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Another example of the depravity of MAGA that Trump brings out

Let's take a brief break from MAGA depravity, ok?
The best known astro physics knowledge right now is that eventually the universe will die due to infinate expansion. Many eons after our sun flames out, eventually all the atoms of the universe will separate into nothingness. That thought also does not sit well me. Although the universe being dead is really a total so-what, it still bothers me in the same way I can not explain.
This is the exact thing that bothered Sir Roger Penrose also. It led him to postulate  Conformal cyclic cosmology -- that the boring "death" of our universe will serve, after a HUMONGOUS change in scale, as the Big Bang for another interesting universe, and on ad infinitum.
Maybe we do. You could be very likely right about this.

But let the politicians we elected debate the subject calmly and with data to support their recommendations. Then tell the public what was learned during their debates, what they decide to do, and what the nation will expect. We are paying all of them $150k/year for this service anyway. That way when someone visits a town like Springfield and happens to think they are in Haiti he/she will not be surprised or alarmed.

That would be so much better and more honest than opening our border just for political gain and votes, pretending everything is normal.
Our border has not been “opened,” for political gain or any other reason. This a lie of Trump and his MAGGOTS.
RVonse is falling for the lies of right-wing news platforms, which have been cultivating racism and bogus culture wars for decades. They have doing this to distract tens of millions of people from voting in their own interest, while they fleece those very same people. LBJ described the phenomenon this way:

If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.
Is this a topic in economic science? If so, whom should we listen to for advice? Economic scientists? Or right-wing conspiracy theorists?

But let the politicians we elected debate the subject calmly and with data to support their recommendations.

"debate calmly"? Is this satire?
Then tell the public what was learned during their debates, what they decide to do, and what the nation will expect. We are paying all of them $150k/year for this service anyway. That way when someone visits a town like Springfield and happens to think they are in Haiti

:confused2: Do many Americans think Springfield is in Haiti? Do you think you're in China when you go to Chinatown? I like to eat at a Pasta restaurant, but didn't think I was in Italy. :confused2:
he/she will not be surprised or alarmed.

That would be so much better and more honest than opening our border just for political gain and votes, pretending everything is normal.

Does "opening our border" mean "processing visa applications using criteria set by Congress"?
Logically, yes I can see how this is a total so-what ...because after all I will be long dead too. But for some reason it just does not
How many children and grandchildren do you have, RVonse?
Logically, yes I can see how this is a total so-what ...because after all I will be long dead too. But for some reason it just does not feel that way to me. I think it has something to do with how we evolved to survive and desire current life circumstances to continue.
I think it has something to do with hundreds of years of abject racist bigotry, and the human reluctance to accept error and move forward.

When confronted with proof that we are wrong, the easy option is to become enraged. The civilised option is to change our way of thinking, so that we are no longer wrong.

The latter is far harder, but far more rewarding in the long run.
Logically, yes I can see how this is a total so-what ...because after all I will be long dead too. But for some reason it just does not feel that way to me. I think it has something to do with how we evolved to survive and desire current life circumstances to continue.
Among the very worst features of the human race is our tendencies towards bigotry and murderous tribalism. While it's obviously an instinct that served to spread the genes of our ancestors, it's long since been shown for the ugly behavior that it is. Modern secular values are far better than the morals and ethics of our ancient forebears, but the instincts remain.
Is this a topic in economic science? If so, whom should we listen to for advice? Economic scientists? Or right-wing conspiracy theorists?
JD Vance made it clear they though the experts may have PhDs they don’t have common sense.

On the other hand, if all it took was common sense to be an expert, there would be no need to get a PhDs in the first place.

Wow, reality is hard…
As of the third quarter of 2023, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio was 123%, which is the debt of $34 trillion divided by the average GDP of $26.97 trillion.
Gee. That SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS your boy added to the debt really has you upset, right??
Without that burden (which went to pay off his donors) we would have the average of
The U.S. is not bankrupt.
As of the third quarter of 2023, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio was 123%, which is the debt of $34 trillion divided by the average GDP of $26.97 trillion. This is higher than the average of 65.7% from 1940 to 2023.

As we have just seen, the debt is so high that the federal reserve can no longer raise interest long enough to curb inflation without causing interest payments to soar higher than military spending.

The debt level would be bad enough on its own but the US no longer has any way to produce its way out it like it did post WW2. We have offshored all our manufacturing to China. The US will either have to go bankrupt (the most honest way) or inflate the currency (screw the bondholders). Either way, as a first start we need to spend a lot less and produce a lot more. It is a HUGE problem that no one talks about and politicians (either party) are not held being accountable for by the voters.
As always it’s Republicans who run up the debt. When Dems do it, it’s to counter the recession/depression caused by the preceding Republican. Trump just gave away TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to his donors, so he could keep his lies front and center for the fools who think he did something good for the economy.

He didn’t- unless you’re Donald Trump or one of his mega donors.

But the lag between his disastrous actions and their disastrous effects, enable him to blame Biden, and Kami by association. Meanwhile, the FACT is he inherited a record string of positive growth quarters from Obama, and parlayed that into another record:


Congrats, Cheato.
Well yeah. It’s a shabby lie at that. But the beauty of it is that cult members don’t need well formed lies - the nature of the cult is that Trump says “I gave you the greatest economy in history” and the faithful believe it without question. Despite the objective fact that he RUINED the best economy ever, which he inherited and still tries to take credit for.

And it's a total so-what. Until we discover some form of immortality everyone is going to be replaced. What difference does it make what color their skin is?? Should I be screaming I'm going to be replaced because "Loren" is no longer a male name?
Logically, yes I can see how this is a total so-what ...because after all I will be long dead too. But for some reason it just does not feel that way to me. I think it has something to do with how we evolved to survive and desire current life circumstances to continue.

The best known astro physics knowledge right now is that eventually the universe will die due to infinate expansion. Many eons after our sun flames out, eventually all the atoms of the universe will separate into nothingness. That thought also does not sit well me. Although the universe being dead is really a total so-what, it still bothers me in the same way I can not explain.
But you aren't giving any reason to care what color their skin is. Same as I don't care that the next generation won't have any guys named "Loren".

And it's a total so-what. Until we discover some form of immortality everyone is going to be replaced. What difference does it make what color their skin is?? Should I be screaming I'm going to be replaced because "Loren" is no longer a male name?
Logically, yes I can see how this is a total so-what ...because after all I will be long dead too. But for some reason it just does not feel that way to me.

Which, of course, is racism. It does not “feel” that way to you because they, the scary Other, are the “wrong” color.

That’s just it, right?
Its more the wrong culture and language I think. And the fact that (for whatever reason) the newcomers are obviously fleeing an unsuccessful situation that I am hoping they do not repeat in my society.

And then there is also the scarcity of resources that a bankrupt (US) nation can not really provide to them.
The next generation almost always grows up speaking English no matter what the parents speak or don't speak.

And a lack of immigrants will cause a big resource problem--cities that shrink get badly messed up because they don't shrink in an orderly fashion.
The next generation almost always grows up speaking English no matter what the parents speak or don't speak.
Yeah, and what kinda name is “Vonse”, anyhow?
Sounds vaguely Irish or Scottish, but I think it’s Pakistani. There are a lot of them in Haiti. And Ohio. Eating dogs.
Anyhow, we have no way of knowing if he’s one of them.
As always it’s Republicans who run up the debt. When Dems do it, it’s to counter the recession/depression caused by the preceding Republican. Trump just gave away TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to his donors, so he could keep his lies front and center for the fools who think he did something good for the economy.

He didn’t- unless you’re Donald Trump or one of his mega donors.

But the lag between his disastrous actions and their disastrous effects, enable him to blame Biden, and Kami by association. Meanwhile, the FACT is he inherited a record string of positive growth quarters from Obama, and parlayed that into another record:


Congrats, Cheato.

Good point, but Nitpick: The Republican Herbert Hoover, who mismanaged the Great Depression also left office with reduced employment. Trump's loss was larger in absolute terms, but Hoover set the record for percentage decline.

There have been eleven recessions in the U.S. during my lifetime. These recessions began in 1954, 1958, 1960, 1970, 1974, 1980, 1984, 1991, 2001, 2008, 2020. What do ten of these eleven recessions have in common? A Republican was President.
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