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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Hey, it worked for Venezuela.

When in doubt, say vEnEzUeLa and hope people don't notice you have no clue what you're talking about

When you can't defend your argument, attack the messenger!

Messenger is a fitting word, as it implies no a mouthpiece delivering canned responses with no independent thought. And it's "won't" not "can't". And everything you say is evidence of lead poisoning
AOC said:
Climate change is different because we have an expiration date

She really is very dim.

Oh, that's not fair.

I honestly don't get all the put downs. It's fine if you don't agree with her ideas, but why criticize her appearance and intelligence? She's obvious quite an intelligent person and it's kind of funny how much attention she is getting not just here but just about everywhere. Are all those big bold Republican men in Congress scared on this feisty young woman or what? Why not simply ignore her? Not man enough or what? :D

How can one ignore her almost daily loopy rants and the left media's swooning over her ? Actually, her, Omar and others of their ilk are just what the GOP require to almost guarantee victory in next years Presidential election.

Hahahahaha! Coming from you, that's hilarious, but I'm quite able to ignore most of your rants, so it's easy to ignore some of the things she says that I think are a bit far out. I don't know why both sides are giving her so much attention. I guess she's like a shiny new penny that everyone seems to want to observe. My half serious prediction is that she'll be offered a job as a political pundit in the next few years. In such a position, she will have the potential to be far more influential than as one congress critter in the House.

AOC is young and inexperienced, that doesn't make her loony. She's learning. She will most likely mature. She's already admitted that some of her ideas were unrealistic, and to some extend, she's already pulling away from Bernie.

I do agree that she gets too much attention. It would really be nice if people in Congress from both parties would start doing something instead of demonizing each other constantly. But, when it comes to crazy, there's far more crazy on the right than on the left. Maybe Trump has infected the minds of those in his own party. The one thing that he does seem good at is manipulating people and bringing out the most hate in them. I've never seen so much hate and discord in my own country since this idiot was elected.

The figures in that story are pure fantasy. A job guarantee would be $350B/year, not $4.46T/yr. Total health care spending would decrease.

Talk about being devoid of reason!

Per favor, remove your one eyed leftist glasses!

I think you could use some...some type of seeing aid, anyway. Over $4T/yr is almost a third of all earnings. It's ridiculous.

BTW, it's "por" favor. You might want to remember that when it's time to welcome your new Spanish overlords.
I honestly don't get all the put downs. It's fine if you don't agree with her ideas, but why criticize her appearance and intelligence? She's obvious quite an intelligent person and it's kind of funny how much attention she is getting not just here but just about everywhere. Are all those big bold Republican men in Congress scared on this feisty young woman or what? Why not simply ignore her? Not man enough or what? :D

How can one ignore her almost daily loopy rants and the left media's swooning over her ? Actually, her, Omar and others of their ilk are just what the GOP require to almost guarantee victory in next years Presidential election.

The Democrats have three loonies that are congresswomen with little power. This is no reason not to vote Democrat. The Republicans have one uberloony in charge and other powerful ones no better than the Democrats' bad apples. These are a big reason not to vote Republican.
Oh, that's not fair.

I fully concede that that she made a mistake there, though she is correct about the broader reason. The 22nd Amendment was not passed to keep FDR from getting re-elected, but to keep some later president from being like FDR in being repeatedly re-elected.
Eric Holthaus on Twitter: "This is a must-read thread. Bottom line: @AOC is right. Voters strongly support the Green New Deal in almost every district in America. We must reshape society for the 21st century,

Delusional to say the least. :hysterical:
When you can't defend your argument, attack the messenger!

Messenger is a fitting word, as it implies no a mouthpiece delivering canned responses with no independent thought. And it's "won't" not "can't". And everything you say is evidence of lead poisoning

Of course it is, as I dare criticise perhaps the biggest bimbo to ever have achieved high office.

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You asserted she's delusional. On what basis did you make that assertion?

The Green New Deal is dead and cremated! Even the dems voted 0 for. :)
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