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Covid-19 miscellany

Angela Marsden who runs a bar restaurant in Sherman Oaks in California shows the stupidity of California and Los Angeles Covid restrictions re outdoor dining;

“And I come in today because I’m organizing a protest and I came in to get stuff for that. And I walk into my parking lot -- and obviously Mayor Garcetti has approved … this,” she continues, pointing to the tent setup. “Has approved this being set up for … this being set up for … for a movie company.


Her outdoor dining is forced to close because it’s “dangerous”. 50 feet away a studio Warner Bros I think, has set up outdoor catering for the substantial crew of people working on the movie shoot.

Since these are movie company employees, I imagine they've already been pre-screened and tested for covid. Not just anyone who walks in off the street and wants to eat at a restaurant.
ZiprHead said:
Since these are movie company employees, I imagine they've already been pre-screened and tested for covid. Not just anyone who walks in off the street and wants to eat at a restaurant.

You “imagine” do you ? Risible. At least make an effort rather than waste my bandwidth on such nonsense.
Hey, maybe now the idiots will take Covid-19 seriously:

A mild case of COVID may cause erectile dysfunction

Hmmm maybe I shouldn't be so hasty to insist then that TSwizzle wear a mask. I would say a Darwin Award is totally an appropriate outcome of ignoring the reality of epidemiology that is Covid-19.

The reality is that the vast, VAST majority of people that contract this virus recover unscathed. In fact most people never knew that they had it.
ZiprHead said:
Since these are movie company employees, I imagine they've already been pre-screened and tested for covid. Not just anyone who walks in off the street and wants to eat at a restaurant.

You “imagine” do you ? Risible. At least make an effort rather than waste my bandwidth on such nonsense.

Damn TSwizzle, Doesn't it ever make you embarrassed to display your lack of imagination so blatantly?

Frank Patterson, CEO of Pinewood Atlanta Studios

Pinewood is one of the biggest names in the film industry when it comes to studio space, and Frank Patterson is the CEO of its Atlanta-based lot. The Georgia studio has been the filming grounds for nearly a dozen Marvel films and is also the space where Disney is filming several of shows for its Disney+ streaming service.

Patterson told CNBC that the studio hopes to be opened in early June, but doesn’t expect shooting on the lot to begin until late summer.

“We think preproduction will be early summer,” he said, noting that this stage of production on the lot is predominantly the construction of sets.

A top priority for the studio is ensuring that all of the teams on the lot, regardless of which production company they work for, are all operating under the same safety measures, including testing and social distancing.

Damn TSwizzle, Doesn't it ever make you embarrassed to display your lack of imagination so blatantly?
You’re obviously not embarrassed by your blatant support of authoritarians. Or complete disregard for science.

Sit down.
Damn TSwizzle, Doesn't it ever make you embarrassed to display your lack of imagination so blatantly?
You’re obviously not embarrassed by your blatant support of authoritarians. Or complete disregard for science.

Sit down.

Here's a present for you, TSwizzle.

Another small business owner who lacks imagination apparently;

Jeffrey Merrihue had just finished installing $80,000 worth of dining booths on the street outside his informal Italian eatery blocks away from the Pacific Ocean when word came down that Los Angeles county was instituting a three-week ban on outdoor dining.


No science, no explanation. Just hypocrisy and double standards.
7 nursing home Covid-19 deaths reported after staff attended wedding
The dead were at 3 facilities, Washington state health officials said. Four other fatalities are being reviewed for possible links to the 300-person party.

Seven Washington state nursing home residents with Covid-19 died after staff members attended a 300-person wedding that violated the governor's coronavirus restrictions.

The deaths were at three nursing home facilities in Grant County, health officials said Thursday. They were men in their 70s, 80s, and 90s who had underlying health conditions, according to a press release by the Grant County Health District.

Four additional deaths are pending death certificate reviews.

The health department said it is looking into whether the deaths are linked to a Nov. 7 wedding in Ritzville, about 59 miles southwest of Spokane, but an investigation found that some staff members at the facilities had tested positive after attending the event.

No science, no explanation. Just hypocrisy and double standards.
predictable said:
They were men in their 70s, 80s, and 90s who had underlying health conditions

One in his 90s ffs. Old people dying is nothing unusual.

Well, then those people violating the rules and killing those old men is just all righty then.

Perhaps TS thinks that the negligent homicide of a 70 year old should be a lesser crime than the negligent homicide of a 20 year old.
Reports are just in. Rudy Giuliani has contracted covid-19. No doubt caught at some GOP spreader event or the other. Raw story reports just 4 days ago at some hearing, Rudy demanded a women wearing a mask to remove it. Since Rudy has been galloping across the nation recently, he may have been gaily spreading covid-19 around him to all other GOP loonies who were refusing to wear a mask.
Hey, maybe now the idiots will take Covid-19 seriously:

A mild case of COVID may cause erectile dysfunction

Hmmm maybe I shouldn't be so hasty to insist then that TSwizzle wear a mask. I would say a Darwin Award is totally an appropriate outcome of ignoring the reality of epidemiology that is Covid-19.

The reality is that the vast, VAST majority of people that contract this virus recover unscathed. In fact most people never knew that they had it.

But these may well be asymptomatic spreaders. Arrogantly spreading disease and destruction in their ignorant wakes.
Angela Marsden who runs a bar restaurant in Sherman Oaks in California shows the stupidity of California and Los Angeles Covid restrictions re outdoor dining;

“And I come in today because I’m organizing a protest and I came in to get stuff for that. And I walk into my parking lot -- and obviously Mayor Garcetti has approved … this,” she continues, pointing to the tent setup. “Has approved this being set up for … this being set up for … for a movie company.


Her outdoor dining is forced to close because it’s “dangerous”. 50 feet away a studio Warner Bros I think, has set up outdoor catering for the substantial crew of people working on the movie shoot.

Since these are movie company employees, I imagine they've already been pre-screened and tested for covid. Not just anyone who walks in off the street and wants to eat at a restaurant.

Yup. I recently encountered a casting call that described the Covid precautions. Lots of testing and masks other than when actually shooting the scene. It's a very different situation than a random gathering in a restaurant.
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