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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The distinction between prison and jail is unique to the USA. In the rest of the English speaking world, they are synonymous.

The US reserves 'prison' as meaning a short-term holding centre for people not yet convicted; The rest of the world calls these facilities 'police cells', 'watch houses' and/or 'remand centres', and uses both 'prison' and 'jail' to mean any of these, or a place where a convict serves his sentence.

Americans, as usual, are wrong. :D

You're incorrect. In the US, jail is a short term holding facility, typically where one is held pending being arraigned on charges. There may be holding cells within a police station separate from jail, usually depending on the size of the community served. Holding cells are for very short term only: pending arraignment, for example. Shorter sentences for less serious charges are often/usually served in jails, which are local, generally serving the county, although in a high population density area, there may be municipal jails as well as county jails. Prison is for longer term and generally more serious crimes. It's where you go after you are convicted. Jails are typically somewhat near the courthouse where trials are held. Prisons can be state or federal, depending on the type of crime committed. Some prisons are relatively low security for lower level criminal offenders who are not deemed dangerous to the general public. Think: white collar rich criminals.

fify ;)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "A little motivation mantra for your Thursday morning✨ You got this!… " noting Rebecca Katz on Twitter: "Ladies, I think @AOC has given us the rallying cry we need for 2020. #KnockDownTheHouse… "
Has a short clip from "Knock Down The House" in which AOC tries to reassure herself that she can win. The shaggy red-headed gentleman in the video is her boyfriend.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Barr needs to resign.… " noting Rep. Pramila Jayapal on Twitter: "Chairman Nadler just received a letter from Barr refusing to comply with our subpoena for the unredacted Mueller report & underlying materials. That is unacceptable. I will urge the Chairman to proceed w/contempt citation. This is extremely dangerous behavior from Trump and Barr."

The Leadership Conference on Twitter: "As our @LChapmanEsq made clear in response to questions from Rep. @AOC, polling place closures – especially in the wake of Shelby County – are a particularly common & pernicious tactic for disenfranchising voters of color. It's time for Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act.… https://t.co/92tM0yZgF2"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "One of the things that genuinely surprised me in Congress is the sheer mediocrity of witnesses called forth by the GOP in hearings. Yesterday they brought in a guy w/ a polka dot bowtie backed by oil lobbyists arguing that fossil fuels are “healthy.” HEALTHY. It’s embarrassing.… https://t.co/AgyCH3F0i3" noting Newsweek on Twitter: ".@AOC blasts Labor Secretary over women’s contraceptives: “The mediocrity is astounding” [url]https://t.co/UB6fV61Jav… "[/url]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I honestly thought GOP witnesses would be well-prepared, w/ sophisticated arguments for the opposing view - evil-genius lobbyist types. But they’re often sloppy + reaching (not all though). I think if everyday GOP voters saw the witnesses called on their behalf, they’d be upset."
Tee hee. Though in fairness, some Democratic ones may be equally awful.

I'm not sure what fossil fuels being healthy might refer to, but some fossil-fuel defenders have described what a wonderful and great gas carbon dioxide is.
Well, without carbon dioxide, life would not be possible on planet Earth for a start.
OMG! angelo cracked the code! He's been right this whole time. Why didn't scientists think about how plants use CO2 to create O2?!
When idiots such as the bimbo AOC think CO2 is "gonna" kill us all in 12 years time, obviously the loons on the left and alarmists think it's a poison.
When idiots such as the bimbo AOC think CO2 is "gonna" kill us all in 12 years time, obviously the loons on the left and alarmists think it's a poison.
First off, while AOC isn't a scientist, but she certainly isn't a "bimbo". That is the misogynistic crap thinking that makes some men say a woman is a bitch because she doesn't want to be near them.

Also, unless AOC stated that inhalation of CO2 will kill us in 12 years, she isn't saying it is a poison.
Well, without carbon dioxide, life would not be possible on planet Earth for a start.
Yes, autotrophic organisms have to get their carbon from somewhere. But there is a such thing as an overdose. If you don't believe me, try eating polar-bear liver some time. You'll get a BIG dose of vitamin A from it.

The more immediate threat to us from atmospheric carbon dioxide is global warming and the resultant screwing up of climate. If you want to see what a greenhouse effect can do, look at our neighboring planet, Venus. It has a super greenhouse effect and a superhot surface.
Well, without carbon dioxide, life would not be possible on planet Earth for a start.
Yes, autotrophic organisms have to get their carbon from somewhere. But there is a such thing as an overdose. If you don't believe me, try eating polar-bear liver some time. You'll get a BIG dose of vitamin A from it.

The more immediate threat to us from atmospheric carbon dioxide is global warming and the resultant screwing up of climate. If you want to see what a greenhouse effect can do, look at our neighboring planet, Venus. It has a super greenhouse effect and a superhot surface.

Why are you engaging with this person. Do you honestly think someone who says "carbon dioxide is necessary for life" as a rebuttal to global warming will ever engage anyone in good faith on any topic
Well, without carbon dioxide, life would not be possible on planet Earth for a start.
Yes, autotrophic organisms have to get their carbon from somewhere. But there is a such thing as an overdose. If you don't believe me, try eating polar-bear liver some time. You'll get a BIG dose of vitamin A from it.

The more immediate threat to us from atmospheric carbon dioxide is global warming and the resultant screwing up of climate. If you want to see what a greenhouse effect can do, look at our neighboring planet, Venus. It has a super greenhouse effect and a superhot surface.

Why are you engaging with this person. Do you honestly think someone who says "carbon dioxide is necessary for life" as a rebuttal to global warming will ever engage anyone in good faith on any topic
Wait... are you saying angelo's "carbon dioxide is necessary for life" discovery isn't going to get him Scientific awards?
Well, without carbon dioxide, life would not be possible on planet Earth for a start.
Yes, autotrophic organisms have to get their carbon from somewhere. But there is a such thing as an overdose. If you don't believe me, try eating polar-bear liver some time. You'll get a BIG dose of vitamin A from it.

The more immediate threat to us from atmospheric carbon dioxide is global warming and the resultant screwing up of climate. If you want to see what a greenhouse effect can do, look at our neighboring planet, Venus. It has a super greenhouse effect and a superhot surface.

So, she's right: CO2 will kill us all.
Knock Down the House on Twitter: "🗣 Repeat as necessary.… " showing AOC and a friend passing out leaflets. "For every 10 rejections, you get 1 acceptance. And that's how you win everything."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Just a bit! I made a campaign video in Bengali and it was really fun. Over 200 languages are spoken in my district of NY-14. I can speak 4 (2 are rusty, but it’s like a bike). Picking up a little Bengali is my next goal - we have an awesome community here ☺️… https://t.co/q5BJRDRkLv" noting Zara Rahim on Twitter: "Wow I am eating this food on my sofa, watching Knock Down The House and @AOC speaks a little Bengali?!? Y’all I just burst into tears 😭"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "And by bit I mean like 10 words 🤣 trying out here"

From 11 May 2018
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Bilingualism is a huge advantage in the economy + the world. No amount of anti-immigrant policy or sentiment can change that. NYC restaurants give the UN a run for its money: when I worked in one we all learned bits of Bengali, Bambara, Eng & Span. Many workers were trilingual.… https://t.co/F8h1p5ephn" noting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This right here is cowardice over a changing world. This guy would call ICE on the planet if he could. Humanity’s evolution requires us to learn new languages, cultures, and histories. Last week I filmed a video in Bengali. Dude needs to get over it and pop on Duolingo." noting Shaun King on Twitter: "Who this this bigot in Midtown Manhattan? What's his name? Please share this. Here he is harassing & insulting two women for speaking Spanish...TO EACH OTHER in the middle of Manhattan. Trump has empowered ugly white people like this to say whatever they feel like saying.… https://t.co/GhiB8wjK35"

From 17 May 2018
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This right here is cowardice over a changing world. This guy would call ICE on the planet if he could. Humanity’s evolution requires us to learn new languages, cultures, and histories. Last week I filmed a video in Bengali. Dude needs to get over it and pop on Duolingo."

From 13 June 2018
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Overjoyed to have worked with our Bangladeshi fam in NY-14 to do this: - আমি আপনাদের সকলের জন্য আরো উণ্ণতমানের এবং পরিবর্ধিত মেডিকেয়ার পরিষেবা আর সরকারের পক্ষ থেকে সকলের জন্য চাকরির নিশ্চয়তার দাবি আদায়ের জন্য লড়াই করব /1… https://t.co/9Xzjcizzc9"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "আমি জনসাধারণের জন্য বিনামূল্যে কলেজে পড়াশোনার সুবিধা ইত্যাদির দাবি নিয়ে লড়ব এবং এই সবই করব কোনও রকম বড় সংস্থার আর্থিক অনুদান ছাড়া ২৬-এ জুন ভোট দিন /2 Big ups to @MFP_NY & our Ocasio2018 South Asian organizers for making this happen, grassroots style. 💜🧕🏾👩🏽*💼"

Google Translate detected Bengali. Here is its transcription and translation:

Āmi āpanādēra sakalēra jan'ya ārō uṇṇatamānēra ēbaṁ paribardhita mēḍikēẏāra pariṣēbā āra sarakārēra pakṣa thēkē sakalēra jan'ya cākarira niścaẏatāra dābi ādāẏēra jan'ya laṛā'i karaba.

Āmi janasādhāraṇēra jan'ya bināmūlyē kalējē paṛāśōnāra subidhā ityādira dābi niẏē laṛaba ēbaṁ ē'i saba'i karaba kōna'ō rakama baṛa sansthāra ārthika anudāna chāṛā 26-ē juna bhōṭa dina.

I will fight for the fierce and increasing Medicare service for all of you and the government's demand for job guarantee for everyone.

I will fight for the public's demand for free college education, and all of this will be done on 26th of June without any financial assistance from a large organization.
When idiots such as the bimbo AOC think CO2 is "gonna" kill us all in 12 years time, obviously the loons on the left and alarmists think it's a poison.
First off, while AOC isn't a scientist, but she certainly isn't a "bimbo". That is the misogynistic crap thinking that makes some men say a woman is a bitch because she doesn't want to be near them.

Also, unless AOC stated that inhalation of CO2 will kill us in 12 years, she isn't saying it is a poison.

Although it certainly is a poison. As always, the dose is critical.

A CO2 level above 10% in air is deadly.

Currently the atmosphere contains about 0.041%, up from 0.028% two hundred years ago.

The idea that a substance can be bad for the climate at the same time that it is good for plants and non-toxic to humans is not a particularly difficult one to grasp.

Quite an effective method for detecting a moron is to see whether they think the non-sequitur: "Carbon dioxide is good for plants, therefore it cannot be bad for the environment" is in any way convincing.

Anyone who is so bad at thinking as to consider this argument worthy, is too dumb to be taken seriously on any issue.
Andrea González-Ramírez on Twitter: ""From hardship comes motivation. The women express their reasons for running – and that reason is not glory. It’s changing a broken system." Here's @elenawonders reviewing #KnockDownTheHouse, which you all *have* to watch: https://t.co/ZLHlgq9Ack" noting Knock Down The House Spotlights AOC & Liberal Uprising
While the documentary allots Ocasio-Cortez the most screen time, it resists elevating her into the figure of the lone liberal savior. Ocasio-Cortez is flanked by the documentary’s three other subjects, fighting the same fight — albeit in different landscapes. As the camera switches from a strip mall in arid Nevada to the leafy roads of West Virginia to the streets of Missouri, viewers are reminded of how big the country is, how grand the scale of the fight. But if one wins, the candidates repeat often, they all win.

Knock Down the House stages four re-enactments of David and Goliath. On one side, establishment Democrats who purport to be taking on Trump, but are funded by big money and tied up in big money strings. On the other side, disruptors fostered by groups like Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats, that aim to simultaneously increase representation in Congress and take money out of politics.
Of the four, only AOC won, though she won against Joe Crowley by 16,898 to 12,880 votes, or 56.7% to 43.3%, a 13.4% difference.

He ended up becoming a lobbyist, the most common career for ex-politicians. Joe Crowley's Lobbying Job Plays Into AOC's Hands - The Atlantic

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "We were so ready for lumberjack life after months of 18 hour days that neither one of us had gotten a haircut in months 😂 it’s also one reason why my hair was always in a bun (It was very nice to see him again after we took a weed wacker to his castaway beard post-election ☺️)… https://t.co/hMac3IteP5" noting Eliza Relman on Twitter: "Lears told me AOC and her boyfriend would joke about escaping to the woods and becoming lumberjacks if she lost her primary. Ocasio-Cortez was also "looking forward to wearing regular clothes again" after the election. Those dreams are lost now.. [url]https://t.co/xOhwp8lV0r… https://t.co/m1sWMNnsLg"[/url]
As to the languages that AOC speaks, she seems to speak both English and Spanish fluently. I've heard her slip into the Spanish pronunciations of her name, Puerto Rico, and Hurricane Maria. She learned bits of Bengali and Bambara because of the numerous immigrants that she worked alongside of in some places.

Bengali is the main language of Bangladesh, the nation just east of India in the Indian subcontinent.

Bambara is the shared language of Mali, a West African nation.

I decided to get an idea of what would be necessary to learn Bengali or Bambara.

From Wikibooks:Language Learning Difficulty for English Speakers - Wikibooks, open books for an open world and "US Army Linguist Management r611_6.pdf", now in the Internet Archive, I have assembled a rough guide to language difficulty:
  • All Romance languages and all other Germanic languages except Icelandic
  • Most languages
  • Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean
For English speakers, Spanish is I, while Bengali and likely Bambara are II.
When idiots such as the bimbo AOC think CO2 is "gonna" kill us all in 12 years time, obviously the loons on the left and alarmists think it's a poison.
First off, while AOC isn't a scientist, but she certainly isn't a "bimbo". That is the misogynistic crap thinking that makes some men say a woman is a bitch because she doesn't want to be near them.

Also, unless AOC stated that inhalation of CO2 will kill us in 12 years, she isn't saying it is a poison.

She's not a scientist by training but she is science literate. In high school, she went to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair where she came in second in the Microbiology category with a microbiology research project on the effect of antioxidants on the lifespan of the nematode C. elegans. As part of a program to recognize up and coming scientists, the MIT Lincoln Laboratory named a small asteroid after her: 23238 Ocasio-Cortez. She's not dumb about science and she's not dumb about politics or economics. She's just plain not dumb and probably better informed than many others in congress.
Well, without carbon dioxide, life would not be possible on planet Earth for a start.
Yes, autotrophic organisms have to get their carbon from somewhere. But there is a such thing as an overdose. If you don't believe me, try eating polar-bear liver some time. You'll get a BIG dose of vitamin A from it.

The more immediate threat to us from atmospheric carbon dioxide is global warming and the resultant screwing up of climate. If you want to see what a greenhouse effect can do, look at our neighboring planet, Venus. It has a super greenhouse effect and a superhot surface.

Are you kidding! How in fuck can you compare Earth with Venus, besides the fact that Venus is much closer to the sun than Earth, there are myriad other reasons of the differences as this link points out.......................https://www.universetoday.com/22551/venus-compared-to-earth/

Besides, you're defeating your own argument that human activity is causing GW/CC here on Earth as the planet Venus has no homo sapiens living on it to cause a greenhouse effect.
When idiots such as the bimbo AOC think CO2 is "gonna" kill us all in 12 years time, obviously the loons on the left and alarmists think it's a poison.
First off, while AOC isn't a scientist, but she certainly isn't a "bimbo". That is the misogynistic crap thinking that makes some men say a woman is a bitch because she doesn't want to be near them.

Also, unless AOC stated that inhalation of CO2 will kill us in 12 years, she isn't saying it is a poison.

Although it certainly is a poison. As always, the dose is critical.

A CO2 level above 10% in air is deadly.

Currently the atmosphere contains about 0.041%, up from 0.028% two hundred years ago.

The idea that a substance can be bad for the climate at the same time that it is good for plants and non-toxic to humans is not a particularly difficult one to grasp.

Quite an effective method for detecting a moron is to see whether they think the non-sequitur: "Carbon dioxide is good for plants, therefore it cannot be bad for the environment" is in any way convincing.

Anyone who is so bad at thinking as to consider this argument worthy, is too dumb to be taken seriously on any issue.

Could you please Professor bilby please point to any of my posts where I said that? I may have pointed out that CO2 is essential as food for plants, or that in the past CO2 was perhaps 1200PPM, many times more than your 10%, as compared to the minute trace gas in the atmosphere that it is today.
Well, without carbon dioxide, life would not be possible on planet Earth for a start.

Do you not realize that even when something is essential too much of it can be bad?

Example: In the US more people die of vitamin overdoses than of vitamin deficiencies.

Example: The limit to how deep we can dive in the ocean is toxicity of what we breathe. The depth limit is the point where we run out of things to put in the tank that won't kill the diver due to having too much.

- - - Updated - - -

When idiots such as the bimbo AOC think CO2 is "gonna" kill us all in 12 years time, obviously the loons on the left and alarmists think it's a poison.

<Pulls out gun, shoots angelo, angelo dies.> Obviously, lead is a poison.
Ocasio-Cortez says she's not ready to endorse 2020 candidate, will focus on local races | TheHill noting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez not ready to endorse 2020 candidate – Boston Herald
(second link)
“I tend to look for transformative policy for working class Americans,” Ocasio-Cortez said, along with a “longstanding commitment to those policies, so it’s not just a recent adoption of caring for all working-class folks.”

She said, “I’m extremely excited by the policies and the policy leadership, the plan leadership, that‘s been advanced by Sen. Warren. Of course I worked on Sen. Sanders’ campaign, and I find his values to be my values, too.”

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s “climate leadership is phenomenal,” and New Jersey U.S. Sen. Cory Booker’s “criminal justice leadership is great,” she said.

But when it comes to choosing, “I don’t want to endorse there right now,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “I do want to endorse in local races, because this is how we’re going to rebuild our country from the bottom up.”
(first link)
But she added that for now she intended to reserve her endorsements for local contests, “because this is how we’re going to rebuild our country from the bottom up.” Ocasio-Cortez was in Brookline to endorse Raul Fernandez’s candidacy for Select Board. Fernandez was one of Ocasio-Cortez’s teachers at Boston University, and the video in which she danced on a rooftop to Phoenix’s “Lisztomania” was his idea.
She has the right idea. A lot of the Left seems to think that the Presidency is the only position that counts, when there are numerous other elected positions that can often be important, elected positions at the Federal, state, and local levels.

Back to national politics, she is sort of "Meh" about Joe Biden. She plans to support him if he wins the nomination, even if not otherwise.
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