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Are Bernie and Warren finally going to clash?

I can't speak for other males here but I hate what Warren did, even if she is factually 100% correct. If that was a big deal for her she should have complained and tried to resolve it immediately, not wait for an opportunity to use it against Sanders.

But: she didn’t do anything to Sanders.

Some several persons leaked it
. The sources are anonymous.
That's pretty convenient.
Everybody assumes that the sources are from Warren’s camp. But I think a case could be made that it was Sanders’ staff—there is a history of allegations of sexism within the Sanders campaign.
If it was not her camp she should have simply denied that when asked to comment.
You know what? I’m fucking sick of women being expected to just shit up when men do bad things to them because it might hurt the man’s reputation and career—and if they don’t, they’re called liars and snakes and it’s a mark against the woman for not keeping quiet about the shitty things the man did.
Again, my problem is with her waiting. She could have been as loud as she wanted, but she should not have waited. She had no reason to wait, instead she continued to be friendly with him.
ow. She didn’t shake hands with someone
Refusing to shake somebody's hand is a big deal, especially if you hope to get support from that person's supporters.

OMFG—she’s not the one waeponizing her gender.
Of course she is - she is trying to paint Bernie as some kind of sexist.

You and the rest of the Bernie bros are doing it to het
1. I am not a "Bernie bro". But I am guessing you are a "Warren wench". Or do you prefer "Lizzie lass"?
2. Who is "het" and what are "Bernie bros" doing to him?

—and I’m sure Mayor Peter is next. And why not? That’s exactly what the bros did against Clinton.
I guess Warren and Hillary are the only ones allowed to attack their primary opponents ...
I remember when Obama was attacked for being too harsh to Hillary in a debate before the NH primary in 2008.

There isn’t nearly as much difference between a Trump and Bernie or Trumpsters and the Bros as you’d like to think.
I think there is a huge difference. The only similarity would be both being outsiders.

Never mind though, Bernie cashes in on the debate kerfuffle.
Sanders-Warren dispute jolts Bernie’s base into action
At the same time, #refundWarren is trending.
#RefundWarren Trends After Elizabeth Warren Accuses Bernie Sanders of Saying a Woman Couldn't Beat Trump

Still looks better than the actual Witcher ... :)
That's pretty convenient.
Everybody assumes that the sources are from Warren’s camp. But I think a case could be made that it was Sanders’ staff—there is a history of allegations of sexism within the Sanders campaign.
If it was not her camp she should have simply denied that when asked to comment.
You know what? I’m fucking sick of women being expected to just shit up when men do bad things to them because it might hurt the man’s reputation and career—and if they don’t, they’re called liars and snakes and it’s a mark against the woman for not keeping quiet about the shitty things the man did.
Again, my problem is with her waiting. She could have been as loud as she wanted, but she should not have waited. She had no reason to wait, instead she continued to be friendly with him.

She should have lied? To protect Bernie? Why?

Think of it: If Warren is telling the truth, why on earth are you ok with Bernie lying—and not with Warren telling the truth???? Because telling the truth might hurt Bernie’s chances????? So fucking what! Because telling the truth might hurt the fairytale of progressive unity? But Bernie’s comment DIDN’T hurt the unity? Why would Bernie have said that except to undermine Warren’s confidence and help his own chances??

Who says she had any choice about the timing??????
You know what? I’m fucking sick of women being expected to just shit up when men do bad things to them because it might hurt the man’s reputation and career—and if they don’t, they’re called liars and snakes and it’s a mark against the woman for not keeping quiet about the shitty things the man did.
You are automatically assuming that a woman is telling the truth and that a man is doing "shitty things"?
It is precisely this sexist assumption that allows women like Warren to weaponize their gender.
No one here knows who leaked this alleged conversation between Sanders and Warren. And if one assumes these two were alone, why aren't wondering what else these two were doing alone in a room?

Really, this is a nothing burger of a story.
No one here knows who leaked this alleged conversation between Sanders and Warren. And if one assumes these two were alone, why aren't wondering what else these two were doing alone in a room?
Are you trying to insinuate that Warren was just salty because Bernie did not call her the next day?

I wonder if they can still bury the hatchet ...
You know what? I’m fucking sick of women being expected to just shit up when men do bad things to them because it might hurt the man’s reputation and career—and if they don’t, they’re called liars and snakes and it’s a mark against the woman for not keeping quiet about the shitty things the man did.
You are automatically assuming that a woman is telling the truth and that a man is doing "shitty things"?
It is precisely this sexist assumption that allows women like Warren to weaponize their gender.

I’m not ‘automatically’ assuming anything.

But it seems as though you are all assuming something: That this is a plot by Warren to undermine Sanders.

Sanders is the one who weaponized Warren’s gender by telling her that she couldn’t win—because of her gender.

Here’s the thing:

There’s the public Bernie persona: he tells little girls that they too can be president!!! How fucking progressive of him! That’s shit a bunch of us figured out years before Bernie ever did.

Meanwhile his 2016 campaign was filled with allegations of sexism and racism and Bernie ignored all of it —for years. So progressive! Currently there is a lawsuit pending over how staff are treated and paid and their unionizing efforts. Again: interesting for a progressive candidate. Especially one who is sooooo savvy and would make an excellent POTUS!

We don’t know who leaked that info. It is assumed that it was Warren’s staffers but I think it’s just as likely that it was Bernie’s own staffers. But we don’t know. The source is anonymous.

Still Warren is expected to cover up for Bernie.

She is wrong for telling the truth when asked.

Nothing wrong with what Bernie did. But boy that bitch Warren for telling the truth when asked about what he did.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Oh, wait: I’m not at all surprised. Women grow up being told that it is much more important to protect men than to tell the truth. And are called liars for their efforts.
No, I’m not ‘automatically’ assuming anything.
Yes you are. As always.

There’s the public Bernie persona: he tells little girls that they too can be president!!! How fucking progressive of him! That’s shit a bunch of us figured out years before Bernie ever did.
You really have an irrational hatred towards Bernie. Nothing he does is ever good.

Meanwhile his 2016 campaign was filled with allegations of sexism and racism and Bernie ignored all of it —for years.
Were any of them proven?

We don’t know who leaked that info. It is assumed that it was Warren’s staffers but I think it’s just as likely that it was Bernie’s own staffers. But we don’t know. The source is anonymous.
It doesn't make any sense that it would be somebody from the Sanders campaign. Ask yourself, qui bono?
I do not think that this will end up benefitting Warren, but she (and CNN) were certainly thinking it would. Just like Kamala was so sure going after Biden on busing would benefit her campaign that she even had t-shirts made. At least we were spared "I was that girl" shirts with Warren. :)

Still Warren is expected to cover up for Bernie.
You are just like that moderator at the debate - you assume Warren is the one telling the truth.

Oh, wait: I’m not at all surprised. Women grow up being told that it is much more important to protect men than to tell the truth. And are called liars for their efforts.

Again, you cannot even imagine that Warren might be lying or misremembering.
Yes you are. As always.

You really have an irrational hatred towards Bernie. Nothing he does is ever good.

I think that Bernie is just plain too old to be an effective POTUS. That is absolutely disqualifying to me, as it is re: Biden. If Warren didn’t seem so sorry and so with it, I wouldn’t consider her at her age, either.

But if any of them get the nomination, I’ll vote for them.

Meanwhile his 2016 campaign was filled with allegations of sexism and racism and Bernie ignored all of it —for years.
Were any of them proven?

Yes. You can google for yourself I’d you don’t care to read any of the articles I’ve linked upthread.
We don’t know who leaked that info. It is assumed that it was Warren’s staffers but I think it’s just as likely that it was Bernie’s own staffers. But we don’t know. The source is anonymous.
It doesn't make any sense that it would be somebody from the Sanders campaign. Ask yourself, qui bono?

It does if it was a disgruntled staff member of which there have been many.

I do not think that this will end up benefitting Warren, but she (and CNN) were certainly thinking it would. Just like Kamala was so sure going after Bernie on busing would benefit her campaign that she had t-shirts made. At least we were spared that with Warren. :)

You are so good at reading the minds of women you don’t know! You must be beating them off with a stick.

Still Warren is expected to cover up for Bernie.
You are just like that moderator at the debate - you assume Warren is the one telling the truth.

And you and the other bros are assuming that Bernie told the truth. I think the case is better that Bernie lied.

People talk about how easy it is for a woman to ruin a man’s reputation. A woman just has to tell the truth and hers is ruined. She’s supposed to sit quietly and take whatever is dished out.

Warren’s description matches what the 4 anonymous sources said.

Why do you think Bernie is telling the truth? How many witnesses does it take?

Again, you cannot even imagine that Warren might be lying or misremembering.

4 witnesses came forward. Warren did not. She just didn’t lie when asked.
Will twitter start banning or time out users who call Warren a snake or use snake emojis?


All the abuse that Trump earns, it is about time that Warrens gets some abuse she just earned.
Had this worked and had Sanders been ruined and dropped out, does anyone really think Warren would now pick up his supporters? This was a tactical error from the outset.
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I dropped out of this conversation. I think it's bad for progressives.

Also, both campaigns declined to comment on questions after the debate about this. They seem to not even want to talk about it.

CNN for some reason wants to keep it up.

MSNBC is following much, much more on Les Parnas story which is a bombshell. And of course Fox News is barely saying anything about Les Parnas interview.

There are much more productive things to discuss so I am out.
I dropped out of this conversation. I think it's bad for progressives.

Also, both campaigns declined to comment on questions after the debate about this. They seem to not even want to talk about it.

CNN for some reason wants to keep it up.

MSNBC is following much, much more on Les Parnas story which is a bombshell. And of course Fox News is barely saying anything about Les Parnas interview.

There are much more productive things to discuss so I am out.

I think that CNN wants to keep up the conversation because controversy draws web traffic.

End of story.
I think that Bernie is just plain too old to be an effective POTUS. That is absolutely disqualifying to me, as it is re: Biden. If Warren didn’t seem so sorry and so with it, I wouldn’t consider her at her age, either.

But if any of them get the nomination, I’ll vote for them.

Were any of them proven?

Yes. You can google for yourself I’d you don’t care to read any of the articles I’ve linked upthread.
We don’t know who leaked that info. It is assumed that it was Warren’s staffers but I think it’s just as likely that it was Bernie’s own staffers. But we don’t know. The source is anonymous.
It doesn't make any sense that it would be somebody from the Sanders campaign. Ask yourself, qui bono?

It does if it was a disgruntled staff member of which there have been many.

I do not think that this will end up benefitting Warren, but she (and CNN) were certainly thinking it would. Just like Kamala was so sure going after Bernie on busing would benefit her campaign that she had t-shirts made. At least we were spared that with Warren. :)

You are so good at reading the minds of women you don’t know! You must be beating them off with a stick.

Still Warren is expected to cover up for Bernie.
You are just like that moderator at the debate - you assume Warren is the one telling the truth.

And you and the other bros are assuming that Bernie told the truth. I think the case is better that Bernie lied.

People talk about how easy it is for a woman to ruin a man’s reputation. A woman just has to tell the truth and hers is ruined. She’s supposed to sit quietly and take whatever is dished out.

Warren’s description matches what the 4 anonymous sources said.

Why do you think Bernie is telling the truth? How many witnesses does it take?

Again, you cannot even imagine that Warren might be lying or misremembering.

4 witnesses came forward. Warren did not. She just didn’t lie when asked.

Too late to edit but above should have read: If Warren didn't seem so spry......
It's a so what. He said she said. Friends have disagreements all the time. CNN wants the click bait.
Too bad the "controversy" is all about what Bernie said but didn't actually say. Bernie's real controversy is what his Iowa staffer said.

This Bernie-Warren spat will hurt Warren far more, because the facts aren't on her side. Bernie has decades of recorded statements, and none of them support Warren's position. CNN's blatant anti-Bernie bias only makes this more ridiculous.

This mostly makes Warren look duplicitous, except in the minds of the few who will always side with her no matter what.
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