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Car plows into counter-protesters at Unite The Right rally

1. I have seen a thousand references to this ramming as being "terrorism".
2. There are plenty of people of here who deny that it is terrorism when Muslims ram vehicles into people. See this thread, where certain posters are bending over backwards to claim that it was not Islamic terrorism.
Truck of Peace in Sweden

What do we call it when a white person does it?
Why do you say that it is not called terrorism? A google search on "Charlottesville terrorism" yields over half a million results, including this one.
Politicians call for Charlottesville violence to be deemed terrorism

Did you apologize for the Charlottesville terrorist yet?

If your apology did not involve the phrase "radical conservative terrorist," then your apology is invalid and you will have to apologize all over again.
1. I have seen a thousand references to this ramming as being "terrorism".
2. There are plenty of people of here who deny that it is terrorism when Muslims ram vehicles into people. See this thread, where certain posters are bending over backwards to claim that it was not Islamic terrorism.
Truck of Peace in Sweden

Why do you say that it is not called terrorism? A google search on "Charlottesville terrorism" yields over half a million results, including this one.
Politicians call for Charlottesville violence to be deemed terrorism

Did you apologize for the Charlottesville terrorist yet?

If your apology did not involve the phrase "radical conservative terrorist," then your apology is invalid and you will have to apologize all over again.

I think it's just shameful the way Derec is willing to just stand by as America submits voluntarily.
1. I have seen a thousand references to this ramming as being "terrorism".
2. There are plenty of people of here who deny that it is terrorism when Muslims ram vehicles into people. See this thread, where certain posters are bending over backwards to claim that it was not Islamic terrorism.
Truck of Peace in Sweden

Why do you say that it is not called terrorism? A google search on "Charlottesville terrorism" yields over half a million results, including this one.
Politicians call for Charlottesville violence to be deemed terrorism

Did you apologize for the Charlottesville terrorist yet?

If your apology did not involve the phrase "radical conservative terrorist," then your apology is invalid and you will have to apologize all over again.

What, there are no " radical leftists terrorists?"
If your apology did not involve the phrase "radical conservative terrorist," then your apology is invalid and you will have to apologize all over again.

What, there are no " radical leftists terrorists?"

Logic and/or reading comprehension fail....

If there were no radical leftist terrorists, the second word in "radical conservative terrorist" would be superfluous...
Update: thanks to the magic of alternative facts, conservatives are now claiming that the driver was a liberal who somehow didn't notice that the crowd he was running into was mixed race.

Therefore we know this will happen again.

This wasn't the first time, by the way.

He was a liberal? This will be news to his mother. :rolleyes:
There was a black guy in the crowd who may have been armed. Clearly a open shut case for self defense.

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Moore Coulter and false equivalence to the power 911.
Why false equivalence? Didn't we have a #BLM type last year who murdered five cops because he was angry? You know, the cat who had to be blown up by a fucking robot.
I guess we can be happy that this James Alex Fields didn't have any military training.

Homicidal maniacs and extrremists are not confined to one side of the political spectrum (or one edge/vertex of an n-dimensional political grid).

Could have raised the baseball practice attempted massacre and instead, your brain goes to blacks.
2. There are plenty of people of here who deny that it is terrorism when Muslims ram vehicles into people. See this thread, where certain posters are bending over backwards to claim that it was not Islamic terrorism.
Truck of Peace in Sweden
Bullshit squared. In this thread, the issue was not whether it was terrorism but whether one could immediately jump to the conclusion that it was Islamic-driven terrorism based on the initial information.
An entire region of the US was raised to believe that the South/Confederacy were *really Freedom Fighters*, and that the war was not about slavery, and that the Confederate soldiers were heroes.
Many of them probably were heroic, but one can be a hero and pond scum at the same time.
Like hell he condemned it:

"We're closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides," he said from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Trump can go fuck himself

The comments in some of the news articles about this incident are terrifying

To oppose the racists is hatred.
To oppose the racists is hatred.

Here's your phony equivalency:

James Fields Jr., 20, was arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder over the crash. Fields was in Charlottesville attending the “Unite the Right” rally and was photographed with a shield bearing a white supremacist emblem hours before the attack.

“I think he’s still very young, and I’m sorry he believed that hate could fix problems. Hate only brings more hate,” Bro said. “Heather was not about hate, Heather was about stopping hatred. Heather was about bringing an end to injustice.

She began to cry as she added, “I don’t want her death to be a focus for more hatred, I want her death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion. I’m very sorry that [Fields] chose that path because he has now ruined his life as well as robbed a great many of us of someone we love very much.”

“No mother wants to lose a child, but I’m proud of her,” she said. “I’m proud of what she did.”

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Bullshit squared.
Since bullshit is negative, squaring it makes it not bullshit. :tonguea:
In this thread, the issue was not whether it was terrorism but whether one could immediately jump to the conclusion that it was Islamic-driven terrorism based on the initial information.

Bullshit10100+1. From the beginning it was obvious that the attack was no accident, and yet some posters insisted it probably was an accident because it fits their islamophilic agenda. And even after the identity of the attacker and his Jihadist views were revealed, these posters still insisted that it was not Islamic terrorism.
Bullshit10100+1. From the beginning it was obvious that the attack was no accident, and yet some posters insisted it probably was an accident because it fits their islamophilic agenda
And some posters immediately assumed it was an Islamic terroristic attack without any knowledge whatsoever about the driver of the vehicle because it fit the disgusting bigoted agenda. You really are not fooling anyone.
And some posters immediately assumed it was an Islamic terroristic attack without any knowledge whatsoever about the driver of the vehicle because it fit the disgusting bigoted agenda.
No. People thought it was most likely an Islamist terrorist attack because it fit the MO of other such attacks in Europe - London, Berlin, Nice etc.
And of course, that turned out to be right. But even when that turned out to be right, there were still posters who tried to deny that it was Islamist terrorism.

You really are not fooling anyone.
You are the one who is trying to fool people.
So, if the driver had been a Muslim, this would have been an act of terrorism.

What do we call it when a white person does it?
White people can also choose to be Muslim.

Well ... stupid white people. It's a pretty dumb choice.

If you're born into it and it's part of your culture and history then at least you have an excuse. If you're studying it as an adult and say to yourself "Well, this seems like a rational, well thought out and reasonable ideology", then you're kind of an idiot.
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