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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I don't know about being able to carry forward losses. Is there some equivalent that a family can do that works the same way?

Yes! Anyone can carry over their investment losses and use them to offset any gains that they make from investment income. We benefitted from this on our taxes this year, and in no way are we wealthy. We just had some very old losses from some stocks that my husband fucked up by buying, which we were able to use against the gains we made last year when we sold our little condo in Florida that we had for 18 years. It kept us from having to pay any taxes on our recent capital gains. Not that I"m happy about the losses he created. :D The losses can only be use to offset any capital gains that one makes in that year or in future years. Is that what you were asking?

This thread sure has gone off the rails, hasn't it?

Well, go easy on your husband, we've all had some losses when buying stocks! I've had more losses than gains... Yes, we've always had a tradition of allowing companies/people to offset gains with previous years losses. The reason for this de-rail is that AOC didn't seem to think that it was fair that Amazon took the tax credits that they were entitled to.

The losses happened many years ago. I'm over it. The thing is that whenever I've invested in stocks or the condo which was my investment, we have good returns. If he would listen to me, we'd have a lot more retirement savings to help pay for healthcare and dental needs which aren't paid for by Medicare. Research has consistency shown that women tend to be more successful at investing compared to men. Men don't don't like to listen to us. :D I think it's because we women tend to take fewer risks.

So, while I was never happy about him losing so much money, I was at least happy that we didn't have to pay any taxes on this year's capital gains. We are mostly out of the market. I'd rather make pittance on interest than risk my retirement savings. Without savings, it's extremely difficult to live on SS alone. I try to tell that to young people all the time.

I just wish people would stop thinking that Medicare is free. It doesn't cover a lot of things and there are premiums and copays. Our biggest problem in the US in regards to healthcare costs are drugs and long term care. Drug prices are often outrageous, even with Medicare. Long term care insurance is not only expensive, it usually is very limited. I wish more people had a better understanding of these things. I'm glad that AOC has agreed to compromise and support the bill that the Democrats are putting forward to improved the ACA. She seems to becoming more realistic as she gains experience. I know the bill will be blocked by Republicans but at least the Dems are putting out something. That idiot Bernie is the only one who opposes it. My way or the highway is why I can't stand him. What kind of president would someone like that make? I think nothing would be accomplished if he were to become president. Of course, he's not as bad as Trump, but that's not saying much.

My wish is that the Democrats would start addressing the awful problem that we have paying for drugs. I feel very bad for people who need insulin or autoimmune drugs. There is no reason why insulin should be so unaffordable. Even inhalers have reached crazy prices. I know someone on Medicare who visits Mexico each year as her inhalers are much cheaper there. How can we change that? How do we get enough support from both sides to help loser the price of drugs? This should be done before we do anything drastic. The Republicans and moderate Dems aren't going to agree to Medicare for All. Let's have a public option first, assuming that could ever get enough support. See how that works out and then proceed from there. I think people like AOC along with the newbie moderates will eventually work together to come up with some new ideas that have a change of becoming law if we can get rid of Trump. Let's hope so.
I honestly don't get all the put downs. It's fine if you don't agree with her ideas, but why criticize her appearance and intelligence?
Appearance at least is a reaction to all the adoration she's been receiving. If you read this thread, strong plurality of posts are by lpetrich hanging on AOC's every tweet.
Intelligence though? While she did graduate cum laude, her ideas make people doubt she is all that intelligent. Certainly not as much as her fans think she is.
The usual fellate-the-rich garbage from the right.
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Ah. So the worker could just withdraw his money from the bank. Maybe put it in a credit union. Banker has nothing. But, whatever.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "(I do have a soft spot for humor activism. Marie Antoinette also showed up to Secretary Wilbur “Let Them Eat Bridge Loans” Ross’ hearing, as well): https://t.co/kEdJZ8CYmU" noting 'Marie Antoinette' activist attends House hearing to protest Trump Commerce chief | TheHill

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank you for your support, leadership, and collaboration @SenMarkey! Your work has paved the way for this #GreenNewDeal moment, and I am thankful for the opportunity to carry this resolution with you and help present it to the public. ♻️🌍👷🏽*♂️… https://t.co/hQU14IUADY" noting Ed Markey on Twitter: "Wishing my partner on the #GreenNewDeal @AOC all the best for her town hall tonight at 8pm ET with @allinwithchris. The resolution is about starting an inclusive process to determine how we’re going to fight climate change. And the national conversation is just getting started."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "That’s okay - I’ll fight for their right to healthcare anyway.… " noting The Washington Post on Twitter: ""AOC sucks!": Donald Trump Jr. points his father’s followers to a new villain, and a new rallying cry https://t.co/iwdWt7MXSr"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "#GreenNewDeal Town Hall airs in 30 minutes! 8pm on MSNBC. Here’s a sneak peek:… " noting All In w/Chris Hayes on Twitter: ".@AOC: "Three thousand Americans died in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Where is our response?" #inners For more tune in tonight at 8 pm ET. for our #AOCAllIn special event on the #GreenNewDeal… https://t.co/z0A69FdDx2"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Let’s debate, not debase. ✌🏽… " noting MSNBC on Twitter: ""Hey, that's unacceptable": Rep. Ocasio-Cortez responds to audience member who called fmr. Rep. Inglis a "moron" during #AOCAllIn… https://t.co/c8w2bHFX4H"
She added "And that's the difference between me and Trump".
All In w/Chris Hayes on Twitter: ".@AOC:"It really became clear from that experience that our issues our economic issues are systemic and they are not an accident," #AOCAllIn… https://t.co/NSMRzHNsoX"

Heather C. McGhee on Twitter: "The #AOCAllIn Town Hall is over, but it’s worth watching again and again. You can watch bonus footage and the whole thing here: [url]https://t.co/HYEztVHBJZ @AOC #GreenNewDeal 👏🏾@chrislhayes👏🏾… https://t.co/nlujPunJzk"[/url] noting All In Event: Green New Deal special with AOC

She got to where she is was response to the crash of 2008, where she ended up being a waitress and bartender, and as a result, rubbing shoulders with a lot of people who had families to take care of. Also noted: the financialization of the economy, of making money off of money rather than most other things. At the Town Hall, we saw some clips of the Republicans' responses to her Green New Deal, and she aid about it that she didn't expect the Republicans to make total fools of themselves. She also stated that global warming was known about for a long time in the US government and by the likes of ExxonMobil, yet we did not do very much for over 40 years -- more than the time that she has been alive.

About cows, she proposed alternative feeds that will keep the animals from getting too flatulent. That may be rather difficult, since cows do fermentation in their stomachs. This fermentation includes bacteria that release hydrogen as part of their metabolism, and this hydrogen is in turn consumed by methanogens, named for making methane. Consuming the hydrogen keeps the hydrogen releasers active, which is a benefit of the methanogens, even if it is at the cost of releasing methane into the atmosphere. Most of the methane comes out through burps rather than farts, so scavenging methane from cow breath might work. The only simple way I can thing of for doing that is for using the air for burning something.

I like how she mentioned market failures and externalities in this context -- some economics jargon. She also stated that the GND resolution is a broader appeal than simply an appeal to her fellow Congresspeople. The idea is to help form a mass movement for doing something about climate troubles.

Someone from a flight attendants' union stated that turbulence incidents have been increasing, meaning that the weather is becoming less flyable.

AOC then talked about the courage that she has seen among activists, like being willing to take time off from "normal" activities for their causes. So she asks herself: what comparable sacrifices is she making? She also gets a lot of "my district's voters won't support that", something that she suspects is a cover for a fear of displeasing corporate donors. Also just plain cowardice.

Late in it, they cited the New Dealers' willing to experiment, even though some of these experiments failed.

AOC talked about how different her Congressional operation is, because it is not in the pay of big-money donors. She also stated that she wants to do what seems like she might do the most good, whether it is in Congress or elsewhere.
Qasim Rashid, Esq. on Twitter: "Mic Drop. "Thousands of Americans died in 9/11 on the worst terror attack on US soil & agree w/the response or not, our response was war w/2 countries. 3,000 Americans died in Puerto Rico due to Hurricane Maria. Where is our response?"—@AOC #GreenNewDeal https://t.co/lSwSi3E9xX"
Brian L Kahn on Twitter: ""40 years of free market solutions have not changed our position" -@AOC on how climate change is the biggest market failure in human history #AOCAllIn… https://t.co/GHACSZVZXh"
Eric Holthaus on Twitter: ""I'm stressed out all the time, but this is not supposed to be a comfortable job." -@AOC on fighting for a Green New Deal Web-exclusive: Extra conversation with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez https://t.co/LKnI78hAm5"

StudentDebtCrisis on Twitter: "“Our entire economy is slowing down due to the student loan crisis." @AOC understands the urgency! 👏👏👏 https://t.co/a4TEGPV1N3" noting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Student Loan Crisis Means My 'Entire Generation...Is Delaying or Forgoing Purchasing Houses'
“We have an entire generation that is delaying or forgoing purchasing houses,” Ocasio-Cortez, 29, who had around $25,000 student debt and made monthly payments of $300, despite meager earnings as a bartender and waitress, told Time in an interview.

The New York City Democrat also said her generation has never truly experienced “American prosperity.”

“Our entire economy is slowing down due to the student loan crisis.... An entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity," Ocasio-Cortez said. “I have never seen that, or experienced it, really, in my adult life.”
Housing - one of the many industries that millennials are described as having killed.

Saikat Chakrabarti on Twitter: "We knew climate change was happening in 1912!… " showing a picture of a snippet of a news article from back then. It goes back even further, to Svante Arrhenius in 1896: On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground
Arrhenius’s paper is the first to quantify the contribution of carbon dioxide to the greenhouse effect (Sections I-IV) and to speculate about whether variations in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide have contributed to long-term variations in climate (Section V). Throughout this paper, Arrhenius refers to carbon dioxide as “carbonic acid” in accordance with the convention at the time he was writing. Contrary to some misunderstandings, Arrhenius does not explicitly suggest in this paper that the burning of fossil fuels will cause global warming, though it is clear that he is aware that fossil fuels are a potentially significant source of carbon dioxide (page 270), and he does explicitly suggest this outcome in later work.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Some people peddle the myth that undocumented people are free riders. Yet undocumented residents pay TONS in taxes💰to finance public services they can’t/don’t even use. Most don’t get tax refunds, either. Correct this bogus argument. It’s rooted in “welfare queen” stereotypes.… https://t.co/Frlko0oHFq"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Fueling discord + scarcity is an effective tool for billionaires + the powerful, bc those are the most effective ways to turn working people against one another. Solidarity, fighting for each other, & addressing injustice is our path to economic dignity. https://t.co/NToVZV8CmH" noting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says She'll Fight For Trump Supporters' Health Care Even After They Chanted 'AOC Sucks!'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Solidarity > “civility,” bc you can very civil while arguing for the inhumane + unacceptable. You can be “civil” while locking up kids & drugging them in detention camps, or stripping people of their insulin or civil rights. Civility is abt appearance. Solidarity is abt action."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Important thread from @AyannaPressley on the @dccc’s decision to boycott businesses that offer services to primary candidates. She is making important links here, showing how the party’s decision is an economically disempowering one to many communities ⬇️… https://t.co/ZatCI79xsu"
Seems that some members of the Democratic Party apparat have been stung by AOC's defeat of Joe Crowley, a 20-year Rep who expected to get top spots in the party.

MSNBC on Twitter: ""Climate change is different because we have an expiration date... My concern is that we are going to be the frog in the pot of boiling water, and we are going to debate and debate and debate... and our kids are doomed."… https://t.co/UkwwhDXNUi"
There are better analogies than that frog one, like being poked with a needle. Someone who researches animals' temperature tolerance found out that frogs do indeed jump out when it gets too hot for them. Frog Fable Brought to Boil - Conservation  Boiling frog
I honestly don't get all the put downs. It's fine if you don't agree with her ideas, but why criticize her appearance and intelligence? She's obvious quite an intelligent person and it's kind of funny how much attention she is getting not just here but just about everywhere. Are all those big bold Republican men in Congress scared on this feisty young woman or what? Why not simply ignore her? Not man enough or what? :D

How can one ignore her almost daily loopy rants and the left media's swooning over her ? Actually, her, Omar and others of their ilk are just what the GOP require to almost guarantee victory in next years Presidential election.
Even if those figures are wildly exaggerated, it's still enough to bankrupt the nation and send it back to the stoneage.
And so what are the actual figures? Ones that don’t come from a right-wing political organization? If you can’t give any then you can’t say it will bankrupt anything.

Also the GND is a non-binding list of goals to strive for, not an actual set of laws.

From as far as I'm aware, a neutral source........................................https://www.forbes.com/sites/milton...new-deal-and-the-cost-of-virtue/#638e868f3dec

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Geesus H Krist! You couldn't make this shit up if you tried! I take it back that AOC is bimbo of the decade, she's bimbo of the millennium!


The figures in that story are pure fantasy. A job guarantee would be $350B/year, not $4.46T/yr. Total health care spending would decrease.

Talk about being devoid of reason!

Per favor, remove your one eyed leftist glasses!
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