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Breakdown In Civil Order


Well, not my kind of humor. They certainly aren't the most sympathetic figures, and there's no morally acceptable way to make that kind of money, but murder is also a crime.
I'm not convinced they meant to be humorous. Hard to tell sometimes.

There are almost 200 billionaires in California. How in the world did you have time to investigate all of them and declare they made their money via a morally unacceptable way? Specifically, what sort of "morally unacceptable" thing did Ulukaya do to make his billion dollars?
No great fortune happens without great sins.

Whether it is theft of proper accreditations, exploitation of workers, prevention of unions, shady back room deals, making bad design decisions and paying fines instead of insisting on good design decisions, premature testing on human subjects, exploration of fallacious thought patterns (ie, the gambler's fallacy), or through encouraging climate denial, or simply ignoring all the blood on that money, its hard to make that kind of money without committing sins.

I know the money that comes into my hands will be stained with oil and global warming lies, and quite possibly tetraethyl lead. This is under no guarantee to be as much as a million dollars, let alone a billion. Most such CEOs are in the ~tens of millions range, so really it's just a thought experiment for me. He certainly wasn't put out by a single digit number of millions lost. Also, I know much of his wealth is in very valuable objects; he decorated my MiL's home with clocks each individually worth more than the home itself when he moved in with her. A single serving tray there would auction enough to pay off my mortgage.

Regardless, I am under no illusion that whatever of that money actually makes it into my household will be unambiguously instrumental in any success I achieve, and even if I become disgustingly wealthy and never do a single evil thing WITH that money, taking it in the first place knowing where it came from will be almost enough to damn me. I can gather at least some of it from references to a particular deposition and statements about stunningly underhanded decisions made regarding foreign policy.

And this is, more realistically, nowhere near a billion dollars.
Gasoline is heavily taxed. Where do you see subsidies?
Consumers pay the tax at the pump, the companies get the subsidies. Totally logical.

But by contrast, you could use solar power because you don’t have cloud cover 50% of the time…
Here in PA our local power plant is steam powered. (it says here)
The Susquehanna Steam Electric Station: the electricity is generated by steam. The steam is generated by a nuke.
But we are a big coal producing state, So I can't speak for the rest of the state.

I remember seeing an industrial film in 5th grade (early 60s) about the plant being built. The power will be so cheap they won't need to meter it.
Not this old propaganda nonsense again.

A lie can get around the world before the truth gets its boots on.

And apparently, lies are immortal.
Top promote nuclear energy it was claimed it would be so cheap it would not be metered, you wouldpay a flat monthly fee.
Not quite. The suggestion was made by the AEC chairman, Lewis L. Strauss, in a 1954 speech in which he raised the prospect of the benefits that nuclear engineering could potentially provide. At the time of his speech, there was no nuclear energy to promote; He was trying to talk up the potential of a near future set of endeavours.

Our children will enjoy in their homes electrical energy too cheap to meter…Transmutation of the elements, unlimited power, ability to investigate the working of living cells by tracer atoms, the secret of photosynthesis about to be uncovered, these and a host of other results, all in about fifteen short years. It is not too much to expect that our children will know of great periodic famines in the world only as matters of history, will travel effortlessly over the seas and under the ground and through the air with a minimum of danger and at great speeds, and will experience a life span far longer than ours, as disease yields and man comes to understand what causes him to age.

He got pretty much all of this right; We now have all the things he predicted, apart from ultra-cheap electricity.

And of course, "too cheap to meter" meant something rather different in 1954, when metering meant paying a person to walk around to every property at least four times a year, writing meter readings on bits of card that were then collated by a small army of clerks (all of whom needed paying), converted to dollar amounts owed, typed up by typists (all of whom needed paying), and then mailed out to the customers. Metering was expensive in the 1950s. These days, a smart meter can send the amounts used to the utility's computer, which automatically sends out bills (often electronically), and can even directly debit the amount charged from the customers' accounts. It's much more cost effective to meter anything today, than it was back then.

"The nuclear power industry promised us electricity too cheap to meter, and they lied" is a gross canard, and factually incorrect on many levels.

Like so much of the received wisdom about nuclear power.

Such is the effectiveness of a seventy year propaganda campaign against the industry (which has been massively funded by fossil fuel companies).
EVs are still unobtainable for a lot of poor people in urban areas, as well as being damned near useless for people living in even moderately rural areas.

No, not really true.
I am rural. I have an EV.
Indeed, it’s an older EV with a range of under 70 miles in the summer, under 50 in the winter.

When you are rural, you have space to have more than one car. So you use your EV for every day driving, and your ICE pick-up when you need to do something bigger or farther, or when it’s so cold your EV won’t make enough miles for the commute.

I use my EV for every day commuting, I plug it in to the 110 outlet in the garage every night, where it has 12+ hours to charge. Every other week or so I need to go further, like to a neighboring town for shopping or supplies, so I take a different car.

City folks can’t easily have 2 cars per family, but country folks usually do. EVs are perfect for this, actually.
I think you may have missed that my response was to someone who appears to support complete replacement of ICE vehicles, with only EVs available?

Sure, EVs are useful if you can afford to have multiple vehicles. I'm outer suburban, and I've got one ICE with off-road capability and one EV with moderate range to allow me to commute. If I were not allowed to have an ICE vehicle, I'd be screwed - and so would you.
I did not ONLY say that we should pull ICE vehicles from markets, I also said in addition to removing all ICE vehicles, that we should help people make the change by putting the financial burden on auto manufacturers as a consequence of their historic pushing of ICE vehicles.

Anyone bickering over a straw man of my position is intensely dishonest.
I did not ONLY say that we should pull ICE vehicles from markets, I also said in addition to removing all ICE vehicles, that we should help people make the change by putting the financial burden on auto manufacturers as a consequence of their historic pushing of ICE vehicles.
That makes not one whit of difference to the practical consequences of your position. It doesn't alter the fact that EVs remain an unviable solution for most people in the US, and that the reasonability of your view is relevant only to those who are wealthy.

None of your added caveats makes it any better - it still ends up being a policy that in effect favors the wealthy and materially disadvantages those who are poor.
I did not ONLY say that we should pull ICE vehicles from markets, I also said in addition to removing all ICE vehicles, that we should help people make the change by putting the financial burden on auto manufacturers as a consequence of their historic pushing of ICE vehicles.
That makes not one whit of difference to the practical consequences of your position. It doesn't alter the fact that EVs remain an unviable solution for most people in the US, and that the reasonability of your view is relevant only to those who are wealthy.

None of your added caveats makes it any better - it still ends up being a policy that in effect favors the wealthy and materially disadvantages those who are poor.
Essentially giving people new EVs at the expense of the auto industry does not harm the poor.

Further, leave me the fuck alone.
I did not ONLY say that we should pull ICE vehicles from markets, I also said in addition to removing all ICE vehicles, that we should help people make the change by putting the financial burden on auto manufacturers as a consequence of their historic pushing of ICE vehicles.
That makes not one whit of difference to the practical consequences of your position. It doesn't alter the fact that EVs remain an unviable solution for most people in the US, and that the reasonability of your view is relevant only to those who are wealthy.

None of your added caveats makes it any better - it still ends up being a policy that in effect favors the wealthy and materially disadvantages those who are poor.
Essentially giving people new EVs at the expense of the auto industry does not harm the poor.
Taking away ICE and giving poor people EVs can do them harm, even if you think you're only punishing auto manufacturers. Look - your intent is good, I applaud your intent. It's the easily foreseeable outcomes of your approach that are the problem for me.

A poor person living in an apartment isn't going to benefit from an EV, even if it's free - they don't have a place to plug it in to charge it. A poor person in an outer suburban or rural area is going to be harmed when they haven't got enough range to do what they need to do to thrive - like make it to the feed store and back, make it to the doctor that is an hour away, travel to the city for less accessible goods or services, etc.

There are a lot of practical consequences of your approach that disadvantage poorer people. It's not always about the money.
Further, leave me the fuck alone.
Stop replying? I'm not forcing you to respond to anything I post.
Stop replying? I'm not forcing you to respond to anything I post
How about leave me the fuck alone.
The "Ignore" function exists for a reason.

I strongly recommend you use it, if you feel you may be goaded into comments that might get you banned.

It has the advantage of being unilateral - you don't require the cooperation of another poster in order to never see them respond to your posts again.
Police Unions, GOP Want Reform DA Removed from Cop’s Case - March 22 2024, 1:34 p.m. - "Reform-minded district attorneys like Minnesota’s Mary Moriarty are facing backlash for prosecuting police shootings and misconduct."

Update on this case:
Charges to be dismissed against Minnesota State Trooper Ryan Londregan in death of Ricky Cobb II
KARE11 said:
In a news release sent to news organizations Sunday evening, Moriarty said decided to drop charges after Londregan's defense team presented new pieces of evidence that would have made convicting Londregan impossible.
What a delightful place Chicago must be;

A group of teens forced a woman to miscarry with a brutal attack after she and her husband dared to stray onto a Chicago street that the youths claimed as their own. The 41-year-old mother was returning home with her husband from a date night on Friday when they were surrounded by at least 10 young people in the city's notorious Streeterville neighborhood. The woman, who gave her name only as Nina, told Fox32 that she was pepper-sprayed in the face, kicked in the stomach and lost a clump of hair as her husband was held back by the mob. Police arrived at the scene and arrested a 14-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl. The pair were each charged with one count of misdemeanor battery and released pending court appearances. It is less than two weeks since residents held an emergency town hall to demand action on teen gangs running riot in a neighborhood where assaults have jumped 12 percent in the last year. The neighborhood gained notoriety in 2020 when celebrity Jussie Smollett staged a bizarre 'racially motivated attack' on himself there, but violent crimes have been soaring across the Dem-run city. Aggravated battery is up 20 percent in the year to date compared with the same period in 2021, while robberies are up 38 percent and thefts up 77 percent. Forty-one people were shot and nine died, including a five-year-old girl, over the Memorial Day weekend alone. There is supposed to be a city-wide 10pm curfew in force for unaccompanied minors.

Daily Mail
Just the usual blather, all talk no solutions...
But it says right in the snippet "Dem-run city" so obviously the solution to make them not be Dem-run.

Ignore the fact that most cities are Dem-run. Also ignore that Rep-run cities like Tulsa and Miami aren't all that great either. If I recall, Miami has a higher crime rate than L.A.
What a delightful place Chicago must be;

A group of teens forced a woman to miscarry with a brutal attack after she and her husband dared to stray onto a Chicago street that the youths claimed as their own. The 41-year-old mother was returning home with her husband from a date night on Friday when they were surrounded by at least 10 young people in the city's notorious Streeterville neighborhood. The woman, who gave her name only as Nina, told Fox32 that she was pepper-sprayed in the face, kicked in the stomach and lost a clump of hair as her husband was held back by the mob. Police arrived at the scene and arrested a 14-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl. The pair were each charged with one count of misdemeanor battery and released pending court appearances. It is less than two weeks since residents held an emergency town hall to demand action on teen gangs running riot in a neighborhood where assaults have jumped 12 percent in the last year. The neighborhood gained notoriety in 2020 when celebrity Jussie Smollett staged a bizarre 'racially motivated attack' on himself there, but violent crimes have been soaring across the Dem-run city. Aggravated battery is up 20 percent in the year to date compared with the same period in 2021, while robberies are up 38 percent and thefts up 77 percent. Forty-one people were shot and nine died, including a five-year-old girl, over the Memorial Day weekend alone. There is supposed to be a city-wide 10pm curfew in force for unaccompanied minors.

Daily Mail
Chicago is a great destination. Much like most cities, there are places that are wonderful to visit and places that you'd rather not be.

I'd cite statistics showing, as a whole, crime is dropping in the US from their Trump Admin highs, but you won't care about it because The Daily Mail didn't report it.
What a delightful place Chicago must be;

A group of teens forced a woman to miscarry with a brutal attack after she and her husband dared to stray onto a Chicago street that the youths claimed as their own. The 41-year-old mother was returning home with her husband from a date night on Friday when they were surrounded by at least 10 young people in the city's notorious Streeterville neighborhood. The woman, who gave her name only as Nina, told Fox32 that she was pepper-sprayed in the face, kicked in the stomach and lost a clump of hair as her husband was held back by the mob. Police arrived at the scene and arrested a 14-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl. The pair were each charged with one count of misdemeanor battery and released pending court appearances. It is less than two weeks since residents held an emergency town hall to demand action on teen gangs running riot in a neighborhood where assaults have jumped 12 percent in the last year. The neighborhood gained notoriety in 2020 when celebrity Jussie Smollett staged a bizarre 'racially motivated attack' on himself there, but violent crimes have been soaring across the Dem-run city. Aggravated battery is up 20 percent in the year to date compared with the same period in 2021, while robberies are up 38 percent and thefts up 77 percent. Forty-one people were shot and nine died, including a five-year-old girl, over the Memorial Day weekend alone. There is supposed to be a city-wide 10pm curfew in force for unaccompanied minors.

Daily Mail
Pay attention to your surroundings. Just like we teach children about stranger danger. Just like young women are taught about possible attacks. The same rules apply here. Don't try and reason. Don't worry about making your assailant angry. Don't hesitate. Don't wait to be attacked. You see it coming. Scream, run, or fight for your life.
Nothing new here. It is as it always has been. The only difference is all the bad happening in the world is immediately available for all to see and scare the hell out of a bunch of dipshits.
What a delightful place Chicago must be;

A group of teens forced a woman to miscarry with a brutal attack after she and her husband dared to stray onto a Chicago street that the youths claimed as their own. The 41-year-old mother was returning home with her husband from a date night on Friday when they were surrounded by at least 10 young people in the city's notorious Streeterville neighborhood. The woman, who gave her name only as Nina, told Fox32 that she was pepper-sprayed in the face, kicked in the stomach and lost a clump of hair as her husband was held back by the mob. Police arrived at the scene and arrested a 14-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl. The pair were each charged with one count of misdemeanor battery and released pending court appearances. It is less than two weeks since residents held an emergency town hall to demand action on teen gangs running riot in a neighborhood where assaults have jumped 12 percent in the last year. The neighborhood gained notoriety in 2020 when celebrity Jussie Smollett staged a bizarre 'racially motivated attack' on himself there, but violent crimes have been soaring across the Dem-run city. Aggravated battery is up 20 percent in the year to date compared with the same period in 2021, while robberies are up 38 percent and thefts up 77 percent. Forty-one people were shot and nine died, including a five-year-old girl, over the Memorial Day weekend alone. There is supposed to be a city-wide 10pm curfew in force for unaccompanied minors.

Daily Mail
Pay attention to your surroundings. Just like we teach children about stranger danger. Just like young women are taught about possible attacks. The same rules apply here. Don't try and reason. Don't worry about making your assailant angry. Don't hesitate. Don't wait to be attacked. You see it coming. Scream, run, or fight for your life.
Nothing new here. It is as it always has been. The only difference is all the bad happening in the world is immediately available for all to see and scare the hell out of a bunch of dipshits.
Yeah, maybe the girlies should think about their attire before heading outdoors.

Nothing new? Behave yourself.

Anyway, woke and racist Boston mayor sides with a crackpot regarding crime;

Woke Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu, who has been mayor of Boston since November 2021 has long supported a progressive approach to crime but is now looking for some of the most basic offenses to be completely off-limits to prosecution. Wu has argued for charges including shoplifting and disorderly conduct to be beyond the reach of prosectors along with other serious crimes including the receiving of stolen property and even driving with a suspended license. But Wu's progressive outlook goes even further with the 39-year-old seemingly comfortable with offenders that commit 'quality of life' crimes getting off scot free. They include the breaking and entering of property, wanton and malicious destruction of property, minor's in possession of alcohol and drug possession including the distribution of marijuana and non-marijuana types. The offenses are all on a 'do-not-prosecute' list that was created by former Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins. Rollins, who later joined the Biden administration but resigned amid ethical violations, had advocated for the non-prosecution of more 'low-level' offenses.

Daily Mail
Woke Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu, who has been mayor of Boston since November 2021 has long supported a progressive approach to crime but is now looking for some of the most basic offenses to be completely off-limits to prosecution. Wu has argued for charges including shoplifting and disorderly conduct to be beyond the reach of prosectors along with other serious crimes including the receiving of stolen property and even driving with a suspended license. But Wu's progressive outlook goes even further with the 39-year-old seemingly comfortable with offenders that commit 'quality of life' crimes getting off scot free. They include the breaking and entering of property, wanton and malicious destruction of property, minor's in possession of alcohol and drug possession including the distribution of marijuana and non-marijuana types. The offenses are all on a 'do-not-prosecute' list that was created by former Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins. Rollins, who later joined the Biden administration but resigned amid ethical violations, had advocated for the non-prosecution of more 'low-level' offenses.

I know it's Daily Mail, and it's not being picked up by mainstream news outlets, but I have not seen anybody (least of all Wu) denying it either.
If it is true, it's a shame that news outlets are silent on it. Some fauxgressives like her are as crazy (just in the opposite direction) as MAGAs.
Nothing new here. It is as it always has been. The only difference is all the bad happening in the world is immediately available for all to see and scare the hell out of a bunch of dipshits.
Criminals have always been with us, so much is true. What is new is this new spate of fauxgressive, anti-police mayors like Brandon Johnson or soft on crime DAs like Kim Foxxx.

Given their age, these violent criminals will likely just get a slap on the wrist from her office.
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