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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Airhead AOC takes us on a like, really neat tour, of community gardens;

"It's, like, totally awesome and stuff, to be like, growing stuff and like, composting is so impo-nt and stuff. Like, yucca is like, literally more woke than collyflour because like, colonialism"



Sounds very much like a 15 year old school girl. :p

Are you calling TSwizzle a 15 year old school girl?

As far as I can tell, TSwizzle did not provide a direct quote from AOC, but rather paraphrased her in his own words, and put quote marks around the paraphrase to make it look like she actually said that.

Here are some of the direct AOC quote from the article TSwizzle linked:
'What I love too is growing plants that are culturally familiar to the community. It's so important.'

'A core component of the Green New Deal is having all of these projects make sense in a cultural context, and it's an area that we get the most pushback on because people say, "Why do you need to do that? That's too hard."

'But when you really think about it, when someone says that it's "too hard" to do a green space that grows Yucca instead of, I don't know, cauliflower or something - what you're doing is you're taking a colonial approach to environmentalism.'
Airhead AOC takes us on a like, really neat tour, of community gardens;

"It's, like, totally awesome and stuff, to be like, growing stuff and like, composting is so impo-nt and stuff. Like, yucca is like, literally more woke than collyflour because like, colonialism"



That is not a direct quote, and you damn well know it.
Airhead AOC takes us on a like, really neat tour, of community gardens;

"It's, like, totally awesome and stuff, to be like, growing stuff and like, composting is so impo-nt and stuff. Like, yucca is like, literally more woke than collyflour because like, colonialism"



That's extremely dishonest of you to apply quotes to people when they really did not say them.
Airhead AOC takes us on a like, really neat tour, of community gardens;

"It's, like, totally awesome and stuff, to be like, growing stuff and like, composting is so impo-nt and stuff. Like, yucca is like, literally more woke than collyflour because like, colonialism"



That is not a direct quote, and you damn well know it.

Airhead AOC takes us on a like, really neat tour, of community gardens;

"It's, like, totally awesome and stuff, to be like, growing stuff and like, composting is so impo-nt and stuff. Like, yucca is like, literally more woke than collyflour because like, colonialism"



That's extremely dishonest of you to apply quotes to people when they really did not say them.

I thought it was pretty clear I was paraphrasing and poking fun at her. If I was quoting her, I would have put the HTML quote tags around the text. I'll keep this in mind the next time. And I don't think you believed for a minute that I was like, literally, quoting her.

She's still spouting a load of navel gazing codswallop . Colonial cauliflower ffs. :rolleyes:
Airhead AOC takes us on a like, really neat tour, of community gardens;

"It's, like, totally awesome and stuff, to be like, growing stuff and like, composting is so impo-nt and stuff. Like, yucca is like, literally more woke than collyflour because like, colonialism"



That's extremely dishonest of you to apply quotes to people when they really did not say them.

I thought it was pretty clear I was paraphrasing and poking fun at her.
That is what the '*insert text*' is for. The "*insert text*" implies an actual quote.

If I was quoting her, I would have put the HTML quote tags around the text. I'll keep this in mind the next time. And I don't think you believed for a minute that I was like, literally, quoting her.

She's still spouting a load of navel gazing codswallop . Colonial cauliflower ffs. :rolleyes:
The amount of pant pissing being done over AOC really makes it impossible to know when someone is being serious with their critiques of Ocasio-Cortez or not.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "BREAKING NEWS: Lady Had A Job, Got Paid More Than Me Nice work. Now do the amount of Wall Street, Big Pharma, & Fossil Fuel 💰 presidential candidates accepted over their careers & how much they’re taking now.… https://t.co/Jfb1UcL70m" noting andrew kaczynski on Twitter: "While teaching, Elizabeth Warren worked on more than 50 legal matters, charging as much as $675 an hour https://t.co/rmnH8wzt1O"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "With GoT out of the way, let’s talk Sec. Steve Mnuchin’s receipts. 🧾 Mnuchin went on the Sears board as his college roommate served as CEO. Together, they fired a *quarter million people* in a debt scheme that looks awfully self-dealing. We want to get to the bottom of it. ⬇️… https://t.co/0DUiF33DUl" noting Elizabeth Warren on Twitter: "Before @StevenMnuchin1 became Treasury Secretary, he was on the board of @Sears, where he helped gut the company and fire thousands of employees. Now, @AOC and I have some tough questions for him.… https://t.co/N4X8sXbVUH"
Stripping a company of assets is what Mitt Romney did in Bain Capital.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When companies like Toys R’ Us & Sears go down & lay off thousands, people think it’s “internet kills brick + mortar.” That’s not the full story. CEOs+boards load these co’s w/ debt to enrich themselves, tank them, & leave workers in the cold w/o promised severance. No more.… https://t.co/j1CyndCCuP" noting Jared Bennett on Twitter: "My dad worked for Sears for 30+ years. Sears cut his job around 2008. They hired him back a year or so later on a job that paid less. Instead of retiring as planned, he worked until his first treatment for lung cancer (Agent Orange) that he never recovered from.… https://t.co/YP62W2RBSn"

Warren, Ocasio-Cortez press Mnuchin for answers on Sears bankruptcy - POLITICO

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Ending the War on Drugs means we must transform DA offices across the country. In Queens, @CabanForQueens wants to set a new model for the country: ✅ End Cash Bail ✅ Stop Prosecuting Drug Use (it’s a HEALTH issue!) ✅ No Corporate $ Donate + help here: https://t.co/voyNzBwVx1" -- using the same style of campaign artwork.
AOC is someone nobody should take seriously. In right-wing circles, she's looked at as dumber than a box of rocks. She went all bug-eyed and started screaming how we're all gonna die in 12 years. Al Gore said the same thing around 1999 that we'd all be underwater by now. Yet, they claim "Republicans are the fear mongers."

So many of her youtube videos have Republicans in stitches from laughter. She didn't know what a garbage disposal was. She was drunk trying to assemble furniture. If she's the future of the Democratic party, Republicans have nothing to worry about. She makes us look better every time she opens her mouth.

New stupidity. She just said growing cauliflower is racist. Why are the Dems constantly saying every ridiculous thing is racist these days? "But, it's the Republicans who are the racists!"
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You have evidently never cleaned out the grease and debris trap in the spray booth at a tannery in midsummer. ;)

Oh, I agree there's bad work. But if it is a job that needs to be done and someone is willing to pay to have it done it's a good job.

You should definitely read David Graeber's Bullshit Jobs. The fact that someone is willing to pay you to do something doesn't mean it's worth doing.

Yeah, it's a great book.

I probably shouldn't have read it just as I finished work though - It has made me a LOT more picky in my job hunting, which is probably good in the longer term, but it doesn't help pay the bills.
You obviously never seen, or smelled the emptying of septic tanks.
Septic is nothing. Rendered cooking fats... that is the foulest smell ever.

I should qualify that statement by noting I've never been on a pig farm.

The difference between rendered cooking fats and tannery waste is that the latter was never handled in a hygenic way, and contains far more contaminants.

The day I started at the tannery, there were a dozen of us newbies. By lunchtime, there were six; On the second day, three of us turned up for work.

The supervisor reckoned three was a good result.

After a week, you simply stop having a sense of smell at all.

On the plus side, you always get a seat to yourself on the bus home.

And it's real work. Underpaid, for sure. But not bullshit - people actually do need to make leather. I would rather do that again than prepare write-only documents in some soulless office.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Builds Ikea Furniture In Her Unfurnished D.C. Apartment | HuffPost
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez makes history assembling IKEA furniture - YouTube
Seems rather cute to me.

As to not knowing what a garbage disposal was, it's because they are rare in New York City, and had been outlawed there for several years.

She also didn't say that cauliflower was racist, just that we ought not to insist on one set of crops for urban gardens when the would-be gardeners may prefer other crops. For example, insisting on cauliflower rather than yuca, a kind of cassava. She claims that that has caused some trouble for some urban-gardening initiatives.

For her part, she grew some spinach, collard greens, and Swiss chard.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "That’s twice in two weeks that a *majority of GOP voters* have polled favorably with our policy initiatives. We’re taking their base by fighting for their dignity. That’s why Fox News, corp lobbyists, & conservative trolls (trinity of the right, I guess) are coming hard for us.… https://t.co/q9I57XkbPi" noting John Haltiwanger on Twitter: "New from me and @WaltHickey: A new INSIDER poll found that a majority of GOP voters agree with Democratic Rep. @AOC that the federal government should do more to influence the cost of drugs for communicable diseases like HIV. https://t.co/lO1qTBWok7"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yesterday, GOP moved to silence Lauren Underwood’s words bc she had the audacity to say the obvious: that stealing children away from their parents, trafficking, & caging them w/o end is intended to do harm. They tried to silence her; make her back down. She didn’t. Be proud 👏🏽… https://t.co/7qDO7viOvl" noting Lauren Underwood on Twitter: "For over a year, it’s been clear that policies at the border have harmed the physical and mental health of migrant children. I believe, at this point, failure to change these broken policies based on that knowledge is intentional and unacceptable."
As far as I can tell, TSwizzle did not provide a direct quote from AOC, but rather paraphrased her in his own words, and put quote marks around the paraphrase to make it look like she actually said that.

You are right. There was no need for TSwizzle to embellish. What AOC actually said is dumb enough.

'What I love too is growing plants that are culturally familiar to the community. It's so important.'
'A core component of the Green New Deal is having all of these projects make sense in a cultural context, and it's an area that we get the most pushback on because people say, "Why do you need to do that? That's too hard."
'But when you really think about it, when someone says that it's "too hard" to do a green space that grows Yucca instead of, I don't know, cauliflower or something - what you're doing is you're taking a colonial approach to environmentalism.'

This is incredibly dumb. The reason plants like yuca are not preferred is because the climate in NY is not suitable for it. While neither cauliflower nor yucca are native to NY, and thus could be argued (if you want to stretch it) that growing both of them is "colonial", cabbages (cultivars of Brassica oleracea) are plants best suited to temperate climates, while yuca is tropical, and will thus not thrive well in NY.

That said, summing up AOCs gibberish as "yuca is more woke than cauliflower" sums up her level of stupid perfectly. :)
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rather cute to me.
I bet it does. :)

As to not knowing what a garbage disposal was, it's because they are rare in New York City, and had been outlawed there for several years.
I recall an episode of Seinfeld where George mangled some old guy's dentures in a garbage disposal. And of course Kramer installing a garbage disposal in his shower.

So they can't have been THAT rare in NYC. When were they banned?
Also not having something and never having heard of something are two different things.

She also didn't say that cauliflower was racist,
Colonialist is what she said. Slightly different.

just that we ought not to insist on one set of crops for urban gardens when the would-be gardeners may prefer other crops.
That reminds me of Stan/Loretta of Life of Brian. Nobody is insisting that certain crops be planted out of colonialism, but NY has a temperate climate. Thus, plants that are suited to temperate climate are going to work better than tropical plants. To adapt to the particulars of your local climate, soil etc. is actually a very sensible idea. And as the Daily Mail article pointed out, cauliflower etc. are common in Latin America too.

For example, insisting on cauliflower rather than yuca, a kind of cassava. She claims that that has caused some trouble for some urban-gardening initiatives.
I doubt anybody has insisted on growing cauliflower in particular. At most, the leaders of the initiatives might have suggested that plants compatible with NY climate be grown instead of tropical plants that will not give a very good yield. What's next? Will AOC insist New Yorkers grow avocados?

For her part, she grew some spinach, collard greens, and Swiss chard.
She is a colonialist!
Seriously, she seems to be smarter about actually growing food than pontificating about woke urban farming.

The root cause of this problem is all these mass migrants sending their children to illegally (asylum fraud is illegal!) enter US. Why do open border advocates like AOC never attack those who chose to send their children on this long and dangerous journey?
I recall an episode of Seinfeld where George mangled some old guy's dentures in a garbage disposal. And of course Kramer installing a garbage disposal in his shower.
So they can't have been THAT rare in NYC.


That's a TV show, not reality!

Do you also think there's an actual Soup Nazi in NYC?


Wow, Derec!

By the way, garbage disposals were illegal in NYC until 1997 according to reliable sources on the Inter tubes. Since you right-wingers all like to point out that AOC was only living in NYC up to age 5 and she was born in 1989, that means she was in NYC during the ban. Hah, hoisted by your own petard!

But the whole legal/illegal thing is a bit of a red herring. The fact is that garbage disposals are a luxury. I grew up poor and didn't know what one was either until much later in life. I guess I just opened myself up to attacks by right-wingers now for once being a poor child. And you think you'll get brownie points with the public for that?
I recall an episode of Seinfeld where George mangled some old guy's dentures in a garbage disposal. And of course Kramer installing a garbage disposal in his shower.
So they can't have been THAT rare in NYC.


That's a TV show, not reality!

Do you also think there's an actual Soup Nazi in NYC?


Wow, Derec!

By the way, garbage disposals were illegal in NYC until 1997 according to reliable sources on the Inter tubes. Since you right-wingers all like to point out that AOC was only living in NYC up to age 5 and she was born in 1989, that means she was in NYC during the ban. Hah, hoisted by your own petard!

But the whole legal/illegal thing is a bit of a red herring. The fact is that garbage disposals are a luxury. I grew up poor and didn't know what one was either until much later in life. I guess I just opened myself up to attacks by right-wingers now for once being a poor child. And you think you'll get brownie points with the public for that?

Lots of people know about things that they have never personally witnessed. It's called research and understanding the world. She was a bartender a year ago and now she's telling us we'll all be dead in 12 years. I wonder how many people she told at the bar where she worked that we're all gonna die soon. My guess is zero. Al Gore also claimed that we'd all be living underwater by now as well. As I sit on my computer, I don't need a scuba tank and a snorkel to type this message.
Lots of people know about things that they have never personally witnessed. It's called research and understanding the world...As I sit on my computer, I don't need a scuba tank and a snorkel to type this message.

A lot of people don't own computers. Have you ever been homeless? Do you think homeless people should be going to libraries to look up the words "garbage disposal" or trying to fucking survive?

Get a clue.
I recall an episode of Seinfeld where George mangled some old guy's dentures in a garbage disposal. And of course Kramer installing a garbage disposal in his shower.
So they can't have been THAT rare in NYC.


That's a TV show, not reality!

Do you also think there's an actual Soup Nazi in NYC?


Wow, Derec!

By the way, garbage disposals were illegal in NYC until 1997 according to reliable sources on the Inter tubes. Since you right-wingers all like to point out that AOC was only living in NYC up to age 5 and she was born in 1989, that means she was in NYC during the ban. Hah, hoisted by your own petard!

But the whole legal/illegal thing is a bit of a red herring. The fact is that garbage disposals are a luxury. I grew up poor and didn't know what one was either until much later in life. I guess I just opened myself up to attacks by right-wingers now for once being a poor child. And you think you'll get brownie points with the public for that?

Lots of people know about things that they have never personally witnessed. It's called research and understanding the world. She was a bartender a year ago and now she's telling us we'll all be dead in 12 years. I wonder how many people she told at the bar where she worked that we're all gonna die soon. My guess is zero. Al Gore also claimed that we'd all be living underwater by now as well. As I sit on my computer, I don't need a scuba tank and a snorkel to type this message.

Can you actually provide a quote where Gore said we'd all be living underwater in 12 years, or are we just supposed to take you word for it because, gosh, you'd just so spot on about the powers of mayors to bestow economic prosperity and Obama being anointed by the ghost of George Carlin?
That's a TV show, not reality!
It's a TV show set in New York. It would hardly have been made part of a story line if it is so unheard of in New York that New Yorkers are baffled and even scared at the mere sight of it.

Do you also think there's an actual Soup Nazi in NYC?
As a matter of fact, the Soup Nazi is real.

By the way, garbage disposals were illegal in NYC until 1997 according to reliable sources on the Inter tubes. Since you right-wingers all like to point out that AOC was only living in NYC up to age 5 and she was born in 1989, that means she was in NYC during the ban.
Unlike you and lpetrich I am not well versed in AOC's biographical details, so I had to look it up. Does Westchester County ban garbage disposals as well? What about Boston? And she moved back to Boston in the 2010s where there was no ban on. So, plenty of time to encounter one. At a (boy)friend's apartment, at least, if not in one that she had lived in.

Hah, hoisted by your own petard!

But the whole legal/illegal thing is a bit of a red herring. The fact is that garbage disposals are a luxury.
Not according to wiki. It says 50% of homes in the US had one as of 2009.
I grew up poor and didn't know what one was either until much later in life. I guess I just opened myself up to attacks by right-wingers now for once being a poor child. And you think you'll get brownie points with the public for that?
I grew up in Europe. Garbage disposals are not at all common there - less common even than the illegal black market disposals in NYC 1989-1997. And yet, I knew what they were because they get referenced in US TV shows.
A lot of people don't own computers. Have you ever been homeless? Do you think homeless people should be going to libraries to look up the words "garbage disposal" or trying to fucking survive?

Get a clue.

As far as I know AOC never was homeless. She lived in a variety of cities too, so "it's uncommon in NYC" is a weak excuse.

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