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Another investigation by the FBI about Clinton emails

1.From what Comey has done, I'd say he knows that some very damning stuff will be revealed in the new emails.
2. Hillary probably knows this.
3. She is unable to stop, despite this.
4.The emails will be revealed in time.
5.If she is president at that time it will be bad for America.

Do you really think, if FBI agents have been looking into these for weeks that the director of the FBI doesn't know how bad they are? Really???

He knows nothing about the emails. The FBI is currently seeking a warrant so they can view them.



1. He knows nothing yet.
2. She's probably not real excited about having her name mentioned in emails from a serial texter.
3. Stop what?
4. Doubtful.
5. Not as bad as Trump having access to nuclear weapons.

That last one is kind of the kicker, because it's hard to trump it, so to speak.

Could this incident be the Republican's Trump card? The jokes get worse as the election draws near.

When I worked for my government employer in China, at my request I was given remote access to its server. A Secretary of State is a 24/7 job requiring constant access nowadays to emails. She should have requested access be set up for her rather than using her own emails.
From what it is reported, the emails aren't even Hillary's.

I can see that the FBI guy Comey probably released them now to show how 'unbiased' he is and unable to be bought as were all the Republican accusations against him.

But honestly, what can the emails show? The Republicans can't really think that her assistant was privvy to classified emails. I can't imagine they're concerned about Hillary knowing about a pervert since many Republicans are supporting one as their candidate.

- - - Updated - - -

He knows nothing about the emails. The FBI is currently seeking a warrant so they can view them.



1. He knows nothing yet.
2. She's probably not real excited about having her name mentioned in emails from a serial texter.
3. Stop what?
4. Doubtful.
5. Not as bad as Trump having access to nuclear weapons.

That last one is kind of the kicker, because it's hard to trump it, so to speak.

Could this incident be the Republican's Trump card? The jokes get worse as the election draws near.

When I worked for my government employer in China, at my request I was given remote access to its server. A Secretary of State is a 24/7 job requiring constant access nowadays to emails. She should have requested access be set up for her rather than using her own emails.

Hindsight is 20/20. She did what all Sec of State did in the past. Only she is being hounded for her actions.
From what it is reported, the emails aren't even Hillary's.

I can see that the FBI guy Comey probably released them now to show how 'unbiased' he is and unable to be bought as were all the Republican accusations against him.

But honestly, what can the emails show? The Republicans can't really think that her assistant was privvy to classified emails. I can't imagine they're concerned about Hillary knowing about pervert since many Republicans are supporting one as their candidate.

Coming from a military family background security is something to be taken seriously. A breach in security may not comprise the country but it is more likely to. Likewise fire prevention may prevent a fire even though a lack of it being implemented did not result in a fire breaking out.

Nonetheless the election sees to be about trying to convince the public which is worse; where Trump put his pecker and his hands, and where Clinton did with her emails and why she received these. Forget the economy.
Can anyone begin to imagine the firestorm if the FBI started announcing stuff about the evidence they plan to examine regarding their child rape case against Trump, or their fraud cases against Trump, or his bribery of the Florida Attorney General?
Can anyone begin to imagine the firestorm if the FBI started announcing stuff about the evidence they plan to examine regarding their child rape case against Trump, or their fraud cases against Trump, or his bribery of the Florida Attorney General?

Harry Reid agrees with you:

In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government — a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States, which Trump praises at every opportunity. The public has a right to know this information. I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public. There is no danger to American interests from releasing it. And yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information.

By contrast, as soon as you came into possession of the slightest innuendo related to Secretary Clinton, you rushed to publicize it in the most negative light possible.

When Harry Reid thinks you're on a needless Clinton witch hunt, it's time to re-evaluate your life's choices.
Harry Reid agrees with you:

In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government — a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States, which Trump praises at every opportunity. The public has a right to know this information. I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public. There is no danger to American interests from releasing it. And yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information.

By contrast, as soon as you came into possession of the slightest innuendo related to Secretary Clinton, you rushed to publicize it in the most negative light possible.

When Harry Reid thinks you're on a needless Clinton witch hunt, it's time to re-evaluate your life's choices.

Indeed. It's a good thing that Republicans - trumpsuckers in particular - are so well noted for their introspection, eh?
It is _fascinating_ watching Trump supporters explain how they decide things. (fascinating in a parasitoid wasp kind of way...)
Just before the 2004 election, there was a tape of bin Laden that helped sway the election for hummer . Will the new email investigation do the same?

Can anyone begin to imagine the firestorm if the FBI started announcing stuff about the evidence they plan to examine regarding their child rape case against Trump, or their fraud cases against Trump, or his bribery of the Florida Attorney General?

It's already been announced several times in the Media as with Clinton's email gate
Can anyone begin to imagine the firestorm if the FBI started announcing stuff about the evidence they plan to examine regarding their child rape case against Trump, or their fraud cases against Trump, or his bribery of the Florida Attorney General?
It's already been announced several times in the Media as with Clinton's email gate

Yet, here in the US, there's NOTHING in the media about any of it. It's 100% EMAILS EMAILS EMAILS - THERE MIGHT BE SOMETHING IN THE EMAILS! Trump says she's guilty and should be locked up. So - why not say Trump is guilty and should be locked up - or better yet, put to death? All that matters is what the media are willing to harp on, so give them some red meat, dammit!
1.From what Comey has done, I'd say he knows that some very damning stuff will be revealed in the new emails.
2. Hillary probably knows this.
3. She is unable to stop, despite this.
4.The emails will be revealed in time.
5.If she is president at that time it will be bad for America.

Do you really think, if FBI agents have been looking into these for weeks that the director of the FBI doesn't know how bad they are? Really???

He knows nothing about the emails. The FBI is currently seeking a warrant so they can view them.

I think it is a bit naive to believe that the FBI agents after seizing the computer haven't looked at them. I also doubt that they would have immediately realised that they would even need a separate warrant for those emails. Thirdly we know that FBI agents have already questioned Huma about some emails.

Obviously once they realised they need a separate warrant for the emails Comey is saying he doesn't know....but it's naive to think he doesn't know what's in them
He knows nothing about the emails. The FBI is currently seeking a warrant so they can view them.

I think it is a bit naive to believe that the FBI agents after seizing the computer haven't looked at them. I also doubt that they would have immediately realised that they would even need a separate warrant for those emails. Thirdly we know that FBI agents have already questioned Huma about some emails.

Obviously once they realised they need a separate warrant for the emails Comey is saying he doesn't know....but it's naive to think he doesn't know what's in them

It doesn't matter what's in them (or not). What Comey has done is to allow Trump to go around the country blathering that she's guilty and should be locked up, based on an FBI statement that they found emails not sent by HRC to a computer not HRC's, that may or may not be significant to a case which was never closed (there is no "new investigation").
Politically, the right thing for Dems to do would be to get the media OFF this fixation. If they don't have another Trump bombshell to drop, they should just be repeating "Trump sexual offender", "Trump fraud" and "Trump bribery" ad nauseum. And if the media doesn't take notice, they would need to simply Trump it up a little by saying he's guilty of all those things and they "want him locked up NOW!"
I think it is a bit naive to believe that the FBI agents after seizing the computer haven't looked at them. I also doubt that they would have immediately realised that they would even need a separate warrant for those emails. Thirdly we know that FBI agents have already questioned Huma about some emails.

Obviously once they realised they need a separate warrant for the emails Comey is saying he doesn't know....but it's naive to think he doesn't know what's in them

It doesn't matter what's in them (or not). What Comey has done is to allow Trump to go around the country blathering that she's guilty and should be locked up, based on an FBI statement that they found emails not sent by HRC to a computer not HRC's, that may or may not be significant to a case which was never closed (there is no "new investigation").
Politically, the right thing for Dems to do would be to get the media OFF this fixation. If they don't have another Trump bombshell to drop, they should just be repeating "Trump sexual offender", "Trump fraud" and "Trump bribery" ad nauseum. And if the media doesn't take notice, they would need to simply Trump it up a little by saying he's guilty of all those things and they "want him locked up NOW!"
Yes..."when they go low, you go high"

Do you think Hillary should be the one to take the lead and say these things, the way Trump took the lead to say the things he did?
It's already been announced several times in the Media as with Clinton's email gate

Yet, here in the US, there's NOTHING in the media about any of it. It's 100% EMAILS EMAILS EMAILS - THERE MIGHT BE SOMETHING IN THE EMAILS! Trump says she's guilty and should be locked up. So - why not say Trump is guilty and should be locked up - or better yet, put to death? All that matters is what the media are willing to harp on, so give them some red meat, dammit!
Before you lock someone up they have to be convicted of something.
It doesn't matter what's in them (or not). What Comey has done is to allow Trump to go around the country blathering that she's guilty and should be locked up, based on an FBI statement that they found emails not sent by HRC to a computer not HRC's, that may or may not be significant to a case which was never closed (there is no "new investigation").
Politically, the right thing for Dems to do would be to get the media OFF this fixation. If they don't have another Trump bombshell to drop, they should just be repeating "Trump sexual offender", "Trump fraud" and "Trump bribery" ad nauseum. And if the media doesn't take notice, they would need to simply Trump it up a little by saying he's guilty of all those things and they "want him locked up NOW!"
Yes..."when they go low, you go high"

That was last week, when James Comey was the Republicans' villain.

Do you think Hillary should be the one to take the lead and say these things, the way Trump took the lead to say the things he did?

Better if her surrogates took it up and harped on it relentlessly. How over the top they'd need to go to keep the press mesmerized would have to be determined by trial and error. Just demanding that Comey updatae us on the status of the investigations into TRUMP SEXUAL ASSAULT!, TRUMP BRIBERY OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS! and TRUMP FRAUD! might be enough. If not, get Kaine, Sanders, Liz Warren and a few dozen of her reported 100+ surrogates to start chanting in unison "TRUMP ON TRIAL FOR CHILD RAPE!!" etc. ....that kind of thing usually makes the networks think they can sell more drugs and fast food, so they'd stick with it for a while. At the extreme, start demanding that Comey lock up Trump IMMEDIATELY! as a public menace. Maybe throw in some sedition charges too.

whichphilosophy said:
Before you lock someone up they have to be convicted of something.

No shit, Sherlock. Who said anything about locking anyone up? I'm talking about what they should SAY.
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