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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

One can't defend the un-defensible, right?

Or understand the incomprehensible.

It truly is incomprehensible that this bimbo has attracted so much attention from the seemingly " liberate."

Is it a bad time to point out you mention AOC far, far more than any Australian politician? She comprises so much of your life I find unfathomable.

Oh, and this fact you post more in this thread (with the exception of lpetrich), and find it "incomprehensible that this bimbo has attracted so much attention", is what we call irony.
I want to hear from AOC's legion of adoring fans here defending her over this!


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to defend with the plethora of pop-up ads, the poor formatting and spelling errors (is the expert Ryan Maue or Maute?) Also, the article doesn't source where AOC said what they claim she said, they just link to other pages of their ad-infested webpage. So yes, this article is about as credible and well-written as some crap from the Gateway Pundit, and I've already given it far more attention than it deserves.
I think what the idea of that mess was a supposed meteorologist saying she can’t understand thunderstorms are normal DC weather, which completely ignores that she was taking about the tornado warnings they were getting.
It truly is incomprehensible that this bimbo has attracted so much attention from the seemingly " liberate."

Is it a bad time to point out you mention AOC far, far more than any Australian politician? She comprises so much of your life I find unfathomable.

It is a testament to her awesome power and righteousness, that she can induce apoplexy in regressive conservotards from a distance of over 10,000 miles.
I'd say she's every bit Trump's equal in that regard, and accomplishes it without Trump's tsunami of lies.
It truly is incomprehensible that this bimbo has attracted so much attention from the seemingly " liberate."

Is it a bad time to point out you mention AOC far, far more than any Australian politician? She comprises so much of your life I find unfathomable.

It is a testament to her awesome power and righteousness, that she can induce apoplexy in regressive conservotards from a distance of over 10,000 miles.
I'd say she's every bit Trump's equal in that regard, and accomplishes it without Trump's tsunami of lies.

That's the thing; she's rarely mentioned in Australian media. I honestly don't know where angelo gets his fixation from. It must be a WA thing.
That's the thing; she's rarely mentioned in Australian media. I honestly don't know where angelo gets his fixation from. It must be a WA thing.
Patooka, what has she gotten in the news about? Does anyone ever call her and other US Congresspeople MP's ("Members of Parliament")?

I'm trying to think of some naivete like some American(?) mentioning the "President of New Zealand".

I can give you a quick rundown on US civics if you'd like.
AOC threatens Queens Democratic machine

A Hispanic woman from the Bronx recently defeated a party-establishment candidate in a primary. Not AOC, but another one.
During primary elections in June, a Hispanic woman from the Bronx routed the candidate hand-picked by the Queens County Democratic Party for a seat on the county’s Civil Court — a race that had not been contested in nearly four decades.

“It was an incredible moment, and it was as important as AOC’s victory,” said a political strategist active in Queens and the Bronx. “Suddenly, people smelled blood.”

Insurgent candidate and lawyer Lumarie Maldonado Cruz, 47, beat Wyatt Gibbons, 56, with nearly 62% of the vote compared to 38% for Gibbons, a Queens attorney.

“AOC’s victory reminded me of my obligations to stand up for what is right,” Maldonado Cruz said when she entered the race earlier this year.
The Queens political machine almost had another recent loss.
In addition to the judicial race, the party nearly lost the election for Queens district attorney. Party-backed candidate Queens Borough President Melinda Katz should have trounced little-known, late-to-the-race progressive Tiffany Caban, but instead squeaked by, after a month-long series of recounts, by 60 votes.
Some more conservative Democrats, like some black and Hispanic women, don't like AOC - they consider her rude and disrespectful. "Ocasio-Cortez’s support in the borough stems largely from professionals who have recently moved to neighborhoods in western Queens, including Long Island City." She also does not do much with local elected leaders.
Now, the party’s leader has his own AOC-style challenger. Next year, Meeks will face insurgent Democratic candidate Shaniyat Chowdhury, 27. The former bartender and Marine who grew up in Queens, worked on Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign.
Another bartender? :D
That's the thing; she's rarely mentioned in Australian media. I honestly don't know where angelo gets his fixation from. It must be a WA thing.
Patooka, what has she gotten in the news about? Does anyone ever call her and other US Congresspeople MP's ("Members of Parliament")?

I'm trying to think of some naivete like some American(?) mentioning the "President of New Zealand".

I can give you a quick rundown on US civics if you'd like.

The last time AOC was mentioned in the Austrlian media in any meaningful way was when Trump suggested she "go back to where she came from" (and even then the story was portrayed as "look at what Trump has said/done now"). She is always referred to as "congresswoman", but her district is rarely referenced. It just strikes me as odd; if an American did as much shitposting towards Zali Steggal as angelo does towards AOC, I would be equally nonplussed.
The last time AOC was mentioned in the Austrlian media in any meaningful way was when Trump suggested she "go back to where she came from" (and even then the story was portrayed as "look at what Trump has said/done now"). She is always referred to as "congresswoman", but her district is rarely referenced. It just strikes me as odd; if an American did as much shitposting towards Zali Steggal as angelo does towards AOC, I would be equally nonplussed.
Seems like they know more about the US than what many Americans know about the rest of the world. I had to look up  Zali Steggall (🌏 Zali Steggall MP (@zalisteggall) / Twitter, Zali Steggall site).
The last time AOC was mentioned in the Austrlian media in any meaningful way was when Trump suggested she "go back to where she came from" (and even then the story was portrayed as "look at what Trump has said/done now"). She is always referred to as "congresswoman", but her district is rarely referenced. It just strikes me as odd; if an American did as much shitposting towards Zali Steggal as angelo does towards AOC, I would be equally nonplussed.
Seems like they know more about the US than what many Americans know about the rest of the world. I had to look up  Zali Steggall (?????? Zali Steggall MP (@zalisteggall) / Twitter, Zali Steggall site).

I wouldn't say parroting talking points from obscure parts of the internet "knowing" US politics. That's kinda like saying I'm an expert in US domestic policy because I watch The Daily Show.
That NY Post article didn't mention Badrun Khan or any others who want to primary AOC. So it doesn't seem like the Queens machine is rallying around BK -- yet.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Since the Trump admin is hamstringing the Census, we’re stepping in ourselves. Our organizing must go beyond elections.
If you have friends or family intimidated about answering next year’s Census, start talking to them NOW.
The stakes are way too high.
#CountMeIn #Cuéntame https://t.co/JGOauW0v7x" / Twitter

Has some yellow-and-purple cards with tilted text. The front side side has "The Census is for Everyone" in English and Spanish and "Count Me In" in English, Spanish, Chinese, Bengali, and some language written in Arabic writing. The back side is in English and Spanish: "Quick Facts", noting that it begins in March 2020, and that one can respond by mail, online, or by phone. "Your participation matters because... NY-14 Deserves a Fair Share of Federal Funding, Representation Matters to New York, Everyone Counts!"

It is "Paid for by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress."

ocasiocortez.com/census redirects to NYC Cens(us) 2020.
The 2020 Census is around the corner — and it will shape New York City’s future for years to come.

Once every ten years, the United States Census takes a count of every person in the United States. The taking of the census is mandated by the United States Constitution and has occurred every 10 years since 1790.

But the census is so much more than just a count. Census information is used to determine New York City’s fair share of $650 billion in federal funds for public education, public housing, infrastructure, and more — as well as the number of seats we have in Congress.

Because so much is at stake, it's critical that New Yorkers stand up and be counted in the 2020 Census.

In the 2010 Census, the city’s self-response rate was less than 62%, compared to the national average of 76%.

We need every New Yorker to get involved to ensure that their community is counted next year.
I've found similar sites for several other cities, and for several states. But only the New York City site has a number for being undercounted.

The main site: 2020 Census | United States Census Bureau
The last time AOC was mentioned in the Austrlian media in any meaningful way was when Trump suggested she "go back to where she came from" (and even then the story was portrayed as "look at what Trump has said/done now"). She is always referred to as "congresswoman", but her district is rarely referenced. It just strikes me as odd; if an American did as much shitposting towards Zali Steggal as angelo does towards AOC, I would be equally nonplussed.
Seems like they know more about the US than what many Americans know about the rest of the world. I had to look up  Zali Steggall (������ Zali Steggall MP (@zalisteggall) / Twitter, Zali Steggall site).
I wouldn't say parroting talking points from obscure parts of the internet "knowing" US politics. That's kinda like saying I'm an expert in US domestic policy because I watch The Daily Show.
I mean using "congresswoman" instead of "MP". Or else knowing about the US Electoral College.
The last time AOC was mentioned in the Austrlian media in any meaningful way was when Trump suggested she "go back to where she came from" (and even then the story was portrayed as "look at what Trump has said/done now"). She is always referred to as "congresswoman", but her district is rarely referenced. It just strikes me as odd; if an American did as much shitposting towards Zali Steggal as angelo does towards AOC, I would be equally nonplussed.
Seems like they know more about the US than what many Americans know about the rest of the world. I had to look up  Zali Steggall (🌏 Zali Steggall MP (@zalisteggall) / Twitter, Zali Steggall site).

Another flash in the pan wannabe politician who was elevated as the member for Kooyong defeating Tony Abbott [sitting member and ex PM] with the help of leftist groups like Get Up, some unions, Greens and others for a guaranteed one term before she gets turfed out again come next election. There are some similarities to AOC like defeating a long time sitting member, and doing so attracting the media. Once the electors find out who's relly pulling her strings, she'll be thrown out with the rest of the garbage.
I stumbled on this oddity: REVEALED: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aka AOC - Dickjackman1 - Medium - someone did a LOT of research into AOC's past and her family's past. Though Dickjackman1 considers her a puppet of some conspiracy, and though he dislikes her as a crybaby sore loser who is unwilling to recognize that her miseries are all her fault, it does contain some interesting info, like digging up some stuff on her doing maternal health work in Niger. She blogged and took some pictures and video of there. In her BU years, she helped run a blog called "Culture Shock". She wrote an entry on it on noted Mexican artist Frida Kahlo.

Dickjackman1 has a grudge against AOC for having taken lots of vacations in her years of being lower-middle-class, but there is a simple answer: she saved up for them. I have a relative who does similar for all the traveling that she likes to do.

His article ends at the end of 2015, and the closest thing to a followup is BURN DOWN THE HOUSE - Dickjackman1 - Medium - his review of "Knock Down The House" - also something of a hatchet job.

But in fairness, he doesn't think much of AOC opponent Scherie Murray. EXPOSED: Scherie Murray, (R) NY-14, Running Against AOC… or is she?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Puts Yorktown Heights on the Map | TAPinto - about her high-school science project
There, known by students and staff as “Sandy,” she was a member of the Science Research Program taught by Michael Blueglass.

“She was amazing,” Blueglass said. “Aside from her winning one of the top spots and going to the [Intel International Science and Engineering Fair], she was just one of the most amazing presenters in all of the years I've been at Yorktown. Her ability to take complex information and explain it to all different levels of people was fantastic.”

“She's always wanted to make a difference,” Blueglass said. “She cares about other people tremendously, always did. She was always friendly with all different groups of students and she always cared about doing the right thing. Even if the easiest thing was not expedient, she would do whatever it took to help people.”
You searched for ocasio-cortez - NHI Magazine - several articles on her at the National Hispanic Institute's online magazine
NHI Notables: ep 7 - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, NATLDZ '05, Candidate for the U.S. Congress - YouTube - nice interview from May 2018, a month before she defeated Joe Crowley. She described being at that LDZ event in Chicago in 2005. She ran several times, but though she lost every time, she never got discouraged, and she was voted one of those most likely to succeed. She was one of only two Northeasterners back then.

Critics like Dickjackman1 snicker that AOC was more than some bartender, but she has never tried to hide it, and it may explain why she has been so professional in Congress since her first day there. His claim that our system works perfectly is just plain wrong. Just because AOC succeeded in being elected to Congress does not mean that everybody is capable of doing so at the same time.

In fairness to him, he may be correct that the failure of Brook Avenue Press was likely due to AOC's lack of experience in the book-publishing business. Such experience would have given her an idea of what to do and what not to do, and it would have given her a chance to get professional connections. By comparison, her success at campaigning was at least partially due to her having campaigned for Bernie Sanders not long before.

College Students React To Bin Laden's Death : NPR - AOC shows up in it, and what she says at the end got misattributed:
SMITH: Now that the story line is no longer as simple as Obama versus Osama, senior Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(ph) says young people will be putting a lot more pressure on the president to justify a war that's costing them friends and family.

Ms. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (Student): Now that this villain has been slayed, questions like what are we doing may have less of an answer today than we did yesterday.

Unidentified Female #1: I really I just don't know how to feel, I really don't.

SMITH: And so, a day after their jubilant cheers and celebrating, students like Katherine Young ended their meeting with heads bowed in a somber moment of silence.

Ms. KATHERINE YOUNG (Student): If we could all just take a moment to pause. Thank you.
It's from Boston, back in AOC's BU days. She said the first part with a pause before "villain", as if she considered the killing of ObL to be something less than a great triumph.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Mass incarceration is our American reality. It is a system whose logic evolved from the same lineage as Jim Crow, American apartheid, & slavery.
To end it, we have to change.
That means we need to have a real conversation about decarceration & prison abolition in this country. https://t.co/9E9NTAmBNi" / Twitter

Chelsea Handler on Twitter: "10 days. He’s spending the same amount of time in jail that parents who committed college bribery are spending. Why? Because he’s black. https://t.co/WKHzFgiuej" / Twitter
StanceGrounded on Twitter: ""21-Year-Old Arrested For Oversleeping Through First Day Of Jury Duty"
10 days in Jail!
THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! https://t.co/MpfqBbRmsi" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yesterday morning I spoke with a woman who was thrown in Rikers as a teenager. Put in solitary confinement for MONTHS, aka torture. Force-fed pills.
The conditions were so bad, she too had drank out of toilets.
A cage is a cage is a cage. And humans don’t belong in them." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I know the term “prison abolition” is breaking some people’s brains. The right is already freaking out.
Yet the US incarcerates more than anywhere in the world.
We have more than enough room to close many of our prisons and explore just alternatives to incarceration.
/1" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "First of all, many people in jailed or in prison don’t belong there at all.
Whether it’s punitive sentencing for marijuana possession or jailing people for their poverty & letting the rich free through systems like cash bail, we wrongly incarcerate far, far too many people.
/2" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Secondly, our prison & jail system is so large bc we use them as de facto mental hospitals, homeless shelters, & detox centers instead of *actually* investing in... mental health, housing, edu, & rehab.
If we invested meaningfully, what do you think would happen to crime?
/3" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Lastly, people tend to say “what do you do with all the violent people?” as a defense for incarcerating millions.
Our lawmaking process means we come to solutions together, &either way we should work to an end where our prison system is dramatically smaller than it is today.
/4" / Twitter

It's hard to advocate such policies without being labeled soft on crime. One has to use such bafflegab as "right-sizing".

Right-Sizing Prisons | The Pew Charitable Trusts, A step toward right-sizing drug sentencing in NC | Charlotte Observer, Facing Reality in Right-Sizing New York’s Prison System - NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
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