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Another investigation by the FBI about Clinton emails

I would indeed expect a no fly zone in Russia to cause a war with them. Fortunately, she only proposed one in Syria. And that was 5 years ago when it could've been done and this thing would be over.


Yes Syria not Russia. I mis typed

I'm curious...why do you think you have the right to invade other countries and conduct military operations, even though they never ever work out??
Can you explain?.

What do you mean in never works out? It worked out for Bush just fine, he got elected for a second term, did not he?
If we're looking for Republican-style excuses, we can always say "Well, Bush did it!". Yes, he got congressional assent based on dishonest assessment and presentation of intelligence information. Does that make it better?
How quickly they forget...

I'm not a republican fan. I don't see any real difference between Republicans and Democrats

The primary current foreign policy between the parties is that generally republicans favor American boots on the ground as an forward attack and then occupy force. The dems (lead by Obama) prefer the locals to lead the fight and then occupy, and have US troops in a support position.
This is not to suggest any actual breaches did occur but that she should have followed the correct security procedures that let to this.

Fucking brilliant. You should write to everyone concerned and share this astonishing revelation.

Nonetheless this was a dumb thing on her part.
This is looking worse and worse for Hillary Clinton for Huma and for the FBI. This is going to get ugly!

Throw Huma Under the Bus?

Weiner revelation proves Comey dropped the ball on Hillary probe

It appears the FBI agents investigating Anthony Weiner for sexting an underaged girl have done the job that the FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information didn’t or weren’t allowed to do.

Agents reportedly found thousands of State Department-related emails ostensibly containing classified information on the electronic devices belonging to Weiner and his wife and top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. The discovery has prompted FBI Director James Comey to, on the eve of the election, reopen the Clinton case he prematurely closed last July.

How did agents examine the devices? By seizing them. It’s a common practice in criminal investigations, but one that clearly was not applied in the case of Clinton or her top aide — even though agents assigned to that case knew Abedin hoarded classified emails on her electronic devices.

On page 3 of their 11-page report, the agents detail how they showed Abedin a classified paper on Pakistan sent from a State Department source which she, in turn, inexplicably forwarded to her personal Yahoo email account — an obviously unclassified, unencrypted, unsecured and unauthorized system. The breach of security was not an isolated event but a common practice with Abedin.

“She routinely forwarded emails from her state.gov account to either her clintonemail.com or her yahoo.com account,” the agents wrote. Why? “So she could print them” at home and not at her State Department office.
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Again, Trump's very own words. He claims he "loves war". He's an unstable idiot.

Unfortunately there was no context to those three words in the 30 second propaganda video from Clinton's campaign.
I assume you have seen the context...what was it?

If all you guys can come up with is taking three words, possibly out of context, from a propaganda video, then I'm not sure how that is supposed to be convincing?
It looks like "quote mining".
And if you guys genuinely knew the context then why on earth wouldn't you post it up front??
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This is looking worse and worse for Hillary Clinton for Huma and for the FBI. This is going to get ugly!

Throw Huma Under the Bus?

Weiner revelation proves Comey dropped the ball on Hillary probe

On page 3 of their 11-page report, the agents detail how they showed Abedin a classified paper on Pakistan sent from a State Department source which she, in turn, inexplicably forwarded to her personal Yahoo email account — an obviously unclassified, unencrypted, unsecured and unauthorized system. The breach of security was not an isolated event but a common practice with Abedin.

“She routinely forwarded emails from her state.gov account to either her clintonemail.com or her yahoo.com account,” the agents wrote. Why? “So she could print them” at home and not at her State Department office.

I think that your bro-crush on Trump is making you reach here!
650,000 emails?
Who sends that many emails? Could be an insurance stash.

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe
Federal agents are preparing to scour roughly 650,000 emails contained on the laptop of former Rep. Anthony Weiner to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton’s email use, as metadata on the device suggests there may be thousands sent to or from the
Again, Trump's very own words. He claims he "loves war". He's an unstable idiot.

Unfortunately there was no context to those three words in the 30 second propaganda video from Clinton's campaign.
I assume you have seen the context...what was it?

If all you guys can come up with is taking three words, possibly out of context, from a propaganda video, then I'm not sure how that is supposed to be convincing?
It looks like "quote mining".
And if you guys genuinely knew the context then why on earth wouldn't you post it up front??

Are you defending the insanity that is Donald Trump?

I know his words mean nothing.

As is the case with all pathological liars.
Unfortunately there was no context to those three words in the 30 second propaganda video from Clinton's campaign.
I assume you have seen the context...what was it?

If all you guys can come up with is taking three words, possibly out of context, from a propaganda video, then I'm not sure how that is supposed to be convincing?
It looks like "quote mining".
And if you guys genuinely knew the context then why on earth wouldn't you post it up front??

Are you defending the insanity that is Donald Trump?

I know his words mean nothing.

As is the case with all pathological liars.

Will is talking concretely about this:
650,000 emails?
Who sends that many emails? Could be an insurance stash.

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

She may simply be on copy of many of these.
It doesn't seem to fit. Would James Comey do something so risky and controversial just because Hillary was on copy of some emails.
Comey is doing it so he can say..."I tried to tell you"

This is going to be a disaster. Hillary doesn't know how to do anything but dig her heels in.
Comey said he doesn't know what's there, which is what makes it more absurd that he would bother to violate doj policy by making an announcement like this so close to an election.

This is going to be a disaster. Hillary doesn't know how to do anything but dig her heels in.

Please translate to sane English.
Unfortunately there was no context to those three words in the 30 second propaganda video from Clinton's campaign.
I assume you have seen the context...what was it?

If all you guys can come up with is taking three words, possibly out of context, from a propaganda video, then I'm not sure how that is supposed to be convincing?
It looks like "quote mining".
And if you guys genuinely knew the context then why on earth wouldn't you post it up front??

Are you defending the insanity that is Donald Trump?

No. But some of his ideas are actually not insane. What is insane is the leaders you have had.
So why not ask a specific question and I can comment on it. If you ask about a specific idea I can tell you whether I thin k it is good or bad or neither. Your move.
Comey said he doesn't know what's there, which is what makes it more absurd that he would bother to violate doj policy by making an announcement like this so close to an election.

This is going to be a disaster. Hillary doesn't know how to do anything but dig her heels in.

Please translate to sane English.

1.From what Comey has done, I'd say he knows that some very damning stuff will be revealed in the new emails.
2. Hillary probably knows this.
3. She is unable to stop, despite this.
4.The emails will be revealed in time.
5.If she is president at that time it will be bad for America.

Do you really think, if FBI agents have been looking into these for weeks that the director of the FBI doesn't know how bad they are? Really???
Comey said he doesn't know what's there, which is what makes it more absurd that he would bother to violate doj policy by making an announcement like this so close to an election.

Please translate to sane English.

1.From what Comey has done, I'd say he knows that some very damning stuff will be revealed in the new emails.
2. Hillary probably knows this.
3. She is unable to stop, despite this.
4.The emails will be revealed in time.
5.If she is president at that time it will be bad for America.

Do you really think, if FBI agents have been looking into these for weeks that the director of the FBI doesn't know how bad they are? Really???

He knows nothing about the emails. The FBI is currently seeking a warrant so they can view them.



1. He knows nothing yet.
2. She's probably not real excited about having her name mentioned in emails from a serial texter.
3. Stop what?
4. Doubtful.
5. Not as bad as Trump having access to nuclear weapons.

That last one is kind of the kicker, because it's hard to trump it, so to speak.
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