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Covid-19 miscellany

Hey, maybe now the idiots will take Covid-19 seriously:

A mild case of COVID may cause erectile dysfunction

Hmmm maybe I shouldn't be so hasty to insist then that TSwizzle wear a mask. I would say a Darwin Award is totally an appropriate outcome of ignoring the reality of epidemiology that is Covid-19.

The reality is that the vast, VAST majority of people that contract this virus recover unscathed. In fact most people never knew that they had it.

Repeating this ad nauseum doesn't make it so.


10% of the young crowd suffer from long covid, more than twice that for the 70+ crowd.
Reports are just in. Rudy Giuliani has contracted covid-19. No doubt caught at some GOP spreader event or the other. Raw story reports just 4 days ago at some hearing, Rudy demanded a women wearing a mask to remove it. Since Rudy has been galloping across the nation recently, he may have been gaily spreading covid-19 around him to all other GOP loonies who were refusing to wear a mask.


Who superspreaded?
Say what you want about Mitch McConnell's malevolency, but you can't call him stupid. He knows damn well if he were to allow Trump supporters to receive a check for COVID relief, especially a $2,000 check, or worse still, a monthly check for three or six months, they would be so placated in their personal lives having so many problems taken care of by the relief money that there would really only be a very few of them left undistracted by that to continue the "protests" to call the election for Trump.
Hey, maybe now the idiots will take Covid-19 seriously:

A mild case of COVID may cause erectile dysfunction

Hmmm maybe I shouldn't be so hasty to insist then that TSwizzle wear a mask. I would say a Darwin Award is totally an appropriate outcome of ignoring the reality of epidemiology that is Covid-19.

The reality is that the vast, VAST majority of people that contract this virus recover unscathed. In fact most people never knew that they had it.

And yet, the numbers drastically increase the less precautions we take. You know how numbers work, right? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't.
"282k Americans dead? Eh, no problem." - conservatives
Remember when you assholes were complaining about Obama's non-existent "death panels"? No? Oh right.
Early details of brain damage in COVID-19 patients

While it is primarily a respiratory disease, COVID-19 infection affects other organs, including the brain.

One of the first spectroscopic imaging-based studies of neurological injury in COVID-19 patients has been reported by researchers at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in the American Journal of Neuroradiology. Looking at six patients using a specialized magnetic resonance (MR) technique, they found that COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms show some of the same metabolic disturbances in the brain as patients who have suffered oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) from other causes, but there are also notable differences.
Early details of brain damage in COVID-19 patients

While it is primarily a respiratory disease, COVID-19 infection affects other organs, including the brain.

One of the first spectroscopic imaging-based studies of neurological injury in COVID-19 patients has been reported by researchers at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in the American Journal of Neuroradiology. Looking at six patients using a specialized magnetic resonance (MR) technique, they found that COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms show some of the same metabolic disturbances in the brain as patients who have suffered oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) from other causes, but there are also notable differences.

Maybe that explains why "most people never knew that they had it" - their faculties for knowing things are impaired!
Perhaps Swizzle should get an antibody test?
About 3000 people in Georgia between the ages of 18 and 69 have died from COVID, so the claim that it doesn't impact people under 70 is wrong. I check the Georgia Department of Health website almost everyday to see how much the virus is spreading in my county. Most of those infected are younger and unfortunately, even those who don't suffer serious symptoms, are still transmitting this virus to others, who may be at much higher risk.


Most coronavirus infections are spread by people who have no symptoms, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in newly updated guidance.

It's one of the main reasons mask use is so important, the CDC said.
"Most SARS-CoV-2 infections are spread by people without symptoms," the agency said in a section of its website devoted to explaining the science of how to use masks to control the spread of the virus.
Masks mandates worked to slow the spread of Covid-19 in Kansas, CDC research shows
"CDC and others estimate that more than 50% of all infections are transmitted from people who are not exhibiting symptoms," it added in the guidance posted Friday.

So, decent people wear masks out of concern for their fellow citizens and perhaps even more importantly, slowing the spread lessons the burden on the healthcare system and on the dedicated people who are caring for victims of COVID. Why is that so hard for some to accept?

Cloth masks can stop people from exhaling the little globs of mucus or saliva that carry the virus. Those particles can fly directly onto others, fall onto surfaces to be picked up, or linger in the air -- especially in closed rooms.
The CDC also now said masks can help prevent people from inhaling the droplets, large and small, that carry the virus.

And yet, there are still idiots who refuse to wear masks, out of concern for themselves, their fellow citizens and those who work in healthcare. It must be very difficult to be a nurse and have to care for people who didn't take this virus seriously and then find themselves very sick and in need of hospitalization. Not everyone is going to have access to the type of care that people like Trump and Rudy get. Rudy has only mild symptoms and yet he has already been admitted to the hospital, where he will probably receive the drugs that often help in the early stages of the infection. Too bad those same drugs are only available to those with power and connections.
The reality is that the vast, VAST majority of people that contract this virus recover unscathed. In fact most people never knew that they had it.

And yet, the numbers drastically increase the less precautions we take. You know how numbers work, right? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't.

I haven't seen any "science and data" that indicate outside dining is a significant contributor to this vague concept of "the numbers". And Gavin Newsom wasn't taking any precautions when he attended a birthday bash at a swanky restaurant.

LA riot cops clash with BLM outside Mayor Garcetti's mansion as protesters gather for a 13th consecutive day to persuade Biden not to appoint 'hated' Mayor to his cabinet Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti's home was surrounded by police yesterday as Black Lives Matter protesters targeted him during the hugely unpopular lockdown imposed in California. Violent clashes between officers and protesters who do not want Garcetti to be appointed to he Biden administration broke out on Sunday morning, with one arrest, as nearly two weeks of demonstrations continued.


Having a burger and beer on the patio = inconsiderate grandma murdering psychopath. Protesting = noble and righteous warrior for the people. Or something like that.
TSwizzle, it sounds like you agree with leftists regarding COVID response other than Newsom's mandate about outdoor dining. But for some reason you want to make that one CA issue appear to be as big as an incompetent boob of a President throughout the pandemic plus a large chunk of the population refusing to take precautions.
I haven't seen any "science and data" that indicate outside dining is a significant contributor to this vague concept of "the numbers".

Maybe that's because you haven't looked.

Outdoor dining safety: We asked 7 infectious disease experts for their take

All seven experts said they would not (dine outside at a restaurant).


Exactly. Anything that requires being unmasked around those outside your household should be seriously evaluated as to necessity.
Last May the Florida governor fired Rebekah Jones for telling how she was pressured to fudge the COVID numbers. Since then she has been doing her best to get real numbers out, instead of whatever the gov is trying to pass as real. Well now state police were set to seize her computer.

Wonder what kind of corrections will need to be made to totals once Biden’s people start digging for the real numbers.
Fauci: California had no choice but to impose stay-home orders
California's stay-home rules are some of the strictest in the nation, limiting most nonessential activities, banning restaurant dining and prohibiting private gatherings. Gov. Gavin Newsom last week assigned counties to one of five geographic regions that would have to lock down if their intensive care unit capacity dropped below 15 percent.

Fauci spoke Monday with CNN on the same morning that President-elect Joe Biden named him as chief medical adviser on Covid-19 in addition to director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He said he was consulted by California officials before they moved forward on their stay-home order and that he "absolutely" agreed with the state's approach.

New Day on Twitter: "Dr. Fauci says he is “not surprised” by the current surge in Covid-19 cases in the US. “It was predictable ...
We had a high baseline of cases to begin with. Even at the time when things seemed to have been calming down, it never got down to a low baseline” https://t.co/QkvEzCkST9" / Twitter
Some pushback on the insufferable prick Gavin Newsom;

Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco this week vowed not to enforce the state’s new coronavirus restrictions, calling Gov. Gavin Newsom’s efforts to contain the pandemic with business closures and stay-at-home orders “flat out ridiculous. The metrics used for closures are unbelievably faulty and are not representative of true numbers and are disastrous for Riverside County,” the sheriff said in a video released Friday. In his video, Bianco accused Newsom of trying to shift attention away from his and other officials’ “do as I say, not as I do attitude,” referring to a dinner attended by the governor and about a dozen others last month. “The dictatorial attitude toward California residents, while dining and luxury traveling, keeping his business open and sending his kids to in-person private schools is very telling about his attitude toward California residents, his feelings about the virus, and it is extremely hypocritical,” Bianco said.


Most California county sheriffs are not going to help enforce these egregious and arbitrary lockdown measures.
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