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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Trump brushes off Ocasio-Cortez. She responds by hitting the president where it hurts.
After she called him a racist and offered as evidence his rather bigoted statements and policies toward Muslims.

He responded "Who cares?"

She tweeted in response:
I bartended for *years* in New York City. I understand guys like this like the back of my hand.

We got under his skin 😂
I’d say we’d be taxing 70% of Trump’s income, but he probably hasn’t made more than $10 million in years - and that’s the real reason he’s hiding his taxes 😉
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has more Twitter power than media, establishment - Axios
Total interactions on Twitter:
  • @realDonaldTrump - 39.8m
  • @AOC - 11.8m
  • @KamalaHarris - 4.6m
  • @BarackObama - 4.4m
  • @CNN - 3.1m
  • @SpeakerPelosi - 2.6m
  • @SenSchumer - 2.4m
  • @thehill - 2.3m
  • @ABC - 2.2m
  • @nytimes - 1.8m
  • @MSNBC - 1.6m
  • @NBCNews - 1.5m
  • @seanhannity - 1.5m
  • @washingtonpost - 1.5m
  • @Reuters - 1m
Other notable Democrats:
  • Bernie Sanders: 2.6m (combined Senate and personal account)
  • Nancy Pelosi: 2.6m
  • Chuck Schumer: 2.4m
  • Beto O'Rourke: 1.8m
  • Elizabeth Warren: 1.4m (combined Senate and personal account)
On the Right:
  • Charlie Kirk: 7.3m
  • Donald Trump Jr.: 1.86m
How many tweets per day:
  • Trump: 9.1
  • Ocasio-Cortez: 5.8
  • Harris: 9.7
  • Obama: 0.4
  • CNN: 136
How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Shapes a New Political Reality | WIRED
Thus when a 29-year-old former bartender of Puerto Rican descent beats a senior Democratic leader of the House, and then proceeds to set the political agenda during her first week in office, it’s more than a cute social media story. AOC is one answer to the bigger question of how social media impact not just the portrayal of political power, but its seizure and exercise.
The Twitter battle to save humanity.

You have to appreciate the wit of two new yorkers going after one another. She's definitely the smarter of the two. Trump knows how to sound street smart, while AOC actually is. I'm loving it, but that's because it's the environment I grew up in.

Gotta Love New York!
The Twitter battle to save humanity.

You have to appreciate the wit of two new yorkers going after one another. She's definitely the smarter of the two. Trump knows how to sound street smart,

No. He doesn't. Unless street smart is your special work for weenie squared.

while AOC actually is

I think that she is smart.

I'm loving it, but that's because it's the environment I grew up in.

I enjoy a good battle of the wits but in this particular match up, we have a half wit vs someone with some genuine intelligence and street smarts. Unfortunately, the half wit is POTUS.
Well, it is not what she wants the question is how it will will be paid for and the consequences. Same for Bernie.

The same way federal govt spending is already paid for : the central bank credits recipients' banks' reserve accounts, and the recipients' banks credit the recipients' accounts. All electronically with keystrokes.

In the case of deficit spending (i.e. in excess of current tax receipts), treasury is legally obligated to issue bonds. The central bank uses these to target interest rates, not to fund deficits.

This might or might not cause inflation, depending on macroeconomic conditions and the availability of real resources.

The French socialism has never worked and alswys seems on the verge of a breakdowm.
If it always seems on the verge of breakdown, yet never breaks down, "seems" is probably the operative word. The current discontents, as with most of the OECD, came with neoliberalism - and, in the case of Eurozone countries, the ECB's Monetarist policies.

As Joseph Stiglitz says, the problem with Europe is the euro.

You miss the point. She is already proving herself to be just another slogan-insult hurler. In that she will fit right in.

We have budget issues, infrastructure, security and other issues. Bridges and roads and the grid are in trouble. Shenis no more prepared than Trump was and is.

Your response typifies the progressives. 'We pay for it just like anything else..'. Well we have an accelerating debt. and are in hock to the Chinese. Oh let me guess...we'll just increase taxes on the upper scale ..shown to be numerically insufficient..

We already have large expenditures on social programs with no metyrics as to duplication of effort and actual quantifiable vbenefit.

Here in Seattle they tried to pass a business head tax to pay for homeless housing. All the while everyone knows there is no shortage of housing assistance. I have talked to state social workers who deal with homeless.

Over the last 10 years a lot of money has been spent per homeless persons and no one knows where it went.

I am not conservative, but we do not need inexperienced tax and spend progressives who think the govt, aka the people, need to make all things free..
... snip ...

I am not conservative, but we do not need inexperienced tax and spend progressives who think the govt, aka the people, need to make all things free..

Why not? It is working so well in Venezuela - it has made every single person in Venezuela a multi-millionaire with so many Bolivars that some Venezuelan entrepreneurs are using hundred Bolivar notes to make hats and tote bags.
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Just a general note about anyone using Venezuela for any reason, they aren’t fucked because of socialism. They’re fucked because their only asset is oil, which means that their economy is tied to a wildly fluctuating and capricious commodity, which constantly destablizes and therefore prevents Venezuela from consistently maintaining any government initiatives or programs.

Now back to your regularly scheduled sophistry.
The Twitter battle to save humanity.

You have to appreciate the wit of two new yorkers going after one another. She's definitely the smarter of the two. Trump knows how to sound street smart, while AOC actually is. I'm loving it, but that's because it's the environment I grew up in.

Gotta Love New York!

I'm a New Yorker and "bartender" is weak.
Just a general note about anyone using Venezuela for any reason, they aren’t fucked because of socialism. They’re fucked because their only asset is oil, which means that their economy is tied to a wildly fluctuating and capricious commodity, which constantly destablizes and therefore prevents Venezuela from consistently maintaining any government initiatives or programs.

Now back to your regularly scheduled sophistry.
Oil has been their major source of income for quite a while but not always their only source. Before Chavez, they also had a very robust agricultural and manufacturing infrastructure that provided income. Chavez nationalized farming and manufacturing which subsequently failed. Oil is now their only source and the decrease in their efficiency of production after nationalization plus the lower world price of oil plus massive increase of government spending has doomed them.

And then Saudi Arabia (which is dependent on oil revenue) and Venezuela both have a population of just a little over thirty million each and Venezuela has greater oil reserves than Saudi Arabia but I haven't seen that Saudis have been so adversely effected by lower oil prices.
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Why is it whenever someone wants to criticize social democracy (or democratic socialism if you prefer that term) they never mention Denmark?
I wouldn't say that, she's not that immune to facts.

Seems more of a newbie mistake, success at attracting attention going to her head and impairing judgement. Talks a good fight, time now to see what she can do.

Most of her errors can be chalked up to newbie mistakes. However, she said that morality is more important than the facts. That's the position of a fanatic.
Just a general note about anyone using Venezuela for any reason, they aren’t fucked because of socialism. They’re fucked because their only asset is oil, which means that their economy is tied to a wildly fluctuating and capricious commodity, which constantly destablizes and therefore prevents Venezuela from consistently maintaining any government initiatives or programs.

Now back to your regularly scheduled sophistry.

No. Many of the big fucks to their system are purely due to their government. For example:

Price controls set below the cost of production. The goods disappear. In time the companies generally get seized but the new owners (his cronies) are no more able to make things below cost. Note the corollary--nobody is going to invest a penny in their business because they expect to lose it at some point. Business owners are going to be doing whatever they can to move assets out of the country.

Subsidizing things like gasoline to the point that it's used wastefully and a lot is smuggled out of the country.

Treating the oil money as a government piggy-bank. Not enough was reinvested into keeping up the system, their oil production has fallen considerably.

Major corruption. Economic moves are made for the benefit of the elite no matter how badly they screw the country.
Democrats would do well to quit the complaints of "hate" from Republicans. It makes Democrats sound whiney. What Republicans do is "roast" Democrats, similar to how comedians roast one another competitively. That is the reason Republicans can brush aside the morality criticisms.

There's an episode from a series on HBO called Crashing that represents this very well. I wonder if it's on youtube. I'll go check.

This is the best I can come up with. For anyone who has HBO, it's the season two finale.

Mitch McConnell is not conducting a comedy skit. He is fucking obstructing every aspect of Congress, and has been doing so since President Obama was elected.
The same way federal govt spending is already paid for : the central bank credits recipients' banks' reserve accounts, and the recipients' banks credit the recipients' accounts. All electronically with keystrokes.

In the case of deficit spending (i.e. in excess of current tax receipts), treasury is legally obligated to issue bonds. The central bank uses these to target interest rates, not to fund deficits.

This might or might not cause inflation, depending on macroeconomic conditions and the availability of real resources.

If it always seems on the verge of breakdown, yet never breaks down, "seems" is probably the operative word. The current discontents, as with most of the OECD, came with neoliberalism - and, in the case of Eurozone countries, the ECB's Monetarist policies.

As Joseph Stiglitz says, the problem with Europe is the euro.

You miss the point. She is already proving herself to be just another slogan-insult hurler. In that she will fit right in.

It doesn't look that way. She has defended herself adroitly, and has begun to challenge the fallacious household budget mentality of both mainstream parties :


We have budget issues, infrastructure, security and other issues. Bridges and roads and the grid are in trouble. Shenis no more prepared than Trump was and is.

Your response typifies the progressives. 'We pay for it just like anything else..'. Well we have an accelerating debt.
and have had for over 200 years (longer in, eg, Britain), yet the sky hasn't fallen. On the six or so occasions you reversed that trend by running surpluses, the result was depressions. That's because govt "debt" denominated in the currency which that govt issues is nothing like household debt - and arguably isn't really "debt" at all except in an abstract accounting sense :


A sovereign currency issuing govt does not need to balance its budget, it needs to balance the economy.

and are in hock to the Chinese.
Not really. The Chinese are, for now, happy to swap real stuff for digits in computers at your central bank. The only thing you owe China is a bank statement. Different matter if they start swapping those digital dollars for real US assets, but you're under no obligation to sell.

Oh let me guess...we'll just increase taxes on the upper scale ..shown to be numerically insufficient..
No, that's precisely what I'm not saying. Taxes do not pay for federal govt spending. Taxes serve other purposes :


We already have large expenditures on social programs with no metyrics as to duplication of effort and actual quantifiable vbenefit.

Here in Seattle they tried to pass a business head tax to pay for homeless housing. All the while everyone knows there is no shortage of housing assistance. I have talked to state social workers who deal with homeless.

Over the last 10 years a lot of money has been spent per homeless persons and no one knows where it went.

I am not conservative, but we do not need inexperienced tax and spend progressives who think the govt, aka the people, need to make all things free..
That's right, you need someone to challenge that household budget nonsense and start a serious discussion about best use of real resources.
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