered even remotely acceptable...

i'm not saying that to call you out tswizzle, it's a very common generalization to make about the relationship between husbands and wives, but it just boggles my mind.
I stopped asking my wife how it was for her after she said "How was what ?".

Cheeky mare :D
it's so fucking bizarre to me being part of a culture where that sort of mentality is considered even remotely acceptable...

i'm not saying that to call you out tswizzle, it's a very common generalization to make about the relationship between husbands and wives, but it just boggles my mind.

Acceptable ? It's just a humorous quip that gets bandied about.
Acceptable ? It's just a humorous quip that gets bandied about.
yes but so was "nigger knife" once upon a time until the culture collectively figured out that's a shitty thing to say based on a shitty way of looking at the world.

i'm not saying "ha ha, men are so bad at sex" isn't common both in actual reality and in terms of pop-culture quips, i'm just saying that both the fact that so many men are terrible at sex and the fact it's been just sort of accepted as a thing like "shrug... what're you gonna do?" are both really fucked up and weird to me and hard for me to figure out why people find that an acceptable way of being.

i wasn't in any way directing my previous post or this post at you specifically, merely that you expressed an idea that i am seemingly alone in finding baffling, and i commented on it partially because it made me think of it, and maybe partially to see if anyone agrees with me or if i'm the only nutcase out there who thinks that way.
Acceptable ? It's just a humorous quip that gets bandied about.
yes but so was "nigger knife" once upon a time until the culture collectively figured out that's a shitty thing to say based on a shitty way of looking at the world.

Get a grip fella. It's just a bit of banter.
Acceptable ? It's just a humorous quip that gets bandied about.
yes but so was "nigger knife" once upon a time until the culture collectively figured out that's a shitty thing to say based on a shitty way of looking at the world.

Get a grip fella. It's just a bit of banter.
okay apparently you don't grasp the concept of "a thing you said triggered a cascading thought-domino that lead to something not directly related to what you said specifically" so i'll stop trying to explain how thinking works to you.
Acceptable ? It's just a humorous quip that gets bandied about.
yes but so was "nigger knife" once upon a time until the culture collectively figured out that's a shitty thing to say based on a shitty way of looking at the world.

i'm not saying "ha ha, men are so bad at sex" isn't common both in actual reality and in terms of pop-culture quips, i'm just saying that both the fact that so many men are terrible at sex and the fact it's been just sort of accepted as a thing like "shrug... what're you gonna do?" are both really fucked up and weird to me and hard for me to figure out why people find that an acceptable way of being.

i wasn't in any way directing my previous post or this post at you specifically, merely that you expressed an idea that i am seemingly alone in finding baffling, and i commented on it partially because it made me think of it, and maybe partially to see if anyone agrees with me or if i'm the only nutcase out there who thinks that way.

I find this very strange. What exactly is so shitty that you would compare this to using the term "nigger knife"? I mean, essentially you have a situation in the world were most people aren't particularly good at sex, but most man will be fine with any sex at all, but most women wont be (all though I would say the majority of people, male or female, are not particularly good at sex).
Get a grip fella. It's just a bit of banter.
okay apparently you don't grasp the concept of "a thing you said triggered a cascading thought-domino that lead to something not directly related to what you said specifically" so i'll stop trying to explain how thinking works to you.

And apparently you don't grasp humour. Also, I never asked for an explanation as I don't need an explanation.

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