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Comic book movie news & discussion

The cynic in me can't help but to think that this is just a licensing ploy that Sony's using to get a lock on Miles Morales Spider-Man character. Also, I don't particularly like that style of animation.

As for the "comicsgate" whiners, I can see why they might be upset. Miles Morales saying that he's the "one and only" Spider-Man, and having peter be such a slob are making them squirm in agony over the fear that Marvel is replacing Peter Parker entirely. But that's not going to happen. Peter Parker Spidey was just in a Infinity War, and had his own very successful movie, soon to be followed by likely an equally successful one. Comics are a niche market and they are much more likely to follow the movies, than vice versa. Peter Parker isn't going anywhere even if Miles Morales is around and has some success of his own.

ETA: I'm pretty sure they're going to kill off Peter in this movie. All the signs are there... he's an old washed up hero, a mentor to Miles, and thanks to alternative universes there's no lasting damage to the franchise if he kicks the bucket.
Comics are a niche market and they are much more likely to follow the movies, than vice versa.

This is the one thing about the slew of comics movies and tv shows that really troubles me. I don't want what's already established in the comics being changed by what some screenwriter puts in a piece of film. Keep them separate and let the comics be the comics and the movies be the movies ... either ignorable if you prefer.
Is this the old "racists are racist because you complain about them" argument we hear so often from FOX News?

If we just shut up about the Nazis, they would stop being dicks and start being nice?

No, that's not even slightly related to what I was saying and I see no way to get to that conclusion from anything that I posted.

I'm saying that the racists and trolls are a fringe element and they should be treated that way as opposed to having the things that they're talking about dominate the conversation. That's in no way going to stop them from being racists and trolls and they'll continue to shout from the sidelines no matter how few people are listening to them and nothing anyone ever says is going to change them. There are tons of things to talk about regarding the new Star Wars movies without referencing their vile garbage but all that stuff is a lesser part of the conversation because so much energy is focused on their vile garbage as opposed to ... not doing that.

As an example, take the upcoming Teen Titans show which DC is putting out. From my initial impressions of it, it seems to me like they've completely fucked up Starfire. She looks nothing like the character, her CGI looks terrible, she shoots fire for some reason instead of green energy, etc. Any time things like that are brought up, though, the focus of the conversation is immediately switched to defending her against the racists who are all up in arms about a black woman playing Starfire and nobody wants to be on the side of the racists so other complaints about her are kind of shouted down. Now, she's an orange alien, so a black woman in Starfire cosplay is just as fine as a white woman in Starfire cosplay and all their racist bullshit is uninvolved in any points being made, but it somehow constantly gets all lumped in together as "attacking this nice actress just like the racists are doing" as opposed to just not having whatever the hell those people are talking about be a part of any conversation.

Even if you ignore the fact that racists traditionally take silence as tacit agreement and convinces them that you're with them, at bare minimum by demanding silence you're essentially asking people to do nothing, which is to say you're asking to maintain the status quo, which benefits you greatly and harms minorities a lot.

It's not just systemic racism embedded in our culture, our society, and our various institutions. Even fucking toddlers think minorities are inherently inferior intellectually and morally. I can guarantee that no one said one word about racism (for or against) to any of the toddlers in the cited study, yet they clearly showed evidence of racist assumptions. Saying nothing didn't protect those toddlers from racism, but saying nothing would certainly help to keep things as they are. It's not just the toddlers who have internalized these various assumptions. If you think it's just the toddlers operating on these assumptions, then you simply haven't been paying attention.

Demanding that people do nothing about injustice is exactly the kind of response we've come to expect from the people who benefit from wide scale social injustice. That is not an acceptable response unless your goal is to maintain the current levels of racism, which right now includes toddler concentration camps and the early stages of ethnic cleansing.

Ignoring this and shutting up is exactly how people tried to respond to the Nazis, and it's absolutely the wrong thing to do. How many times did we hear people talk about "the silence of the good" in the wake of WW2? This is exactly, precisely what they were talking about.
So, it seems that WB has hired James Gunn to write and direct the sequel to the Suicide Squad movie. This seems like a very good move on their part. It generates buzz about their attempts to reboot the direction they're going with their films by taking advantage of a huge mistake that Disney made and poking their competitor in the eye.

Additionally, DC now has transformed one of their dead franchises which was going nowhere into an alive, active and anticipated one while simultaneously putting the final nail in the coffin of a profitable and successful Marvel franchise which is now essentially officially dead.

Also, I think it would be really cook to see what Gunn can do with the Suicide Squad storylines. It could be a very interesting and entertaining thing, despite what the first movie was like.
So, it seems that WB has hired James Gunn to write and direct the sequel to the Suicide Squad movie. This seems like a very good move on their part. It generates buzz about their attempts to reboot the direction they're going with their films by taking advantage of a huge mistake that Disney made and poking their competitor in the eye.

Additionally, DC now has transformed one of their dead franchises which was going nowhere into an alive, active and anticipated one while simultaneously putting the final nail in the coffin of a profitable and successful Marvel franchise which is now essentially officially dead.

Also, I think it would be really cook to see what Gunn can do with the Suicide Squad storylines. It could be a very interesting and entertaining thing, despite what the first movie was like.
As a reminder, WB took Bryan Singer for Superman Returns and he hasn’t been heard from since.
I've long thought many of these things. It's part of why I still prefer comics and animated shows to the movies and tv shows

This looks promising:

I have been waiting for this one for a while, and hoping it does the comics justice. Too bad Simon Pegg isn't in the role of Wee Hughie, but they did manage to pull him in for the character's father. Karl Urban should make a great Billy Butcher, though.
Legendary is planning on making a Live Action version of My Hero Academia. Most anime/manga to live action films... well they usually suck big time. A series like this with a lot of characters and effects heavy, that will be hard to pull off.

Still, I love the anime series, so I hope they do a good job.
Legendary is planning on making a Live Action version of My Hero Academia. Most anime/manga to live action films... well they usually suck big time. A series like this with a lot of characters and effects heavy, that will be hard to pull off.

Still, I love the anime series, so I hope they do a good job.

I agree. Live action interpretations of anime almost always suck even when made in Japan.

In other news, we have a possible hint that Pepper Potts will be donning Stark-tech armor in Avengers 4


Which could mean that we are going to get an MCU version of Rescue.

For those not familiar, Rescue is Pepper Potts in a special suit of armor, but instead of spending most of her time punching bad guys, she mostly uses the suit to be a superpowered first responder in natural disasters, and the suit is specially made for those types of missions. Rescue is more of a "woman vs nature" hero instead of "man vs man" hero.
Legendary is planning on making a Live Action version of My Hero Academia. Most anime/manga to live action films... well they usually suck big time. A series like this with a lot of characters and effects heavy, that will be hard to pull off.

Still, I love the anime series, so I hope they do a good job.

I agree. Live action interpretations of anime almost always suck even when made in Japan.

In other news, we have a possible hint that Pepper Potts will be donning Stark-tech armor in Avengers 4


Which could mean that we are going to get an MCU version of Rescue.

For those not familiar, Rescue is Pepper Potts in a special suit of armor, but instead of spending most of her time punching bad guys, she mostly uses the suit to be a superpowered first responder in natural disasters, and the suit is specially made for those types of missions. Rescue is more of a "woman vs nature" hero instead of "man vs man" hero.

As long as she wears those daisy duke shorts again, I'm good.
If Tony Stark is going to be handing out weapons of mass destruction to people, shouldn’t he make sure that those people are trained professionals instead of giving them to his girlfriend?
If Tony Stark is going to be handing out weapons of mass destruction to people, shouldn’t he make sure that those people are trained professionals instead of giving them to his girlfriend?

Most of Tony's inner circle end up either superheroes or cyborgs or both. The exception seems to be Mrs. Arbogast.
So what's everyone's prediction with the Marvel Netflix series? Luke Cage was fantastic, but it's been cancelled after 2 seasons. Iron Fist has also been cancelled, just as it was really also starting to get really good.

Are they going to finally be a team?
So what's everyone's prediction with the Marvel Netflix series? Luke Cage was fantastic, but it's been cancelled after 2 seasons. Iron Fist has also been cancelled, just as it was really also starting to get really good.

Are they going to finally be a team?

No one really knows, but the general assumption is that Disney is fucking with Netflix so that they can pull content over to their own competing streaming service.
Wonder Woman really doesn't have as much of a recognizable rogue's gallery as The Flash or Batman. Once they've used up Ares and Cheetah that's pretty much it for any villain casual viewers might have even a passing knowledge of so I do agree with the idea of taking villains from other DC stories and adapting them for WW movies.

Not many knew of the Guardians of the Galaxy before their movies. Ant man wasn't well known. Even Iron Man wasn't as well known as Hulk or Spiderman. Having relatively unknown characters can be a strength if done well.
While it's certainly possible to do horrible things to male characters for trivial storytelling reasons, it is more common with female characters (see "other genres" link above), and this is an indication of how little our society values women. The prevalence of the trope is an indicator of what's wrong with society.

How little or how much? The idea of such a scene, and the use of woman in that role, is to draw sympathy and anger. The alternative you often see is the death of a child. The idea is that somebody important to the character, that they love, has been taken away.

It is the opposite of the "black guy dies first" trope. With that they ARE killing him first because they feel he doesn't matter. He is usually just thrown in for the sake of looking inclusive without having to actually be.
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I out of principle refused to watch even one minute of the dark, moody Superman, also won't watch anymore dark James Bond (testicle smashing while tied to a chair!?!?!?!? - I have liveleak and bestgore for that). Also refused to watch any Hobbit movie that should never have been more than one movie.

There might be some bright news coming out of that. I don't know if you watch the Supergirl show, but they had a guy come on and play Superman in it for a couple of episodes and he did an amazing job of portraying Superman how the guy should be portrayed - bright, cheery, hopeful and always saying and doing the right thing. They were banned from using him again, though, because WB didn't want a different version of Superman out there while they had him in the movies (especially given the different receptions by the audience for the two portrayals).

Now with Cavell basically out and no Superman movies planned anytime in the future, all of a sudden they're having him show up in more episodes again and have also cast a lady to play Lois Lane. So, it may be that in a year or so, we'll get a Superman TV show done by an actor and writers who get the character and are able to pull him off as he's supposed to be.

It amazes me generally how much better DC has been in TV than in movies. Supergirl and Flash have both done well. Even Legends of Tomorrow can be fun if you drink a little.
But how do you turn it off? How do you turn off the influence of social media? Companies have given these assholes a particularly effective megaphone, and just "ignoring" them isn't as easy as it sounds. The female actors have been overwhelmed with a barrage of hatred on social media. How do you stop that? How do you get the noise out of the signal?

With a measure of precision instead of a wide net of derision. As Tom wrote, anything that can be imagined as right wing or racist or misogynist is spun that way. That catches not just the actual racists and misogynists, but everyone who isn't echoing the SJW talking points perfectly and anyone who says anything that is not politically correct. That in turn makes the racists and misogynists, who ARE fringe minority, feel they are much bigger than they are. It empowers them.

If somebody writes that they don't like a new film because X, Y, and Z, and Z happens to trigger an ambiguous buzzword a racist has also used, then why not note the buzzword, say you are giving the benefit of the doubt that they didn't mean Z in a racist way, and focus on X and Y?

Instead what usually happens is the writer is called out as a racist (doesn't matter if they actually are) by somebody virtue signalling and X and Y go completely ignored. And then the focus is on the racism (real or imagined) and then outright racists feel empowered.
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