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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Of course it is, as I dare criticise perhaps the biggest bimbo to ever have achieved high office.

Are you ever going to back up your bullshit with facts? What is your problem with a twenty-something representative who doesn't even live in your country?
What is most people's problem with her? Mostly she's actually unknown unless you follow politics pretty closely, or you're a Republican that watches FOX or a Trump humper. Then of course, you watch the various lies about her made by these people, that have a NEED to hate people. It's actually their basis for a government now. 1) Own the libs 2) Make corruption money and lots of it.

Then they complain because we call them bigoted, and stupid, and corrupt and without morals. Then they go and act bigoted, and stupid, and corrupt and show they have no morality. Whaddya want?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Croissants at LaGuardia are going for SEVEN DOLLARS A PIECE 😱 Yet some people think getting a whole hour of personal, dedicated human labor for $15 is too expensive??"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If one truly cared about reducing immigration to the United States, they would focus on global goals of peacekeeping, humanitariansim, and shared economic prosperity abroad. Resilient people often migrate to the US fleeing war and violence, natural disaster, or extreme poverty.… https://t.co/k94ehSLksM" noting Vox on Twitter: "Trump’s decision to cut off aid to 3 Central American countries, explained https://t.co/y1Q2jWIdUd" noting Border news: Trump cutting off aid to 3 Central American countries - Vox
So it was a typo by FaF.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Truly can’t thank you all enough. The more we opt into small-$ giving, the less our system relies on corp lobbyists. In a few hrs, we changed the game for swing-district members who stayed strong under pressure. This is a major move that sends a strong, positive message.✨ TY!… https://t.co/HtGa7azLTi" noting Katie Hill on Twitter: "Last night @AOC helped raise 3 candidates in tough districts more than 30k each in a few hours. Corporate PACs can give candidates 5K - & it comes with strings. Grassroots $ lets us stay accountable to the people. That’s the power of this movement — let’s keep building, together"
Looks like she's putting her celebrity status into something worthwhile. Politicians' campaign money has to come from somewhere.
The Democrats have three loonies that are congresswomen with little power.

Three newly elected looneys. They still have classics like Sheila Jackson Lee with her question about Mars rover finding the US flag Neil Armstrong planted or Hank Johnson with Guam capsizing or Jared Polis who thinks male students should be expelled if it is even 20% likely they sexually assaulted somebody.

Your point about Republican looneys is well taken though.

P.S.: I just found out that Coloradans elected that misandirst (at least as far as straight men are concerned) piece of shit Jared Polis as governor. WTF Colorado?
Eric Holthaus on Twitter: "This is a must-read thread. Bottom line: @AOC is right. Voters strongly support the Green New Deal in almost every district in America.
Maybe in principle. Which of course is encouraging for some legislation to tackle climate change, something I support.
But AOC's GND is a hot mess. Job guarantees have nothing to do with climate. And when you start talking about ending air travel or getting rid of farting cows, you loose even more support.

We must reshape society for the 21st century, built on justice and climate resilience—but corporations want the status quo.
Corporations are not some monolith. There are plenty of corporations that would benefit from an aggressive government policy of switching to 100% renewable energy in 10 years.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“3 Mexican Countries.” Just a reminder that these are the same folks who assert their superiority by belittling the intelligence and good faith of others.
Says the woman who thinks 22nd Amendment was passed to prevent Zombie Roosevelt (zFDR) from getting reelected.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "GOP taking every tweet so earnestly, making my point for me. It’s not an argument against the price of a croissant - it’s about the value of human worth. But I guess that idea is foreign to them since their policies treat people as disposable anyway 🤷🏽*♀️"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Hey Rep. Cheney, I see from your dead people comment that you get your news from Facebook memes, but the National Constitution Center + Newsweek are just two of many places where you can clarify your misunderstanding of the history of the 22nd Amendment: [url]https://t.co/Je6mHFJ687… https://t.co/9pWcaVm099"[/url] noting Liz Cheney on Twitter: "We knew the Democrats let dead people vote. According to @AOC, they can run for President, too.… " noting Tom Elliott on Twitter: "According to AOC, Congress amended the Constitution to prevent FDR from being re-elected: "They had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure Roosevelt dd not get reelected." (Reminder, FDR died in office in 1945; the 22nd Amendment came in 1947)… https://t.co/NzR2VpY2sR"

Amid all the snickering at her comments, I found Miami Spice, MD on Twitter: "FDR did die in office in '45 and the 22nd amendment did come in '47 but congress did start the legislative process in 1944 prior to his death so that he would not be reelected but it was not ratified soon enough and he won '44. AOC did not mispeak, friends [url]https://t.co/ozmUH31FuT… https://t.co/fAaU57jw4M"[/url] and Darren Burris on Twitter: "Ratified in 1947. Dewey began pressing for a term-limit amendment during the 1944 campaign. That effort continued into 1945 not knowing FDR would die in office. She is correct.… https://t.co/Pitm7aficc" -- Republican politicians were talking about that Presidential term limit even as FDR was running for a fourth term in 1944.

Then a tweet from her chief of staff about success in fundraising.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When someone called a fmr Republican Congressman a “moron” at our televised town hall, I shut it down immediately - bc I believe our policies can win on merit, & can be improved w/ productive discourse. You know we’re winning when the GOP resort to vapid, personal insults ⬇️… https://t.co/8j7uTOQ9og" noting The Daily Beast on Twitter: "Fox News host Tucker Carlson called @AOC a "moron" https://t.co/OqnXW3KEjj" noting Tucker Carlson: ‘Chris Hayes Is What Every Man Would Be’ if Feminists Had Absolute Power
“Chris Hayes is what every man would be if feminists ever achieved absolute power in this country: apologetic, bespectacled, and deeply, deeply concerned about global warming and the patriarchal systems that cause it,” Carlson said of the All In host. ...

He added: “So it’s official. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a moron and nasty and more self-righteous than any televangelist who ever preached a sermon on cable access. She’s not impressive, she’s awful.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Swing by our office! We’ve barely had time to hang anything up, three of my staffers are expecting babies, and we’ve got a bach pad/warehouse type situation out here. 😩 SOS! (The good news is that people are leaving a rainbow of positive post-its on our wall so that’s cute)… https://t.co/75WIdjBJHf"

Interesting. I have this picture of her mentioning that in a speech and then removing a shoe, pounding the podium with it, and shouting "We will outbreed you!"
Oh, that's not fair.


What a maroon. What a ignoranimus.

Reposting this so it doesn't get lost in the lpetrich tweet dump:

I honestly don't understand how the Republicans can claim that she's stupid when they have people like Jim Jordon and Marc Meadows on their side. AOC isn't stupid. I see her as extremely idealistic. Idealism is something that most of us feel when we are young, but most of become more realistic as we grow older. There is nothing wrong with youthful idealism. An idealist will never get everything they want, but they are usually very motivating figures. They have energy. They have the willingness to fight for their ideals. It's good to have a few idealists in the party, especially when you consider the nasty cynicism and cruelty on the other side. The funniest thing to me is that the more she is criticized by the right, the more attention she gets. If I were her, I'd be thanking my opponents for making me a star. :D
Linking to an 'article', accusing Sanders of lying.... by a FOX News person who proceeds to lie about him.

Has angelo always been on the Alex Jones level of nonsense and I just didn't pay that much attention to it, or is this a recent development?
Linking to an 'article', accusing Sanders of lying.... by a FOX News person who proceeds to lie about him.

Has angelo always been on the Alex Jones level of nonsense and I just didn't pay that much attention to it, or is this a recent development?
Status quo. He has the dubious honor of being the first one on my ignore list (even beating out Derec).

...now if ya'll would stop quoting him. :p
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