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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I can't wait for AOC's response to this............................Venezuela's Government has made a rare acknowledgment of the severity of the country's economic crisis by publishing the first economic data in nearly four years showing a severe contraction and soaring hyperinflation.

The central bank said the oil rich economy contracted 22.5 % in the third quarter of 2018 from a year earlier. Inflation Soared to an eye watering 130.000%

But opposition economists and international Monetary Fund have estimated inflation figures even higher.

Around 3 million Venezuelans have fled the country in recent years as the economy has crashed amid a power struggle between socialists leader Nicolas Maduro and his opponents.

As Maggie Thatcher once remarked.......Socialists sooner or later run out of other people's money!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "One year ago today, I was a long-shot candidate for Congress that debuted this video. We had no news coverage, virtually no elected officials had endorsed us, and by Election Day we were outspent 10-1. But what we did have was the power of the people ⬇️ https://t.co/aqKMjovEjZ"
Also in This Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Video Is Worth 2 Minutes Of Your Time Today and NY Congressional Candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Great Ad:
“Women like me aren’t supposed to run for office, I wasn’t born to a wealthy or powerful family. Mother from Puerto Rico, dad from the South Bronx. I was born in a place where your zip code determines your destiny.

My name is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I’m an educator, an organizer, a working-class New Yorker. I’ve worked with expectant mothers. I’ve waited tables and led classrooms. And going into politics wasn’t in the plan. But after 20 years of the same representation, we have to ask: Who has New York been changing for?

Every day gets harder for working families like mine to get by. The rent gets higher, health care covers less, and our income stays the same. It’s clear that these changes haven’t been for us, and we deserve a champion. It’s time to fight for a new York that working families can afford. That’s why I’m running for Congress.

This race is about people versus money—we’ve got people, they’ve got money. It’s time we acknowledged that not all Democrats are the same. That a Democrat who takes corporate money, profits off foreclosure, doesn’t live here, doesn’t send his kids to our schools, doesn’t drink our water or breathe our air, cannot possibly represent us.

What the Bronx and Queens needs is Medicare for all, tuition-free public college, a federal jobs guarantee, and criminal justice reform. We can do it now. It doesn’t take 100 years to do this. It takes political courage.

A New York for the many is possible. It’s time for one of us.
Tuxedo Mask on Twitter: "This was my favorite candidate-AOC moment. [url]https://t.co/5z0FcukXHI… "[/url] noting Tuxedo Mask on Twitter: ""We write unlimited blank checks for war, we JUST wrote a 2 trillion dollar check for the GOP tax cut and NOBODY asks those folks how are they gonna pay for it. So my question is why are our pockets only empty when it comes to education and healthcare for our kids?" - @Ocasio2018… https://t.co/krJ4ntydR7"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: ".@aidachavez was one of a few journalists that picked up our race before the primary. Establishment power can also include power to silence - we learned afterwards how much active pressure there was (angry calls, etc) to *not* cover my candidacy. She was one of the few who did.… https://t.co/wyTdmRY4fr" noting aída chávez on Twitter: ".@AOC posted her first campaign video one year ago today. I wrote a column about the day I met her and what’s happened since https://t.co/djBrCI6jGX" noting The Day I Met Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
So I asked if Ocasio-Cortez ever came across voters who would continue supporting him because of his national clout, specifically his chances of taking the speakership.

“Americans, they hear the name Joe Crowley and they say, ‘Who?’” she replied. “And that’s been out of his playbook this entire time. If you look at his career as an assemblyman, people were like, ‘Who is this guy?’ He really had no legislative triumphs as an assemblyman. He was kind of like a shadowy figure; he never came out in support of anything bold.”

“Then all of a sudden, he became chairman of the Queens Democratic Party,” she continued. “So he’s literally taking his local playbook and trying to apply it on a national level by purely purchasing his influence through fundraising. That’s all he has.”
The author noted that she had no idea that she would win against JC.
On the contrary, I had never met a congressional candidate I could actually relate to.

“Even if he does win, even if he does, which, I believe that we can win this race, but even if he does win by the skin of his teeth, if he wins by less than 60 percent, if he wins with anything less than a decisive victory — do you really want to make him speaker of the House? Someone who just barely hangs onto their seat?” she said.

Earlier article: A Bronx Activist Looks to Dethrone Joseph Crowley, the King of Queens - and in AOC's mind, a roi fainéant, a do-nothing king.
Crowley found himself caught up in an ethics probe, having taken campaign money from lobbyists representing financial firms just before voting against imposing tougher restrictions on Wall Street.

... When the New York Daily News reported on the unfolding scandal, it noted that Crowley, when he was first elected, relied heavily on labor union money, but had since shifted to Wall Street cash.

... Now the chair of the House Democratic Caucus, he has spent much of 2017 and 2018 doling out checks to moderate and conservative Democratic candidates around the country, part of a behind-the-scenes bid to be in a position to replace House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., if she’s ousted by her colleagues after the November elections.
After describing the Queens Democratic Party apparat that Joe Crowley had once headed,
But the nepotism within the Democratic machine makes for “an extremely unethical arrangement that impacts families like mine,” Ocasio-Cortez said, referring to her family’s working-class roots. “It really is a David versus Goliath situation where you have someone that has, in my opinion, abused their power, abused their position to further marginalize working families. And now we’re challenging him.”
AOC had gotten on the primary ballot by getting over 5000 signatures, a lot more than the 1250 needed, just in case many of them get disqualified for this or that arcane reason. Something common in the NYC party apparat.
Tim Ball - Wikipedia

"In February, 2018 Andrew Weaver's defamation suit against Ball was dismissed completely. The judge noted that Ball's words "lack a sufficient air of credibility to make them believable and therefore potentially defamatory" and concluded that the “article is poorly written and does not advance credible arguments in favour of Dr. Ball’s theory about the corruption of climate science. Simply put, a reasonably thoughtful and informed person who reads the article is unlikely to place any stock in Dr. Ball’s views..."

This was a dismissal in the Andrew Weaver case. It was not about Michael Mann. That is still an going case. Ball cannot expect that his kookiness will be a reason for dismissal. An having a judge dismiss someone as a person no thoughtful and informed person would place any stock in is pretty damning.

Apparently now Steyn's lawyers are furiously fighting Mann's demands for discovery in the ongoing libel case.
She can't keep herself from marveling at her triumph over that "King of Queens" Democratic apparatchik.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Other early outlets included: - online progressive outlets (ex. @TYT) - local outlets (ex. @WNYC, @villagevoice) - nonprofit outlets (ex. @theintercept) - WOMEN’S outlets (ex. @Refinery29, & the day or two before, @voguemagazine digital)"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Also LATINX outlets like @REMEZCLA did digital as well"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Early coverage from before anyone knew who I was almost always came from outlets or reporters who could understand + identify early dynamics. That means early coverage frequently came from journalists who happened to be women, digitally savvy, immigrants, or people of color.… https://t.co/QVh9YahdgI" noting REMEZCLA on Twitter: "Progressive candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) could be the first Latina to represent her district in Congress. That means taking on an incumbent Democrat — here's why.… https://t.co/fD9eoRByOI" - has some nice video of her from those days, including her speaking bits of Spanish here and here.

Some earlier tweets from her. I'm repeating them because AOC is often very insightful. After Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This WH admin has made having a functional understanding of race in America one of the most important core competencies for a political journalist to have, yet @CBSNews hasn’t assigned a *single* black journalist to cover the 2020 election. Unacceptable in 2019. Try again.… https://t.co/HBL9JF56d5"
I think that social class is likely a more important issue than race, though it does help to have people who are familiar with different communities.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I keep thinking about this exchange bc there are many aspects that are concerning to hear from an *editor.* This is what false equivalence looks like: diminishing Trump‘s “enemy of the people” talk as “scolding” & describing my call to hire a black journalist as the same thing.… https://t.co/LChRzxD2Vw" noting Josh Kraushaar on Twitter: "Another thing AOC has in common with Trump: media scold.… "
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Also I never called anyone racist, just inadequate. Also never called for strict quotas, just having representation of one of the most fundamental voting blocs in the American electorate. https://t.co/sa3qgi8BLu" noting Josh Kraushaar on Twitter: "The “truth”=claiming companies are racist if they don’t impose strict racial quotas on all their hiring decisions.… "
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Like, imagine if the world was flipped & CBS hired an all-poc team to cover 2020, & someone said “hey, white voters are really influential in presidential elections, especially in the Midwest. You should have some white journos who get that” & someone said “I found a Serbian guy”"
Or a half-Croatian half-Appalachian-American like me.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "You’d say “that’s cool, but not the same thing as this very crucial electorate, maybe hire someone from the Midwest w/ intimate understanding” and they just throw their hands up and say “now you’re calling me racist?” It’s like that ??? meme but reading the newspaper every day"
A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- her GND promo video.
Science fiction hasn’t been much help either. Almost every vision of the future that we get from best-selling novels and big-budget Hollywood films takes some kind of ecological and social apocalypse for granted. It’s almost as if we have collectively stopped believing that the future is going to happen, let alone that it could be better, in many ways, than the present.
Because dystopias are more dramatic than utopias. However, some visual-media SF is fundamentally optimistic, like Star Trek.

The media debates that paint the Green New Deal as either impossibly impractical or a recipe for tyranny just reinforce the sense of futility. But here’s the good news: The old New Deal faced almost precisely the same kinds of opposition — and it didn’t stop it for a minute.

One reason that elite attacks never succeeded in turning the public against the New Deal had to do with the incalculable power of art, which was embedded in virtually every aspect of the era’s transformations.
New Deal agencies financed a huge number of creative people across the whole spectrum of arts.
The result was a renaissance of creativity and a staggering body of work that transformed the visual landscape of the country. The Federal Art Project alone produced nearly 475,000 works of art, including over 2,000 posters, 2,500 murals, and 100,000 canvasses for public spaces.

... Much of the art produced by New Deal programs was simply about bringing joy and beauty to Depression-ravaged people, and challenging the prevalent idea that art belonged to the elites.

... There was more overtly political art too, like the highly controversial theatrical productions of Sinclair Lewis’s “It Can’t Happen Here,” which opened in 18 cities.

... FDR’s critics attacked the arts programs as propaganda, but participants responded that they were true believers. “We were all very ardent New Dealers,” recalled Edward Biderman, one of the celebrated painters in this period. “And when we found [New Deal policies] reflected in the art programs, we were even more enthusiastic.”
Inspired by this success, Naomi Klein and Molly Crabapple considered how one might promote the Green New Deal. Then they came across With a Green New Deal, Here’s What the World Could Look Like for the Next Generation - a rather optimistic description.
It told the story of what life was like for a fictionalized “Gina,” who grew up in the world that Green New Deal policies created: “She had a relatively stable childhood. Her parents availed themselves of some of the year of paid family leave they were entitled to, and after that she was dropped off at a free child care program.” After free college, “she spent six months restoring wetlands and another six volunteering at a day care much like the one she had gone to.”

The piece struck a nerve with readers, in large part because it imagined a future tense that wasn’t some version of “Mad Max” warriors battling prowling bands of cannibal warlords.
They considered a previous MC production, Jay Z: 'The War on Drugs Is an Epic Fail' - Video - NYTimes.com and they then invited AOC to get involved with it. She did, and she narrated the video, imagining someone like her succeeding her.
Is that why he won his court case? :hysterical:

It's already been pointed out to you that he "won" his court case on the basis that his allegations were so ridiculous that they wouldn't be taken seriously and thus were not slander.

That particular case is being appealed. It isn't a done deal for Tim Ball yet. And this did not involve Michael Mann.
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If you are a member of Congress + leave, you shouldn’t be allowed to turn right around&leverage your service for a lobbyist check. I don’t think it should be legal at ALL to become a corporate lobbyist if you’ve served in Congress. At minimum there should be a long wait period.… https://t.co/3AumZDKyOL" noting Public Citizen on Twitter: "BREAKING: Nearly 60% of former members of the 115th Congress who have taken jobs outside of politics are now lobbying or have other jobs influencing federal policy. [url]https://t.co/6QktNtuDy1… https://t.co/x64WP2lWP0"[/url]
Like her predecessor Joe Crowley
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Keeping it real, the 🐘 in the room w/ passing a lobbying ban on members requires a nearly-impossible discussion about Congressional pay. It is understandably unpopular to discuss giving Congress any raises or perks - & bc of that, there’s incentive to keep $ loopholes open. /2"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "For ex, members of Congress have strict restrictions that most of the public don’t have. 1 case: bc of our jobs we *have* to have 2 residences & pay for it out of pocket. BUT we‘re banned from writing it off as a work expense. Boo hoo, right? Well, that incentivizes loopholes."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "There are plenty of examples. Another big one is spousal loopholes. They’re tough discussions & politically unpopular. It’s one under-discussed side to cracking the nut of money in politics. Multi-millionaires can also weaponize these convos to their advantage, for cuts."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Some people have brought up Congressional dorms - certainly a possibility. This does happen informally; lots of members live in the same building/apt. Key to any solution (dorm, stipend, w/e) is compatibility w family/spouse- many work overtime, unrecognized, to support members."

A big part of the problem is that Congresspeople need LOTS of money to finance their campaigns. That money has to come from somewhere. Also, commuting between DC and one's home district is only easy if one lives near DC. AOC is lucky to be able to live a few hours away from home by high-speed train, or at least what passes as one in the US.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Just ahead of coming out of bartending retirement, @ryangrim shares this heartwarming tale 😬 What’s wild is that I’m a member of Congress & I STILL found myself pausing at this, scared of possible repercussions of this story being public. Imagine how everyday waitresses feel.… https://t.co/PDPtfjuYWE" noting Ryan Grim on Twitter: "Here's a Good Story About @AOC Telling Off Her Sexist Boss in Her Restaurant Days (From We’ve Got People) [url]https://t.co/KuuMdxdURo via @jezebel"[/url] noting Here's a Good Story About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Telling Off Her Sexist Boss in Her Restaurant Days
For his forthcoming book, We’ve Got People, reporter Ryan Grim interviewed some of Ocasio-Cortez’s former colleagues at Coffee Shop, who described a culture of persistent and overt objectification: In one instance in 2015, writes Grim, a manager instructed all the servers on the floor, including Ocasio-Cortez, to line up against the wall. The manager would then rank all the staff by how attractive he found them, and give the servers he deemed to hottest the best table sections that afternoon. The story, relayed by the colleague and confirmed by Ocasio-Cortez, is that the now-representative stormed out and quit both jobs on the spot. She returned only after much “pleading” from management, and when it was promised no similar “contests” would be run at Coffee Shop again.

Incidentally, the colleague remembered Ocasio-Cortez winning the contest before she walked out, further objectifying her—more importantly, the people Grim spoke to remembered the now-representative as being “different” from the other servers. “She was always working towards something,” a barback told Grim.
Also from there: The Right's Obsession with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Beauty - women as "hideous harpies and pretty idiots" - and discussing someone who wants to be the "conservative AOC".
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "(I do want to say that while there was some real intense BS at times, the people I worked with there were incredible. I made close, trusted friendships that I still have to this day✨ being in the weeds with people day and day out can create incredible bonds)"
A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- her GND promo video.

Because dystopias are more dramatic than utopias. However, some visual-media SF is fundamentally optimistic, like Star Trek.


That said, the meaning of the word "utopia" is literally "no place". ;)

Inspired by this success, Naomi Klein and Molly Crabapple considered how one might promote the Green New Deal. Then they came across With a Green New Deal, Here’s What the World Could Look Like for the Next Generation - a rather optimistic description.
A truly ridiculous vision of the future.
A taste:
The Intercept said:
At any number of American Job Centers around the country, she can walk in and work with a counselor to find a well-paid position on projects that help make her city better able to deal with rising tides and more severe storms, or oral history projects, or switch careers altogether and receive training toward a union job in the booming clean energy sector.
Did you catch that? Job centers that can give people well-paid jobs in things like "oral history", and I assume, "underwater basket weaving" too.
And why are there still more severe storms and rising water levels in 2043 if the GND was passed in 2021? Oh yes, too much emphasis on oral history jobs, too little on the "green" part...
Yes, this law, in this Utopian vision, was passed in 2021, and a challenge to its constitutionality was bypassed by threatening justices.
For a brief moment, it looked as if the Supreme Court might strike down large elements of it, but as a plan to expand the size of the court gained popularity with the public, the justices backed down.
Whichever she chooses, she’ll work no more than 40 hours a week, and likely far less, leaving ample time to travel via high speed, zero-carbon rail to visit friends elsewhere and go hiking or to the beach; enjoy long, leisurely meals of locally sourced food and drink; and attend concerts in the park, featuring musicians whose careers have been supported by generous public arts grants.
Generous public grants for music? Really? What does that even have to do with anything? Also, if Gina wants to travel overseas, how would that be accomplished?

And how do they plan to pay for all that, in addition to massive investments in renewables?

AOC et al's grasp on economics reminds me of this.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Taxes, taxes, taxes! We have sworn Congressional testimony that you artificially deflated your assets to skirt paying the taxes that fund schools & more (a crime), & inflated your assets for insurance (also a crime). Mueller has nothing to do with that. Cough up the receipts 💸… https://t.co/ax1rElY1RP" noting Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Russia, Russia, Russia! That’s all you heard at the beginning of this Witch Hunt Hoax...And now Russia has disappeared because I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected. It was a crime that didn’t exist. So now the Dems and their partner, the Fake News Media,....."
Testimony that she herself obtained from Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen.

Ted Cruz on Twitter: "You’re on.… " noting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: ".@tedcruz if you’re serious about a clean bill, then I’m down. Let’s make a deal. If we can agree on a bill with no partisan snuck-in clauses, no poison pills, etc - just a straight, clean ban on members of Congress becoming paid lobbyists - then I’ll co-lead the bill with you.… https://t.co/nhC6167MH5" noting Ted Cruz on Twitter: "Here’s something I don’t say often: on this point, I AGREE with @AOC Indeed, I have long called for a LIFETIME BAN on former Members of Congress becoming lobbyists. The Swamp would hate it, but perhaps a chance for some bipartisan cooperation?… https://t.co/bnoHBYk3NL"
Brian Schatz on Twitter: "IN.… "
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Okay, with @brianschatz + @tedcruz we’ve got at least one D-R team in the Senate to ban members becoming lobbyists, & myself w/ @chiproytx makes at least one D-R team in the House. And that’s just in a few hours - there will surely be more from both parties to sign on. Nice 👍🏽… https://t.co/iHv4UN4eG1" noting Chip Roy on Twitter: "Happy to lead or otherwise co-sponsor in the House, @AOC and @tedcruz.… "
Is that why he won his court case? :hysterical:

It's already been pointed out to you that he "won" his court case on the basis that his allegations were so ridiculous that they wouldn't be taken seriously and thus were not slander.

That particular case is being appealed. It isn't a done deal for Tim Ball yet. And this did not involve Michael Mann.

Mother Jones on Twitter: "“We have been conditioned to think that basic rights are a luxury and a privilege when they are not." —@AOC https://t.co/am6rBDxHy8" noting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Just Gave a Passionate Speech About Why Housing is a Human Right – Mother Jones
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The Housing Town Hall tonight in Allerton was incredible. Housing is a complex issue bc of the links between city, state, & federal law. So what did the community do? Run a town hall with all of us in a room. NY: Want to get runaway rent under control?Check out @Met_Council ⬇️… https://t.co/sYC4FCqpSV" noting Met Council on Housing on Twitter: ".@aoc shares her thoughts on the rent law fight. #UniversalRentControl #all9bills https://t.co/WCZbO9mpen" - some video of her speech at that meeting
Housing Justice For All on Twitter: "Thanks to ⁦@AOC⁩ ⁦@jamaaltbailey⁩ ⁦@Biaggi4NY⁩ and ⁦@Fernandez4NY⁩ for standing with tenants and fighting to end MCIs, IAIs, and no-fault evictions! https://t.co/R6r6TCI5sI" noting Ocasio-Cortez joins Bronx town hall to push for rent law overhaul in Albany
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose upset election last year helped spur a reshuffling of Albany politics, returned to the Bronx Thursday night calling for an end to real estate industry influence in New York politics — a theme of her insurgent campaign and one that could soon bring significant change for tenants in New York City and beyond.

“It’s no secret that big real estate has an enormous financial grip over elections in New York state and federally,” she said during a town hall with a coalition of tenant groups pushing a nine-bill package to overhaul New York’s rent laws.

Ocasio-Cortez said city, state and federal housing policies come "together to make a picture that all too often enriches people who are already powerful and impoverishes people who are already vulnerable.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Just Gave a Passionate Speech About Why Housing is a Human Right – Mother Jones - “Our access and our guarantee to having a home comes before someone else’s privilege to earn a profit.”
Justine Miller on Twitter: "If you missed @SenatorBiaggi @AOC @jamaaltbailey @Fernandez4NY at the #UniversalRentControl town hall last night, check it out here @News12BX https://t.co/P0GBGrX2ue"

She's gotten off on a good start, and she hasn't forgotten where she came from.
She's gotten off on a good start,
So does she want to socialize all housing Dr. Zhivago style or what?

If not through price, how do you allocate very scarce goods such as housing in Manhattan (an island) or San Francisco (a peninsula)? Party loyalty?
and she hasn't forgotten where she came from.

Puerto Rico?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yeah I don’t know why people are suddenly trusting alt-right outlets with “scoops” on who I’m endorsing. Let’s use our reading skills. Context clues. If they haven’t ever reported about me honestly & in good faith, why would they start now? I’m not endorsing for some time.… https://t.co/8IP6fxRrft" noting Charlotte Clymer🏳️*🌈 on Twitter: "Just to be abundantly clear: the only reports that @AOC is endorsing Warren over Sanders are inflammatory conservative outlets clearly looking to sew division. The Congresswoman herself said this month she's only endorsing in local races for now to build from the ground up."
Also Charlotte Clymer🏳️*🌈 on Twitter: "It's also worth noting that in the same interview, she offered praise for Warren, Sanders, Inslee, and Booker for various policy outlooks. https://t.co/zDNwDbJ1kM"
Just as well, because all too much of the Left acts as if the Presidency is the only significant political office.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is why I say that expanding the electorate is a more effective strategy than burning💰to win over a tiny slice of people. It’s entitled to demand “vote blue no matter who” - no matter how “right” that is. You HAVE to deliver a real platform that improves people’s lives.… https://t.co/p8L7iKNcBL" noting Alex Kotch 🔥 on Twitter: "This is pretty astounding, and could happen again if another Democratic centrist becomes the presidential nominee. [url]https://t.co/d74avyjvi1… https://t.co/H1vWCtvuBf"[/url]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "& I mean improve ALL people’s lives, not only “swing voters’” lives. If all you want to talk about is wages but not the wage gap; marijuana but not criminal justice reform; trade deals but not labor; feminism but not trans rights, it’s YOU diminishing your electorate, not them."
I think that she has the right idea: give people worth voting for.
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