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Car plows into counter-protesters at Unite The Right rally


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

The KKK and neo-Nazi groups have been having a rally in Charlottesville.

This should not surprise anyone. Conservatives and libertarians (who are completely different, I swear) are always talking about how much they would love to run over protesters, especially anyone who is protesting racism.
And they have the nuts to not like being called deplorable.

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1 dead, 19 injured last I saw. And the perp has been taken into custody.

I wonder if the followed Trump's suggestion to rough him up on the way into the cop car.
Funny how to so many this whole thing is all about "heritage", yet who showed up to defend that heritage? Oh right, the white nationalists.
So, if the driver had been a Muslim, this would have been an act of terrorism.

What do we call it when a white person does it?
Holy shit. Fucking Confederates and neo-Nazis. I've walked on that street probably a hundred times. I hope they give the drive the death penalty.

- - - Updated - - -

Funny how to so many this whole thing is all about "heritage", yet who showed up to defend that heritage? Oh right, the white nationalists.

Right? Even right now, there are Southerners making that argument. It's nuts, but I guess it's what you would expect. An entire region of the US was raised to believe that the South/Confederacy were *really Freedom Fighters*, and that the war was not about slavery, and that the Confederate soldiers were heroes.
Heh, and now there are people on the right saying "Why is it important to say that they were White Supremacists and terrorists? He already condemned it!"
Just for information, the plate on that car looked like an Ohio plate. Not uncommon to see them her in Michigan.
Heh, and now there are people on the right saying "Why is it important to say that they were White Supremacists and terrorists? He already condemned it!"

Like hell he condemned it:

"We're closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides," he said from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Trump can go fuck himself

The comments in some of the news articles about this incident are terrifying
Moore Coulter and false equivalence to the power 911.

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Moore Coulter and false equivalence to the power 911.
Why false equivalence? Didn't we have a #BLM type last year who murdered five cops because he was angry? You know, the cat who had to be blown up by a fucking robot.
I guess we can be happy that this James Alex Fields didn't have any military training.

Homicidal maniacs and extrremists are not confined to one side of the political spectrum (or one edge/vertex of an n-dimensional political grid).
And they have the nuts to not like being called deplorable.

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No! Don't call them deplorable! That would be mean! Those delicate snowflakes are still crying from the last time someone criticized them in public.
Heh, and now there are people on the right saying "Why is it important to say that they were White Supremacists and terrorists? He already condemned it!"

He didn't use the phrase "radical white terrorist," therefore his apology is completely invalid.
Would I be allowed to load up my FAMAS and shoot these fascists? After all, Confederates were traitors.

Section 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

Eldarion Lathria
So, if the driver had been a Muslim, this would have been an act of terrorism.
1. I have seen a thousand references to this ramming as being "terrorism".
2. There are plenty of people of here who deny that it is terrorism when Muslims ram vehicles into people. See this thread, where certain posters are bending over backwards to claim that it was not Islamic terrorism.
Truck of Peace in Sweden

What do we call it when a white person does it?
Why do you say that it is not called terrorism? A google search on "Charlottesville terrorism" yields over half a million results, including this one.
Politicians call for Charlottesville violence to be deemed terrorism
And they have the nuts to not like being called deplorable.

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No! Don't call them deplorable! That would be mean!

Didn't they embrace it just like Hillary fans embraced "nasty women"?
Update: thanks to the magic of alternative facts, conservatives are now claiming that the driver was a liberal who somehow didn't notice that the crowd he was running into was mixed race.

Therefore we know this will happen again.

This wasn't the first time, by the way.
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