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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Lots of people know about things that they have never personally witnessed. It's called research and understanding the world...As I sit on my computer, I don't need a scuba tank and a snorkel to type this message.

A lot of people don't own computers. Have you ever been homeless? Do you think homeless people should be going to libraries to look up the words "garbage disposal" or trying to fucking survive?

Get a clue.

I don't believe AOC was homeless growing up.
Lots of people know about things that they have never personally witnessed. It's called research and understanding the world. She was a bartender a year ago and now she's telling us we'll all be dead in 12 years. I wonder how many people she told at the bar where she worked that we're all gonna die soon. My guess is zero. Al Gore also claimed that we'd all be living underwater by now as well. As I sit on my computer, I don't need a scuba tank and a snorkel to type this message.

Can you actually provide a quote where Gore said we'd all be living underwater in 12 years, or are we just supposed to take you word for it because, gosh, you'd just so spot on about the powers of mayors to bestow economic prosperity and Obama being anointed by the ghost of George Carlin?

In his 2006 movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Gore said that we only have about 10 years left to live. So, we should've died in 2016. We didn't. Now AOC is saying, "12 more years til we're dead. Trust me."

And they say the religious are the doomsday fanatics.
Lots of people know about things that they have never personally witnessed. It's called research and understanding the world. She was a bartender a year ago and now she's telling us we'll all be dead in 12 years. I wonder how many people she told at the bar where she worked that we're all gonna die soon. My guess is zero. Al Gore also claimed that we'd all be living underwater by now as well. As I sit on my computer, I don't need a scuba tank and a snorkel to type this message.

Can you actually provide a quote where Gore said we'd all be living underwater in 12 years, or are we just supposed to take you word for it because, gosh, you'd just so spot on about the powers of mayors to bestow economic prosperity and Obama being anointed by the ghost of George Carlin?

In his 2006 movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Gore said that we only have about 10 years left to live.

That's not what he said. You should watch it and get your facts straight instead of relying on 4chan for information, because it looks like you got trolled.
Lots of people know about things that they have never personally witnessed. It's called research and understanding the world...As I sit on my computer, I don't need a scuba tank and a snorkel to type this message.

A lot of people don't own computers. Have you ever been homeless? Do you think homeless people should be going to libraries to look up the words "garbage disposal" or trying to fucking survive?

Get a clue.

I don't believe AOC was homeless growing up.

I cannot for the life of me understand why you would imagine that anyone should give a shit what you do or do not believe.
In his 2006 movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Gore said that we only have about 10 years left to live. So, we should've died in 2016. We didn't. Now AOC is saying, "12 more years til we're dead. Trust me."

And they say the religious are the doomsday fanatics.

I do not know about that specific claim, but Mr. Manbearpig did lay the alarmism on pretty thick.
Al Gore’s movie ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ says sea levels could rise up to 20 feet. Is this true?

I've been re-watching An Inconvenient Truth and I think I found the part being referenced. During the segment when Gore is showing the collapse of the Larsen Ice Shelf he talks about how much of a rise in sea levels the melting of large bodies of ice can cause. He talks about the danger the melting of the West Antarctic Ice Shelf would pose, then says "Greenland would also raise sea level 20' if it went".

He doesn't claim all the ice on Greenland will melt in a few years, but he does show a helluva lot of data indicating it's a real possibility, and would be catastrophic for a lot of people if it did.

ETA: I forgot about the part with the Simpson's cartoon. It's pretty funny!
As far as I know AOC never was homeless. She lived in a variety of cities too, so "it's uncommon in NYC" is a weak excuse.
She has only lived in New York City and Boston. She was a student in Boston, so I doubt that she would have had much experience with a kitchen-sink garbage disposal there.

(Derec's AOC-impersonator video) It was featured in BlazeTV, and it features an AOC impersonator, Sara Gonzales. It starts out with AOC being startled by the garbage disposal in her kitchen sink, then switches to SG for the rest of the video, complete with a different sink.
AOC is someone nobody should take seriously. In right-wing circles, she's looked at as dumber than a box of rocks. She went all bug-eyed and started screaming how we're all gonna die in 12 years. Al Gore said the same thing around 1999 that we'd all be underwater by now. Yet, they claim "Republicans are the fear mongers."

So many of her youtube videos have Republicans in stitches from laughter. She didn't know what a garbage disposal was. She was drunk trying to assemble furniture. If she's the future of the Democratic party, Republicans have nothing to worry about. She makes us look better every time she opens her mouth.

New stupidity. She just said growing cauliflower is racist. Why are the Dems constantly saying every ridiculous thing is racist these days? "But, it's the Republicans who are the racists!"

Oh no, rightwingers, the same idiots who worship Trump and deny mainstream climate science, hate her. That's to her credit.

IPCC report: Planet has only until 2030 to stem catastrophic climate change, experts warn - CNN
She has only lived in New York City and Boston.
Oh, I thought being so obsessed with AOC you'd know every address she lived in by heart.
She was born in the Bronx but her family moved to Westchester County, which is outside city limits.

She was a student in Boston, so I doubt that she would have had much experience with a kitchen-sink garbage disposal there.
Why? People don't have kitchens in Boston?

(Derec's AOC-impersonator video) It was featured in BlazeTV, and it features an AOC impersonator, Sara Gonzales. It starts out with AOC being startled by the garbage disposal in her kitchen sink, then switches to SG for the rest of the video, complete with a different sink.
I saw it on Snopes.
Oh no, rightwingers, the same idiots who worship Trump and deny mainstream climate science, hate her. That's to her credit.
They are not the only ones. I don't like Trump, I accept mainstream climate science, and still think she is an idiot. For example her GND is already extremely ambitious (to the point of being unrealistic) just on the climate stuff. But what does AOC do? She loads it up with extraneous left-winger stuff like job guarantees and growing tropical vegetables in NYC urban gardens.
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She was born in the Bronx but her family moved to Westchester County, which is outside city limits.

Why? People don't have kitchens in Boston?
Poor Derec seems to think that everbody outside of New York City's city limits has a kitchen-sink garbage disposal. In Boston, AOC was likely living in a university dormitory, and such places do not usually have kitchens.
Poor Derec seems to think that everbody outside of New York City's city limits has a kitchen-sink garbage disposal. In Boston, AOC was likely living in a university dormitory, and such places do not usually have kitchens.

About 50% of homes have garbage disposals. I see no reason to believe suburban NY state is so devoid of garbage disposals that somebody who grew up there doesn't know what one is.
The question is not that everybody in Westchester County had garbage disposals, but that her excuse for not knowing what they were was that she lived in NYC where they were banned for a time. But she actually lived in suburban NY state since she was five years old.
As to Boston, I do not know what housing she was living in. Many students live off campus. And even dorm housing tends to be classical dorms for freshmen with upperclassmen having apartment style dorms with shared kitchens. But I know people sometimes get invited to people's homes for dinner or something.

So it's a bit weird that she thinks having a garbage disposal makes her apartment "bougie" and that she is scared of it.
But then again she is weird. As somebody said upthread, she is the Chauncey Gardner of the Congress.
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Airhead AOC takes us on a like, really neat tour, of community gardens;

"It's, like, totally awesome and stuff, to be like, growing stuff and like, composting is so impo-nt and stuff. Like, yucca is like, literally more woke than collyflour because like, colonialism"



That is not a direct quote, and you damn well know it.

Here's the complete video and her dumb laughable comments............................................................................https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...esses-racial-divisions-community-gardens.html
You obviously never seen, or smelled the emptying of septic tanks.
Septic is nothing. Rendered cooking fats... that is the foulest smell ever.

I should qualify that statement by noting I've never been on a pig farm.

No, no! I mean home septic tank system which thankfully are history today, at least in the city. The Liberal government of Richard Court who served two terms in government in Western Australia instigated the construction of a city wide Deep Sewerage system paid for by the householders for whole suburbs that relied on septic tanks for toilet, washing dishes, bathroom waste etc.
Lots of people know about things that they have never personally witnessed. It's called research and understanding the world. She was a bartender a year ago and now she's telling us we'll all be dead in 12 years. I wonder how many people she told at the bar where she worked that we're all gonna die soon. My guess is zero. Al Gore also claimed that we'd all be living underwater by now as well. As I sit on my computer, I don't need a scuba tank and a snorkel to type this message.

Can you actually provide a quote where Gore said we'd all be living underwater in 12 years, or are we just supposed to take you word for it because, gosh, you'd just so spot on about the powers of mayors to bestow economic prosperity and Obama being anointed by the ghost of George Carlin?

You obviously never seen, or smelled the emptying of septic tanks.
Septic is nothing. Rendered cooking fats... that is the foulest smell ever.

I should qualify that statement by noting I've never been on a pig farm.

No, no! I mean home septic tank system which thankfully are history today, at least in the city. The Liberal government of Richard Court who served two terms in government in Western Australia instigated the construction of a city wide Deep Sewerage system paid for by the householders for whole suburbs that relied on septic tanks for toilet, washing dishes, bathroom waste etc.
Umm... thanks for that. I stand by my previous post, though bilby seems to have a strong claim as well.
No, no! I mean home septic tank system which thankfully are history today, at least in the city. The Liberal government of Richard Court who served two terms in government in Western Australia instigated the construction of a city wide Deep Sewerage system paid for by the householders for whole suburbs that relied on septic tanks for toilet, washing dishes, bathroom waste etc.
Umm... thanks for that. I stand by my previous post, though bilby seems to have a strong claim as well.

I stand corrected. Householders had to pay their own costs to connect their homes to the system built by taxpayers. It was just the older suburbs that still relied on the septic tanks system. In All new suburbs the drainage and deep sewage was built before any homes were built.
Oh, I thought being so obsessed with AOC you'd know every address she lived in by heart.
She was born in the Bronx but her family moved to Westchester County, which is outside city limits.

Her family pooled its resources to maintain two residences in order to send AOC to suburban schools. She spent weekends in the Bronx.

I've lived in NYC close to 35 years, and none of my residences were equipped with a garbage disposal.
Lots of people know about things that they have never personally witnessed. It's called research and understanding the world. She was a bartender a year ago and now she's telling us we'll all be dead in 12 years. I wonder how many people she told at the bar where she worked that we're all gonna die soon. My guess is zero. Al Gore also claimed that we'd all be living underwater by now as well. As I sit on my computer, I don't need a scuba tank and a snorkel to type this message.

Can you actually provide a quote where Gore said we'd all be living underwater in 12 years, or are we just supposed to take you word for it because, gosh, you'd just so spot on about the powers of mayors to bestow economic prosperity and Obama being anointed by the ghost of George Carlin?

In his 2006 movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Gore said that we only have about 10 years left to live. So, we should've died in 2016. We didn't. Now AOC is saying, "12 more years til we're dead. Trust me."

And they say the religious are the doomsday fanatics.

Here is the transcrpt of An Inconvenient Truth:


Please point out where "Gore said that we only have about 10 years left to live". Frankly, every statement you make reinforces the general consensus that you are full of shit, probably getting that way by being fed a steady diet of shit provided by Fox News and Breitbart.
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