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Another example of the depravity of MAGA that Trump brings out

Is that about right?
It’s a blessing, in a perverse sort of way. Now that Miracle Ear and the Sectional Predator have come out of their overt racism closet, they all seem eager to air their true colors. At least we can tell who they are, not that it’s a secret.
I’m sure it’s off-putting to a few people at the margins.

If you don't mind being conquered I don't think it does matter. Especially if the conquerors are and continue to be benevolent to the conquered when they are the powerful and under no obligation.

I can imagine there were probably many liberal American Indians long ago who were also noncommittal when they were pushed aside. After all, the European settlers gave the American Indians nice plots of land to live on in the southern and midwest deserts.

Did you read my post on life in NYC, in all its wonderful rich diversity?

I don’t feel CONQUERED by all these folks, I feel ENRICHED by them, like my Guatemalan friend of Mayan descent, to take one of many examples. Life here is SO much better than in the racist, insular, white working-class nabe I grew up in.

What you are writing just speaks VOLUMES about you, none of it good.
They will get crazier and more extreme as the demographic shift proceeds. In about 18 to 20 years, it's projected that there will be no ethnic majority in the U.S. We'll be what's been called a "majority minority country" -
A cucked conquered country would be far more honest and accurate. The Democrats don't know how to reproduce anymore so they willingly let others in who will get the job done for them.
It’s the liberals’ fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites.
The liberal loving government bureaucracy told the single women our government will replace men (support etc) as long as they were loyal to the bureaucracy. Then add to that the liberal male idiots who brag about being compassionate never mind being cuckolded paying for everyone else's children but their own.

Yes it really IS the liberals' fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites. Much more so than the fault of the religious right conservatives anyway.
We see the world very differently. I struggle to see even a scintilla of truth in your description.
They will get crazier and more extreme as the demographic shift proceeds. In about 18 to 20 years, it's projected that there will be no ethnic majority in the U.S. We'll be what's been called a "majority minority country" -
A cucked conquered country would be far more honest and accurate. The Democrats don't know how to reproduce anymore so they willingly let others in who will get the job done for them.
It’s the liberals’ fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites.
The liberal loving government bureaucracy told the single women our government will replace men (support etc) as long as they were loyal to the bureaucracy. Then add to that the liberal male idiots who brag about being compassionate never mind being cuckolded paying for everyone else's children but their own.

Yes it really IS the liberals' fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites. Much more so than the fault of the religious right conservatives anyway.
We see the world very differently. I struggle to see even a scintilla of truth in your description.
No need to come unglued about the way I see the world this is just basic logic and honesty on my part. Whatever you pay more for is what you will normally expect to see more of. Which usuially refers to more widgets but in this case it is other people's offspring. It should be no mystery to anyone why the US will be called a majority minority country sooner than later.
Your basic logic requires the assumption that this "paying for babies" is what drives the "majority minority". But that assumption is either empirically true or it is empirically false. You have offered no evidence to support your tacit assumption.

Futhermore, "paying more" does not necessarily mean getting more if the costs of supply rise with the quantity supplied. That is basic economics. You have offered no reason - logical or empirical - to support that basic "logic".

As far as I can tell, I am not the one "unglued" either in tone of response or from reality.

If you don't mind being conquered I don't think it does matter. Especially if the conquerors are and continue to be benevolent to the conquered when they are the powerful and under no obligation.

I can imagine there were probably many liberal American Indians long ago who were also noncommittal when they were pushed aside. After all, the European settlers gave the American Indians nice plots of land to live on in the southern and midwest deserts.

Did you read my post on life in NYC, in all its wonderful rich diversity?

I don’t feel CONQUERED by all these folks, I feel ENRICHED by them, like my Guatemalan friend of Mayan descent, to take one of many examples. Life here is SO much better than in the racist, insular, white working-class nabe I grew up in.

What you are writing just speaks VOLUMES about you, none of it good.
Somewhere I wrote a post pointing out that immigration and ethnic mixing are what made America Great in the First Place! Hybrid vigor. The kind of strength and tenacity that resulted in them getting here in the first place.

Call me a conservative if you must, but I strongly believe in this "Nation of Immigrants". I believe in the country symbolized by the Statue of Liberty.

How the hell did Trump and the Teaparty sell the culture of victimhood and entitlement to the children of those immigrants?
Not to mention (like I'm about to do) that the Von Drumpfs brought prostitution to Seattle and that Melania's folks are here through "chain migration." Or that Crazy Horse wished they all would go back to the coast and sail away.
If you don't mind being conquered I don't think it does matter. Especially if the conquerors are and continue to be benevolent to the conquered when they are the powerful and under no obligation.

I can imagine there were probably many liberal American Indians long ago who were also noncommittal when they were pushed aside. After all, the European settlers gave the American Indians nice plots of land to live on in the southern and midwest deserts.
The reason why I'm skeptical of your rhetorical horsehit is because Magatards in congress blocks every attempt to address the boarder per the instructions of your orange messiah.

If you genuinely gave a flying fuck about immigration, you'd be furious and condemn what Trump and the Republicans did instead of constantly apologizing *for* them.
I can image how those legal Haitian immigrants in Springfield must feel right now.

The OP is just another illustration of the moral depravity that is Donald Trump.
Yup. Springfield will never be the same. For this reason, not because of the immigrants.
They will get crazier and more extreme as the demographic shift proceeds. In about 18 to 20 years, it's projected that there will be no ethnic majority in the U.S. We'll be what's been called a "majority minority country" -
A cucked conquered country would be far more honest and accurate. The Democrats don't know how to reproduce anymore so they willingly let others in who will get the job done for them.
It’s the liberals’ fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites.
The liberal loving government bureaucracy told the single women our government will replace men (support etc) as long as they were loyal to the bureaucracy. Then add to that the liberal male idiots who brag about being compassionate never mind being cuckolded paying for everyone else's children but their own.

Yes it really IS the liberals' fault that the brown people are outbreeding and replacing whites. Much more so than the fault of the religious right conservatives anyway.
It's not brown people that are outbreeding whites. It's people who haven't spent a lifetime in an industrialized society that are outbreeding those who have. This does follow a racial pattern because most white people have a lifetime in an industrialized society, but it is not actually related to race.

Everywhere we see the birth rate plummet over the period of a lifetime from when the society industrialized. It takes that long for the culture to change. In poor societies children soon become productive enough to cover their cost and they are as much of a retirement plan as people have. In industrialized societies children remain a cost throughout childhood. The economics of having children is very, very different. And there's the issue that in an industrialized society women are far more free to choose not to have children. Immigrants tend to retain the attitudes towards children that came from the society they grew up in and hence they have more children.

And it's a total so-what. Until we discover some form of immortality everyone is going to be replaced. What difference does it make what color their skin is?? Should I be screaming I'm going to be replaced because "Loren" is no longer a male name?

And it's a total so-what. Until we discover some form of immortality everyone is going to be replaced. What difference does it make what color their skin is?? Should I be screaming I'm going to be replaced because "Loren" is no longer a male name?
Logically, yes I can see how this is a total so-what ...because after all I will be long dead too. But for some reason it just does not feel that way to me. I think it has something to do with how we evolved to survive and desire current life circumstances to continue.

The best known astro physics knowledge right now is that eventually the universe will die due to infinate expansion. Many eons after our sun flames out, eventually all the atoms of the universe will separate into nothingness. That thought also does not sit well me. Although the universe being dead is really a total so-what, it still bothers me in the same way I can not explain.

And it's a total so-what. Until we discover some form of immortality everyone is going to be replaced. What difference does it make what color their skin is?? Should I be screaming I'm going to be replaced because "Loren" is no longer a male name?
Logically, yes I can see how this is a total so-what ...because after all I will be long dead too. But for some reason it just does not feel that way to me.

Which, of course, is racism. It does not “feel” that way to you because they, the scary Other, are the “wrong” color.

That’s just it, right?

And it's a total so-what. Until we discover some form of immortality everyone is going to be replaced. What difference does it make what color their skin is?? Should I be screaming I'm going to be replaced because "Loren" is no longer a male name?
Logically, yes I can see how this is a total so-what ...because after all I will be long dead too. But for some reason it just does not feel that way to me.

Which, of course, is racism. It does not “feel” that way to you because they, the scary Other, are the “wrong” color.

That’s just it, right?
Its more the wrong culture and language I think. And the fact that (for whatever reason) the newcomers are obviously fleeing an unsuccessful situation that I am hoping they do not repeat in my society.

And then there is also the scarcity of resources that a bankrupt (US) nation can not really provide to them.

And it's a total so-what. Until we discover some form of immortality everyone is going to be replaced. What difference does it make what color their skin is?? Should I be screaming I'm going to be replaced because "Loren" is no longer a male name?
Logically, yes I can see how this is a total so-what ...because after all I will be long dead too. But for some reason it just does not feel that way to me.

Which, of course, is racism. It does not “feel” that way to you because they, the scary Other, are the “wrong” color.

That’s just it, right?
Its more the wrong culture and language I think. And the fact that (for whatever reason) the newcomers are obviously fleeing an unsuccessful situation that I am hoping they do not repeat in my society.

And then there is also the scarcity of resources that a bankrupt (US) nation can not really provide to them.
The U.S. is not bankrupt. More, you do not understand that the U.S. NEEDS immigrants. We are a nation of immigrants. In the 19th century immigrants from Italy, Ireland, Germany and eastern Europe were reviled, because of their “wrong” culture. language, even religion. Catholics, for example, were greeted with great resistance. Today many of their descendants, usually comfortable and middle-class, revile current immigrants. It is twisted, bizarre and hypocritical.

Wrong culture, wrong language? HOW? Did you read my post about the ethnic, racial, and cultural heterogeneity of New York City, and how this new wave of immigrants has enriched and revived the city after its economic decline in the 70s and 80s? And exactly the same revival is taking place in Springfield, where Haitian immigrants, who were welcomed, helped REVIVE the city. And now those two evil bastards, Trump and Vance, have unleashed a wave of MAGGOT hatred against innocent and hard-working people. It is revolting.
The U.S. is not bankrupt.
As of the third quarter of 2023, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio was 123%, which is the debt of $34 trillion divided by the average GDP of $26.97 trillion. This is higher than the average of 65.7% from 1940 to 2023.

As we have just seen, the debt is so high that the federal reserve can no longer raise interest long enough to curb inflation without causing interest payments to soar higher than military spending.

The debt level would be bad enough on its own but the US no longer has any way to produce its way out it like it did post WW2. We have offshored all our manufacturing to China. The US will either have to go bankrupt (the most honest way) or inflate the currency (screw the bondholders). Either way, as a first start we need to spend a lot less and produce a lot more. It is a HUGE problem that no one talks about and politicians (either party) are not held being accountable for by the voters.
The U.S. is not bankrupt.
As of the third quarter of 2023, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio was 123%, which is the debt of $34 trillion divided by the average GDP of $26.97 trillion. This is higher than the average of 65.7% from 1940 to 2023.

As we have just seen, the debt is so high that the federal reserve can no longer raise interest long enough to curb inflation without causing interest payments to soar higher than military spending.

The debt level would be bad enough on its own but the US no longer has any way to produce its way out it like it did post WW2. We have offshored all our manufacturing to China. The US will either have to go bankrupt (the most honest way) or inflate the currency (screw the bondholders). Either way, as a first start we need to spend a lot less and produce a lot more. It is a HUGE problem that no one talks about and politicians (either party) are not held being accountable for by the voters.
Yes, and they have been saying the exact same things back to the New Deal, and somehow Armageddon never comes. For one thing, productivity is always increasing thanks to technological advances, and thanks also to — wait for it — hard-working IMMIGRANTS. Also, we have not offshored “all” our manufacturing to China. Please address the IMMIGRANT part of my post.
Maybe we do. You could be very likely right about this.

But let the politicians we elected debate the subject calmly and with data to support their recommendations. Then tell the public what was learned during their debates, what they decide to do, and what the nation will expect. We are paying all of them $150k/year for this service anyway. That way when someone visits a town like Springfield and happens to think they are in Haiti he/she will not be surprised or alarmed.

That would be so much better and more honest than opening our border just for political gain and votes, pretending everything is normal.

The best known astro physics knowledge right now is that eventually the universe will die due to infinate expansion. Many eons after our sun flames out, eventually all the atoms of the universe will separate into nothingness. That thought also does not sit well me. Although the universe being dead is really a total so-what, it still bothers me in the same way I can not explain.
I cannot relate to being personally bothered by the eventual heat death of the universe.

We clearly have very different approaches to viewing the world and the universe.
Maybe we do. You could be very likely right about this.

But let the politicians we elected debate the subject calmly and with data to support their recommendations.
that’s a great idea. But keep in mind that the data does not include “they’re eating the dogs”, and we shouldn’t elect politicians who think that saying that is part of a good faith debate on the subject with data to support their recommendations
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