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Climate Change(d)?

17.09 C average global temperature!

But, there was a nice sea breeze in Santa Monica.
Meh, 17.09 degrees celsius is only about 63 degrees Fahrenheit. That isn't too warm.


The scientists are lying to us man! 17.09 degrees is really 290 Kelvin! 290 man! We're all going to die!
Hey! Don’t be so mean!
Yahoo Article said:
The average global temperature reached 17.09 degrees Celsius, or about 62.76 Fahrenheit, which is just above the record of 17.08 C set on July 6, 2023. “We are now in truly uncharted territory and as the climate keeps warming, we are bound to see new records being broken in future months and years,” Carlo Buontempo, the director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, said in a statement.

A 0.01 degree jump!!!11!!! oh noes!!!!!111!!!!!!

Could somebody please inform Carlo that we are not in "truly uncharted territory" and the earth has warmed and cooled many, many times. Even before 1940.

It's a beautiful, balmy 74 degrees in Santa Monica today. Oh the humanity!!!

It really is a religion for you lot.
Denial is a religion for you.

As a one-time event 0.01C is totally unimportant.

And just because there have been big natural changes doesn't mean they don't matter.

Look sufficiently far into deep time and you'll find a period where Earth snowballed. Natural? Certainly. Survivable for most life? Certainly not.

And in the other direction there has been a temperature excursion big enough to render large parts of the Earth devoid of fossils. Clearly not survivable to most life.
There is an upside to the California fires.

You can roast marshmallows and hot dogs from your front porch.
We have a flood watch in place for early next week, with significant rain forecast from Monday through Wednesday.

Flooding is common enough here in summer; But winter, and particularly August, is the dry season - we rarely get so much as a light shower in August, and serious rain events with associated riverine flooding are a definite novelty.

The Ekka starts this weekend; Usually the big problem for the RNA is dust and dry westerly winds; I don't know what they will do if it rains.
Will this get me one of those emoji eye rolls from our climate denier? I'm trying. I really am./s


This generation will probably see the demise of the Great Barrier Reef unless humanity acts with far more urgency to rein in climate change, according to scientists in Australia who released new research on heat in the surrounding ocean.

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world and is often called the largest living structure on Earth. The study, published on Wednesday in the journal Nature, found that recent extreme temperatures in the Coral Sea are at their highest in at least 400 years, as far back as their analysis could reach.

It included modeling that showed what has been driving those extremes: Greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans burning fossil fuels and destroying natural places that store carbon, like forests.

“The heat extremes are occurring too often for those corals to effectively adapt and evolve,” said Ben Henley, a paleoclimatologist at the University of Melbourne and an author of the new study. “If we don’t divert from our current course, our generation will likely witness the demise of one of Earth’s great natural wonders, the Great Barrier Reef.”

Of course, it's likely that nobody will read the entire article but it's sad.
It is coral reefs everywhere.

Fish nurseries at the bottom of the ocean food chain.
From what I have read, tropical storms are getting wetter and slower.
The last two did seem to show this.
Flooding may be the new normal.
From what I have read, tropical storms are getting wetter and slower.
The last two did seem to show this.
Flooding may be the new normal.
Please. Apocalyptic floods have been on drastic decline since the time of Noah. Nothing to worry about folks. Just enjoy your day on Santa Monica pier.
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Will this get me one of those emoji eye rolls from our climate denier?

Nobody “denies climate”, sweetie. You are soooo two thousand and late.

It is a catastrophic 78 in Santa Monica. The pier is standing firm.
If you don’t outlive the pier, that will PROVE climate change is a hoax!
From what I have read, tropical storms are getting wetter and slower.
The last two did seem to show this.
Flooding may be the new normal.
Floods in some places and droughts in other places. There are already places in the world that can't produce enough crops to feed the people due to severe droughts, which climate scientists seem to think is due to climate change. But what would climate scientists know. We have an expert here who knows better.
I'm sure what I'm about to post can't possibly apply to Santa Monica....No worries. It probably won't happen until the turn of the Century when we posters will be dead and gone. Still, my grandkids or their kids might still be around.



California's Iconic Coastline Is Being Snatched Up By Rising Sea Levels Faster Than Previously Thought​


May 17, 2017​


Exposed bedrock at Isla Vista beach, California.
(Alex Snyder/U.S. Geological Survey)

At a Glance​

  • Research shows that California's coastline is in dire straights because of rising sea levels.
  • The price tag associated with coastal infrastructure loss will be staggering, researchers note.

California risks losing thousands of miles of its iconic coastline as climate-driven sea levels rise faster than anyone anticipated, a new report says.

The state-commissioned report conducted by the California Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team determined that if nothing changes, California’s coastal waters will rise at a rate 30 to 40 times faster than in the previous century. The news came on the heels of a U.S. Geological Survey report released in March that estimates that as much as 67 percent of Southern California’s beaches could be lost to rising seas by the end of the century if nothing is done to curb the carbon emissions that lead to global warming.

The impacts on the state that already has some of the most stringent carbon emissions regulations in the country would be far-reaching and devastating, researchers note.

“Beaches are perhaps the most iconic feature of California, and the potential for losing this identity is real," said lead author of the USGS study Sean Vitousek. "The effect of California losing its beaches is not just a matter of affecting the tourism economy. Losing the protecting swath of beach sand between us and the pounding surf exposes critical infrastructure, businesses and homes to damage. Beaches are natural resources, and it is likely that human management efforts must increase in order to preserve them."

(MORE: New Maps Show Exactly Which Homes Will Go Under If Sea Levels Rise)
That article was seven years ago yet the California coast is still there, including the Santa Monica pier, so clearly it’s just the ravings of the members of a rapture-like cult.
I'm sure what I'm about to post can't possibly apply to Santa Monica.
*yawn* another bullshit study using models. Did you even read your own source? Mathematical models is not science.

That’s the trouble with adhering to a religion, you so want it to be true you will cling to any old rubbish the clergy tells you.

It’s a catastrophic 76 in Santa Monica today. Santa Monica pier is miraculously still standing. #prayforsantamonica
I'm sure what I'm about to post can't possibly apply to Santa Monica.
*yawn* another bullshit study using models. Did you even read your own source? Mathematical models is not science.
presumably you know this based on your many years practicing as a professional scientist, yes?

Or perhaps by reading the definition of “science” in a dictionary or a webpage?
I'm sure what I'm about to post can't possibly apply to Santa Monica.
*yawn* another bullshit study using models. Did you even read your own source? Mathematical models is not science.

That’s the trouble with adhering to a religion, you so want it to be true you will cling to any old rubbish the clergy tells you.

It’s a catastrophic 76 in Santa Monica today. Santa Monica pier is miraculously still standing. #prayforsantamonica
And how hot is it around the wildfires?

Sweetums, as an engineer I built mathematical models, rather routine among my profession.

It will not mean anything to you, the computer you have is deigned using predictive mathematical models based on empirical data.

The software used to predict your local weather is based on models. If a forecast says heavy snow in the mountains and you are planing to hike or drive in the mountains would you ignore or be derisive of the forecast?

When you dismiss climate change as just mathematical models then you are dismissing the science that underlies all the technology you use. Like elctricity.

The braking system in your car is based on mathematical models, aka scientific models.
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I'm sure what I'm about to post can't possibly apply to Santa Monica.
*yawn* another bullshit study using models. Did you even read your own source? Mathematical models is not science.

“mathematical models is [sic] not science.” Yawn.

What do you know about science? Nothing. That’s what.

Science uses mathematical models.

Scientists have been mathematically modeling climate change for decades, and where their models have not been spot on, it’s only because they underestimated the severity of the crisis.

Meanwhile, a new scientific study shows that the AMOC is on track for collapse as early as the 2030s because of human-induced climate change, and if that happens, Europe can kiss its ass goodbye. Don’t know what it will be like in Santa Monica, which is the only place that counts I guess.
And how hot is it around the wildfires? {snip}

Science is gibberish to those ignorant of science.

Like the masses you consume and rely on the products of science all the while ignorant as a rock of science,

After dissappearing for a while you are back on the thread repeating the same simplistic lines.

You started this sequence with your usual 'It is a catastrophic 78 in Santa Monica.'

Are you just bored and getting your jollies?

Answer the question. It is Monday and the weather foreclose is heavy snow in the mountains on Saturday, would you dismiss the forecast as just a mathematical model?

Or a forecast of heavy weather 200 miles off shore, would you take a small sailboat out out there?

I know you will not answer, I expect you get the point. If you answer like any rational person would you bring your climate change nonsense into question.
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