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Angela Merkel wants to ban the burka?

Unfortunately for Muslim apologists is the fact that 100% of Islamic terrorist attacks are perpetrated by Muslims!

Dont forget all those bombings and mass murders by right leaning extremists and all the right leaning individuals who support authoritarianism. Clearly right leaning people should be kicked out of our country because they're dangerous, and their culture just isn't compatible with our democratic values.

Can you name a predominately Muslim country that is? The closest are maybe Tunisia or Turkey. Maybe. Anyway, the "right leaning extremist" comparison is such a canard, as even Omar Mateen is made out to be "right wing" to avoid the Muslim terrorist label.
Dont forget all those bombings and mass murders by right leaning extremists and all the right leaning individuals who support authoritarianism. Clearly right leaning people should be kicked out of our country because they're dangerous, and their culture just isn't compatible with our democratic values.

Can you name a predominately Muslim country that is? The closest are maybe Tunisia or Turkey. Maybe. Anyway, the "right leaning extremist" comparison is such a canard, as even Omar Mateen is made out to be "right wing" to avoid the Muslim terrorist label.

How about the briefly existent democracy of Iran before we overthrew it to reinstall the hereditary monarch?

Even as it stands today, while Iran is not a liberal democracy, it is far from an autocratic state.
Can you name a predominately Muslim country that is? The closest are maybe Tunisia or Turkey. Maybe. Anyway, the "right leaning extremist" comparison is such a canard, as even Omar Mateen is made out to be "right wing" to avoid the Muslim terrorist label.

How about the briefly existent democracy of Iran before we overthrew it to reinstall the hereditary monarch?

Even as it stands today, while Iran is not a liberal democracy, it is far from an autocratic state.

Sure, just don't be gay or a woman.
How about the briefly existent democracy of Iran before we overthrew it to reinstall the hereditary monarch?

Even as it stands today, while Iran is not a liberal democracy, it is far from an autocratic state.

Sure, just don't be gay or a woman.

I notice you didn't outright disagree with what I've said. So really do you have a point or not?
Sure, just don't be gay or a woman.

I notice you didn't outright disagree with what I've said. So really do you have a point or not?

So you're saying it was better in Iran when the people were less Islamic but got worse when the people became more Islamic? Don't disagree with that at all. So why the hell would we want to increase Islam in the West? Islam is a cancer on humanity, similar to Nazism and Communism. Why some folks - especially self-described liberals in the West - defend this death cult is bizarre.

Egypt before Islamism:

I notice you didn't outright disagree with what I've said. So really do you have a point or not?

So you're saying it was better in Iran when the people were less Islamic but got worse when the people became more Islamic? Don't disagree with that at all. So why the hell would we want to increase Islam in the West? Islam is a cancer on humanity, similar to Nazism and Communism. Why some folks - especially self-described liberals in the West - defend this death cult is bizarre.

Egypt before Islamism:

Because the attempts by people like you to burn it out or keep them in check usually make things worse for the rest of us in the long run. I have no particular infactuation with Muslims or Islam.
Because the attempts by people like you to burn it out or keep them in check usually make things worse for the rest of us in the long run. I have no particular infactuation with Muslims or Islam.

If your argument is that Western interference in certain instances has opened up opportunities for Islamists, I don't disagree. My point is simply that the more Islam increases in a country, the more intolerant and miserable the country becomes. Hence, it is downright suicidal for the West to permit mass migration from Islamic countries.

For example:

The cultural enrichment muslims contribute to Germany is quite delightful;

A Muslim girl refused to shake the hand of the German president despite him visiting her school to praise students for integrating migrants so well.

The cultural enrichment muslims contribute to Germany is quite delightful;

A Muslim girl refused to shake the hand of the German president despite him visiting her school to praise students for integrating migrants so well.


This is the same reason many Muslim men do not shake hands with women, but put their hand on their heart.
Because the attempts by people like you to burn it out or keep them in check usually make things worse for the rest of us in the long run. I have no particular infactuation with Muslims or Islam.

If your argument is that Western interference in certain instances has opened up opportunities for Islamists, I don't disagree. My point is simply that the more Islam increases in a country, the more intolerant and miserable the country becomes. Hence, it is downright suicidal for the West to permit mass migration from Islamic countries.

For example:


I just want it to be made clear that in protesting burka bans, I do not stand up for or promote Islam.

I do so out of the interest of keeping the government from accruing powers it should never have. I don't care if a man walking into a bank with a ski mask on makes someone nervous, and I don't care if a muslim family insists that their daughters wear burkas to the beach, the government has ZERO business telling people what they can and cannot wear. I find that to be fundamentally against the pluralistic principles that form our democracies such as they are.
I notice you didn't outright disagree with what I've said. So really do you have a point or not?

So you're saying it was better in Iran when the people were less Islamic but got worse when the people became more Islamic? Don't disagree with that at all. So why the hell would we want to increase Islam in the West? Islam is a cancer on humanity, similar to Nazism and Communism. Why some folks - especially self-described liberals in the West - defend this death cult is bizarre.

Egypt before Islamism:

But the people in Iran (and Egypt) didn't change. All that changed is which fraction of the people were in charge.

The moderate Iranian and Egyptian leaders didn't turn into fundamentalist nutters overnight - they were replaced by fundamentalist nutters.

The same thing happened in Italy and Germany in the 1930s. The Germans didn't become fascists; The fascists became the leaders of the Germans.

And it's happening in your country as we speak.
So you're saying it was better in Iran when the people were less Islamic but got worse when the people became more Islamic? Don't disagree with that at all. So why the hell would we want to increase Islam in the West? Islam is a cancer on humanity, similar to Nazism and Communism. Why some folks - especially self-described liberals in the West - defend this death cult is bizarre.

Egypt before Islamism:

But the people in Iran (and Egypt) didn't change. All that changed is which fraction of the people were in charge.

The moderate Iranian and Egyptian leaders didn't turn into fundamentalist nutters overnight - they were replaced by fundamentalist nutters.

The same thing happened in Italy and Germany in the 1930s. The Germans didn't become fascists; The fascists became the leaders of the Germans.

And it's happening in your country as we speak.

You're right. Islam is increasing in the West. That's some scary shit.
The cultural enrichment muslims contribute to Germany is quite delightful;

A Muslim girl refused to shake the hand of the German president despite him visiting her school to praise students for integrating migrants so well.


The Daily Mail (and it's ilk) are at least as dangerous to the existence of Western Liberal Democracy as Islamism is.

Transitions from freedom to tyranny have been observed many times in the absence of Islam (and even in the absence of religion).
But the people in Iran (and Egypt) didn't change. All that changed is which fraction of the people were in charge.

The moderate Iranian and Egyptian leaders didn't turn into fundamentalist nutters overnight - they were replaced by fundamentalist nutters.

The same thing happened in Italy and Germany in the 1930s. The Germans didn't become fascists; The fascists became the leaders of the Germans.

And it's happening in your country as we speak.

You're right. Islam is increasing in the West. That's some scary shit.

You're wrong - the scary shit is the over-reaction to this trivial increase in the number of Muslims in the west, that is putting fascists into positions of power.

Many ordinary apolitical Germans thought that the NSDAP were a bit over the top, but at least they were standing up to the Jews who threatened the very existence of Germany. The terrifying thing about the Nazis is not that they were such vile and monstrous thugs; It is that they were completely ordinary, everyday people, just like you or I, who simply blundered into totalitarianism because they were angry and scared. America and Britain are doing EXACTLY the same thing today - embracing nationalism as a cure for problems they don't understand, without stopping to consider the unintended and dangerous consequences.
But the people in Iran (and Egypt) didn't change. All that changed is which fraction of the people were in charge.

The moderate Iranian and Egyptian leaders didn't turn into fundamentalist nutters overnight - they were replaced by fundamentalist nutters.

The same thing happened in Italy and Germany in the 1930s. The Germans didn't become fascists; The fascists became the leaders of the Germans.

And it's happening in your country as we speak.

You're right. Islam is increasing in the West. That's some scary shit.
Not as scary as the over-reactions by the chicken littles or the typical lack of intelligence in responses like yours above.
You're right. Islam is increasing in the West. That's some scary shit.

You're wrong - the scary shit is the over-reaction to this that is putting fascists into positions of power.

Many ordinary apolitical Germans thought that the NSDAP were a bit over the top, but at least they were standing up to the Jews who threatened the very existence of Germany. The terrifying thing about the Nazis is not that they were such vile and monstrous thugs; It is that they were completely ordinary, everyday people, just like you or I, who simply blundered into totalitarianism because they were angry and scared. America and Britain are doing EXACTLY the same thing today - embracing nationalism as a cure for problems they don't understand, without stopping to consider the unintended and dangerous consequences.

Fucking hell. Why do folks always jump to Hitler? That's the only ridiculous analogy they can make. Several millennia of record human history - all they know is Hitler. There is no sense of proportionality at all. The Hitler comparison is so beyond stupid that it's difficult to take anyone who raises it seriously. Are there no original thoughts anymore?

Moreover, the point in my recent posts is that when Islam increases in a society, that society becomes less tolerant. Do you agree or disagree? A key difference beyond Hitler (because of the vast ignorance of all other human history) is that Hitler was a dictator, Islam is a political religion. Islam dictates what you can eat, believe, say, etc. If you leave Islam, that is license for others to kill you. Religions don't need dictators to make a society miserable. The adherents do that willingly. There is no Muslim Pope.
You're wrong - the scary shit is the over-reaction to this that is putting fascists into positions of power.

Many ordinary apolitical Germans thought that the NSDAP were a bit over the top, but at least they were standing up to the Jews who threatened the very existence of Germany. The terrifying thing about the Nazis is not that they were such vile and monstrous thugs; It is that they were completely ordinary, everyday people, just like you or I, who simply blundered into totalitarianism because they were angry and scared. America and Britain are doing EXACTLY the same thing today - embracing nationalism as a cure for problems they don't understand, without stopping to consider the unintended and dangerous consequences.

Fucking hell. Why do folks always jump to Hitler? That's the only ridiculous analogy they can make. Several millennia of record human history - all they know is Hitler. There is no sense of proportionality at all. The Hitler comparison is so beyond stupid that it's difficult to take anyone who raises it seriously. Are there no original thoughts anymore?

Moreover, the point in my recent posts is that when Islam increases in a society, that society becomes less tolerant. Do you agree or disagree? A key difference beyond Hitler (because of the vast ignorance of all other human history) is that Hitler was a dictator, Islam is a political religion. Islam dictates what you can eat, believe, say, etc. If you leave Islam, that is license for others to kill you. Religions don't need dictators to make a society miserable. The adherents do that willingly.

I like how you completely ignored his point to spout more rhetoric. Man up and address his point.
Not as scary as the over-reactions by the chicken littles or the typical lack of intelligence in responses like yours above.

Does a society become more tolerant or less tolerant as Islam increases?
Do you mean should society become more or less tolerant as Islam increases (whatever that means) or that society will become more or less tolerant as Islam increases?
Would you be willing to answer that, or just continue with the usual snark.
Irony is thy name.
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