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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is winning Instagram (2018 Nov 6)
“Running for office,” she said during an Ask Me Anything in the midst of her campaign, “I need to make decisions about policy and fashion everyday.” ...

Running for office means that I have to navigate policy AND my personal presentation. My personal appearance gets commented on ALL THE TIME on the campaign trail.

Did you get to see/hear the ‘list’ of politicians to avoid? Or not be caught alone with?” one person asks.

“I have a list of men in media to avoid,” Ocasio-Cortez responds in text.

One person sent along a direct message: “So sometimes I worry as a gay Latina woman, how that can impact my ticket for office.” (On top of the post, Ocasio-Cortez has added a sticker of a penguin skiing.)

“The good (?) news,” she responds in bold white font on top of blue, with a few rainbow emoji sprinkled in, “is that you’re going to get personally attacked no matter who you are – gay or straight. It’s important to have your friends and family around you – helps a LOT.”
She also warned that one ought to prepare spiritually for being attacked.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Makes Mac-and-Cheese In Her InstantPot (2018 Nov 12)
Sprinkled with emoji, cute stickers, hand-drawn illustrations on top of content, colorful fonts, and not a small number of selfie videos, she embraces all the affordances of Instagram. On Halloween night, for instance, she started up a live stream while she prepared ramen in an Instant Pot. As she chopped up vegetables, she answered questions from her followers about her thoughts on politics and the midterms. A portion of the video used the VCR filter, which created a grainy image along with a timecode, and she then posted the results of her meal (yes, it looked tasty), along with a recipe on her Pinterest account.

Then there's this little gem. Of course the Jews and Republicans are to blame for her adultery! :hitsthefan:


An islamaphobic site that is quoting TMZ? Ok, how long before angelo posts a link about how AOC is abusing Bat-Boy?

I'm afraid these are the only sites that report the idiocy and just plain craziness of this idiotic individual as the mainstream press think she's god incarnate!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Pulls Off Surprise Write-In Victory - back in 2018, she "won the Reform Party write-in primary in the neighboring 15th congressional district, receiving nine out of 22 write-in votes. Despite the will of the people, she graciously declined the nomination..."

Joe Crowley to Stay on Ballot Despite Losing to Ocasio-Cortez - back in 2018, he was stuck on the Working Families Party's ballot. But he apparently took a dive and let AOC win big.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez full interview | Pod Save America - YouTube - (2018 Aug 6) not long after her primary victory - she criticized "running to the center, moderating our policies, being as close to a saltine cracker as possible." She prefers being bold and addressing the concerns of nonvoters, to get people who hadn't earlier voted. That's how she defeated Joe Crowley. She claims that all the swing voters whom she has known have not voted for the most moderate candidate. She suspects non-ideological factors.

She is also very familiar with Donald Trump's kind of personality - a certain sort of very shady real-estate developer. She's been a bartender for "gentlemen" like that. She also says that the Right has dominated the conversation for too long, like never asking how to finance military adventures and tax cuts for the wealthy. The Left has to put in its ideas and put the Right on the defensive. She also doesn't like arguments about labels like capitalism and socialism, and she's pragmatic and not an ideological hardliner.

She notes how elderly much of the House is - average age 65 - and after speculating about why that might be the case, she speculates that they came of age in 1990's Clinton "Third Way" politics. She likes "postal banking" - post offices offering some financial services at easily affordable prices.

When AOC visited LA a year ago to do some campaigning, there were certain people whom she became notable for not visiting. Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Too Far Left for Hollywood? | Hollywood Reporter
In a break with tradition, Ocasio-Cortez, who labels herself a democratic socialist, has no plans to meet with any of the entertainment industry's Democratic political power brokers while she is in town. She will not be having coffee with Carl Reiner. There will be no sitdown with Jeffrey Katzenberg or David Geffen. No $5,000-a-plate dinner at Robert Iger's mansion in Brentwood.

"None of our clients are meeting with her," says Marie Lloyd of the political and philanthropic consultancy Gonring, Spahn & Associates, which counts Katzenberg and Steven Spielberg as clients. And none of the other political operatives or members of the industry's donor class reached by phone were aware of any meetings scheduled with Ocasio-Cortez. Some weren't even aware she was coming to town.
If one's going to avoid Big Money, one has to avoid Hollywood Big Money also. Which she did.
She signed this appeal, along with some other Congresspeople:
Fight For Freedom. Stand With Hong Kong. on Twitter: "👏"You have more power to take a stand than most of the Chinese government's targets and should have the courage and integrity to use it."
– Letter to @NBA from @Malinowski @SenSasse @RepGallagher @RonWyden @AOC @TomCottonAR @RepJimBanks @tedcruz
#StandwithHK #HKHRDA https://t.co/G9EAd459CP" / Twitter

Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ), Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE), Rep. Ben Gallagher (R-WI), Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), Rep. AOC (D-NY), Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spends $300 on hairdo at Last Tangle Salon in Washington, D.C. - Washington Times - $80 for a haircut and $180 for lowlights -- for darker hair, the opposite of highlights.
A staff member at Last Tangle Salon talked about the lawmaker as if she were a TV superstar, saying “AOC” was extremely nice and even took several selfies with patrons.

“AOC is the Eva Peron of American politics. She preaches socialism while living the life of the privileged,” said Richard Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government, referencing the former first lady of Argentina who was known for dressing in designer gowns and jewels while advocating a socialist agenda.
The Washington Times on Twitter: "EXCLUSIVE: Self-declared socialist AOC splurges on high-dollar hairdo [url]https://t.co/GipQsnGcuX https://t.co/8lwoquWP2D" / Twitter[/url]
Jacobin on Twitter: "Sad to see democratic socialists like Bernie and @AOC do things like buy winter coats and get haircuts.
Don’t they know that real socialists avoid purchasing goods and services? https://t.co/iXSpu3rwjS" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "40 million Americans live in poverty under today’s extreme inequality, yet the right-wing want you to blame Democratic socialism for their own moral failures.
Our policies, like Medicare for All, advance prosperity for working people.
They’re just mad we look good doing it 💁🏽*♀️ https://t.co/l9gKGtyKra" / Twitter

AOC also liked to look good when she had much less to spend - like buying designer dresses in thrift shops.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Won’t you look at that: Mike Pence used *taxpayer funds* - not personal ones - to spend several thousand haircuts’ worth of public money on a visit to Trump golf courses.
I wonder if Republicans care about corruption as much as they care about a woman’s cut & color. https://t.co/xBze4obZhv" / Twitter

Citizens for Ethics on Twitter: "$600,000.
That's how much Mike Pence billed taxpayers for his detour to a Trump golf course.
And that's just for the limos. https://t.co/HJOvvMdPBj" / Twitter

Mike Pence's Doonbeg Detour to Cost Nearly $600k - CREW

AOC slams story criticizing her for price of her hairstyle
Twitter users defend Ocasio-Cortez after hair salon visit upsets rightwing paper | US news | The Guardian - "Congresswoman targeted with report she spent nearly $300 at salon, a sum many pointed out as a pretty good deal"

Jessica Valenti on Twitter: "
1) this would obvs never be a story about a man
2) this is not an expensive haircut/color for a public figure who is frequently on TV
3) if her hair was raggedy, that would be the lead story instead
4) 🙄🙄🙄🙄 https://t.co/CyXaQ860ts" / Twitter

Jessica Valenti on Twitter: "Sorry you don’t get to create beauty standards that require women to spends hundreds or thousands a year to be considered presentable and then hate us for it" / Twitter

Ted Bartlett on Twitter: "@JessicaValenti They did do this same kind of story on John Edwards when he was running for president, and spun it like “behold this weak, unmasculine man.” Still a completely toxic/sexist framing, used to delegitimize a liberal man by likening him to a woman." / Twitter

UberMitch on Twitter: "@jeanniedm @TedBartlett905 @JessicaValenti Maureen Dowd called him a "Breck Girl"" / Twitter
I don't think Great Clips or Super Cuts would turn a potential customer away just because she is a woman.
There is no real reason to spend over $300 (with the tip) on a hair cut and "lowlights".

There you go.

No, the issue is that she is some kind of socialist but spends that kind of money on her hair. Also, she is definitely not "whip-smart" and while generally attractive, I can't past those crazy eyes! Maybe she wants fancy hair to distract from them?

Jeepers creepers, where'd ya get those peepers?
Twitter users defend Ocasio-Cortez after hair salon visit upsets rightwing paper | US news | The Guardian - "Congresswoman targeted with report she spent nearly $300 at salon, a sum many pointed out as a pretty good deal"
How is spending over $300/hair a "pretty good deal" when you can get a haircut for $15 and buy a hair coloring kit at a drugstore and do it at home?
I bet AOC did not do $300+ haircuts when she was living on bartender wages.

Jessica Valenti on Twitter: "
1) this would obvs never be a story about a man
Except people have made a huge issue of John Edwards and John Kerry spending a lot of money on their hair. It's a sexist double standards - thing it's fine to criticize men for are off limits when it's a woman.

2) this is not an expensive haircut/color for a public figure who is frequently on TV
Frequently on TV? So is Michael Smerconish. :)

3) if her hair was raggedy, that would be the lead story instead
There is really no middle ground between looking raggedy and going to a fancy salon?
4) ������������������������ https://t.co/CyXaQ860ts" / Twitter[/url]
A big part of the story is that she is a self-declared socialist but spends a lot of money on unnecessary luxuries. One of the properties of socialism was that the politicianshad perks (dachas, well stocked stores with Western goods, fancy haircuts and corned beef) that were not available to the hoi poloi who were not part of the State Soviet or the Politburo.

It's not "hate", it's pointing out the hypocrisy inherent in actually existing socialism vs. the socialist ideal.
A big part of the story is that she is a self-declared socialist but . One of the properties of socialism was that the politicians had perks (dachas, well stocked stores with Western goods, fancy haircuts and
corned beef) that were not available to the hoi poloi who were not part of the State Soviet or the Politburo.

Viva la ¡Socialism!

“AOC is the Eva Peron of American politics. She preaches socialism while living the life of the privileged,” said Richard Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government, referencing the former first lady of Argentina who was known for dressing in designer gowns and jewels while advocating a socialist agenda.
Eva Peron - less of a mustache than Stalin. </VEEP>
From the frivolous to more dangerous aspects of AOC - she wants to abolish prisons.
AOC Is Talking About Prison Abolition. Will She Take Action?

Truth-Out said:
What we might call the classic definition of prison abolition comes from Critical Resistance, a grassroots organization founded by Angela Davis, Ruth Wilson Gilmore and the late Rose Braz in the 1990s. Their definition targets a “prison-industrial complex” and summarizes abolition as “a political vision with the goal of eliminating imprisonment, policing, and surveillance and creating lasting alternatives to punishment and imprisonment.”
Angela Davis is a card-carrying communist who in 1970 was involved in a deadly plan to break out her boyfriend (who was serving a prison sentence for a robbery) from prison by arming his 17-year old brother who took a courthouse hostage. Unfortunately, she got acquitted in a likely case of jury nullification in very left-wing Marin County. Her boyfriend a year later murdered prison guards and white inmates in an escape attempt that luckily ended deadly for him as well.
This whole idea of abolishing prisons and police is more insane than anything Trump has tweeted, and that says a lot!

By the way, by way of a partial refutation of "prison abolition" insanity, I give you late great Richard Pryor.
Yeah. We're so enlightened that we subscribe to the notion of punishment rather than the idea of treatment. Those (mostly brown) boys who break our laws written by (mostly white) boys must be taken off the streets and punished. I'm pretty sure that's true since we subscribe to the idea of beating children who have been baaaaad. Oh wait ....

Says a lot to whom derec? To you. Yeah, that's the ticket. We need to bring back the rack so we can straighten out those we despise. Yessir. That'll larn them uppity (mostly brown) boys for being (mostly brown) boys. Every body can plainly see they are just plain evil. Even God sed so. Maybe you would are to explain why one who advocates for more just laws for blacks while being something of a radical. You should know since subscribe to a Congress of white boys who advocate and enact laws to sustain white control of those inferior people who are. being poor, obviously lazy and criminal.

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. If that is so, Iv'e seen saner looking eyes in mental institutions for the criminally insane!
Yeah. We're so enlightened that we subscribe to the notion of punishment rather than the idea of treatment. Those (mostly brown) boys who break our laws written by (mostly white) boys must be taken off the streets and punished. I'm pretty sure that's true since we subscribe to the idea of beating children who have been baaaaad. Oh wait ....

Says a lot to whom derec? To you. Yeah, that's the ticket. We need to bring back the rack so we can straighten out those we despise. Yessir. That'll larn them uppity (mostly brown) boys for being (mostly brown) boys. Every body can plainly see they are just plain evil. Even God sed so. Maybe you would are to explain why one who advocates for more just laws for blacks while being something of a radical. You should know since subscribe to a Congress of white boys who advocate and enact laws to sustain white control of those inferior people who are. being poor, obviously lazy and criminal.

Hold on. Are you insinuating that " brown skinned " people draw up laws for blacks only, while whites are at the mercy of any law drawn up by anyone? Or that brown skinned criminals be treated much more leniently?

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. If that is so, Iv'e seen saner looking eyes in mental institutions for the criminally insane!
If she were conservative, the spanking would be non-ending for those that have rage boner for Ocasio-Cortez.
How is spending over $300/hair a "pretty good deal" when you can get a haircut for $15 and buy a hair coloring kit at a drugstore and do it at home?
I bet AOC did not do $300+ haircuts when she was living on bartender wages.

Except people have made a huge issue of John Edwards and John Kerry spending a lot of money on their hair. It's a sexist double standards - thing it's fine to criticize men for are off limits when it's a woman.

2) this is not an expensive haircut/color for a public figure who is frequently on TV
Frequently on TV? So is Michael Smerconish. :)

3) if her hair was raggedy, that would be the lead story instead
There is really no middle ground between looking raggedy and going to a fancy salon?
4) ������������������������ https://t.co/CyXaQ860ts" / Twitter[/url]
A big part of the story is that she is a self-declared socialist but spends a lot of money on unnecessary luxuries. One of the properties of socialism was that the politicianshad perks (dachas, well stocked stores with Western goods, fancy haircuts and corned beef) that were not available to the hoi poloi who were not part of the State Soviet or the Politburo.

It's not "hate", it's pointing out the hypocrisy inherent in actually existing socialism vs. the socialist ideal.

Why the fuck do you care how she spends her money? It is her fucking money. You are just inviting people to take you to task for spending your money on hookers, when sex can be had for free.

Also, AOC is not a self-described "socialist", she is a self-described "democratic socialist". Right-wing assholes like to call her ignorant, but when they aren't even smart enough to know the difference between those two terms, they are the ignorant ones.
A big part of the story is that she is a self-declared socialist but spends a lot of money on unnecessary luxuries. One of the properties of socialism was that the politicianshad perks (dachas, well stocked stores with Western goods, fancy haircuts and corned beef) that were not available to the hoi poloi who were not part of the State Soviet or the Politburo.

Oh, you mean like how Mitch McConnel gets free haircuts in a Senate barbershop that are not available to AOC, or anyone else who is not a Senator?

Who is the hypocrite now?
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