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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "We often see when Congress doesn’t work. But a House majority *can* get things done - even in a divided gov. Ex 1:Journalists found that the ONLY hospital in Vieques was in shambles. We took up the case. Now it’s getting rebuilt.S/O to Rep. @NydiaVelazquez for leading on PR.⬇️… https://t.co/UOeFjVk3ME" noting Jeff Stein on Twitter: "Big news 1st reported by @DavidBegnaud: FEMA has agreed to a complete reconstruction of the only hospital in Vieques, Puerto Rico Came days after pressure via letter from @ewarren, @KamalaHarris, @AOC demanding answers from FEMA about our story: https://t.co/s8ElL5Vt8b"
Good work. As one commenter noted, the Trump Administration has been much more generous with farmers than with Puerto Rico, and I note that about Texas and Florida.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Let’s talk abt how Gov works behind the scenes: Remember that Big Pharma hearing last week? Here’s how it happened. A 23 y/o staffer in my office met w/ local HIV advocates. They argued the CDC held the patent for PrEP & Gilead was price gouging. She picked it up + dug in. /1"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "After vetting the case these organizers presented, she saw that it seemed they were. She passed it by me and our office engaged the Oversight Committee. Committee staffers are CRITICAL. They have the expertise, tenure, relationships, etc to investigate issues + inquiries. /2"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "In working with our staffer, Oversight Committee was able to pull in request a great deal of docs and evidence in the case. Bc Dems won the House, Dems control committees + Chairs. It was the leadership of the Chairman @RepCummings that brought the issue to a hearing. /3"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Chairman/woman leadership varies widely in style. For ex, Seniority matters a LOT in Congress. But Chairman Cummings is generous w/ junior members. He invests a lot of time in training a high standard of excellence on the Committee of ALL members. So he gave us a rare shot. /4"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "We held the hearing. PrEP is going generic a year early. It was thanks to: - Everyday people who advocated & didn’t quit until someone listened - A young staffer who listened & dug in - Committee staff that took her seriously - Generous leadership that cultivates the next gen /5"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It ALL started with everyday people. You would really be surprised how much work here gets started because a journalist picked up on a story, or advocates organized people to command notice of an issue. It’s inspiring how much power everyday people have. We just need to use it."
So AOC did well in paying her staff well. Avoiding the joke about the Soviet Union that "We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us." Also making it unnecessary for them to have second jobs.
Lots of people know about things that they have never personally witnessed. It's called research and understanding the world. She was a bartender a year ago and now she's telling us we'll all be dead in 12 years. I wonder how many people she told at the bar where she worked that we're all gonna die soon. My guess is zero. Al Gore also claimed that we'd all be living underwater by now as well. As I sit on my computer, I don't need a scuba tank and a snorkel to type this message.

Can you actually provide a quote where Gore said we'd all be living underwater in 12 years, or are we just supposed to take you word for it because, gosh, you'd just so spot on about the powers of mayors to bestow economic prosperity and Obama being anointed by the ghost of George Carlin?

In his 2006 movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Gore said that we only have about 10 years left to live. So, we should've died in 2016. We didn't. Now AOC is saying, "12 more years til we're dead. Trust me."

And they say the religious are the doomsday fanatics.

Even if he actually made the claim (which others have debunked) he's not a scientist. Plenty of alarmists have made garbage predictions about global warming.
No, no! I mean home septic tank system which thankfully are history today, at least in the city. The Liberal government of Richard Court who served two terms in government in Western Australia instigated the construction of a city wide Deep Sewerage system paid for by the householders for whole suburbs that relied on septic tanks for toilet, washing dishes, bathroom waste etc.
Umm... thanks for that. I stand by my previous post, though bilby seems to have a strong claim as well.

It's hilarious that he thinks the Liberals are to be lauded for this idea.

He's obviously never heard of the late, great,  Clem Jones, who did the same for the (rather larger) city of Brisbane.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Ever since the Bush Admin, Patriot Act, & creation of Dept. Homeland Security, the dangerous erosion of American civil liberties has worsened. We’re melting away our Constitutional rights - all for the excuse of hating immigrants. We’re shredding what it means to be American.⬇️… https://t.co/wburd8PgTY"
She linked to an account of someone who was hassled by US Customs at the US-Mexico border.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Can ⁦@politico⁩ explain to us how photoshopping money trees next to the only Jewish candidate for president and talking about how “cheap” and rich he is *isn’t* antisemitic? Or are they just letting this happen because he’s a progressive politician they don’t like?… https://t.co/rbWyVCs7QO"
Showing a picture of BS with what looks like a house on each shoulder and him holding a house in front of him.
POLITICO on Twitter: "Bernie Sanders has three homes and a net worth approaching at least $2 million. In a strict, bottom-line sense, he has become one of those rich people against whom he has so unrelentingly railed. https://t.co/PawDq3S07m"
The Secret of Bernie’s Millions - POLITICO Magazine
That article has a picture of him next to a money tree.
Ocasio-Cortez, progressives trash 'antisemitic' Politico illustration of Bernie Sanders | TheHill
It's the old stereotype of Jews as moneygrubbers.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Notice the people willing to explain this away, yet when Ilhan’s words are taken out of context, they are the 1st to jump on her. Look at how these accusations are selectively enforced on the left, esp when it’s the *alt-right* actually committing antisemitic violence in the US."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Take time to learn about it: https://t.co/ebO3LYVo1S" noting Poway synagogue shooting: the rise in deadly anti-Semitism, explained - Vox
The attackers in both cases had something in common beyond a hatred for Jews: They were motivated by a very specific kind of anti-Semitic ideology, one focused on a fictional Jewish plot to destroy America by encouraging mass nonwhite immigration. Like the marchers in Charlottesville, Virginia, who chanted “Jews will not replace us,” they believe that Jews are masterminding a plot to undermine white supremacy in America by bringing in literal boatloads of nonwhite migrants.
"Bernie Sanders has three homes and a net worth approaching at least $2 million. In a strict, bottom-line sense, he has become one of those rich people against whom he has so unrelentingly railed.

$2 million or more in net worth covers roughly 6.07% of households (Wiki), hardly "those rich people against whom he has so unrelentingly railed". He rails against billionaires, which number in the hundreds, not hundreds of thousands, and they're each worth thousands of times more than "at least $2 million". The total net worth of 50 Bernie Sanders would maybe pay for a couple of years of Trump's golfing.
In his 2006 movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Gore said that we only have about 10 years left to live. So, we should've died in 2016. We didn't. Now AOC is saying, "12 more years til we're dead. Trust me."

And they say the religious are the doomsday fanatics.

Here is the transcrpt of An Inconvenient Truth:


Please point out where "Gore said that we only have about 10 years left to live". Frankly, every statement you make reinforces the general consensus that you are full of shit, probably getting that way by being fed a steady diet of shit provided by Fox News and Breitbart.

That transcript is using the discredited " hockey stick " among many other by now discredited assertions. Show me where in that transcript any of the doomsday " prophecies " have eventuated!

In his 2006 movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Gore said that we only have about 10 years left to live. So, we should've died in 2016. We didn't. Now AOC is saying, "12 more years til we're dead. Trust me."

And they say the religious are the doomsday fanatics.

Here is the transcrpt of An Inconvenient Truth:


Please point out where "Gore said that we only have about 10 years left to live". Frankly, every statement you make reinforces the general consensus that you are full of shit, probably getting that way by being fed a steady diet of shit provided by Fox News and Breitbart.

That transcript is using the discredited " hockey stick " among many other by now discredited assertions.

Not discredited. But you are.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yup. Where’s the “no angel” take now? In the immediate aftermath of shootings, media routinely post menacing photos of people-of-color victims + dredge up any questionable thing they’d ever done. But when Hope Hicks considers not complying w a subpoena, it’s glamour shot time.… https://t.co/jirHLPfTz6" noting Soledad O'Brien on Twitter: "This is a good example of bias in the @nytimes: a picture of a person who is considering not complying with a subpoena is basically a glam shot, and it’s framed as a thoughtful, perfectly equal choice.… https://t.co/juvZCtsUp4" noting NYT Politics on Twitter: "Hope Hicks, one of the best-known but least visible former members of President Trump’s White House staff, is facing an existential question: whether to comply with a congressional subpoena [url]https://t.co/8NXpfQvxQL… https://t.co/otrEwVXebR"[/url]
I think that social class plays a big part of it -- it's something that Americans don't like to talk about. I find it annoying that it's easier to talk about race than it is to talk about class.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If you’re curious about how this behavior (& its defensiveness) should change, check @RachelCargle’s piece: “It is the type of behavior that rests under the guise of feminism, only as long as it is comfortable, only as long it is personally rewarding..." https://t.co/KTSRmdv65l" noting What Is Toxic White Feminism? - When Feminism Is White Supremacy
A lot of it seems like how a lot a lot of white people whine "Don't call me racist!"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "What gets me is news breaks that this woman is weighing committing a crime before Congress &it’s getting framed by the NYT as some Lifetime drama called “Hope’s Choice.” This is a fmr admin official considering participating in a coverup led by the President. Treat her equally.… https://t.co/qcLqnfLGkq" noting that NYT Politics link about Hope Hicks
Airhead AOC takes us on a like, really neat tour, of community gardens;

"It's, like, totally awesome and stuff, to be like, growing stuff and like, composting is so impo-nt and stuff. Like, yucca is like, literally more woke than collyflour because like, colonialism"



That is not a direct quote, and you damn well know it.

Here's the complete video and her dumb laughable comments............................................................................https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...esses-racial-divisions-community-gardens.html

I don't understand what she is saying. Aren't the people who create, operate and tend to these community gardens able to plant whatever the fuck they want? It sounds vaguely like she's saying that whitey is in control of these gardens and is dictating to the "poor urban POC farmers" what to plant. Like its some master/slave relationship on a southern plantation from the mid 1800's. And I guess cauliflower is some sort of symbolic oppressive vegetable among the white and powerful...er something? Because cauliflower is white? Geez, talk about race obsessed. Give it a break, lady. Sometimes a garden is just a fucking garden.
Here's the complete video and her dumb laughable comments............................................................................https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...esses-racial-divisions-community-gardens.html

I don't understand what she is saying. Aren't the people who create, operate and tend to these community gardens able to plant whatever the fuck they want? It sounds vaguely like she's saying that whitey is in control of these gardens and is dictating to the "poor urban POC farmers" what to plant. Like its some master/slave relationship on a southern plantation from the mid 1800's. And I guess cauliflower is some sort of symbolic oppressive vegetable among the white and powerful...er something? Because cauliflower is white? Geez, talk about race obsessed. Give it a break, lady. Sometimes a garden is just a fucking garden.

Yikes. Wow, that is kinda looney. I wonder if she was just kinda joking or something. It's hard for me to imagine thinking that cauliflower is the white man's tool to keep the inner city people down.
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yup. Where’s the “no angel” take now? In the immediate aftermath of shootings, media routinely post menacing photos of people-of-color victims + dredge up any questionable thing they’d ever done.
Publishing a perp's criminal record, or pointing out things like robbing a store is not "dredging up any questionable thing". And as to photos, what about families/media using most flattering photos they could find, because their "baby didn't do nothing".:rolleyes:

But when Hope Hicks considers not complying w a subpoena, it’s glamour shot time.… https://t.co/jirHLPfTz6"
Oh yes, because a White House staffer getting a congressional subpoena is the same as police shooting a robber. :rolleyes:

What kind of photo of Hope Hicks should they have used? And note that the most frequently used photo of Michael Brown in the media reports was his high school graduation photo, not the surveillance stills showing him shoving the convenience store clerk around. Talk about a glam shot!

A lot of it seems like how a lot a lot of white people whine "Don't call me racist!"
Now not wanting to be be called "racist" for no good reason is "whining"?

What does any of this have to do with racism outside of feverish fantasies of AOC and her ilk?
Oh no, rightwingers, the same idiots who worship Trump and deny mainstream climate science, hate her. That's to her credit.
They are not the only ones. I don't like Trump, I accept mainstream climate science, and still think she is an idiot. For example her GND is already extremely ambitious (to the point of being unrealistic) just on the climate stuff

That it's ambitious and unattainable in parts is a good thing, because we've done far too little for too long. Humans are averse to taking action on long term problems. She's not the idiot here, human nature is the idiot.

But what does AOC do? She loads it up with extraneous left-winger stuff like job guarantees

It's called the New Deal because it is also about economic policy.

and growing tropical vegetables in NYC urban gardens.

That's not in the resolution, but yucca does grow there. CUTTINGS; Thriving in the Big Dry: The Yucca and Friend - The New York Times

What's in there is to enact changes in a way to make it easier for communities to handle it and get on board.
That it's ambitious and unattainable in parts is a good thing, because we've done far too little for too long. Humans are averse to taking action on long term problems. She's not the idiot here, human nature is the idiot.
Also physics, chemistry and economics are the idiots. Only AOC is the smart one for ignoring all these things. :rolleyes:

It's called the New Deal because it is also about economic policy.
It makes the whole thing unfocused and less likely to be taken seriously, much less passed and put into practice, which I thought was the goal.

That's not in the resolution,
No, but she did mention GND in her cauliflower rant. :)

Wrong plant.  Yucca filamentosa is an ornamental shrub. Yuca AOC was ranting about is the same as  cassava, or Manihot esculenta. It has carb-rich tubers, which would make it useful in a food garden.
Cassava technically can grow in NY, but the climate is not well suited for it, so it will not yield nearly as much as plants more suitable to the area. From this guide:
USDA said:
In general, the crop requires a warm humid climate.
Temperature is important, as all growth stops at about
10ºC. Typically, the crop is grown in areas that are
frost free the year round.
The highest root production
can be expected in the tropical lowlands, below 150
m altitude, where temperatures average 25-27°C, but
some varieties grow at altitudes of up to 1 500 m.
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In his 2006 movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Gore said that we only have about 10 years left to live. So, we should've died in 2016. We didn't. Now AOC is saying, "12 more years til we're dead. Trust me."

And they say the religious are the doomsday fanatics.

Here is the transcrpt of An Inconvenient Truth:


Please point out where "Gore said that we only have about 10 years left to live". Frankly, every statement you make reinforces the general consensus that you are full of shit, probably getting that way by being fed a steady diet of shit provided by Fox News and Breitbart.

That transcript is using the discredited " hockey stick " among many other by now discredited assertions. Show me where in that transcript any of the doomsday " prophecies " have eventuated!


Saying it is discredited doesn't make it so.
I don't understand what she is saying. ...
She made an analogy of white people being made to grow plantain, so it seems like an issue of what one is familiar with.


She's saying it's easier to enlist support for community gardens when the gardeners want to grow plants that most white Americans are familiar with like cauliflower, tomatoes, and zucchini, because most white Americans can understand the value in getting them fresh from the garden. Most white Americans don't understand the value of growing a plant like yuca because they're not familiar with it. So it's harder to line up support for a community garden where people will grow yuca or chayote or burdock, which makes it less likely that communities that prefer those plants will be successful in creating one.
Gentrifying Neighborhoods Powered Ocasio-Cortez's Victory
Crowley, known until last week as the “king of Queens,” was crushed almost everywhere, but he did better in the Bronx.

“You can also see that most of her votes, the strongest vote support, came from areas like Astoria in Queens and Sunnyside in Queens and parts of Jackson Heights that, number one, were not predominantly Hispanic, so they’re a more mixed population, and are areas where — this is kind of a term of art — are in the process of being gentrified, where newer people are moving in,” said Romalewski.

The analysis flips on its head the post-hoc rationalization that pundits have been using to explain a result they never saw coming. Indeed, her ideas — like establishing a single-payer health care system, tuition-free college, a foreign policy that puts human rights first, or abolishing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement — along with her dogged campaigning, were the engine which motivated that army and powered the upset. As Briahna Gray wrote for The Intercept, Ocasio-Cortez’s message “is not an incidental part of a larger demographic story.

Perhaps the most relevant variable in Ocasio-Cortez’s electoral success is that the drop-off voters didn’t just vote — they got involved. Starting with the base of voters identified by Justice Democrats, an innovative data operation put that army to work. In a tactic developed with field directors from other Justice Democrats campaigns, Chakrabarti said they used voter files to find local residents on social media, and then targeted them with digital ads. Having made a potential voter aware of the campaign, they would then follow up by sending a canvasser to knock on the voter’s door. The combination of the digital ad and the door knock added up to more than the sum of its parts.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Some folks are saying I won for “demographic” reasons. 1st of all, that’s false. We won w/voters of all kinds. 2nd, here’s my 1st pair of campaign shoes. I knocked doors until rainwater came through my soles. Respect the hustle. We won bc we out-worked the competition. Period.… https://t.co/a2scvwvGrS"
That tweet shows a picture of her worn-out shoes.

In addition to supporting Ocasio-Cortez for policy reasons, many longtime Hispanic residents no doubt had lived experiences that engendered additional trust and confidence in a local Latina candidate. She supports abolishing ICE, spent the weekend before the election in Texas protesting Trump’s family separation policy, and ran in a district where anti-Latino bigotry is alive and well.

Frantzy Luzincourt, a 19-year-old African-American student at CUNY, experienced some of that bigotry first hand as he manned a polling station at Philip J. Abinanti Elementary School in the Bronx. A woman with powder-white hair and sunglasses, who Luzincourt guessed was in her 70s or 80s, was blunt with him. “I wouldn’t vote for that fuckin’ spic if you paid me,” she told Luzincourt about an hour before he was interviewed by The Intercept. He also relayed details of the encounter to fellow volunteers, who confirmed he had shared the story in real time.
"Spic" is from "no speak-a the English" -> "no spiggoty English" -> "spiggoty" -> "spic"

Who Ocasio-Cortez is is inextricable from her message. Her viral campaign ad, which she scripted herself, begins with a sophisticated expression of the intersection of race and class. Delivering her economic message effectively relied on her ability to connect her story to the community she came from. ...

But Ocasio-Cortez took pains to resist being flattened into an “identity” candidate. Rather, she demonstrated a particularly sophisticated understanding of intersectionality. ...
Which helped her get plenty of support from the non-Hispanics in her district.

he numbers spell out a dire warning for Democratic incumbents who may see Crowley’s loss and think that their racial background protects them from similar insurgencies, despite a reliance on corporate money and a voting record that isn’t as strong as it could be in the district.
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