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Covid-19 miscellany

You can be skinny and fit. But yeah, with some obviously fat people I do notice that they move remarkably well. I think I would have been dead if I somehow got their weight. They clearly have more muscles to carry that fat around.

There is a misguided trope called the "Body Mass Index" that set me off on this tangent. As if some meaningful health info can reliably be derived simply from a ratio of height to weight...
As a friend of mine once observed, "A six foot high, 200lb stack of plutonium would have the same BMI as a six foot high 200lb stack of Cool Whip."
Yup, lots of vitamins which I now take religiously.

All I've read recommends you don't. Except for vitamin C a chronic shortage is better than a chronic overdose. Too much vitamins can be worse than too little. Vitamin C is special in the sense that science has so far not been able to identity a level where it's toxic. It's still not healthier to have high doses of Vitamin C than just the daily requirement. But it's at least not toxic, as it is for the other vitamins.


I eat magnesium, zink and vitamin B6
You can be skinny and fit. But yeah, with some obviously fat people I do notice that they move remarkably well. I think I would have been dead if I somehow got their weight. They clearly have more muscles to carry that fat around.

There is a misguided trope called the "Body Mass Index" that set me off on this tangent. As if some meaningful health info can reliably be derived simply from a ratio of height to weight...
As a friend of mine once observed, "A six foot high, 200lb stack of plutonium would have the same BMI as a six foot high 200lb stack of Cool Whip."
The BMI is good for averages though. Regardless, people are dying that wouldn't have died, so the BMI and overweight thing is a red herring.

The greatest threat to people's health in America, as far as the pandemic is concerned, is unvaccinated people who are becoming more and more steadfast in their partisan beliefs. Taking dewormer, medicine for Lupis, Betadine... it boggles the mind how people can become so bitterly partisan.
You can be skinny and fit. But yeah, with some obviously fat people I do notice that they move remarkably well. I think I would have been dead if I somehow got their weight. They clearly have more muscles to carry that fat around.

There is a misguided trope called the "Body Mass Index" that set me off on this tangent. As if some meaningful health info can reliably be derived simply from a ratio of height to weight...
As a friend of mine once observed, "A six foot high, 200lb stack of plutonium would have the same BMI as a six foot high 200lb stack of Cool Whip."

BMI is possibly a good statistic for evaluating populations. But certainly not a very good for evaluating the health of individuals.
Height to waist ratio (at belly button, not at your pants belt) is a better number.

I have heard that being able to pack on the fat pounds in the face of never ending high glycemic food is actually health protective at first compared the alternative. But when fat cells are filled to the brim then a whole range a nasty inflammatory stuff happens, Especially when the first liver gets maxed out on fat, (~24%) and then even the pancreas, maker of insulin and glucagon (helps mobilize fat burning) gets fatty.

Holy crap, fatty pancreas is way more common than I thought it would be.


Fasting (24-72 hours) or time restricted feeding (16-8 or so) seems the best route to getting a handle on this.
Unvaccinated TikTokers Are Calling Themselves ‘Purebloods’


“In like five, ten years, maybe less, all the people who are unvaccinated —we’re gonna be hunted,” she warns. “It’s gonna be like ‘Resident Evil.’ We’re gonna be the antidote, because everyone else is fucked, and we’re gonna be the only ones with pure blood.”

I suppose the next chapter of this C19 fanfic would be that the vaccinated are indeed starting to exhibit disastrous long-term complications and need the pureblood blood for treatment. And that's why the unvaccinated are dying in hospitals, because the docs are draining their blood to treat the mandate-compliant.
So The Pure should avoid hospitalizations (consequently leaving ICU beds open for heart attack patients, gun shot victims, actual vaccine reactions, non-self-inflicted-COVID cases...).

I would assume there are probably ethical considerations that would prevent trying to spread this as a rumor on the appropriate sites. At least, until i read about someone dying on the street because the last ICU bed was taken by someone who drank betadyne on the advice of their online doctor when they couldn't purchase Inervetiquinine….
Pure bloods?! Anyone tell them about water fluoridation? Any word on it they continually shed antibodies from their blood from all of the diseases they've have over the years?

Also, a shame the pure bloods are the ones dying at the moment. Nearly 700,000 officially.

Also, if you take any advice from TIkTok, you are a fool.
Also, a shame the pure bloods are the ones dying at the moment. Nearly 700,000 officially.

Keith explained that.
Hospitals are draining pure blood to rescue members of the Deep State who got vaccinated.

It's obvious!
Yup, lots of vitamins which I now take religiously.

All I've read recommends you don't. Except for vitamin C a chronic shortage is better than a chronic overdose. Too much vitamins can be worse than too little. Vitamin C is special in the sense that science has so far not been able to identity a level where it's toxic. It's still not healthier to have high doses of Vitamin C than just the daily requirement. But it's at least not toxic, as it is for the other vitamins.


I eat magnesium, zink and vitamin B6
I read that, unless you have been tested and found to have some serious deficit of some vitamins you don't need to to take them.
And serious deficit usually means that there is something seriously wrong with your system, not with your dietary vitamin intake. And you will feel it when something is wrong with vitamins.
Another victory for the unvaccinated:

Idaho hospital forced to turn away hundreds of transfer patients amid Covid surge

Idaho hospitals are so overwhelmed with the surge in coronavirus cases that doctors and nurses have to contact dozens of regional hospitals across the West in hopes of finding places to transfer individual critical patients.

The situation has grown so bad that the Idaho Department of Health and Wellness announced Thursday that the entire state is in a hospital resource crisis, permitting medical facilities to ration health care and triage patients.

Kootenai Health, a hospital in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, has already converted a conference room into an overflow Covid unit, started paying traveling nurses $250 an hour and brought in a military medical unit. The hospital received permission from the state to begin rationing care last week. That's all in response to the Covid surge that in recent weeks has taken over much of Idaho — a state with one of the nation's lowest vaccination rates.

I don't think your typical Idaho resident sees being unvaccinated as criminal. But he should.
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This is what I was talking about a couple months ago and I was basically called a crypto antivaxxer

The punitive zero tolerance policy in schools that kids endured starting in the 90s has turned into garbage like the upcoming mandatory double vaxxing of six year olds to attend school in a few months. Calling it now.


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0.1 to 1.9% of children cases require hospitalization.

One can even grant a magnitude of cases undetected, so 0.01 to 0.19% of all cases require hospitalization. That is 100 to 1900 per million. Even at the low end, 100 > 24. And that 24 is very much in doubt to begin with.
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