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Comic book movie news & discussion

Maher has a point, most of these comic book movies are shallow and cookie cutter formulaic.

But fuck him and all of you, because I really liked Justice League.
I enjoyed Justice League and all the other DC movies as well. Marvel films, to me, are the cinematic equivalent of cotton candy. Nice, but not satisfying. Man of Steel is probably my favorite superhero film.

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Well, you guys are just plain wrong. I get that taste and enjoyment are subjective criteria, but you are just objectively wrong.
Maher has a point, most of these comic book movies are shallow and cookie cutter formulaic.

But fuck him and all of you, because I really liked Justice League.
I enjoyed Justice League and all the other DC movies as well. Marvel films, to me, are the cinematic equivalent of cotton candy. Nice, but not satisfying. Man of Steel is probably my favorite superhero film.

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I agree fully. I also love the Cleveland Browns, slamming my hand in closing doors, and voting for third parties. ;)
Maher has a point, most of these comic book movies are shallow and cookie cutter formulaic.

But fuck him and all of you, because I really liked Justice League.
I enjoyed Justice League and all the other DC movies as well. Marvel films, to me, are the cinematic equivalent of cotton candy. Nice, but not satisfying. Man of Steel is probably my favorite superhero film.

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You like Justice League and you feel that Man of Steel is the best comic book movie?

People like you are why country and western "music" continues to make money.
Maher has a point, most of these comic book movies are shallow and cookie cutter formulaic.

But fuck him and all of you, because I really liked Justice League.
I enjoyed Justice League and all the other DC movies as well. Marvel films, to me, are the cinematic equivalent of cotton candy. Nice, but not satisfying. Man of Steel is probably my favorite superhero film.

You are correct to like Justice League, but I'm sorry you are out on your own with Man of Steel, ya freak.


Full disclosure, I did not watch the video.

On the other hand, it seems like they are zeroing in on the Comics Code Authority, which was a travesty foisted upon the comics industry for far too long. From what I have heard, the late great Stan Lee had a lot to do with the eventual demise of the CCA. He wrote a 3 issue Spider-Man arc in the early '70s that dealt with abuse of prescription drugs, which the CCA refused to endorse, so Marvel printed the run without the CCA logo. This led to the CCA relaxing their code to allow depictions of drug use. The CCA managed to keep their claws dug into to the major publishers for another 3 decades, but notably the new publishers that emerged in the '90s did not join the CCA. By the turn of the century Marvel left the CCA, and ten years later the CCA finally died when DC abandoned it as well.
Man of Steel, and the DCEU in general, feels more to me like a REAL world. The movie shows actual consequences to battles between superbeings and the effects on normal people. It's an actual world, rather than a stage for their superheroics. Justice League is actually the furthest from this ideal for me, likely because they tried to please all the whiners about the DCEU being too "dark" :(

As for Superman himself, I get that people whine that he's not the Big Blue Boyscout of the 70s ... but then that's always been the biggest complaint about Superman, he's boring because he's too predictable. That's part of why I love the new Cavill Superman. He's a real person with motivations created by his circumstances rather than a two-dimensional comic book character for kids. He's REAL, in a way that none of the Marvel characters in movies are. They haven't evolved past their four-color origins, and to me that makes them less interesting. Plus, I don't know how any DC fan could complain about a new take on DC characters given the wild success of such series as all the Elseworlds books that have been published over the years.

I love these movies (yes, even Suicide Squad) and none of your attempts to shame me will have any affect :) The Marvel movies are fun popcorn fare but have the depth of a puddle, I can take them or leave them honestly. At worst, some of them are dead boring (Civil War, for example. To me, the biggest Marvel turd) but for the most part they solidly entertain for two hours then you go on with your life.

Back in the 80s I insisted that The Thing was the greatest horror/sci-fi movie I'd ever seen and despite the bashing that it got at the time, time has proven me right. I'll continue to stand by the DC movies similarly ;)
Ya, and Superman being real was the problem. Reality doesn’t work with Superman. It makes him lame.

He needs to be an idealized goody two shoes who’s naïveté and optimism always work out in the end no matter what troubles he faces ... because Superman. That’s what makes the character great.

If you want gritty realism and a discussion of the consequences of one’s actions, go to Gotham. That shit doesn’t fly in Metropolis.
Man of Steel, and the DCEU in general, feels more to me like a REAL world. The movie shows actual consequences to battles between superbeings and the effects on normal people. It's an actual world, rather than a stage for their superheroics. Justice League is actually the furthest from this ideal for me, likely because they tried to please all the whiners about the DCEU being too "dark" :(

As for Superman himself, I get that people whine that he's not the Big Blue Boyscout of the 70s ... but then that's always been the biggest complaint about Superman, he's boring because he's too predictable. That's part of why I love the new Cavill Superman. He's a real person with motivations created by his circumstances rather than a two-dimensional comic book character for kids. He's REAL, in a way that none of the Marvel characters in movies are. They haven't evolved past their four-color origins, and to me that makes them less interesting. Plus, I don't know how any DC fan could complain about a new take on DC characters given the wild success of such series as all the Elseworlds books that have been published over the years.

I love these movies (yes, even Suicide Squad) and none of your attempts to shame me will have any affect :) The Marvel movies are fun popcorn fare but have the depth of a puddle, I can take them or leave them honestly. At worst, some of them are dead boring (Civil War, for example. To me, the biggest Marvel turd) but for the most part they solidly entertain for two hours then you go on with your life.

Back in the 80s I insisted that The Thing was the greatest horror/sci-fi movie I'd ever seen and despite the bashing that it got at the time, time has proven me right. I'll continue to stand by the DC movies similarly ;)

You liked Mullet Superman, didn't you?
I really wasn't sure what thread to put this one in, but this video covers the history of magical girl transformation scenes in Japanese cartoons.


It's so dorky and nerdy that it made me laugh.
I figured it was easily reproduced filler. Interesting video though. Surprised I watched it.
I figured it was easily reproduced filler. Interesting video though. Surprised I watched it.

I still think it's easily replicated filler and I watched the video.

Although I never made the connection between certain modern Western cartoons and the magical girl genre, though in retrospect I should have.
Old news (from last summer), but I don't think it was ever brought up in this thread


We might see Professor Hulk in Avengers 4.

For the non-comic book dorks: Marvel doesn't want to make a full Hulk movie because Universal has the rights to distribute any Hulk movies, and because previous attempts at a Hulk solo movie bombed. So instead, we have seen significant Hulk stories severely abridged and presented as subplots in other movies, such as Planet Hulk being a subplot in the most recent Thor movie.

Hulk and professor Banner are two separate personalities (Banner suffers from Dissociative Personality Disorder). Professor Hulk is a semi-merge between the Hulk and Banner personas (they aren't the only personalities in that cranium, by the way, but I'm guessing Grey Hulk/Mr Fixit is too involved for the cinematic universe).


Although for the record, Hulk does not look as good in formal business clothes as his cousin She-Hulk. ;)

I'm not going to waste my time watching that video because I've made that mistake with videos you posted in the past, but for the benefit of any non-fascists reading this exchange, the concept of "traps" is incredibly harmful. Transgender women don't go around trying to trick people into thinking that they are cisgender women precisely because they are terrified of being murdered (they are already frequently murdered even without the trap thing going on).

The concept of tricking someone like that is exactly what drives the fears that lead to most anti-trans violence and anti-trans murders.

Simply promoting the idea that this is a thing that might happen in the real world stokes the fears of transphobes and probably contributes to anti-trans violence.

Grace Randolph says that the upcoming Spider-Man movie is the best Spider-Man movie ever.

Granted, "nerd" reviewers rarely agree, and it's possible that all the other comic book geek reviewers will disagree with her, but I take this as a promising sign for a variety of reasons.

  • The Spider-verse is the goofiest, nerdiest, comic bookiest part of the Spider-Man storyspace. If James Gunn could make Rocket and Groot appealing to a mass audience, it would be great to see Sony do something similar with the goofiest part of the Spider-Man universe.
  • The Miles Morales version of Spider-Man is a genuinely great character, and it would be nice to see mainstream audiences exposed to him and learn why he's interesting.
    • If this movie does well, no doubt we'll get a Spider-Gwen movie, and perhaps even a Silk movie in the future. Success here would open up many interesting corners of the Spider-Man comic books, and as an added bonus will probably piss off the fascists conservolibertarians alt-right free speech warriors rightists identitarians.
  • It would be nice to see Sony Animation make a good movie for a change. If they don't have a major hit, Sony will probably just disband the studio and sell off the parts. As much as I like Pixar, I would rather that Disney/Pixar aren't the only American animation studio around. If Sony Animation gets a genuine hit, not only will it save the studio, but they will start to attract better talent, which will hopefully mean better movies from them in the future.
Maher has a point, most of these comic book movies are shallow and cookie cutter formulaic.

But fuck him and all of you, because I really liked Justice League.
I enjoyed Justice League and all the other DC movies as well. Marvel films, to me, are the cinematic equivalent of cotton candy. Nice, but not satisfying. Man of Steel is probably my favorite superhero film.

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I agree fully. I also love the Cleveland Browns, slamming my hand in closing doors, and voting for third parties. ;)
I know some Browns fans that would agree with this 100%. :D

Marvel movies are leaps and bounds better than DC. WW was pretty good, and JL was....ok. Aquaman should be fun.
I agree fully. I also love the Cleveland Browns, slamming my hand in closing doors, and voting for third parties. ;)
I know some Browns fans that would agree with this 100%. :D

Marvel movies are leaps and bounds better than DC. WW was pretty good, and JL was....ok. Aquaman should be fun.

In the shakeup after Justice League did poorly at the box office, WB hired a new producer who will do DC movies and only DC movies. Hopefully, Walter Hamada will prove to be the DC answer to Kevin Feige. Already, Hamada has shown that he is not going to try and make every DC movie like the Nolan Batman movies and instead understands that each movie needs its own separate tone, themes, etc.
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