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Biden is full of bull shit blaming Putin, Saudi Arabia, and our oil companies.

But there really is a motivation for these people. As I understand it, youtube creators receive remuneration from parent Google based on subscriptions and views. So if someone (like my OP Mark Moss video) gives out bad and/or misleading information, sooner or later viewers like myself find out like I just have and go elsewhere.....

You don't understand how this works at all. Here's the thing, ... people are stupid.

People prefer to hear things they want to hear and will continue to believe things they think are true despite receiving evidence or even proof to the contrary.

Whenever I had the stomach to listen to an entire episode of Rush Limbaugh's EIB bullshit I could usually pick out two or three verifiable lies or deliberate mischaracterizations in EVERY show. And that doesn't even include the opinion based character assassination of liberals, leftists, or "feminazis" sprinkled in every 2 to 3 minutes. But did any of Limbaugh's audience notice the lies? Did they ever bother to check if he was saying was actually true? Maybe, maybe not, but it doesn't matter because his audience kept getting bigger and bigger almost every week.

Lies are comforting and people will pay you to lie to them.

It is so naive to think that a popular youtube channel must have good information just because it is popular. Popularity is NO indication of quality.
I mean, look at Sargon of Akkkad...
Click a timeline of at least 5 years and you will see the price of gasoline was stable


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In fact, current prices are exactly where the 2016-2018 increases would have us.

To clarify, the rate of increase from 2016-2018, if continued in a “stable” manner, would put prices right around $5/gal now.
So @RVonse, what was your Orange idol doing wrong?
It's not much of a secret, it is well known that the administration's war on fossil fuels is driving energy prices up.

Let's Go Brandon!!
No, it's not.
Listen, there's a video on YouTube that explains - without any bias whatsoever (see above) - who Biden is deliberately destroying both the economy and his own approval ratings in an attempt to...I guess lose the mid-terms convincingly for his party and tank their chances for 2024?

I suspect that when the Republicans take over the House and Senate in January, we will all hear testimony (in the first impeachment hearing, no doubt), that White House aides heard Biden say "I know that using the power of my office to raise gas prices - as all Presidents have been able to do - will cause havoc in the economy and lead to tanking poll numbers! That's the point! I am an evil genius while also being incompetent and doddering! Now bring me a young girl's hair to smell!!!"

(seriously, there are people who believe this sort of thing. See above)
(seriously, there are people who believe this sort of thing. See above)

Yes, some even believe there has been a time in recent memory when gas prices went down and stayed down, and they expect Biden to pull such a rabbit out of a hat. But they’re fucking idiots.
The Biden administration has been blaming Putin, Saudi Arabia, and even our own oil companies. But the real truth is government imposed RIN's resulting the costs of refinement to skyrocket. Unless Biden takes down some of his own executive orders there should be no relief in the future. And with no relief of gasoline in sight, the costs of everything else will continue to be much higher due to higher transportation costs. High fuel costs are also directly responsible for high inflation so we should expect no improvement with rampant inflation even with the fed raising interest taking down the stock market and rest of the economy.

I have listened to Putin himself who has claimed he would be delighted to know Russia could be strong enough to increase in fuel prices everywhere.... but admits Russia simply is not that powerful to affect world market price of gasoline. Its not even the unit oil price per barrel that has made the pump price higher anyway.

Oh interesting! You don't think that supply affects oil prices. What does?
The increase in gas prices is a direct result of an increase in oil prices which has been caused by a reduction in world-wide supply and an increase in world-wide demand. Blaming any single factor or actor is either naivete or ignorance.
This chart says it all.

Click a timeline of at least 5 years and you will see the price of gasoline was stable until Biden took office.
There was a dip during the pandemic, there's a spike with the war. Neither has much of anything to do with who is in the Oval Office.
The increase in gas prices is a direct result of an increase in oil prices which has been caused by a reduction in world-wide supply and an increase in world-wide demand. Blaming any single factor or actor is either naivete or ignorance.
Or engineered political grandstanding.
What makes youtube any worse than other sources of data we find on the internet these days?

If you want to replace a part on your car or do something else you know nothing about......youtube is where you will find that information.
And you'll find a lot of wrong information that way, also. It's like that even with simple stuff with no politics behind it. When there are politics behind it most of it will be crap. People who actually want to learn go with the written word, video is only beneficial when you need to show something. Thus, unless what you're after needs to be looked at rarely is You-Tube the best source of information.
Yeah, there's a difference between immediately verifiable knowledge and immediately unverifiable knowledge. There is a difference between something that if your data is wrong you damage your car, and something that where your data is wrong you break your whole society.

YouTube is not a spigot of truth, or knowledge. It is a spigot of bald assertions. When there is no motive to provide bad assertions and no major damage caused by them, YouTube is a good source. When there is motive to mislead (political disagreement is a motive), then an unvetted source as a YouTube video goes right out the window.
And with something like the part on your car you can generally recognize the garbage because it doesn't look like the problem you're dealing with. When you can't actually verify it you've got a big problem.
But there really is a motivation for these people. As I understand it, youtube creators receive remuneration from parent Google based on subscriptions and views. So if someone (like my OP Mark Moss video) gives out bad and/or misleading information, sooner or later viewers like myself find out like I just have and go elsewhere.....
But they can keep it up for a long time and they can't make money by telling the truth. Hence, lies. They're scamming you.
Whenever I had the stomach to listen to an entire episode of Rush Limbaugh's EIB bullshit I could usually pick out two or three verifiable lies or deliberate mischaracterizations in EVERY show. And that doesn't even include the opinion based character assassination of liberals, leftists, or "feminazis" sprinkled in every 2 to 3 minutes. But did any of Limbaugh's audience notice the lies? Did they ever bother to check if what he was saying was actually true? Maybe, maybe not, but it doesn't matter because his audience kept getting bigger and bigger almost every week.

Sure on the lies?

I've never watched a whole episode but I have inadvertently caught pieces of a few shows from putting the radio on seek to see what stations I could pull in. Never once did I catch him in a lie, but every time I encountered major deception that would cause the average listener to believe something false. For example, he was talking about the failure rate of condoms--he gave the correct numbers (1 in 6) but without units (chance of pregnancy in a year, normal usage.) He then jumped to talking about if using a condom had a risk of HIV infection that was 1 in 6 would it be any good. Note that he jumped from per-year to per-instance and from pregnancy (a situation where it's a normal risk, sperm is present) to HIV (only a possibility if your partner is infected and even then nowhere near 1 in 6 even with no protection.)

He was obviously being very careful not to actually tell a lie, which makes me surprised at a few lies per episode.
Whenever I had the stomach to listen to an entire episode of Rush Limbaugh's EIB bullshit I could usually pick out two or three verifiable lies or deliberate mischaracterizations in EVERY show. And that doesn't even include the opinion based character assassination of liberals, leftists, or "feminazis" sprinkled in every 2 to 3 minutes. But did any of Limbaugh's audience notice the lies? Did they ever bother to check if what he was saying was actually true? Maybe, maybe not, but it doesn't matter because his audience kept getting bigger and bigger almost every week.

Sure on the lies?

I've never watched a whole episode but I have inadvertently caught pieces of a few shows from putting the radio on seek to see what stations I could pull in. Never once did I catch him in a lie, but every time I encountered major deception that would cause the average listener to believe something false. For example, he was talking about the failure rate of condoms--he gave the correct numbers (1 in 6) but without units (chance of pregnancy in a year, normal usage.) He then jumped to talking about if using a condom had a risk of HIV infection that was 1 in 6 would it be any good. Note that he jumped from per-year to per-instance and from pregnancy (a situation where it's a normal risk, sperm is present) to HIV (only a possibility if your partner is infected and even then nowhere near 1 in 6 even with no protection.)

He was obviously being very careful not to actually tell a lie, which makes me surprised at a few lies per episode.
To be fair this is what I am mostly talking about, the misapplication of otherwise true information. but there was always plenty of "The only reason Democrats want to tax carbon is to punish Republican donors and line Al Gore's pockets." Or some other bullshit.
It's not a conspiracy when it's actually happening;

Biden economic advisor Brian Deese said that Americans should 'stand firm' on paying record-high gas prices because the 'future of the liberal world order' is more important. 'What do you say to those families that say, 'listen, we can't afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years?' the director of the National Economic Council was asked on CNN Thursday. 'What you heard from the president today was a clear articulation of the stakes. This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm,' he replied.
Conservative critics have leaped on the Biden administration for using the term 'world order.' 'The Liberal World Order?! These people are nuts!' Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., wrote on Twitter.

Daily Mail

Brandon doesn't really care about gas/energy prices because it helps push his climate change agenda. The plebs just need to buy the $60+ electric cars.

And here in California another increase in gas tax was activated today, July 1st. But Brandon isn't responsible for that because the dumb voters in California actually voted for it.
article said:
Biden was asked by a reporter: "How long is it fair to expect American drivers and drivers around the world to pay that premium for this war?"

The president replied: "As long as it takes," insisting that Russia could not be allowed to win the conflict against Ukraine and then potentially menace other nations.
But there really is a motivation for these people. As I understand it, youtube creators receive remuneration from parent Google based on subscriptions and views. So if someone (like my OP Mark Moss video) gives out bad and/or misleading information, sooner or later viewers like myself find out like I just have and go elsewhere.....
*spit take*
But there really is a motivation for these people. As I understand it, youtube creators receive remuneration from parent Google based on subscriptions and views. So if someone (like my OP Mark Moss video) gives out bad and/or misleading information, sooner or later viewers like myself find out like I just have and go elsewhere.....
*spit take*
This is also the explanation of why Christianity never caught on, and remains an unpopular fringe belief to this day.

Oh, wait.

But there really is a motivation for these people. As I understand it, youtube creators receive remuneration from parent Google based on subscriptions and views. So if someone (like my OP Mark Moss video) gives out bad and/or misleading information, sooner or later viewers like myself find out like I just have and go elsewhere.....
But they can keep it up for a long time and they can't make money by telling the truth. Hence, lies. They're scamming you.
Not only that, but people who are sure that whoever took the trouble to put up a Youtube video about this amazing discovery that *they* don't want you to know (whichever they one is talking about) could not possibly be lying. I've had this discussion with people who were buying into diet quackery and....it's just useless. People will believe that they have discovered someone who knows the *real* truth!
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