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Comic book movie news & discussion

Personally, I try not to care what actors, directors, writers, or artists say or do in real life. It's their work that counts. But it is problematic if they turn out to be Kevin Spaceys who're just so horrible people that I don't want to subsidize them by watching (or at least paying for) their works. James Gunn, never knew him and haven't really looked into his tweets or how bad they are. Liked both of the Guardians, as well as Slither, so he's not completely talentless and I'd argue that if he has some reprehensible views they don't show up in his art. That being said, it's not like somebody else couldn't direct Guardians 3 just as well. Don't really care.

Some of my favourite movies and comics are done by total crackpots. Conan the Barbarian was written by Oliver Stone, and directed by John Milius - a left wing nutjob meets right wing nutjob. Still one of the best fantasy movies of all time. Frank Miller turned out to be a real asshole in his later days, but his early work still stands out. Paul Varhoeven stripped naked and forced his cameraman to do so as well to get his young, lucious female and male actors to do a unisex shower scene for Starship Troopers. That wouldn't fly today and would be an instant fireable offense, but luckily Starship Troopers was done in the nineties when nobody cared. The list goes on and on.
Personally, I try not to care what actors, directors, writers, or artists say or do in real life. It's their work that counts. But it is problematic if they turn out to be Kevin Spaceys who're just so horrible people that I don't want to subsidize them by watching (or at least paying for) their works. James Gunn, never knew him and haven't really looked into his tweets or how bad they are. Liked both of the Guardians, as well as Slither, so he's not completely talentless and I'd argue that if he has some reprehensible views they don't show up in his art. That being said, it's not like somebody else couldn't direct Guardians 3 just as well. Don't really care.

Some of my favourite movies and comics are done by total crackpots. Conan the Barbarian was written by Oliver Stone, and directed by John Milius - a left wing nutjob meets right wing nutjob. Still one of the best fantasy movies of all time. Frank Miller turned out to be a real asshole in his later days, but his early work still stands out. Paul Varhoeven stripped naked and forced his cameraman to do so as well to get his young, lucious female and male actors to do a unisex shower scene for Starship Troopers. That wouldn't fly today and would be an instant fireable offense, but luckily Starship Troopers was done in the nineties when nobody cared. The list goes on and on.

I hope you'll at least watch the MovieBob vid. He provides a link to a text version if you prefer that. I think he lays down a pretty solid case. This is all just the usual disingenuous troll attacks from fascists that prey on the fact that people other than them have an actual sense of decency.
Personally, I try not to care what actors, directors, writers, or artists say or do in real life. It's their work that counts. But it is problematic if they turn out to be Kevin Spaceys who're just so horrible people that I don't want to subsidize them by watching (or at least paying for) their works. James Gunn, never knew him and haven't really looked into his tweets or how bad they are. Liked both of the Guardians, as well as Slither, so he's not completely talentless and I'd argue that if he has some reprehensible views they don't show up in his art. That being said, it's not like somebody else couldn't direct Guardians 3 just as well. Don't really care.

Some of my favourite movies and comics are done by total crackpots. Conan the Barbarian was written by Oliver Stone, and directed by John Milius - a left wing nutjob meets right wing nutjob. Still one of the best fantasy movies of all time. Frank Miller turned out to be a real asshole in his later days, but his early work still stands out. Paul Varhoeven stripped naked and forced his cameraman to do so as well to get his young, lucious female and male actors to do a unisex shower scene for Starship Troopers. That wouldn't fly today and would be an instant fireable offense, but luckily Starship Troopers was done in the nineties when nobody cared. The list goes on and on.

I hope you'll at least watch the MovieBob vid. He provides a link to a text version if you prefer that. I think he lays down a pretty solid case. This is all just the usual disingenuous troll attacks from fascists that prey on the fact that people other than them have an actual sense of decency.
I'm halfway through it actually. He makes a good point, but I hadn't followed the actual situation so I stand by what I said before.

On the other side, it's ironic that the "Diversity & Comics" dude who's the main hero of the "comicsgate" movement (in short, it's tumpist MRA's who think comics are run by social justice warriors and that female characters should have bigger chests) is having an opposite reaction. He had apparently upon hearing abaout James Gunn posted a video where he defended him and blamed the "SJWs" for blacklisting him for fake outrage. But then when it was obvious that it was a hit job by the conservative hate/outrage machine, he pulled that video and now he's outraged how a pizza- and/or pedophile James Gunn can be allowed to continue to exist. It's just pathetic. People are being outraged, not outraged, or outraged about other people's outrage solely based on what their own "tribe" happens to be.
Quotes with snips.
James Gunn, never knew him and haven't really looked into his tweets or how bad they are.

People are being outraged, not outraged, or outraged about other people's outrage solely based on what their own "tribe" happens to be.
Aren't you guilty of the same thing here? You are deriving an opinion without facts about everything in this case, particularly those on the "outrage" side. Do you have names?
Quotes with snips.
James Gunn, never knew him and haven't really looked into his tweets or how bad they are.

People are being outraged, not outraged, or outraged about other people's outrage solely based on what their own "tribe" happens to be.
Aren't you guilty of the same thing here? You are deriving an opinion without facts about everything in this case, particularly those on the "outrage" side. Do you have names?
Richard C. Meyer and his band of misfits. He was humorously interviewed in Jim Jeffries show which should give you some idea what he's schtick is about, though it doesn't touch the James Gunn controversy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr8vMIbkPwg

I'm not outraged, as much as fascinated.
The Dark Knight: The Only Post-9/11 Noir


There seems to be lots of nerd rage about the (Teen) Titans trailer.

  • I am not OK with Robin/Nightwing killing people. That was the worst thing about Batfleck, and it's even more inappropriate for a character whose reason for existing boils down to "Hey, what if Batman wasn't crazy?"
  • I'm OK with Robin delivering the "fuck Batman" line. Why do people have a problem with this? He's working as a detective, which means they're doing the part of the story when Robin has a falling out with Batman, runs off to Bloodhaven to become a detective, then becomes Nightwing. "Fuck Batman" is exactly the kind of thing that character would say at this point in his life.
  • Everybody please shut up about Starfire. We haven't seen enough of this version of the character for anyone to have strong opinions one way or the other. Given that the original character was basically just a born sexy yesterday character created largely for cheesecake poses in her space bikini, there's no integrity in the source material to violate, so shut the fuck up. Above all, stop fucking tormenting the actress with your racist bullshit.
  • Straight female and gay comic book fans are probably going to be upset about the lack of gratuitous booty shots of Nightwing. DC deals with criticism of highly sexualized images of female characters like Starfire by having a male superhero that gets sexualized the same way, and Nightwing is that hero (it's been said he has the most famous butt in comic books). If straight women and gay men can put up with all those gratuitous sexualized images of female superheroes, I should not have a problem with sexualized images of a man.
  • I really like this interpretation of Raven. She's a living doorway for a world-destroying super-demon. She should be creepy and terrifying.
  • Did I catch a glimpse of Dove from Hawk and Dove? Is that good or bad?
  • No matter how good this is, I'm not going to buy a streaming service just for DC stuff. There's a limit to how many separate streaming service accounts I'm willing to maintain. I never god a CBS account, and I really like what I've seen of that new Star Trek series.
Almost posted this in the humor thread:


"Academy Announces Best Popular Film Category;" aka "Shit shit shit shit this year the Huge Black Movie that should get nominated but might not and the Huge Superhero Movie that should get nominated but might not are the SAME FUCKING MOVIE guys think of something shiiiiiiiit...!"

I almost posted this in the humor forum.

Note that this wouldn't be an issue of Hollywood wasn't the habit of not giving awards to "genre" movies.

Also, one of the reasons Black Panther was a big deal because Hollywood stinks at representation despite their undeserved reputation for being liberal on social matters. Marvel managed to market an Afro-futurist story to white audiences in the 1960s, and not one single person in Hollywood managed to do anything similar for half a century? Again, the above would not have been an issue at all if Hollywood didn't suck at representation of minorities in their big budget movies.
Great, the Academy decides to create a BS category as some sort of hedge? Action films rarely get an Academy Award, The Hurt Locker (if you want to go with 'action' label here), Gladiator, Braveheart round out since 1990. Fantasy even more rarely, Lord of the Rings - The King Comes Back.

Seriously, Infinity War needs to win Best Film. I'm sorry (wait, no I'm not), but that much continued action, in a movie with that length, with that little of plot incoherence? Look at Justice League and look at Infinity War. The craft is the difference between a muddled aimless film and masterpiece. No, Infinity War isn't Lawrence of Arabia, but it is the Lawrence of Arabia for fantasy films!

Black Panther gets screwed here (I'd say like Life is Beautiful as it was competing with Saving Private Ryan and Shakespeare in Love), because it was less a Super Hero movie as Infinity War and more of a mature film, but I still think Infinity War is just OMFG!!! How did they not fuck that up?! I'd say a strong argument could be made for both films getting a Best Film nod.

Also, fuck this new category. It makes no sense. The whole point of the Academy is to present awards based on what the Academy deems as Award winning (or based on the last several films or whatever ridiculously stupid standards they use), not what the general public thinks.
Isn't stuff like this why they invented The People's Choice awards?
Infinity War might have a good chance with Oscars. Why? Because the Academy Award winners are voted by the industry professionals, and Infinity War cast something like 50% of all actors in Hollywood... ;)

Seriously though all the winners are going to be either holocaust movies where clever movie directors save the day, or queer black musicals or some shit.
Black Panther broke important ground on racial/representation issues. Can't they have a special award that comes out only once in a while when applicable for things like this?

Maybe if there was a special award for representation, Hollywood wouldn't drag their fucking feet so much on representation issues.

Think about it: Jack Kirby and Stan Lee introduced Afro-futurism to white audiences before the term Afro-futurism was even coined. And in the entire half century since then, no one in Hollywood has managed to duplicate even half-heartedly what Marvel did such that Black Panther broke all kinds of new ground just by basically updating a story from the 1960s.

What the actual fuck, Hollywood?

It's been a half century since Marvel was first to do it in the comic books, and now they are the first to do it in a major motion picture? No one in the last five decades in all of Hollywood was able to do anything remotely similar and be as progressive as a fucking comic book?


This is insane.

And Jimmy, I would agree that Infinity War is the more impressive comic book movie just because it's impressive that something with that many moving parts didn't fall on its own ass and gouge its own eyes out on someone else's big toe (seriously, Civil War was impressive enough, but why wasn't Infinity War a complete clusterfuck?), but I still think Black Panther is the better movie.

If we were to hypothetically see both nominated for Best Picture, I would expect Black Panther to beat Infinity War. It's my fave Marvel movie to date with Civil War/Winter Soldier tied for second place.
Comic book movie news & discussion

One last shout for Infinity War, it leaves off in a place that likely will see the sequel blow away opening weekend numbers as every person will want to see it immediately to avoid spoilers. I never ever ever go to see a movie on a debut night. I might this one time. I doubt many films will be in theaters when Part II is released. A part II hasn’t had this much anticipation in a long time.

Underseer, regarding what Hollywood hadn’t done that Black Panther did do, what are you referring to?
One last shout for Infinity War, it leaves off in a place that likely will see the sequel blow away opening weekend numbers as every person will want to see it immediately to avoid spoilers. I never ever ever go to see a movie on a debut night. I might this one time. I doubt many films will be in theaters when Part II is released. A part II hasn’t had this much anticipation in a long time.

Underseer, regarding what Hollywood hadn’t done that Black Panther did do, what are you referring to?


Marvel has been doing it in the comic books for a half century now, and in all that time, no one in Hollywood could do the same? That's bizarre and messed up. Kudos to Marvel for being the first to bring it to a big budget Hollywood movie, but they should not have been first, not after all this time.

Victory for Mike Cernovich and the other Nazis: Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 has been delayed, perhaps indefinitely.
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