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Covid-19 miscellany

You mean Anish Koka isn’t the end-all of COVID info?
I think I’m gonna off myself!
Another victory for the unvaccinated:

Idaho hospital forced to turn away hundreds of transfer patients amid Covid surge

Idaho hospitals are so overwhelmed with the surge in coronavirus cases that doctors and nurses have to contact dozens of regional hospitals across the West in hopes of finding places to transfer individual critical patients. ...
Right-wingers scream that it's all President Biden's fault. Then when he tries to do anything about it, they scream about what an autocrat he is.
Right-wingers scream that it's all President Biden's fault. Then when he tries to do anything about it, they scream about what an autocrat he is.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Please get the vaccine. People are dying.
Okay, we're mandating the vaccine. YOU people are dying.
Motherfucking tyrant! Ask nicely next time!
You can see the image says it's sourced to the BBC. It's from this. Covid: Single jab recommended for 12 to 15-year-olds by UK's top doctors - BBC News

And the underlying data doesn't come from the study in Shadowy Man's post.

The article says:

“ The recommendation that only one dose be given - which the CMOs said could be looked at again in the spring - is related to the very rare risk of a condition called myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle.”

But I didn’t see a citation or link to the underlying data. Do you have the source or study that leads to this comment in this article?
You can see the image says it's sourced to the BBC. It's from this. Covid: Single jab recommended for 12 to 15-year-olds by UK's top doctors - BBC News

And the underlying data doesn't come from the study in Shadowy Man's post.

The article says:

“ The recommendation that only one dose be given - which the CMOs said could be looked at again in the spring - is related to the very rare risk of a condition called myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle.”

But I didn’t see a citation or link to the underlying data. Do you have the source or study that leads to this comment in this article?
Well, because it says it came from the UK's JCVI, and this paper has only just come out as preprint. And you can just look at the paper and it has much different numbers than what's in that image.
Pure bloods?! Anyone tell them about water fluoridation? Any word on it they continually shed antibodies from their blood from all of the diseases they've have over the years?

Also, a shame the pure bloods are the ones dying at the moment. Nearly 700,000 officially.

Also, if you take any advice from TIkTok, you are a fool.

Tiktok is just like any other big platform on the internet, it has both cranks and real experts.

Pure bloods?! Anyone tell them about water fluoridation? Any word on it they continually shed antibodies from their blood from all of the diseases they've have over the years?

Also, a shame the pure bloods are the ones dying at the moment. Nearly 700,000 officially.

Also, if you take any advice from TIkTok, you are a fool.

Tiktok is just like any other big platform on the internet, it has both cranks and real experts.


Unfortunately for the USA, social media is now the mainstream media. Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, etc. are the real media sources in the country today.

People will put more stock in demonstrably false information(lies) if it comes embedded in a 10 minute YouTube video that also agrees with their deeply held biases than the CDC or Fauci.
osteoporosis. Last doctor took x-rays and declared me healed. Doesn't explain the pain in the area where the verts broke.

And I've never been prescribed an MRI.

CT scans can see bone problems.

You have compression fractures?

There is only one treatment and long term there is no difference between getting a kyphoplasty and not getting one.

But you could request one.

Yup, I know exactly when it happened too. Trying to get a 12,000 btu window air conditioner up a flight of stairs. I was using a hand truck but area constraints required me to lift straight up on the top step.

And MRIs are definitely better for bone issues than CTs. And yes, fractured verts can heal. I just think they didn't heal properly. The vast majority of the time, it's not an issue though, just when I do certain things.

Actually MRI's are better for visualizing soft tissues.

CT's are fine to pick up compression fractures and problems with bones.
GOP Group That Fights Against Vaccine Mandates And For Election Integrity Might Miss Campaign Filing Deadline After Bookkeeper Dies From Covid

On Tuesday, a Florida county Republican committee that had opposed measures to prevent Covid-19 informed the Federal Election Commission that the group may not be able to submit a filing because its bookkeeper died from the virus.

“For several years we have been submitting the reports electronically, and for over a year we have done this with software developed by one of our members, Gregg Prentice,” the Hillsborough County Republican Executive Committee wrote the FEC. “Unfortunately, Gregg passed away suddenly from Covid 19 on Saturday, September 11, 2021. Gregg did not share the software and instructions with our officers.”
I used to wear dust masks when cutting brush, moving dirt etc.
Now, thanks to the pandemic I have lots of KN95 masks and they work way better. No sinus irritation!

Yay, pandemic... :confused:

Yeah, dust masks aren't very effective, I can't see any real use for them.
What do you mean? N95 IS a dust mask.

The stuff that normally is sold in the hardware as a dust mask is not anything like an N95.
I went to Harbor Freight yesterday to pick up some tools needed to fix my car. I wore my mask. I was the only one except for the cashier.

Well, duh! What do you expect from Harbor Freight? Most of the customers are as trashy as most of their products.

That was actually one of the reason I decided to wear my mask too.

Yeah, I wouldn't buy a complex tool from HB but I needed metric allen wrenches and torx bits. Hard to screw those up.

That's what I felt when I bought some air line couplings there.

They accomplished the very hard. (They would leak with any shear force on the coupling--say, the weight of the air hose itself.)
You can be skinny and fit. But yeah, with some obviously fat people I do notice that they move remarkably well. I think I would have been dead if I somehow got their weight. They clearly have more muscles to carry that fat around.

There is a misguided trope called the "Body Mass Index" that set me off on this tangent. As if some meaningful health info can reliably be derived simply from a ratio of height to weight...
As a friend of mine once observed, "A six foot high, 200lb stack of plutonium would have the same BMI as a six foot high 200lb stack of Cool Whip."
The BMI is good for averages though. Regardless, people are dying that wouldn't have died, so the BMI and overweight thing is a red herring.

Yeah. BMI is nothing like perfect, but it's a good quick approximation. It's only an approximation, though--it doesn't consider body build and it doesn't consider athletes.
Unvaccinated TikTokers Are Calling Themselves ‘Purebloods’


“In like five, ten years, maybe less, all the people who are unvaccinated —we’re gonna be hunted,” she warns. “It’s gonna be like ‘Resident Evil.’ We’re gonna be the antidote, because everyone else is fucked, and we’re gonna be the only ones with pure blood.”

Nah, you'll be hunted because you're plague rats.
What do you mean? N95 IS a dust mask.

And it is much better for COVID than a regular paper mask.

It isn't 100% that is all.
I know. Speaking of which, I know it works well because I noticed that cigarette smoke smells very differently through N95. It means it filters some of it.

Yup. In my experience they stop some scents. I have no problem at all with the disinfecting wipes we have if I have a mask on, but I still stay away from the rosemary planters in a local mall.
A follow-up to the earlier link:

COVID-19 surge forces health care rationing in parts of West

Crisis care standards mean that scarce resources such as ICU beds will be allotted to the patients most likely to survive. Other patients will be treated with less effective methods or, in dire cases, given pain relief and other palliative care.

“The situation is dire — we don’t have enough resources to adequately treat the patients in our hospitals, whether you are there for COVID-19 or a heart attack or because of a car accident,” Idaho Department of Welfare Director Dave Jeppesen said in statement.

On Wednesday, nearly 92% of all of the COVID-19 patients in St. Luke’s hospitals were unvaccinated. Sixty-one of the hospital’s 78 ICU patients had COVID-19. St. Luke’s physicians have pleaded with Idaho residents for months to get vaccinated and take steps to slow the spread of coronavirus, warning that hospitals beds were quickly running out.

Public health officials have warned Idaho residents for weeks to take extra care to ensure they don’t end up in hospitals. Last week, Jeppesen said residents should take their medications as prescribed, wear seatbelts and reconsider participating in any activities such as cycling that could lead to injuries.

All preventable. Morons all.
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View attachment 35329

This is what I was talking about a couple months ago and I was basically called a crypto antivaxxer

The punitive zero tolerance policy in schools that kids endured starting in the 90s has turned into garbage like the upcoming mandatory double vaxxing of six year olds to attend school in a few months. Calling it now.

Note that this is a pre-print, that pile of manure isn't going to get through peer review.

1) It's based on VAERS data. VAERS data is absolutely useless for such purposes.

2) The hospitalization risk is based on 120 days. How do you even determine the 120 day risk--we can't predict what Covid levels will be 4 months out! However, if we don't vaccinate the effective risk of infection is near 100%. Trying to figure the 120 risk by extrapolating current rates and applying this correction I get a bigger number than the increased myocarditis risk they're finding. In other words, by their own data the population is more likely to be hospitalized with Covid than get myocarditis from the vaccine.

3) It's pretty much meaningless to compare the risk of myocarditis to the risk of hospitalization anyway--you have events with different severity.

4) What's the hospitalization risk anyway? In many places the hospitals are sending home plenty of patients that really should be in the hospital. Does overloading the hospitals (and degrading care in the hospitals--ICUs are supposed to be one nurse per patient. Some places are doing one nurse per six patients by now) somehow make Covid less serious??

5) Note that one of the "researchers" on this steaming pile of crap is a known Covid quack.
A follow-up to the earlier link:

COVID-19 surge forces health care rationing in parts of West

Crisis care standards mean that scarce resources such as ICU beds will be allotted to the patients most likely to survive. Other patients will be treated with less effective methods or, in dire cases, given pain relief and other palliative care.

“The situation is dire — we don’t have enough resources to adequately treat the patients in our hospitals, whether you are there for COVID-19 or a heart attack or because of a car accident,” Idaho Department of Welfare Director Dave Jeppesen said in statement.

On Wednesday, nearly 92% of all of the COVID-19 patients in St. Luke’s hospitals were unvaccinated. Sixty-one of the hospital’s 78 ICU patients had COVID-19. St. Luke’s physicians have pleaded with Idaho residents for months to get vaccinated and take steps to slow the spread of coronavirus, warning that hospitals beds were quickly running out.

Public health officials have warned Idaho residents for weeks to take extra care to ensure they don’t end up in hospitals. Last week, Jeppesen said residents should take their medications as prescribed, wear seatbelts and reconsider participating in any activities such as cycling that could lead to injuries.

All preventable. Morons all.

I remember when Dylan Roof slaughtered a bunch of black church goers who were being inclusive with him and some people saying the blacks died because they didn’t defend themselves enough because they are so used to Government assistance.

Which makes me ponder of whites and whether some whites are dying of Covid because they have become so accustomed to bad shit not affecting them.
A follow-up to the earlier link:

COVID-19 surge forces health care rationing in parts of West

Crisis care standards mean that scarce resources such as ICU beds will be allotted to the patients most likely to survive. Other patients will be treated with less effective methods or, in dire cases, given pain relief and other palliative care.

“The situation is dire — we don’t have enough resources to adequately treat the patients in our hospitals, whether you are there for COVID-19 or a heart attack or because of a car accident,” Idaho Department of Welfare Director Dave Jeppesen said in statement.

On Wednesday, nearly 92% of all of the COVID-19 patients in St. Luke’s hospitals were unvaccinated. Sixty-one of the hospital’s 78 ICU patients had COVID-19. St. Luke’s physicians have pleaded with Idaho residents for months to get vaccinated and take steps to slow the spread of coronavirus, warning that hospitals beds were quickly running out.

Public health officials have warned Idaho residents for weeks to take extra care to ensure they don’t end up in hospitals. Last week, Jeppesen said residents should take their medications as prescribed, wear seatbelts and reconsider participating in any activities such as cycling that could lead to injuries.

All preventable. Morons all.
And the doctor in charge of rationing resources in Central Idaho was just replaced by a doc who prescribes Ivermectin....
I remember when Dylan Roof slaughtered a bunch of black church goers who were being inclusive with him and some people saying the blacks died because they didn’t defend themselves enough because they are so used to Government assistance.

Which makes me ponder of whites and whether some whites are dying of Covid because they have become so accustomed to bad shit not affecting them.

This reminds me of other, maybe similar, thoughts I had recently. But my thoughts were inspired by brexit nuts, not Dylan Roof nuts. The way I saw it was that, in a democracy, maybe certain people (maybe most people) are so used to believing that they can have the things they want (if they win) that they don't stop to consider that what they want may be self contradictory, impossible, or just ridiculously fraught with negative secondary consequences. When a person plays rock, paper, scissors, with their siblings over who gets the last doughnut, the winner eats the doughnut. But winning a political contest and hoping to "make crime go away," or make "the jobs come back," or "make the masks and vaccines go away," just isn't that simple.

Some issues have fundamental limitations constrained by aspects of reality, not political will.
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