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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Meanwhile, Trump in a widely quoted speech has claimed the noise from wind power farms causes cancer.


So, who is more loony? AOC or Trump? Is the New Green Deal really going to outlaw hamburgers? Lots of lunacy on the far right to point at.

“Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind!” Trump said, referring to the energy policies of his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton. “If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, okay?”
- Donald Trump
Linking to an 'article', accusing Sanders of lying.... by a FOX News person who proceeds to lie about him.

Has angelo always been on the Alex Jones level of nonsense and I just didn't pay that much attention to it, or is this a recent development?
Jebus! They want how much at that website for what is effectively, a retweet?!

Socialism kills!!!

Give me $18 a month!
Linking to an 'article', accusing Sanders of lying.... by a FOX News person who proceeds to lie about him.

Has angelo always been on the Alex Jones level of nonsense and I just didn't pay that much attention to it, or is this a recent development?

Murdoch has stepped up the hate media in Oz just like here and the UK. There's a certain mentality that has no defense against it.

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Meanwhile, Trump in a widely quoted speech has claimed the noise from wind power farms causes cancer.


So, who is more loony? AOC or Trump? Is the New Green Deal really going to outlaw hamburgers? Lots of lunacy on the far right to point at.

“Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind!” Trump said, referring to the energy policies of his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton. “If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, okay?”
- Donald Trump

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The rent is too high! This #TenantTuesday, we’re shedding light on the loopholes + tactics used to intimidate renters, price out communities, drive up rent, & how housing, real estate, wealth inequality+racial justice are all tied up. The Fair Housing Act would like a word. ☺️… https://t.co/o4Bdwvqggu" noting Alexis Goldstein on Twitter: ".@AOC: thanks to "predatory equity" & real estate speculation in NYC, "landlords are using harassment tactics" like "turning off the heat during winter"; and weaponizing ICE by "using a tenants' immigration status as a way to exploit $ out of them" #AbolishICE #AbolishFaircloth… https://t.co/abcH8QNUYT"

She responds to Tucker Carlson:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "You mad bro? 😂… " noting The Daily Beast on Twitter: "Fox's Tucker Carlson has a lot of thoughts about @AOC, including that she "is a moron and nasty and more self-righteous than any televangelist who ever preached a sermon on cable access. She’s not impressive, she’s awful.” https://t.co/vifGaVDzF0"
Someone composed a cartoon with the caption "Show us on the doll where the scary Ocasio-Cortez lady touched your fragile manhood."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If you’re a guy in a $ suit that feels some type of way when you see me on TV, maybe you’re limiting yourself to thinking working people’s gain must come at your loss. After all, mega corps have gained at the cost of working people for so long, many can’t think of any other way.… https://t.co/mI4JeUGaYk" noting Nicole Sanchez on Twitter: "Dear @AOC Tonight I was in a hotel bar in Midtown when you came on TV. Very Important Men in expensive suits spoke in hushed tones and contorted their faces into various forms of “worried” as they watched. I freshened my red lipstick and carried on. It was glorious."
Oligarchs running scared. What a sight to see.
Public Citizen on Twitter: ".@AOC: If you’re a company and you tuck [a forced arbitration] clause into virtually anything you can make an employee or consumer sign, you can essentially absolve yourself from almost any form of corporate misconduct, is that correct? Public Citizen's @ragregg: That’s correct.… https://t.co/aJMKVUrbHV"
AOC is a very busy woman. She's now taking on binding-arbitration clauses in contracts. A big problem is that the arbitrators could be beholden to the companies that create these contracts. She also mentioned the lawauit against ExxonMobil by some of its shareholders about how the company hid for decades some evidence that its management knew about the deleterious effects of spewing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere while doing a PR campaign calling that a non-issue.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Not in an overly hipster way, but @RoKhanna supports upstart candidates before they’re known 😎… " noting Ro Khanna on Twitter: "I was proud to be the only elected House or Senate member to support @AOC in her underdog run in 2018.… "
That's Rohit Khanna.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Congress: “We’re going to need a copy of the President’s tax returns from 2013-2018.” 45: “No, I’m ‘under audit.’ ” Congress: “We didn’t ask you.” 🧾💅🏽… https://t.co/7d2PTtWMy7" noting Mark Knoller on Twitter: "Informed of House Ways & Means request for his tax returns, @POTUS says he's still under audit. "I'm always under audit it seems," He said until he's no longer under audit, he's "not inclined" to release his returns. Though the Congressional request was to the IRS - not to him.… https://t.co/QjPoE5WtFW"
I think that Congress should get the IRS to reveal whether or not it is auditing DT.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“New York women have a long record of turning their challenging positioning into a superpower. Our streets are stamped with the heel prints of women who were never expected to succeed but did anyway.” https://t.co/82QGo5ip35" noting New York City Women in the House (of Representatives) - The New York Times
A big list.
  • Ruth Baker Pratt (1877-1965: 1929-1933) She was the first woman elected to Congress from NYC.
  • Edna Kelly (1906-1997: 1949-1969) She pushed a bill mandating equal pay for equal work back in 1951. She also served on the Democratic National Committee.
  • Bella Abzug (1920-1998: 1971-1977) She once wrote "I spend all day figuring out how to beat the machine, and knock the crap out of the political power structure." Before becoming a Representative, she was a lawyer and a civil-rights activist.
  • Elizabeth Holtzman (1941-: 1973-1981) Her election was a shocker: she defeated a powerful 50-year-old male incumbent to become the then-youngest woman elected to the House. Sound familiar?
  • Shirley Chisholm (1924-2005: 1969-1983, also NY State Assembly 1965-1968) She was sometimes disparaged as a "little schoolteacher". Like being a bartender? She once stated "My greatest political asset, which professional politicians fear, is my mouth, out of which come all kinds of things one shouldn’t always discuss for reasons of political expediency."
  • Susan Molinari (1958-: 1990-1997)
  • Geraldine Ferraro (1935-2011: 1979-1985) The first female major-party Vice-Presidential candidate.
  • Nydia Velázquez (1953-: 2007-2011) First Puerto Rican woman elected to Congress. Like you-know-who.
It's not just New Yorkers who have been female pioneers in politics. Lori Lightfoot is the first black and openly-gay woman to be elected mayor of Chicago, for instance.
And get things done, they did. In 1972, Ms. Chisholm was the first woman of any color and the first African-American to make a serious run for president on a major-party ticket. She also co-founded the National Women’s Political Caucus with Ms. Abzug and a host of others. And Ms. Holtzman sat on the House Judiciary Committee as it presided over the Watergate investigation in 1974. In 1984, Ms. Ferraro was the first female vice-presidential candidate and sponsored the Economic Equity Act in 1981, a bill that helped strengthen the financial rights of widows and divorcées, and permitted homemakers to save with individual retirement accounts.

These images are also a powerful reminder: Thriving in a world created for men doesn’t have to mean shying away from all that makes you a woman. When criticized for talking about her signature red lipstick, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez put it this way: “I derive power from my femininity. And any attempt to make femininity trivial or unimportant is an attempt to take away my power.” In the face of a white and male majority ready to cast anything feminine as frivolous, this small act is itself a kind of defiant rebellion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "People’s History of Badly Behaved Women: NYC Congressional Queens Edition 👑 Queen of the West Side: The Honorable Rep. Bella Abzug ⬇️… https://t.co/0TOptDgO9t"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Our Lady of Food Justice & SNAP, trailblazer extraordinaire, 1st ever African American to seek major party nomination for President, OG Queen of Brooklyn: The Honorable Rep. Shirley Chisholm 👑⬇️ https://t.co/NvYF3IRrTh"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Before me, there was she: The first youngest, Shoe-leather destroyer, subway-canvasser, no-one-saw-her-coming-either Queen of Kings (County), The Honorable Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman 👑 (Almost every woman to break the record since has also been an NYer) https://t.co/utFFg77zli"
Oh yes, AOC is a genius, and I along with all her critics are the kooks!

I think it is funny that the link claims extreme ignorance on Ocasio-Cortez, yet most of the arguments made in there are more about difference of opinion, not actual facts.

Example, her claim that Uber runs at a loss to help monopolize the industry. Haw! Haw! Dumb AOC... there is Lyft too, which means there are two whole companies in the entire industry.
Well, that'd be another Op-Ed you cited... from another right-wing rag of a paper. Ocasio-Cortez isn't required to know everything and be right about everything. The issue is the right-wing hates her because she clearly has a visual political charisma. I have never seen a freshman rep be hounded on this web board or on Cable News, ever, forget about all the time.
Oh yes, AOC is a genius, and I along with all her critics are the kooks!

I think it is funny that the link claims extreme ignorance on Ocasio-Cortez, yet most of the arguments made in there are more about difference of opinion, not actual facts.

Example, her claim that Uber runs at a loss to help monopolize the industry. Haw! Haw! Dumb AOC... there is Lyft too, which means there are two whole companies in the entire industry.

Yea, the article was mostly dismissive and condescending, without really giving any actual evidence of her making mistakes or being wrong. The author does not seem to be a hard-right wing True Believer, but his defending Reaganomics, and dismissiveness of anything he considers left-wing do not help his credibility.

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I have never seen a freshman rep be hounded on this web board or on Cable News, ever, forget about all the time.
Best description of it I've hears is Fox 'News' is now AOC TMZ
Everyone from Ben Shapiro to Paul Ryan is embarrassingly horny for AOC and she just won't even acknowledge they exist, it's a delight.

To her critics, I'd like to know: who in DC other than her is as vocal in their support of poor people, homeless people, minorities, the disabled, the underpaid, and the uninsured? I'm not asking if you agree with her solutions, I'm asking if you can point to anyone else who regards these things as actual problems. And if you can't, do you think that's a good thing? Should we just not talk about that stuff, and focus on... what? Tax-deferred savings accounts for paying off student loans? Ending the war on Christmas?
Everyone from Ben Shapiro to Paul Ryan is embarrassingly horny for AOC and she just won't even acknowledge they exist, it's a delight.
No, it's not a delight. I am sick and tired of the right-wing partisan defamation. It was one of the notable things that killed Clinton's victory in '16. Endless hate and lies.

To her critics, I'd like to know: who in DC other than her is as vocal in their support of poor people, homeless people, minorities, the disabled, the underpaid, and the uninsured? I'm not asking if you agree with her solutions, I'm asking if you can point to anyone else who regards these things as actual problems. And if you can't, do you think that's a good thing? Should we just not talk about that stuff, and focus on... what? Tax-deferred savings accounts for paying off student loans? Ending the war on Christmas?
I'll be honest. I think she is a freshman representative that has a good deal to learn. While "she" uses Twitter effectively, I don't know how much of a good thing that is for our nation. Granted, it might just be the latest communication technology like the radio or television, then fine, but it seems a limited platform for good conversation.

I also wonder how much of these Twitter messages are of AOC. I get the feeling of multiple posters. And I don't like people posting under other people's names. Want other people posting for you, then make it 'The Office of AOC' or something.
Trump calls AOC 'young bartender' after she accuses White House of using WhatsApp for foreign relations
Donald Trump has mocked congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her plans to address climate change at a Republican party event, dismissing the left-wing Democrat “a young bartender”.

Speaking to the National Republican Congressional Committee on Tuesday night, Mr Trump attacked Ms Ocasio-Cortez’s so-called Green New Deal proposal as “the craziest thing”, and suggested the Democrats were “petrified” of her.

“The Green New Deal, done by a young bartender, 29 years old,” he said, referring to her previous employment. “A young bartender, wonderful young woman.”
He ignored AOC on Prince Jared's allegedly doing foreign policy with WhatsApp, and he considered that the Democrats had an advantage on healthcare:
“We have to take that away from them,” the president said. “Republicans should not run away from health care,” he added. “You can’t do it. You’re going to get clobbered.”

He also said some of the Democrats’ proposals could prove enticing to votes in the short term. He said free health care sounds very seductive. “Don’t underestimate the power of socialism to get a vote.”

The president suggested Ms Ocasio-Cortez’s climate change concerns were outside of the mainstream. “If they beat me with the Green New Deal, I deserve to lose,” he said.
To her critics, I'd like to know: who in DC other than her is as vocal in their support of poor people, homeless people, minorities, the disabled, the underpaid, and the uninsured? I'm not asking if you agree with her solutions, I'm asking if you can point to anyone else who regards these things as actual problems. And if you can't, do you think that's a good thing? Should we just not talk about that stuff, and focus on... what? Tax-deferred savings accounts for paying off student loans? Ending the war on Christmas?

I'm not a critic, but to me she's a breath of fresh air. It remains to be seen whether she's an effective legislator or brings money to her district, but her heart is in the right place.

We could use more like her.
Well, that'd be another Op-Ed you cited... from another right-wing rag of a paper. Ocasio-Cortez isn't required to know everything and be right about everything. The issue is the right-wing hates her because she clearly has a visual political charisma. I have never seen a freshman rep be hounded on this web board or on Cable News, ever, forget about all the time.
The media may adore Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who they have made into a superstar along the lines of Lady Gaga or a young Madonna but sane observers and more importantly, swing voters are mortified by the influence that the temperamental Twitter diva holds over the rest of the party.

But 2019 is not one of those times and the collective insanity that has found a home in the Democratic party where the geriatric demagogue isn’t even the craziest or most influential character – that honor belongs to the 29-year-old bartender who in less than a year, has become the most influential member of Congress.
End quotes. Perhaps that's one reason.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Does “live from the border” mean Party City? Fox is really out here doing the most on a budget to make the border look more dangerous than it is 😂 h/t @jacobsoboroff… https://t.co/2TAauKfbL8"
That tweeter:
Jacob Soboroff on Twitter: "This is totally ridiculous. I have never once worn a bulletproof vest at the border, nor has CBP ever asked me to -- even while on a chase with Border Patrol to apprehend migrants in remote Arizona desert in the middle of the night. Because. The. Border. Is. Not. A. War. Zone.… https://t.co/spRCNz1eL1"

Seems like blatant fearmongering.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Democracy and civil rights is how we got a country where “feminists do science.” (Also, note how he’s drumming up fear around women’s rights to create suspicion around climate change policy. Tells you a lot.)… https://t.co/FkeGolU4vP" noting Caroline Orr on Twitter: "Tucker Carlson with the hard-hitting questions: "How *did* we wind up with a country in which feminists do science?"… " noting Be A King on Twitter: "“I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight, that we as a people will get to the Promised Land!” #MLK We will get there. Don’t give up. There’s a more peaceful, just, humane world to build. https://t.co/GfN4Q5FF0v"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today, April 4th, marks the day of MLK’s assassination. His last speech, “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop,” delivered the evening before his passing, is critical to take in. King may have been taken, but he left instructions. Thank you @BerniceKing for your tireless work.… https://t.co/owC6uPs8Nc" noting Be A King on Twitter: "“I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight, that we as a people will get to the Promised Land!” #MLK We will get there. Don’t give up. There’s a more peaceful, just, humane world to build. https://t.co/GfN4Q5FF0v"

The media may adore Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who they have made into a superstar along the lines of Lady Gaga or a young Madonna but sane observers and more importantly, swing voters are mortified by the influence that the temperamental Twitter diva holds over the rest of the party.
Which "swing voters"???
But 2019 is not one of those times and the collective insanity that has found a home in the Democratic party where the geriatric demagogue
Bernie Sanders?
isn’t even the craziest or most influential character – that honor belongs to the 29-year-old bartender who in less than a year, has become the most influential member of Congress.
Well, that'd be another Op-Ed you cited... from another right-wing rag of a paper. Ocasio-Cortez isn't required to know everything and be right about everything. The issue is the right-wing hates her because she clearly has a visual political charisma. I have never seen a freshman rep be hounded on this web board or on Cable News, ever, forget about all the time.
The media may adore Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who they have made into a superstar along the lines of Lady Gaga or a young Madonna but sane observers and more importantly, swing voters are mortified by the influence that the temperamental Twitter diva holds over the rest of the party.

But 2019 is not one of those times and the collective insanity that has found a home in the Democratic party where the geriatric demagogue isn’t even the craziest or most influential character – that honor belongs to the 29-year-old bartender who in less than a year, has become the most influential member of Congress.
End quotes. Perhaps that's one reason.

I found this at a place called I Love My Freedom :

some guy named Chris Donaldson said:
But 2019 is not one of those times and the collective insanity that has found a home in the Democratic party where the geriatric demagogue isn’t even the craziest or most influential character – that honor belongs to the 29-year-old bartender who in less than a year, has become the most influential member of Congress.

The media may adore Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who they have made into a superstar along the lines of Lady Gaga or a young Madonna but sane observers and more importantly, swing voters are mortified by the influence that the temperamental Twitter diva holds over the rest of the party.

You really shouldn't plagiarize your sources.
The media may adore Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who they have made into a superstar along the lines of Lady Gaga or a young Madonna but sane observers and more importantly, swing voters are mortified by the influence that the temperamental Twitter diva holds over the rest of the party.

But 2019 is not one of those times and the collective insanity that has found a home in the Democratic party where the geriatric demagogue isn’t even the craziest or most influential character – that honor belongs to the 29-year-old bartender who in less than a year, has become the most influential member of Congress.
End quotes. Perhaps that's one reason.

I found this at a place called I Love My Freedom :

some guy named Chris Donaldson said:
But 2019 is not one of those times and the collective insanity that has found a home in the Democratic party where the geriatric demagogue isn’t even the craziest or most influential character – that honor belongs to the 29-year-old bartender who in less than a year, has become the most influential member of Congress.

The media may adore Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who they have made into a superstar along the lines of Lady Gaga or a young Madonna but sane observers and more importantly, swing voters are mortified by the influence that the temperamental Twitter diva holds over the rest of the party.

You really shouldn't plagiarize your sources.
Especialy when it is garbage. The right media won’t shut up about her and the right wing media is upset at all the attention they give her.
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