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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

That transcript is using the discredited " hockey stick " among many other by now discredited assertions.

Not discredited. But you are.

Even the IPCC hasn't used it for years as it and Michael Mann are damaged goods.

Michael Mann's hockey stick graph has been target of incompetent climate denialists from the beginning. But many repeat examinations of Mann's claims have been made by competent scientists and the "hockey stick" has pass all critical examinations with flying colors and remains demonstrably good science. Mann is "damaged goods" only in the eyes of incompetent climate denialists and their dupes. This is all about on the same intellectual plane as flat-earthism.
Why not nuclear power too? I mean seriously.

Get a hold on the error bars on solar PV though ...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today, #MemorialDay, we honor the lives of all those who gave their lives, both abroad and at home, in service to our country. It’s a hard day for many. Take time to be there for one another; to check in, share stories, reflect, or mark quietly with a moment of gratitude."
No clear origin of this day, unlike Veterans Day, which originated as the end of World War I.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Note to press: It’s sloppy to call any + all climate plans “Green New Deal” policies. Green New Deal policies center jobs + justice in frontline, working communities as we transition our economy+infrastructure. Not all climate policies are the same. Many make inequality worse.… https://t.co/KtLv3bUVgQ" noting Al Jazeera News on Twitter: "Congestion tax in New York seen as litmus test for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal [url]https://t.co/vXKEvGl2Tm… "[/url] noting Congestion tax in New York could be Green New Deal litmus test | USA News | Al Jazeera
I think that the problem here is that congestion pricing seems like something that one might expect to be in the GND, even if it isn't.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is not a critique of congestion pricing per se, but it’s to say you can’t just tag any random climate policy + call it GND. Nowhere in the text do we mention congestion pricing. If you’re a journalist that’s going to report on/talk about the GND, READ THE RESOLUTION."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "5 Principles in the Green New Deal: 1. Go Big 2. Be Specific 3. Set Deadlines 4. Let Them Sue (aka, “Don’t Flinch”) 5. Make Floors, Not Ceilings Awesome breakdown ⬇️ https://t.co/QTKfYWq1b5"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today we held an @OversightDems hearing out of DC and into Queens! It was great to host hearing on the US Census directly in impacted communities w/ leaders at LaGuardia Community College. Thank you @RepRaskin & @RepMaloney for your leadership & @RepGregoryMeeks for joining us!… https://t.co/S2FWbD0ZJt"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "What people don’t (maybe do) realize is when orgs air these hateful messages, my life changes bc of the flood of death threats they inspire. I‘ve had mornings where I wake up & the 1st thing I do w/ my coffee is review photos of the men (it’s always men) who want to kill me.… https://t.co/MgaGQTwedD" noting Carmen George on Twitter: "I was just watching a really moving #MemorialDay tribute video at the @FresnoGrizzlies game until they got to a part about America’s adversaries and showed a photo of the @AOC between images of Fidel Castro and Kim Jong-un. That was some seriously offensive editing."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I don’t even get to see all of them. Just the ones that have been flagged as particularly troubling. It happens whenever Fox gets particularly aggressive + hateful, too. Young interns have to constantly hear hateful messages (far beyond disagreement) from ppl we don’t even rep."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "All of this is to say that words matter, and can have consequences for safety. For those who believe in “free speech”: whose free speech do you believe in? Bc some folks using free speech to defend racism are also supporting folks passing laws to allow running over protesters."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "To the silver spoon classists saying they’re going to “make AOC bartend again”: You’re in luck! I’ll be bartending in NY-14 this week to promote a national living wage. So there you have it, ya bunch of milk drinkers🍼😉 Let’s see if my margarita+mocktail game is still on point… https://t.co/gJEhfaPtj1" noting Antonio on Twitter: "Rep.@AOC is returning to her restaurant roots this week. She'll serve drinks to show support for the federal Raise the Wage Act and abolishing below-minimum wage for tipped workers in New York State. H/t @NYDailyNews https://t.co/xHXnCoCzz3"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "At the event I will also unveil my newest platform policy: Abolish Sour Mix 2020 😉"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Use real citrus juice for your sours, people! You deserve so much better than what you’re settling for 😭"
I must be a bad AOC fan because I don't drink CH3CH2OH. She will likely know what I mean, but which other Congresspeople?
I don't understand what she is saying. ...
She made an analogy of white people being made to grow plantain, so it seems like an issue of what one is familiar with.


She's saying it's easier to enlist support for community gardens when the gardeners want to grow plants that most white Americans are familiar with like cauliflower, tomatoes, and zucchini, because most white Americans can understand the value in getting them fresh from the garden. Most white Americans don't understand the value of growing a plant like yuca because they're not familiar with it. So it's harder to line up support for a community garden where people will grow yuca or chayote or burdock, which makes it less likely that communities that prefer those plants will be successful in creating one.

While I do not know the growing requirements of Yucca it's a harsh-environment plant. I would expect slow growth and thus it would be an inefficient use of land in a community garden.

Chayote is fine if you live in a suitable place--most of us don't. Even here in zone 8B won't do.

I don't know anything about burdock.
Even the IPCC hasn't used it for years as it and Michael Mann are damaged goods.

Michael Mann's hockey stick graph has been target of incompetent climate denialists from the beginning. But many repeat examinations of Mann's claims have been made by competent scientists and the "hockey stick" has pass all critical examinations with flying colors and remains demonstrably good science. Mann is "damaged goods" only in the eyes of incompetent climate denialists and their dupes. This is all about on the same intellectual plane as flat-earthism.

Is that why he won his court case? :hysterical:
Even the IPCC hasn't used it for years as it and Michael Mann are damaged goods.

Michael Mann's hockey stick graph has been target of incompetent climate denialists from the beginning. But many repeat examinations of Mann's claims have been made by competent scientists and the "hockey stick" has pass all critical examinations with flying colors and remains demonstrably good science. Mann is "damaged goods" only in the eyes of incompetent climate denialists and their dupes. This is all about on the same intellectual plane as flat-earthism.

Is that why he won his court case? :hysterical:

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) today petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to hear its appeal of CEI v. Michael Mann. At issue is criticism of Mann’s climate hockey stick that appeared on CEI’s blog in 2012. The petition argues that a 2018 ruling by the D.C. Court of Appeals, allowing Mann’s lawsuit to go forward, conflicts with rulings by both the Supreme Court and by federal circuit courts on the First Amendment’s protection of commentary on controversial issues. National Review, the defendant in a companion case, is also petitioning the Supreme Court.

You seem to be unaware of what is going on. there is a difference between contoversial commentary and rank slander.
Isn't part of the idea of a community garden that each person who wants to participate in it can carve out a section to grow something they want? I don't even know why this is an issue? If someone wants yucca and is active in helping tend to the garden ,then go ahead and plant it in a section of the garden FFS. Seems like AOC wants to pick fights where none exist.
Isn't part of the idea of a community garden that each person who wants to participate in it can carve out a section to grow something they want? I don't even know why this is an issue? If someone wants yucca and is active in helping tend to the garden ,then go ahead and plant it in a section of the garden FFS. Seems like AOC wants to pick fights where none exist.
Those kind of individualistic allotments are not in the socialist spirit, comrade.
AOC's idea of "community gardens" is for the local Community Garden Soviet to vote on a five year plan of what to grow. </sarcasm>

Oh, give me a break! I bet all well-known politicians get death threats. It comes with the territory. Even Veep covered it.

She'll serve drinks to show support for the federal Raise the Wage Act and abolishing below-minimum wage for tipped workers in New York State.
So she wants waiters and bartenders to make at least $15/hour AND to get 20% in tips?

Nanny state!

I must be a bad AOC fan because I don't drink CH3CH2OH.
You milk-drinker, you. :)

She will likely know what I mean, but which other Congresspeople?
She barely understands her supposed major, economics. What makes you think she remembers anything from her high school chemistry?
Even the IPCC hasn't used it for years as it and Michael Mann are damaged goods.

Michael Mann's hockey stick graph has been target of incompetent climate denialists from the beginning. But many repeat examinations of Mann's claims have been made by competent scientists and the "hockey stick" has pass all critical examinations with flying colors and remains demonstrably good science. Mann is "damaged goods" only in the eyes of incompetent climate denialists and their dupes. This is all about on the same intellectual plane as flat-earthism.

Is that why he won his court case? :hysterical:

It's already been pointed out to you that he "won" his court case on the basis that his allegations were so ridiculous that they wouldn't be taken seriously and thus were not slander.
Is that why he won his court case? :hysterical:

It's already been pointed out to you that he "won" his court case on the basis that his allegations were so ridiculous that they wouldn't be taken seriously and thus were not slander.

Again, the court case is still alive. And it is still moving forward. Steyn is still a libeller.
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