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Another example of the depravity of MAGA that Trump brings out


Veteran Member
Jun 17, 2003
Hallandale, FL
Basic Beliefs
Right leaning skeptic
In his most recent rally in PA today, Trump said the following:

"Do you think Springfield will ever be the same again? The fact is (shouting), you have to get them the hell out. They have destroyed it!"

The crowd then chants "Send them back! Send them back! Send them back! Send them back! Send them back!"

It is videos like this where I think in 20, 30 years from now, when hopefully we will be ok and this madness will be behind us, our children will look back at videos of it the same way we do KKK rallies or Hitler rallies. How could these people hold such disgusting views and express such hate and be so drawn to a guy that brings out that hate?

Trump brings out the deepest, darkest impulses in people and riles them up to a fever pitch in order to direct hate at an innocent but vulnerable and mostly powerless group of humans, to obtain his own political power. He did it masterfully on Jan 6 as well to successfully incite violence in thousands of individuals. What can be more toxic in a so called leader than that? In what case in history has giving that person the most powerful position in that country ever turned out well?

And remember, these are people who are here legally, who escaped high levels of violence and unrest in their country, who have just as much right to be here as any other legal immigrant, who are working hard, trying their best to be a good Americans and follow the law, to integrate just like any other immigrant group has done in the past. Hatian immigrants have enriched the United States. I live close to Miami, and there are many people of Hatian ancestry that live around here who are good Americans, who enrich the culture and contribute to the fabric of America.

The lead prosecutor in Trump's second assassination attempt was born in Haiti, for example, and is now an American citizen and a dedicated public servant to the people of the United States. His mother was a street vendor and his father a tailor. He served 6 years in the U.S. Marine Corp and served a tour in Iraq. What an amazing example of the American dream in action and our country benefitting as a result of him being part of our society.

It is so beyond the pale how anyone can support Trump and still look in the mirror without complete disgust at themselves as a human being. What has happened to the humanity of such a large portion of our society?
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I agree. My views are so polar opposite it has become watching a horror show unfold. I think it is a very complex set of reasons. One of them is that the white man is no longer in charge and to those that were raised in this culture they feel very threatened and fear any change. This is part of the gun culture that needs guns to protect themselves from change and helps with their fear based living. Evolution is a messy and tough thing.
these are people who are here legally, who escaped high levels of violence and unrest in their country, who have just as much right to be here as any other legal immigrant
... including Trump's prostitute-wife.
They will get crazier and more extreme as the demographic shift proceeds. In about 18 to 20 years, it's projected that there will be no ethnic majority in the U.S. We'll be what's been called a "majority minority country" --although that's an awkward way to express it, IMO. Anyway, there will be a Caucasian plurality. Repubs attract the folks who resist re-imagining the American community in that way. Trump's current rhetoric about pet-eaters may seem tame by the end of all this. Replacement theory will flow out of the mouths of pols who style themselves as god-fearing conservatives. Because of our gun situation, who knows what ugliness is up ahead. Trump has told the crazies to "stand back and stand by"... Expect the Emma Lazarus plaque to be torn off Lady Liberty if Trump wins -- he'll probably stand by and have his three strapping sons attack it with sledge hammers.
these are people who are here legally, who escaped high levels of violence and unrest in their country, who have just as much right to be here as any other legal immigrant
... including Trump's prostitute-wife.
Sorry... you'll have to be more specific.
I'm reminded of an experience from my youth that is burned into my mind. My uncle Jerry invited members of his extended family to come over from Germany and visit the US. We had a house on the water, and uncle Jerry brought them over to have a day out on the lake. My uncle's uncle (or perhaps an elder cousin) was an old and very scarred man. He was stern, but when he sat down at our piano he lit up and started playing music. Then at one point he turned to us kids, pointed a bony finger from his perch on the piano bench, and in his broken English tried to lecture us. "We were wrong" sticks out in my memory.

He'd been a decorated Luftwaffe fighter pilot during the war, and his scars were burns from when he was shot down. He was a "Hero of the Fatherland." Iron Cross and all. Luftwaffe pilots at the very least had to pledge allegiance to the Nazi party. So we technically had a Nazi in our home.

these are people who are here legally, who escaped high levels of violence and unrest in their country, who have just as much right to be here as any other legal immigrant
... including Trump's prostitute-wife.
Leave them out of this. Like Hunter Biden and Harris' old boyfriend and MTGs yoga instructor and Boeberts hand job buddy, they're not involved.
these are people who are here legally, who escaped high levels of violence and unrest in their country, who have just as much right to be here as any other legal immigrant
... including Trump's prostitute-wife.
Leave them out of this. Like Hunter Biden and Harris' old boyfriend and MTGs yoga instructor and Boeberts hand job buddy, they're not involved.
Thanks for mentioning them too! 😊
these are people who are here legally, who escaped high levels of violence and unrest in their country, who have just as much right to be here as any other legal immigrant
... including Trump's prostitute-wife.
You really do not like Melania do you?
these are people who are here legally, who escaped high levels of violence and unrest in their country, who have just as much right to be here as any other legal immigrant
... including Trump's prostitute-wife.
You really do not like Melania do you?
"Like" is a complex word in the context.

Melania is a high end hooker. She reached the top of her profession. She bagged a billionaire and planted an anchor baby in the money.
Tops in her field.

Props where they're due.
these are people who are here legally, who escaped high levels of violence and unrest in their country, who have just as much right to be here as any other legal immigrant
... including Trump's prostitute-wife.
You really do not like Melania do you?
Me? I love Melaria. I mean, compared to her sponsor she’s a real deal princess. And hot, don’t you think?
I believe she shares some of my political views too. Wish I had her phone#.
these are people who are here legally, who escaped high levels of violence and unrest in their country, who have just as much right to be here as any other legal immigrant
... including Trump's prostitute-wife.
Leave them out of this. Like Hunter Biden and Harris' old boyfriend and MTGs yoga instructor and Boeberts hand job buddy, they're not involved.
Melania has repeatedly, openly, knowingly and willingly supported her scumbag of a husband in a public and official capacity. She doesn't deserve the same amount of justifiable criticism as say, Jared or Ivanka, but she isn't an innocent third party either. YMMV.

It should be open season on MTG's new fuck buddy, also.
Melania is a high end hooker. She reached the top of her profession. She bagged a billionaire and planted an anchor baby in the money.
Tops in her field.

Props where they're due.
"It takes one to know one."
Other high-priced Manhattan call-girls familiar with Melania's employment and social schedule are confident she was one of them.
OTOH Jeffery Epstein claims to have introduced the lovely couple to each other.

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