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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

It's yet another example of the leftist mistake of thinking stomping out bad options will make good options appear.

Maybe if people weren't making shit wages, which you support, payday lending wouldn't be needed.

Once again, you're trying to take away bad options.

If there were good jobs to be had the bad jobs would go unfilled. Therefore it is clear there are not good jobs to be had. Getting rid of bad ones won't change that.

What kind of gibberish is that? I said nothing about jobs. I said "shit wages."
Airhead AOC takes us on a like, really neat tour, of community gardens;

"It's, like, totally awesome and stuff, to be like, growing stuff and like, composting is so impo-nt and stuff. Like, yucca is like, literally more woke than collyflour because like, colonialism"


CSPAN on Twitter: "CLIP: Complete exchange between Rep. Pressley and Secretary Carson. @SecretaryCarson: "Reclaiming my time." @RepPressley: "You don't get to do that." Carson: "Oh." @RepMaxineWaters: "The time belongs to the gentle lady."… https://t.co/fKvaGKqvUM"

Talk about being big news: Warren and AOC knock 'Game of Thrones' finale in new video - POLITICO - AOC has recently appeared in videos with both BS and EW, so she may not want to take sides between them.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is a public announcement that we successfully grew, harvested, & ate spinach, collard greens, & swiss chard from the garden plot! As such, I now reserve the right to use this emoji 👩🏾*🌾… https://t.co/RhwrqJZkmn"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Perhaps an unpopular opinion: I don’t believe endorsements are a particular “test of influence.” I think it’s insulting to both the candidate and organizers working tirelessly to imply that. Endorsements don’t determine campaigns - organizers do.… https://t.co/0fUS2AUe5w" noting J. David Goodman on Twitter: "For the first time, @AOC is testing her influence in New York with an endorsement, @JeffCMays reports. The question is: how similar are Democratic voters in the rest of Queens to those in the western, more gentrified areas that propelled her to Congress? https://t.co/h7Rk08T9gH"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I endorsed @CabanForQueens for DA not out of a “power move,” but because to me it feels like the right thing to do. Electing a public defender to a DA’s position with her platform could be transformative, &the organizers busting their butts on the ground have earned recognition."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When I ran last year, everyone and their cousin endorsed my opponent. After he lost,did people imply that the Gov’s endorsement wasn’t powerful anymore? That virtually every single union in NYC no longer had influence? No! It was about the candidates and the race. It always is."

Ayanna Pressley on Twitter: "“I am outraged because this is outrageous. This nation was built on the backs and grown in the wombs of women, and our rights are not up for debate.” We will continue to organize, mobilize, and legislate to #StopTheBans!… https://t.co/8goRLYiar5"
I didn't neglect much. I put forth an honest question regarding the costs of a loan defaulting, which is typically what people use to justify the ridiculous sky high interest rate. If a person is paying back 2x to 3x the loan principle before defaulting, the bank isn't exactly getting killed on the loss of principle, as the PayDay Loan Store is getting that money from another back for a "tad" bit lower rate.

Here is the thing... are people going to default on $115 or are people defaulting on $300 for a $100 loan? PayDay Loans can be self propagating defaults.

Reality check time: Payday loans aren't for a year. From what I've seen of ads they're probably for a month.

$100 loan, 15%/12 = 1.25% total interest, $1.25 in interest. That's not a viable business even with no defaults.
Wait, you are giving me a ‘reality check’ that is based on your watching of commercials?

The truth is payday loans usually roll over into extended loans and take a while to pay off because people that need the money can’t easily pay off that loan. So the one month loan turns into six, eight, and longer loans. This is where the ultra interest is a massive problem.

And you think there aren't costs from the rollover?
Once again, you're trying to take away bad options.

If there were good jobs to be had the bad jobs would go unfilled. Therefore it is clear there are not good jobs to be had. Getting rid of bad ones won't change that.

What kind of gibberish is that? I said nothing about jobs. I said "shit wages."

Shit wages = a bad job.

Getting rid of poor-paying jobs won't magically make good-paying jobs appear.
Once again, you're trying to take away bad options.

If there were good jobs to be had the bad jobs would go unfilled. Therefore it is clear there are not good jobs to be had. Getting rid of bad ones won't change that.

What kind of gibberish is that? I said nothing about jobs. I said "shit wages."

Shit wages = a bad job.

Getting rid of poor-paying jobs won't magically make good-paying jobs appear.

There are no bad jobs.
Once again, you're trying to take away bad options.

If there were good jobs to be had the bad jobs would go unfilled. Therefore it is clear there are not good jobs to be had. Getting rid of bad ones won't change that.

What kind of gibberish is that? I said nothing about jobs. I said "shit wages."

Shit wages = a bad job.

Getting rid of poor-paying jobs won't magically make good-paying jobs appear.
I thought "shit wages" equaled easy to replace position.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is the Darling of the Left, Nightmare of the Right
Nice article on her. Notes that "Unlike Trump, she corrects her mistakes." Suggests that she isn't going as far as she might be. Also pointed out where she threatened to unseat some Democratic incumbents.
The question is whether she’ll be able to show them, or anyone. A week after Ocasio-Cortez came to Washington, fellow Democrats complained that she was disruptive and not a team player. Chief among her sins: threatening to back the primary opponents of members of Congress who aren’t liberal enough for her. “I’m sure Ms. Cortez means well, but there’s almost an outstanding rule: Don’t attack your own people,” Representative Emanuel Cleaver II, a Missouri Democrat, told Politico. “We just don’t need sniping in our Democratic Caucus.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s disregard for political niceties is both her strongest quality as an activist and potentially her Achilles’ heel as a representative. She shows no sign of dialing back. One way or another, says Kelton, the economic adviser, “the conversation is shifting. The space is opening up.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Don’t want Amazon & Gov agencies selling + harvesting your facial recognition data without your knowledge? Welcome to the fight for Roe v Wade! Welcome to the fight for criminal justice reform! Welcome to the fight for privacy! Welcome to the fight for the 4th + 14th amendments!… https://t.co/mEaFV4KGse" noting Davey Alba on Twitter: "Interestingly, Ocasio-Cortez also invoked the aspect of Roe v. Wade that deals with privacy. “This doesn’t just give us a right to my uterus, my shoulders, my hands, my knees and my toes. And my face. ... In our right to privacy, this is about our right to our entire body."… https://t.co/pWn1qW2OkO"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When tech companies develop algorithms that automate the assumptions of people from one demo, they start to automate subconscious bias. When those flawed algorithms get sold to law enforcement, it can be disastrous for anyone that doesn’t look like most Silicon Valley engineers.… https://t.co/dwTuUnSKqq" noting CSPAN on Twitter: ".@RepAOC @AOC on facial recognition: "So, we have a technology that was created and designed by one demographic that is only mostly effective on that one demographic and they're trying to sell it and impose it on the entirety of the country?"… https://t.co/BQtoo98VBm"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Check the sky for flying 🐽 bc Rep. Meadows, much of the Freedom Caucus & I are in agreement on preventing total surveillance of Americans without their knowledge. Whether it’s Amazon or Gov, no one should be tracked w/o consent or a warrant. https://t.co/JQh5WVNTdg" noting Amazon shareholders reject facial recognition sale ban to governments | TechCrunch

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I may work in government, but when it comes to tech, I’m no Stranger in a Strange Land 😉… " noting Grady Booch on Twitter: "Woohoo! @aoc groks AI bias!!!… "
That's sweet. She was referring to a science-fiction novel that Robert Heinlein had written over half a century ago.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The US imprisons more than any other country in the world. To change that, we must elect District Attorneys that measure success in actual community safety, not # of people locked up. That’s why I endorsed @CabanForQueens for Queens DA. Vote June 25th: [url]https://t.co/cMVamuawPW… https://t.co/80iZ0QYacS"[/url] noting Tiffany Cabán on Twitter: "🚨@AOC just endorsed our campaign! Alexandria’s a fierce advocate for working people & an inspiration for women of color like me. https://t.co/n49zlISJe2"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Agreed. It’s possible some NYC reporters, like other NYers, are so used to NYC’s political machines that perspectives are shaped by them more than we realize. I’m not here to replace 1 machine w/another,or unilaterally oppose all incumbents.I’m here to support people+principles.… https://t.co/BkeSlTh7ow"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "People often ask questions about impeachment (“Are you going to impeach?“), but treat it as though it’s one, singular action. Impeachment is a process. Some people may support pursuing some parts of that process, & not others. Read Rep. @davidcicilline’s thread to learn more ⬇️… https://t.co/2HOPaZbnYH"
Airhead AOC takes us on a like, really neat tour, of community gardens;

"It's, like, totally awesome and stuff, to be like, growing stuff and like, composting is so impo-nt and stuff. Like, yucca is like, literally more woke than collyflour because like, colonialism"



Sounds very much like a 15 year old school girl. :p
Mini Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Impersonator Mocks Climate Change and Socialism, Becomes Conservative Favorite
The jokes appear to be somewhat scripted, and there are on-camera clues that the 8-year-old California girl is having plenty of input from her relatives. Her Instagram and Twitter accounts both appear to be operated by her mother, and the account follows an overwhelming number of Fox News handles.

"They thought I looked like her...so they said I should start making videos teasing her," Martinez told Fox Business' Stuart Varney, who regularly touts his support for President Donald Trump.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Defends Ilhan Omar as Pair Breaks Ramadan Fast at Congress’s First Iftar
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘One of the Biggest Myths About Congress Is That it's an Easy Job...I See Members on the Brink of Tears'
“But if you're really here trying to get stuff done—no matter your politics—it's an extremely demanding job. It's only 'easy' if you're not showing up for your community, if you don't do town halls, if you're not trying to advocate or build coalitions or introduce and pass cutting-edge legislation.

“Even members I completely disagree with who are advancing corporate interests still work overtime because it takes a ton of work to pass an agenda, no matter what it is.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Right—the Bible Denounces High Interest Rates

Ocasio-Cortez likens growing cauliflower to colonialism
“When someone says that it’s ‘too hard’ to do a green space that grows yuca instead of, I dunno, cauliflower or something, what you’re doing is you’re taking a colonial approach to environmentalism,” the 29-year-old freshman congresswoman says in an Instagram video for her proposed Green New Deal economic-stimulus package.

“And that is why a lot of communities of color get resistant to certain environmentalist movements — because they come with a colonial lens on them.”
Yuca = a regional variant of cassava.
You have evidently never cleaned out the grease and debris trap in the spray booth at a tannery in midsummer. ;)

Oh, I agree there's bad work. But if it is a job that needs to be done and someone is willing to pay to have it done it's a good job.

You should definitely read David Graeber's Bullshit Jobs. The fact that someone is willing to pay you to do something doesn't mean it's worth doing.
You have evidently never cleaned out the grease and debris trap in the spray booth at a tannery in midsummer. ;)

Oh, I agree there's bad work. But if it is a job that needs to be done and someone is willing to pay to have it done it's a good job.

You should definitely read David Graeber's Bullshit Jobs. The fact that someone is willing to pay you to do something doesn't mean it's worth doing.

Did you miss the "needs to be done" part?
You should definitely read David Graeber's Bullshit Jobs. The fact that someone is willing to pay you to do something doesn't mean it's worth doing.

Did you miss the "needs to be done" part?

No, but since you said there were no bad jobs, I assumed that meant you believed all jobs are something that needs to be done. Are there bad jobs?
You should definitely read David Graeber's Bullshit Jobs. The fact that someone is willing to pay you to do something doesn't mean it's worth doing.

Did you miss the "needs to be done" part?

No, but since you said there were no bad jobs, I assumed that meant you believed all jobs are something that needs to be done. Are there bad jobs?

Not enough info to answer that question to your standards. Would shoveling horseshit be considered a bad job? Would shoveling horseshit for $30/hr be a bad job?
No, but since you said there were no bad jobs, I assumed that meant you believed all jobs are something that needs to be done. Are there bad jobs?

Not enough info to answer that question to your standards. Would shoveling horseshit be considered a bad job? Would shoveling horseshit for $30/hr be a bad job?

I'm not using my standards, I'm using yours! If any job that needs to be done and someone will pay you to do is a good job, then obviously not all jobs are good, because not all jobs are things that need to be done.
No, but since you said there were no bad jobs, I assumed that meant you believed all jobs are something that needs to be done. Are there bad jobs?

Not enough info to answer that question to your standards. Would shoveling horseshit be considered a bad job? Would shoveling horseshit for $30/hr be a bad job?

I'm not using my standards, I'm using yours! If any job that needs to be done and someone will pay you to do is a good job, then obviously not all jobs are good, because not all jobs are things that need to be done.

The person paying to have the job done seems to think it needs to be done.
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