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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

No. they have more in common than you'd ever care to admit! Both are moronic. The main difference between them is that one hails from the far left while the other is from the far right!

Sure, babe. Keep telling yourself that.
Maybe they both have room temperature IQs.
But the Aussie cunt's is Centigrade while the American's is Fahrenheit.
Trump donors pump money into coffers of AOC rival Caruso-Cabrera
Top donors to President Trump are also pumping thousands of dollars into the campaign kitty of the Democratic primary rival to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, campaign records show.
MCC lived in Trump Tower, her book has a foreword written by Larry Kudlow, now on Trump's team in the White House, and now this: Trumpies contributing to her campaign.

Trump supporters pumping thousands into AOC's primary opponent's coffers: report | Fox News
  • Broadcaster Stanley Hubbard, who contributed $175,000 to the pro-Trump Great America PAC ...
  • “Cowboy venture capitalist” Darren Blanton, who has given $41,000 to pro-Trump campaign entities ...
  • Financier Nelson Patz, who held a lavish fundraiser at his Palm Beach home earlier this year to help raise $10 million for Trump and the RNC ...
  • Venture capitalist Walter Buckley, who donated $1 million to the pro-Trump’s Rebuild America Now Super PAC and $125,000 to Trump Victory fund ...
All these donors donated the legal maximum of $5,600.

That second debate:
AOC Faces Two Challengers in Congressional Primary Debate
NY-14 Debate on NY1 - Michelle Caruso-Cabrera Debates AOC - YouTube
AOC, MCC, and Badrun Khan, without Sam Sloan.

What choice does the senile octogenarian, child molester have. after all he's trying to attract middle America sucked in to voting for him not the loony far leftists who will scare them away!
I look forward to the day when you actually explain why Biden is creepier or more senile than Trump.
Nope, still not as creepy or senile as Trump. Try again. Also, learn to read. "Creepier or more senile than Trump.
Nope, still not as creepy or senile as Trump. Try again. Also, learn to read. "Creepier or more senile than Trump.

Must get very frustrating for you been a creepy Joe apologist. You must be well aware the creep isn't suited to be president of the local marbles club let alone a nation.
Nope, still not as creepy or senile as Trump. Try again. Also, learn to read. "Creepier or more senile than Trump.
Must get very frustrating for you been a creepy Joe apologist. You must be well aware the creep isn't suited to be president of the local marbles club let alone a nation.
Seems like projection to me. Trumpies projecting the flaws of their hero onto their hero's opponents.
About AOC's original home:

Desus Nice on Twitter: "if you want to know why ppl from the bronx are different, this is a photo of the bronx in the 80s https://t.co/tt0kGJJgeE" / Twitter

Zach on Twitter: "@desusnice My dad is grew up in the Bronx from the 60s to the late 80s and when we used to go visit my grandfather when I was a kid he’d point out which sections got burnt to the ground by landlords on the car ride there." / Twitter

Why the Bronx Burned - Progressive.org
In Decade of Fire, an Independent Lens release that premiered November 4 on PBS, we follow Bronx resident Vivian Vázquez Irizarry as she sets out in search of the truth about why her neighborhood burned, and burned, and burned.

The film opens with 1960s and 1970s footage of burning city buildings, people fleeing with belongings in hand, and people watching the buildings go up in flames. “There wasn’t no fire engines at all,” one man exclaims to a news reporter. “We was the fire engines.”

“In ten years,” Irizarry tells us, “we lost nearly 80 percent of our housing to fires. Nearly a quarter of a million people lost their homes. But we did not burn the South Bronx. In fact, we saved it.”

“They told us we were to blame,” she says in the film. “But I could never let that go.”
Nope, still not as creepy or senile as Trump. Try again. Also, learn to read. "Creepier or more senile than Trump.

Must get very frustrating for you been a creepy Joe apologist. You must be well aware the creep isn't suited to be president of the local marbles club let alone a nation.

I agree.

He's also better than the alternative.

Prove me wrong.
Many right-wingers brag about how working-class they are, to the point of sounding like Marxists. Yet they attack AOC as working-class.
AOC co-opts revolutionary language to appeal to privileged American leftists, but is a liberal to her core and absolutely not a Marxist.
How is that supposed to be the case?

I will concede that by the standards of some hard-core Marxist-Leninist, she is a bourgeois reformist who supports a welfare state with lots of capitalism in it.

Lauren Duca on Twitter: "Surely, Republicans would have no issue with AOC’s past work as a bartender if she had been serving drinks on a reality TV show" / Twitter

Christine Pelosi on Twitter: "I have noticed that people belittling Congresswoman AOC for being a bartender from NY NEVER breathed a word of criticism against Speaker John Boehner for tending his family’s bar or Speaker Paul Ryan for waiting tables at Tortilla Coast. Why is that? 🤔" / Twitter
Nope, still not as creepy or senile as Trump. Try again. Also, learn to read. "Creepier or more senile than Trump.
Must get very frustrating for you been a creepy Joe apologist. You must be well aware the creep isn't suited to be president of the local marbles club let alone a nation.
Seems like projection to me. Trumpies projecting the flaws of their hero onto their hero's opponents.

Since you bring up flaws, the amorous near octogenarian creep has so many flaws that it would take a whole book to list them all! But the most fatal one of all is his fast approaching senility! Half the time he's not even aware of what his running for!

AOC - Pramila Jayapal - COVID-19 Frontline Workers | City Works - YouTube
PJ plugged her paycheck-backstopping scheme, and AOC mentioned that it was May Day, and mentioned how we have discovered how important frontline workers are.

A nurse and a doctor were on. The nurse described what a nightmare it was to do her job, how there was lack of a good response in the first few months of the year, and how there isn't any coordinated national action, but often pitting states against each other. The doctor mentioned a "Doctors' Council", a sort of labor union for doctors. They formed that because they were treated like employees a lot, with insurance and HMO bureaucrats deciding on what they are to do.

Coffee and Conversation | AOC LIVE - YouTube - named after the Boston University Coffee and Conversation events that she had participated in during her BU years.

About police-reform efforts. She had a NY State Senator on, about repealing 50-A, protecting the cops' disciplinary records from public scrutiny. They talked about a long history of activists trying to repeal that provision, and how they had a repeal proposal ready to go when police misconduct became a big public issue. Also talked about incorporating concerns of cops, like how to avoid doxing them.

Then an activist for something called 8toAbolition - about prison abolition. It seemed inadequate to me.

Then some Q&A, and one was on "white fragility".

She says that she notices that a lot of fellow Congresspeople have difficulty in recognizing what many people have to go through. Also the obsession with trying to keep the swing seats, even if it means supporting injustices. Majority white, affluent, often suburban. Both parties cater to those constituencies. ~60 seats. It affects which bills get to the floor. Policing, healthcare, foreign policy, education, the larger structure of power. That's why the Electoral College is so fiercely defended. If the EC gave disproportionate weight to people of color, women, and working people, then she suspects that it would have been abolished long ago (laughs). If it over-weighted black people the way it over-weights white people, the Republican Party would have led the way in abolishing it. It's about power, not principle.

What should one focus on as an activist? No one thing to do. Some core principles however, like educating oneself. Making mistakes is OK if one can learn from them. Use whatever you have. Like one's money or any special abilities that one may have, like for programming or artistry or educating others. Be sure to vote. Cynicism is something that one should avoid, like about voting. NYC sometimes has very good candidates. Sometimes radical, sometimes ordinary but good.

Politicians are not all alike. A good reason that the NY state legislature could repeal 50a was the defeat of the IDC, the Independent Democratic Caucus, some "so-call Democrats", politicians who ran as Democrats but caucused with Republicans, thus giving Republicans control of the State Senate, despite Democrats being the majority.

Show up in activism. Find your way - no one best way. She started out as an activist. She felt called to join Black Lives Matter demonstrations, and she felt called to go to Standing Rock. A good part of those early days was learning, something important to do. Be a sponge. Show up. Doors will open up for you to contribute in unexpected ways.

She mentioned the NY primary elections, and noted that this year has the first early voting in Congressional elections - show up in a polling place well in advance of Election Day, starting Saturday, June 13 - 10 days before the actual Election Day. The early-voting ones may be different from the Election-Day ones - a relatively small number of locations. Be sure to check on the location before one goes to vote - it may change. With that, she concluded.
World Socialist Web Site - Marxist analysis, international working class struggles & the fight for socialism - the site has some articles by people who argue that AOC is some bourgeois reformist, that she does not challenge the existing power structure enough.

She now has a commercial out: Systemic Change | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube
Right now, New York is experiencing three concurrent crises. Crisis of health with COVID-19, the economic crisis of mass unemployment, and the crisis of racism in our systems of law enforcement. These are systemic problems, and I'm proud to have been fighting for systemic solutions. But listen, if we want change, we also got to vote for it. And that's why I'm asking for your vote on June 23.

I'm Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and I approve this message.
I used an online speech-to-text service called trint.com and I cleaned it up. It made some mistakes, like rendering AOC's name as "Alexandria Garcia Courtice", but it got most of her speech right.

It's a sight for sore eyes, because I'm glad to see AOC advertising herself. I'm hoping that she may also take some swipes at MCC, like point to her long history in the Bronx as opposed to a certain carpetbagger from Trump Tower who moved to NY-14 half a year ago to run against her.
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