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Another example of the depravity of MAGA that Trump brings out

Here’s the thing. NO ONE’S child will “replace” me. Or you. We already exist. We cannot be replaced.
If the average skin tone of the country where I lived looks different 50 years after I die, I will (1) never know it, and (2) not feel that it is a problem. But for as long as I’m here, I’m still me and still occupying my space, and no one is replacing me; not my kids, nor someone else’s.

I love teasing the rage baited mouth breathers at work that they will, in fact, be replaced as soon as we get some more immigrants. If they comb their hair just right no one will notice.

They don't get that no one is getting replaced, no matter how dumb they are.
I think English is the official language here. I do not recall anyone waiving consecutive translation.

Mr. Vonse's remarks appear to be in some dialect of Ilkish. Derec? Mr. Swiz? Can you translate Mr. Vonse's remarks into Standard English? Or will I need to buy a Trump Coin or the $799 wrist-watch -- Do these treasures come with a Decoder Ring?

They will get crazier and more extreme as the demographic shift proceeds. In about 18 to 20 years, it's projected that there will be no ethnic majority in the U.S. We'll be what's been called a "majority minority country" -
A cucked conquered country would be far more honest and accurate. The Democrats don't know how to reproduce anymore so they willingly let others in who will get the job done for them.
It’s the liberals’ fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites.
The liberal loving government bureaucracy told the single women our government will replace men (support etc) as long as they were loyal to the bureaucracy. Then add to that the liberal male idiots who brag about being compassionate never mind being cuckolded paying for everyone else's children but their own.

Yes it really IS the liberals' fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites. Much more so than the fault of the religious right conservatives anyway.

I should have thought that we Ilkish thinkers are HAPPY that emasculated Democratic men named Sheldon can no longer procreate and spread their pusillanimous but jihadist genes. Virile alpha males named Chad with Republican values (but tired of bitter and shrewish wives named Karen) will be delighted to cuckold Sheldon and impregnate misguided but luscious Marxist girls with names like Blossom, Bambi or Rainbow. This is an opportunity to improve the gene pool; No?

Or is Mr. Vonse concerned that Chad can no longer compete with brown-skinned playboys named José or Abdul who reject the white-skinned tax-cutting Jesus and embrace Romanism or Muslimism? Chad would have been more than able to perform until Pelosi and Soros forcibly injected him with the gender-changing vaccine. Is that about it?
RVonse said:
No need to come unglued about the way I see the world this is just basic logic and honesty on my part. Whatever you pay more for is what you will normally expect to see more of. Which usuially refers to more widgets but in this case it is other people's offspring. It should be no mystery to anyone why the US will be called a majority minority country sooner than later

You say it as if it's a bad thing. I don't care if there are fewer white people and more people of other ethnic backgrounds. My small city is slightly black majority and I've never lived in place that had such a sense of community. People care about each other. People marry or have children with those who often have different shades of skin. We are all humans, for better or worse and the shade of our skin isn't what determines our values or our value. Cultural diversity is a positive thing that has helped our country be as strong as it is, and if people like Trump get their way, that could be our downfall.

I only had one child because despite the stereotypes made about boomers, a lot of us were told not to have many children due to the population increasing. Of course, not all of us followed that advice but I don't care if some of my taxes go or went to help poor children. If a mother is careless and has more children than she can support, how is that the fault of the children? It benefits all of us if children are raised in a healthy environment with adequate food, housing and good schools. That's how I see the world. There is a lot of poverty in my city as well as a lot of affluence. Some of the churches were I live do a lot of charity work too, and while I disagree with the beliefs of those church members, I admire their willingness to help the poor. Hillary was right when she said, "It takes a village".
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You might've scared him off with Chad. His crowd doesn't want any sperm donations from Chad (or any other shithole country.)
A nickel says he does not know that Chad is a country in Africa.
I’ve been playing “Worldle”. It gives you a silhouette of a Country and you identify it.
I don’t think Chad has ever come up. But now I know what to look for. Thx.
I only had one child because despite the stereotypes made about boomers, a lot of us were told not to have many children due to the population increasing.
Same for this Boomer, and why we stopped at two.
Of course, not all of us followed that advice but I don't care if some of my taxes go or went to help poor children.
Indeed, I care that some of my taxes SHOULD go to help poor children, born to parents not as lucky as me, those who did not benefit from their Grandfather getting promoted in WWI because he did not have to compete against any Black person in the Army for his rank. Who then went through a civilian career and its promotions without having to compete against any hardworking Black person or woman, who then rose to rank of Major in WWII by - as acknowledged by himself in the 1970s - never having to compete against a Black person for either rank or GI Bill benefits.

That set my parents up pretty well, which in turn set me up pretty well. So I can afford to now help the grand kids and great grandkids of those whose position in poverty was the cost of my position in access to success. And I am genuinely happy to contribute to lifting us all up.
If a mother is careless and has more children than she can support, how is that the fault of the children?

Whoa hang on. I object to this part saying the cause is a woman’s carelessness. It is rarely the woman’s carelessness that leads to this.

Though either way - not the kids’ fault, and they should not be sentenced to punishment of poverty for it when the rest of us are throwing out good food.

It benefits all of us if children are raised in a healthy environment with adequate food, housing and good schools.
Absolutely true. We can all live in neighborhoods filled with people raised in healthy environments, leading to our own improved safety and happiness, if we work together to ensure all kids are raised in healthy environments.

Hillary was right when she said, "It takes a village".
Yes she was.
They will get crazier and more extreme as the demographic shift proceeds. In about 18 to 20 years, it's projected that there will be no ethnic majority in the U.S. We'll be what's been called a "majority minority country" -
A cucked conquered country would be far more honest and accurate. The Democrats don't know how to reproduce anymore so they willingly let others in who will get the job done for them.
It’s the liberals’ fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites.
The liberal loving government bureaucracy told the single women our government will replace men (support etc) as long as they were loyal to the bureaucracy. Then add to that the liberal male idiots who brag about being compassionate never mind being cuckolded paying for everyone else's children but their own.

Yes it really IS the liberals' fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites. Much more so than the fault of the religious right conservatives anyway.
That has to be one of the most insane things I've ever read here.

Do you know why so many people don't want to have children? It's not because of the craziness you wrote above. It's because kids are expensive and the righties priortities are tax cuts for the rich instead and removing regulations that keep workers safe (which is essentially another tax cut for the rich) and fuck the middle class and the poor.
I only had one child because despite the stereotypes made about boomers, a lot of us were told not to have many children due to the population increasing.
Same for this Boomer, and why we stopped at two.
Of course, not all of us followed that advice but I don't care if some of my taxes go or went to help poor children.
Indeed, I care that some of my taxes SHOULD go to help poor children, born to parents not as lucky as me, those who did not benefit from their Grandfather getting promoted in WWI because he did not have to compete against any Black person in the Army for his rank. Who then went through a civilian career and its promotions without having to compete against any hardworking Black person or woman, who then rose to rank of Major in WWII by - as acknowledged by himself in the 1970s - never having to compete against a Black person for either rank or GI Bill benefits.

That set my parents up pretty well, which in turn set me up pretty well. So I can afford to now help the grand kids and great grandkids of those whose position in poverty was the cost of my position in access to success. And I am genuinely happy to contribute to lifting us all up.
If a mother is careless and has more children than she can support, how is that the fault of the children?

Whoa hang on. I object to this part saying the cause is a woman’s carelessness. It is rarely the woman’s carelessness that leads to this.

Though either way - not the kids’ fault, and they should not be sentenced to punishment of poverty for it when the rest of us are throwing out good food.

It benefits all of us if children are raised in a healthy environment with adequate food, housing and good schools.
Absolutely true. We can all live in neighborhoods filled with people raised in healthy environments, leading to our own improved safety and happiness, if we work together to ensure all kids are raised in healthy environments.

Hillary was right when she said, "It takes a village".
Yes she was.
I only used the term careless because when I was still working a couple of the young women had 8 to 10 children. I worked with the sister of one and she was very angry at her sister for being so "careless" when it came to not using birth control. Luckily, she had a very supportive family who helped with the kids. All of these women worked, but they were very under paid. That wan't their fault. One told me she was ashamed to be receiving SNAP. She only had one child. I told her that SNAP was welfare of her employer and she would not need it if she had been paid adequately.

So, imo, there are some women who are a bit careless and end up with more children than they want, although there are also lots of poor children who choose to have many children. They aren't the ones who I refer to as being careless. These women were not all of one race. I also worked in public health for several years and sadly, there are some women who are, for lack of a better work, a bit careless when it came to using birth control, which was widely available during those years. In fact, my pregnancy was due to my own carelessness. I had an unplanned pregnancy although I quickly adjusted and enjoyed raising him. At least I learned my lesson after that.
They will get crazier and more extreme as the demographic shift proceeds. In about 18 to 20 years, it's projected that there will be no ethnic majority in the U.S. We'll be what's been called a "majority minority country" -
A cucked conquered country would be far more honest and accurate. The Democrats don't know how to reproduce anymore so they willingly let others in who will get the job done for them.
It’s the liberals’ fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites.
The liberal loving government bureaucracy told the single women our government will replace men (support etc) as long as they were loyal to the bureaucracy. Then add to that the liberal male idiots who brag about being compassionate never mind being cuckolded paying for everyone else's children but their own.

Yes it really IS the liberals' fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites. Much more so than the fault of the religious right conservatives anyway.
This is such an ignorant, fallacious, small-minded racist and misogynistic screed that at first I thought you were kidding — that you had cribbed this from on Onion satire about senile, Fox News-watching gramps ruining Thanksgiving dinner for everyone with his bigoted rants. But no, you’re dead serious. Suffice it to say your facts about women, the government, men being “cuckolded” (lol) and all the rest are dead wrong, though it is true that demographics are changing in a way that whites will eventually no longer be a majority. To that final issue, the obvious question arises:

They will get crazier and more extreme as the demographic shift proceeds. In about 18 to 20 years, it's projected that there will be no ethnic majority in the U.S. We'll be what's been called a "majority minority country" -
A cucked conquered country would be far more honest and accurate. The Democrats don't know how to reproduce anymore so they willingly let others in who will get the job done for them.
It’s the liberals’ fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites.
The liberal loving government bureaucracy told the single women our government will replace men (support etc) as long as they were loyal to the bureaucracy. Then add to that the liberal male idiots who brag about being compassionate never mind being cuckolded paying for everyone else's children but their own.

Yes it really IS the liberals' fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites. Much more so than the fault of the religious right conservatives anyway.
Where do you live anyway, in a fallout shelter in white rural Idaho surrounded by a thicket of rifles and guns? I live in New York City. The bodega I frequent is run by Bangladeshis, My favorite Mex food is made by a Mexican family who run a food cart in a Union Square. I get my Chinese food in Chinatown, from Chinese Americans. Everywhere there are African-Americans, Haitians, Muslims, Jews, Koreans and on and on, energizing the entire city and making the economy hum. This influx of foreign immigrants that began in the 80s is widely credited with reviving the city after its brush with bankruptcy in the 70s. And, contrary to the vicious lies of the Orange Golem you worship, NYC is the safest big city in the U.S.
If you don't mind being conquered I don't think it does matter. Especially if the conquerors are and continue to be benevolent to the conquered when they are the powerful and under no obligation.

I can imagine there were probably many liberal American Indians long ago who were also noncommittal when they were pushed aside. After all, the European settlers gave the American Indians nice plots of land to live on in the southern and midwest deserts.
They don't get that no one is getting replaced, no matter how dumb they are.
Sure, you won't need to leave your job. But your job may move. Like overseas.
Hillary was right when she said, "It takes a village".
I don't think that was original to Hillary.
A nickel says he does not know that Chad is a country in Africa.
I thought He was talking about a person named Chad. :whistle:
If you don't mind being conquered
That word 'conquered' is overstated.
If you don't mind being conquered I don't think it does matter. Especially if the conquerors are and continue to be benevolent to the conquered when they are the powerful and under no obligation.

I can imagine there were probably many liberal American Indians long ago who were also noncommittal when they were pushed aside. After all, the European settlers gave the American Indians nice plots of land to live on in the southern and midwest deserts.

Wow. The mind boggles when one tries to imagine your world view. But I'll try anyway:

Haitian Christians and Somali Muslims are meeting each other on-line (in the comments section of porn sites?) and plotting their nefarious take-over. ("I couldn't find any smallpox-infested blankets, but I did bring some tsetse flies from home.") The Haitian is making plans to cuckold Springfield Chad (and dine on his dogs), while the Somali has his eye set on the wife of Minneapolis Chad. (" 'Conquest' one poke at a time!") When Chads' wives give birth to half-brown babies, we'd better hope that @RVonse will be there with DNA tests to make the babies, if the DNA confirms they're only half-white, wear brown stars showing that they're not pure-blood American.

Is that about right?
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