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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Does “live from the border” mean Party City? Fox is really out here doing the most on a budget to make the border look more dangerous than it is ?????? h/t @jacobsoboroff… https://t.co/2TAauKfbL8"
That tweeter:
Jacob Soboroff on Twitter: "This is totally ridiculous. I have never once worn a bulletproof vest at the border, nor has CBP ever asked me to -- even while on a chase with Border Patrol to apprehend migrants in remote Arizona desert in the middle of the night. Because. The. Border. Is. Not. A. War. Zone.… https://t.co/spRCNz1eL1"

Seems like blatant fearmongering.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Democracy and civil rights is how we got a country where “feminists do science.” (Also, note how he’s drumming up fear around women’s rights to create suspicion around climate change policy. Tells you a lot.)… https://t.co/FkeGolU4vP" noting Caroline Orr on Twitter: "Tucker Carlson with the hard-hitting questions: "How *did* we wind up with a country in which feminists do science?"… " noting Be A King on Twitter: "“I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight, that we as a people will get to the Promised Land!” #MLK We will get there. Don’t give up. There’s a more peaceful, just, humane world to build. https://t.co/GfN4Q5FF0v"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today, April 4th, marks the day of MLK’s assassination. His last speech, “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop,” delivered the evening before his passing, is critical to take in. King may have been taken, but he left instructions. Thank you @BerniceKing for your tireless work.… https://t.co/owC6uPs8Nc" noting Be A King on Twitter: "“I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight, that we as a people will get to the Promised Land!” #MLK We will get there. Don’t give up. There’s a more peaceful, just, humane world to build. https://t.co/GfN4Q5FF0v"

Which "swing voters"???

Bernie Sanders?
isn’t even the craziest or most influential character – that honor belongs to the 29-year-old bartender who in less than a year, has become the most influential member of Congress.

Yep, the crazy loon Sanders and his wannabe AOC. My post came out all muddled up [not for the first time some will say] because of the tiny cell phone screen and my leaving my glasses in the car.
The media may adore Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who they have made into a superstar along the lines of Lady Gaga or a young Madonna but sane observers and more importantly, swing voters are mortified by the influence that the temperamental Twitter diva holds over the rest of the party.

But 2019 is not one of those times and the collective insanity that has found a home in the Democratic party where the geriatric demagogue isn’t even the craziest or most influential character – that honor belongs to the 29-year-old bartender who in less than a year, has become the most influential member of Congress.
End quotes. Perhaps that's one reason.

I found this at a place called I Love My Freedom :

some guy named Chris Donaldson said:
But 2019 is not one of those times and the collective insanity that has found a home in the Democratic party where the geriatric demagogue isn’t even the craziest or most influential character – that honor belongs to the 29-year-old bartender who in less than a year, has become the most influential member of Congress.

The media may adore Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who they have made into a superstar along the lines of Lady Gaga or a young Madonna but sane observers and more importantly, swing voters are mortified by the influence that the temperamental Twitter diva holds over the rest of the party.

You really shouldn't plagiarize your sources.

You did see the end quotes at the end of my post right?

Now that I'm using my 22 inch monitor on my pc I can post the full post like i intended...............................................https://ilovemyfreedom.org/watch-ch...dems-may-deliver-historic-landslide-to-trump/
Yep, the crazy loon Sanders and his wannabe AOC. My post came out all muddled up [not for the first time some will say] because of the tiny cell phone screen and my leaving my glasses in the car.

What was the last original thought you can remember having?
Yep, the crazy loon Sanders and his wannabe AOC. My post came out all muddled up [not for the first time some will say] because of the tiny cell phone screen and my leaving my glasses in the car.

What was the last original thought you can remember having?

My last thought was that I'm posting among some real true to life watermelons here!
I found this at a place called I Love My Freedom :

You really shouldn't plagiarize your sources.

You did see the end quotes at the end of my post right?

Now that I'm using my 22 inch monitor on my pc I can post the full post like i intended...............................................https://ilovemyfreedom.org/watch-ch...dems-may-deliver-historic-landslide-to-trump/
Quotation marks are so hard to master. It's like revamping health care.
The media may adore Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who they have made into a superstar along the lines of Lady Gaga or a young Madonna but sane observers and more importantly, swing voters are mortified by the influence that the temperamental Twitter diva holds over the rest of the party.

But 2019 is not one of those times and the collective insanity that has found a home in the Democratic party where the geriatric demagogue isn’t even the craziest or most influential character – that honor belongs to the 29-year-old bartender who in less than a year, has become the most influential member of Congress.
End quotes. Perhaps that's one reason.

I found this at a place called I Love My Freedom :

some guy named Chris Donaldson said:
But 2019 is not one of those times and the collective insanity that has found a home in the Democratic party where the geriatric demagogue isn’t even the craziest or most influential character – that honor belongs to the 29-year-old bartender who in less than a year, has become the most influential member of Congress.

The media may adore Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who they have made into a superstar along the lines of Lady Gaga or a young Madonna but sane observers and more importantly, swing voters are mortified by the influence that the temperamental Twitter diva holds over the rest of the party.

You really shouldn't plagiarize your sources.

Hahaha. Busted.
Fo shizzle!

Fo shizzle!


I realize it's been 4 months but don't you remember we discussed this already?

Liberals used fewer words about ability or status, such as “assertive” or “competitive”, when giving speeches to mostly-minority audiences, while maintaining their usual use of words related to warmth and friendliness, such as “supportive” and “compassionate".

Conservatives spoke about their ability and status just as much, and their supportiveness and compassion just as little, no matter who they were addressing.

That's one way you can tell which one Trump is, no matter how desperately the Republicans in Congress wish they could keep him at arm's length.
Fo shizzle!


I realize it's been 4 months but don't you remember we discussed this already?

Liberals used fewer words about ability or status, such as “assertive” or “competitive”, when giving speeches to mostly-minority audiences, while maintaining their usual use of words related to warmth and friendliness, such as “supportive” and “compassionate".

Conservatives spoke about their ability and status just as much, and their supportiveness and compassion just as little, no matter who they were addressing.

That's one way you can tell which one Trump is, no matter how desperately the Republicans in Congress wish they could keep him at arm's length.

You're taking this far too seriously.
Does anyone have the full instagram video of AOC assembling IKEA furniture while taking questions from the electorate? I mean the full video, not all the media snippets and commentary...
So was her code switching something she has done without guile, but with warmth for her whole life or was it a political ploy?

Some people code switch a lot and others just don't.

Some do content switching, for example if at work when there is a rare time when it is only guys working (at my job) the language can get rougher than when one woman is there. The day after the New Zealand shooting it was only guys working and there is no way any of us would have talked like that with women around.
Bigger question than the code switching (AOC can't hold a candle to Hillary "I don't feel no ways tired" Clinton!) is why the fuck the Democrats are kissing the ring of that homophobic racist Al Sharpton?
Hell even his logo behind AOC looks like a logo for some totalitarian organisation straight out of some low budget dystopian movie from the 70s. :rolleyes:

Also, while there is surely nothing wrong with tending bar or driving a bus, that doesn't qualify one to run a country either. Just look at Venezuela and how well being ruled by a bus driver worked out for them ...
I just love how terrified conservatives are of this young woman :)

She has almost single-handedly moved the US Overton Window to the left. Others will follow - are following. Stuff that was supposedly unacceptable to Americans is being revealed as popular and the neoliberal shit of the last 40 years is being revealed as unpopular.

I'd put money on her being the first US female President.

(I nearly said "khaleesi")
I just love how terrified conservatives are of this young woman :)
Not just conservatives. Venezuela is a good cautionary tale about what happens when ideological incompetents take control of a country.

She has almost single-handedly moved the US Overton Window to the left. Others will follow - are following. Stuff that was supposedly unacceptable to Americans is being revealed as popular and the neoliberal shit of the last 40 years is being revealed as unpopular.
Shit Chavez was spewing out of his incompetent golpista mouth was popular with the plebs for a white too. Doesn't mean it had any chance of working in the real world though,

I'd put money on her being the first US female President.
I'll take that bet. Even money?
Most of the country is not NY-14 and her primary win was largely a fluke anyway.

(I nearly said "khaleesi")
Luckily for all of us, dragons aren't real. As far as I am concerned, she can fuck off to Essos!
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