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Another investigation by the FBI about Clinton emails

Trump stereotyped him even though he was a trump supporter, called him a thug
That makes Trump reckless?

That doesn't seem to compare to Hillary Clinton recklessly supporting the meddling in Libya which has destroyed the country. What does Hillary have to do before she is reckless in foreign affairs????
What about her recklessness with her email server? What would she have to do before you'd call her reckless about that?
General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has said a no fly zone in Russia would require war with Russia. Despite that Hillary Clinton has said she wants one.
How much more reckless can you get.


How on earth do people not think she is not reckless?????

She is a danger to the whole world.
I have. Do you have an example of him speaking that shows a reckless temperament, and particularly one that shows him to be more reckless than Hillary Clinton?

Aside from giving everyone in the media a massive hard-on, this won't matter much.

Don't be so sure. Obviously there's nothing there or the FBI would have said so. But the fact that they said they found a laptop with emails from Wiener the perv, is red meat for the irrationals.
I don't think Hillary Clinton's troubles are ever going to go away. Whether it is her emails or the Clinton Foundation or any number of things.
Even if she get's elected, she is going to be dogged by one thing or another in a probably unprecedented way.
It will never go away and it will likely tarnish the whole presidency for as long as she is President

If only the Democratic Party had a good candidate to put up.

I think a danger is that people now, in greater numbers, realise this and vote for Trump

Anyone pathetically dumb enough not to know that Trump would forever tarnish the presidency and the world's view of the American people on the day he was elected to it, infinitely more than Hillary ever could, is already committed to Trump. In addition to being as dumb as his supporters, Trump is a lifelong rapist, misogynist, rabid racist, and white-collar criminal and details of his crimes would emerge every day during his presidency. In fact, just by being a close second, Trump has already tarnished the presidency.

The only danger of these orchestrated by the GOP masquerading as the FBI is if it hurts turn out among those who would vote for Hillary, if they got to the polls.
I don't think Hillary Clinton's troubles are ever going to go away. Whether it is her emails or the Clinton Foundation or any number of things.
Even if she get's elected, she is going to be dogged by one thing or another in a probably unprecedented way.
It will never go away and it will likely tarnish the whole presidency for as long as she is President

If only the Democratic Party had a good candidate to put up.

I think a danger is that people now, in greater numbers, realise this and vote for Trump

Anyone pathetically dumb enough not to know that Trump would forever tarnish the presidency and the world's view of the American people on the day he was elected to it, infinitely more than Hillary ever could, is already committed to Trump. In addition to being as dumb as his supporters, Trump is a lifelong rapist, misogynist, rabid racist, and white-collar criminal and details of his crimes would emerge every day during his presidency. In fact, just by being a close second, Trump has already tarnished the presidency.

The only danger of these orchestrated by the GOP masquerading as the FBI is if it hurts turn out among those who would vote for Hillary, if they got to the polls.

Exactly. If that bloated, spoiled, moneyed clown is elected, the world - when it is not worried sick - will treat the US with contempt.
I have. Do you have an example of him speaking that shows a reckless temperament, and particularly one that shows him to be more reckless than Hillary Clinton?

I guess WW is not impressed.
General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has said a no fly zone in Russia would require war with Russia. Despite that Hillary Clinton has said she wants one.
How much more reckless can you get.


How on earth do people not think she is not reckless?????

She is a danger to the whole world.

I would indeed expect a no fly zone in Russia to cause a war with them. Fortunately, she only proposed one in Syria. And that was 5 years ago when it could've been done and this thing would be over.

General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has said a no fly zone in Russia would require war with Russia. Despite that Hillary Clinton has said she wants one.
How much more reckless can you get.


How on earth do people not think she is not reckless?????

She is a danger to the whole world.

I would indeed expect a no fly zone in Russia to cause a war with them. Fortunately, she only proposed one in Syria. And that was 5 years ago when it could've been done and this thing would be over.


Yes Syria not Russia. I mis typed

I'm curious...why do you think you have the right to invade other countries and conduct military operations, even though they never ever work out??
Can you explain?.
I have. Do you have an example of him speaking that shows a reckless temperament, and particularly one that shows him to be more reckless than Hillary Clinton?


You think an advertisement is evidence????????

I ask for evidence and you give me a television advertisement/????
She is a danger to the whole world.

Whereas the world would be in no danger from a man with the emotional and intellectual development of a 10 year old who would plausibly launch us into a war with Russia over nothing but an infantile exchange of insults between himself and the similarly unstable Putin.

Note that Hillary has about the same support of US Generals as prior Dem nominee have had, whereas Trump has 1/10th the support of US Generals that any Republican nominee has had in the last half Century. Given the clear cut budgetary benefit to the Generals and the military under any Republican administration, why would 90% of Generals be withholding support from Trump? Answer: Because they know that he dangerously stupid and unstable.
She is a danger to the whole world.

Whereas the world would be in no danger from a man with the emotional and intellectual development of a 10 year old who would plausibly launch us into a war with Russia over nothing but an infantile exchange of insults between himself and the similarly unstable Putin.
I gave you some evidence as to why Hillary Clinton could start a war with Russia. You have given nothing in the way of evidence.
I'm curious...why do you think you have the right to invade other countries and conduct military operations, even though they never ever work out??
Can you explain?.

If we're looking for Republican-style excuses, we can always say "Well, Bush did it!". Yes, he got congressional assent based on dishonest assessment and presentation of intelligence information. Does that make it better?
How quickly they forget...
Sorry, but you don't seem to know much about Trump if you think he's less dangerous. One of the main reasons I oppose him is the threat he poses to the world. If it were about dogma, you wouldn't see so many Republicans disavowing him. A main reason they say they do so is that he has a reckless temperament.

I think he has problems but i'm not sure what evidence you are thinking of when you say reckless temperament.

Hillary has been extremely reckless. Reckless in Libya and other countries. Reckless with her emails. Her temperament is wild according to people who have worked with her. There are plenty of anecdotes about her completely losing it from people who have worked closely with her.

A secret service agent recently wrote about her in a book. But there are lots of other examples.
Secret Service Agent Book: Raging Hillary Clinton Threw Bible at Agent’s Colleague

I'm curious...why do you think you have the right to invade other countries and conduct military operations, even though they never ever work out??
Can you explain?.

If we're looking for Republican-style excuses, we can always say "Well, Bush did it!". Yes, he got congressional assent based on dishonest assessment and presentation of intelligence information. Does that make it better?
How quickly they forget...

I'm not a republican fan. I don't see any real difference between Republicans and Democrats

You think an advertisement is evidence????????

I ask for evidence and you give me a television advertisement/????

I used the ad to show what Trump has said. He loves war, he would bomb the shit out of people, etc..

Remember, you asked this:
I have. Do you have an example of him speaking that shows a reckless temperament, and particularly one that shows him to be more reckless than Hillary Clinton?
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