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Covid-19 miscellany

Quite a reasoned comeback.

We take these little children and make getting the vaccine in their interest because they are too stupid to do it for themselves.

We protect society from these deluded children at the same time.

Let us assume that your analogy holds.

In your relationship with other adults, you see yourself as the adult and them as children who desperately need you to protect them from themselves.

That is the viewpoint of a dictator.


You see helping some blind old man cross the road safely as being a dictator.

You see yourself as forcing the blind man to accept your help because he's too stupid to accept help. Maybe he wants someone else's help. Maybe the street has audible crosswalks so he can hear which direction is safe. Maybe he doesn't want to cross the street but you think he does so you are dragging him along thinking you are helping.

The only reason you don't see the dictatorship in your proposals is because you like your proposals.

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM)—a fine example of a religion pretending to be a joke (or a joke pretending to be a religion—is wary of religious exemptions for COVID-19 vaccines. However, recognizing that it's important for churches to take a position on this literal life-or-death matter, they are offering religious exemption letters enabling their followers—known as Pastafarians—to be exempt from working in proximity to the unvaxxed.

What jolly fun!
I read somewhere that Betadyne is the new Ivermectin?

If real, this can't be good....

This is Trumpists ingesting antiseptic as he suggested.

I'm all for it as long as they ingest lethal dosages.

I do not wish death upon those I disagree with.

I don't either, but antivaxxers have made this a "me versus them" issue. Their choices are

keeping the economy stunted.

crushing the health care system(which impacts everyone, even people who are healthy)

providing the virus with voluntary hosts from which to develop worse variants(which my natural immunity and vaccination might not be sufficient)

That's a start on the list of reasons why we need to stomp on antivaxxer nonsense as hard as we should have stomped on the virus in late winter 2020. Until very recently I've opposed government mandates, I don't like giving the government that much power. But I'm coming around to the idea that so many people are irrational and dangerous that maybe we need government mandates.
I do not wish death upon those I disagree with.


I wish death upon people killing others.

Every dictator says they are doing what they are doing to protect "society" or some other amorphous blob. That's why they all agree the individual should have no rights at all. And they usually wish death upon their targeted out-group.
I do not wish death upon those I disagree with.

I don't either, but antivaxxers have made this a "me versus them" issue. Their choices are

keeping the economy stunted.

crushing the health care system(which impacts everyone, even people who are healthy)

providing the virus with voluntary hosts from which to develop worse variants(which my natural immunity and vaccination might not be sufficient)

That's a start on the list of reasons why we need to stomp on antivaxxer nonsense as hard as we should have stomped on the virus in late winter 2020. Until very recently I've opposed government mandates, I don't like giving the government that much power. But I'm coming around to the idea that so many people are irrational and dangerous that maybe we need government mandates.

I think the unvaxed are wrong, but that doesn't mean I should force them.
I do not wish death upon those I disagree with.

I don't either, but antivaxxers have made this a "me versus them" issue. Their choices are

keeping the economy stunted.

crushing the health care system(which impacts everyone, even people who are healthy)

providing the virus with voluntary hosts from which to develop worse variants(which my natural immunity and vaccination might not be sufficient)

That's a start on the list of reasons why we need to stomp on antivaxxer nonsense as hard as we should have stomped on the virus in late winter 2020. Until very recently I've opposed government mandates, I don't like giving the government that much power. But I'm coming around to the idea that so many people are irrational and dangerous that maybe we need government mandates.

I think the unvaxed are wrong, but that doesn't mean I should force them.

They are killing people.

But sending the police to force them to be vaccinated is not the answer.

Just don't let anybody unvaccinated get services like electricity and water.

Make them see it is anti-social to not help stop the pandemic and show them what not being part of society means.
I think the unvaxed are wrong, but that doesn't mean I should force them.

They are killing people.

But sending the police to force them to be vaccinated is not the answer.

Just don't let anybody unvaccinated get services like electricity and water.

Make them see it is anti-social to not help stop the pandemic and show them what not being part of society means.

Rapists are raping people, but sending the police to force them to not rape isn't the answer. Just don't let rapists get services like electricity and water.
Did I say rapists? Oops, I meant someone worse... killers.
Right-wingers scream that it's all President Biden's fault. Then when he tries to do anything about it, they scream about what an autocrat he is.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Okay, we're mandating the vaccine. YOU people are dying.
Motherfucking tyrant! Ask nicely next time!

Yes. It shouldn't be mandated. Asking nicely is the way to go
I think the unvaxed are wrong, but that doesn't mean I should force them.

They are killing people.

But sending the police to force them to be vaccinated is not the answer.

Just don't let anybody unvaccinated get services like electricity and water.

Make them see it is anti-social to not help stop the pandemic and show them what not being part of society means.

Rapists are raping people, but sending the police to force them to not rape isn't the answer. Just don't let rapists get services like electricity and water.
Did I say rapists? Oops, I meant someone worse... killers.

How exactly do you send the police to stop people from raping people?

How exactly do the police know who is going to rape somebody?

You sound like that idiotic governor of Texas.
Right-wingers scream that it's all President Biden's fault. Then when he tries to do anything about it, they scream about what an autocrat he is.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Okay, we're mandating the vaccine. YOU people are dying.
Motherfucking tyrant! Ask nicely next time!

Yes. It shouldn't be mandated. Asking nicely is the way to go

Unfortunately, asking nicely rarely works in the US. I've tried to convince a few people by doing just that. For example, the one nurse who I keep in touch with adamantly refused. If she and her fiancé' had been mandated to take the vaccine, he would still be alive and she wouldn't have endured almost 2 weeks in the hospital. Her life is totally fucked up now. Too bad, as an older nurse who was still working, she wasn't required to be vaccinated. I really don't understand the foolish idea that mandating an approved vaccine for a potentially deadly or serious infection is taking away someone's freedom! I mean free dumb. :rolleyes: Running around spreading a terrible virus due to one's foolishness is taking away the freedom from the rest of us.
Sarasota District in Florida had to modify the doctor opt-out policy for the mask mandate in school after a chiropractor had signed off on exemptions for hundreds of students.

The chiropractor said it was all about the "Parent's freedom". I was thinking it was probably more about the money he charged for the signature on a form.
Right-wingers scream that it's all President Biden's fault. Then when he tries to do anything about it, they scream about what an autocrat he is.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Okay, we're mandating the vaccine. YOU people are dying.
Motherfucking tyrant! Ask nicely next time!

Yes. It shouldn't be mandated. Asking nicely is the way to go

Dr. Z might want to check his irony meter.
Yes. It shouldn't be mandated. Asking nicely is the way to go
Dr. Z might want to check his irony meter.

Yeah... for someone who keeps flogging liberal values, this resistance to doing the right thing seems odd.
Black people didn't get the vote by asking nicely.
Nor did women.
Asking nicely didn't bring an end to child labor. Slavery.
Asking plague rats nicely to either stop spreading plague, or at LEAST stay out of precious ICU beds, and schools, is killing us.
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