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Covid-19 miscellany

You're missing TSwizzle's point. He's pointing out the absurdity in the behavior of someone who considers the pandemic to be a huge public health crises and then closes the facility for vaccination.

I couldn't find any information that it actually was closed. I did find an article dated on Monday saying it had opened as a vaccination site, which would be a strange thing to publish if it were actually closed that day.

On Friday, the insufferable prick that is the governor of California, Gavin Newsom breathlessly announced the opening of Dodger Stadium as a mass vaccination site. Well, it's closed today because it's a holiday. So despite the fact that we are in the middle of the worst ever pandemic in history that is literally killing billions of people, striking them down as they walk their dogs in the park, the facility is fucking closed. You could not make this shit up.

So medical people shouldn't get normal holidays??

That's clearly not the point. The point is that if they consider the pandemic as serious as they say it is (which is true, and that's the part TSwizzle gets wrong), they should not close the facilities on weekends. That could be done by rotating the days off of the personnel and/or by hiring more people, offering more money, or a combination of the above, among other measures.
You're missing TSwizzle's point. He's pointing out the absurdity in the behavior of someone who considers the pandemic to be a huge public health crises and then closes the facility for vaccination.

I couldn't find any information that it actually was closed. I did find an article dated on Monday saying it had opened as a vaccination site, which would be a strange thing to publish if it were actually closed that day.


Ah, alright, so there is a disagreement about what happens. I don't know who's right, but I stand by my previous point, i.e., he was missing TWsizzle's point.
You're missing TSwizzle's point. He's pointing out the absurdity in the behavior of someone who considers the pandemic to be a huge public health crises and then closes the facility for vaccination.

I couldn't find any information that it actually was closed. I did find an article dated on Monday saying it had opened as a vaccination site, which would be a strange thing to publish if it were actually closed that day.


It was broadcast on the local news channels here in Los Angeles, live. Reporters outside a locked Dodger Stadium.

Newsom is making a proper mess of the vaccine rollout. Insufferable prick that he is. The recall effort is gathering momentum.
You're missing TSwizzle's point. He's pointing out the absurdity in the behavior of someone who considers the pandemic to be a huge public health crises and then closes the facility for vaccination.

I couldn't find any information that it actually was closed. I did find an article dated on Monday saying it had opened as a vaccination site, which would be a strange thing to publish if it were actually closed that day.


Ah, alright, so there is a disagreement about what happens. I don't know who's right, but I stand by my previous point, i.e., he was missing TWsizzle's point.

Sorry, it's TSwizzle.
Ah, alright, so there is a disagreement about what happens. I don't know who's right, but I stand by my previous point, i.e., he was missing TWsizzle's point.

Sorry, it's TSwizzle.

I wasn’t saying TSwizzle was wrong. I just found it surprising that I couldn’t find mention of it online. I don’t deny that it may have been mentioned on local news. I don’t live in Southern California.

But I did find online that the stadium will be closed on Sundays as a vaccination site, so perhaps it is unsurprising that it would also be closed on a federal holiday.
Ah, alright, so there is a disagreement about what happens. I don't know who's right, but I stand by my previous point, i.e., he was missing TWsizzle's point.

Sorry, it's TSwizzle.

I wasn’t saying TSwizzle was wrong. I just found it surprising that I couldn’t find mention of it online. I don’t deny that it may have been mentioned on local news. I don’t live in Southern California.

But I did find online that the stadium will be closed on Sundays as a vaccination site, so perhaps it is unsurprising that it would also be closed on a federal holiday.

Yeah, that's unsurprising, but in any case, that it will be closed on Sundays is enough to make the point. Why close it on Sundays? They can hire more workers, offer to pay more, give workers different days off, or a combination of the above.
I wasn’t saying TSwizzle was wrong. I just found it surprising that I couldn’t find mention of it online. I don’t deny that it may have been mentioned on local news. I don’t live in Southern California.

But I did find online that the stadium will be closed on Sundays as a vaccination site, so perhaps it is unsurprising that it would also be closed on a federal holiday.

Yeah, that's unsurprising, but in any case, that it will be closed on Sundays is enough to make the point. Why close it on Sundays? They can hire more workers, offer to pay more, give workers different days off, or a combination of the above.

That's only worthwhile if they have sufficient stocks of the vaccine not to run out.

If they are expecting to use up all the available doses without the expense of opening the site on Sundays or Public Holidays, then to open on those days would be a waste of money, as it would make no difference whatsoever to the number of people treated.
I wasn’t saying TSwizzle was wrong. I just found it surprising that I couldn’t find mention of it online. I don’t deny that it may have been mentioned on local news. I don’t live in Southern California.

But I did find online that the stadium will be closed on Sundays as a vaccination site, so perhaps it is unsurprising that it would also be closed on a federal holiday.

Yeah, that's unsurprising, but in any case, that it will be closed on Sundays is enough to make the point. Why close it on Sundays? They can hire more workers, offer to pay more, give workers different days off, or a combination of the above.

That's only worthwhile if they have sufficient stocks of the vaccine not to run out.

If they are expecting to use up all the available doses without the expense of opening the site on Sundays or Public Holidays, then to open on those days would be a waste of money, as it would make no difference whatsoever to the number of people treated.

I think the tone of the criticism is that having closures belies the urgent rhetoric.
That's only worthwhile if they have sufficient stocks of the vaccine not to run out.

If they are expecting to use up all the available doses without the expense of opening the site on Sundays or Public Holidays, then to open on those days would be a waste of money, as it would make no difference whatsoever to the number of people treated.

I think the tone of the criticism is that having closures belies the urgent rhetoric.

Yes, I understand that. But that criticism assumes that the logistics are something nobody needs to worry about. It's a criticism that fails to consider the possibility that supplies are limited, and assumes that the closure is a constraint upon the most rapid possible roll out, which isn't likely to be true.

Simplistic arguments that fail to consider real world constraints are not a surprise, particularly not coming from right-wing COVID skeptics. But they're also not good arguments. And are a large part of the reason why so much of the world is in a shitty mess.

It's quite possible for the vaccine rollout to be urgent, and for it nevertheless to be pointless and wasteful to open the vaccination centre on Sundays and Public Holidays.

That most people don't grasp that, is only a problem when covidiots try to use people's lack of understanding to gain political advantage.
I wasn’t saying TSwizzle was wrong. I just found it surprising that I couldn’t find mention of it online. I don’t deny that it may have been mentioned on local news. I don’t live in Southern California.

But I did find online that the stadium will be closed on Sundays as a vaccination site, so perhaps it is unsurprising that it would also be closed on a federal holiday.

Yeah, that's unsurprising, but in any case, that it will be closed on Sundays is enough to make the point. Why close it on Sundays? They can hire more workers, offer to pay more, give workers different days off, or a combination of the above.

That's only worthwhile if they have sufficient stocks of the vaccine not to run out.

If they are expecting to use up all the available doses without the expense of opening the site on Sundays or Public Holidays, then to open on those days would be a waste of money, as it would make no difference whatsoever to the number of people treated.

In that case, they might as well close it on Saturdays too, or say Mondays. It would be a big coincidence that only one way a week + public holidays is the number so that that does not happen.
That's only worthwhile if they have sufficient stocks of the vaccine not to run out.

If they are expecting to use up all the available doses without the expense of opening the site on Sundays or Public Holidays, then to open on those days would be a waste of money, as it would make no difference whatsoever to the number of people treated.

In that case, they might as well close it on Saturdays too, or say Mondays. It would be a big coincidence that only one way a week + public holidays is the number so that that does not happen.


Maybe they will.


Or maybe they'll open all the days that don't cost extra, but close early (or not open at all) on days when they run out of stock.

Maybe we should let the people who know what stocks they have (or expect to receive) make the call about when to open, balancing the availability of vaccines against the cost of opening on a given day, with a view to ensuring that as many vaccinations as possible are carried out, due to the urgency of the situation.

Which would look exactly like what we are seeing, but would not be in any way deserving of the scorn heaped upon those people by TSwizzle.

It's almost as if he hasn't got a clue what he's on about.
The good news is that California finally ramped up its lagging COVID-19 vaccination program last week. The bad news, at least for Gov. Gavin Newsom, is that despite the surge, the state fell well short of the 1 million additional inoculations that he had promised during the 10-day period that ended on Friday. The worst news is that California still has one of the nation’s lowest levels of administering the doses of vaccine it has been supplied. The 1.3 million vaccinations are 36.7% of the 3.5 million doses California has received, well under the national rate and, according to Bloomberg’s constantly updated utilization chart, the sixth-lowest of any state.


Newsom really is an incompetent buffoon.
The good news is that California finally ramped up its lagging COVID-19 vaccination program last week. The bad news, at least for Gov. Gavin Newsom, is that despite the surge, the state fell well short of the 1 million additional inoculations that he had promised during the 10-day period that ended on Friday. The worst news is that California still has one of the nation’s lowest levels of administering the doses of vaccine it has been supplied. The 1.3 million vaccinations are 36.7% of the 3.5 million doses California has received, well under the national rate and, according to Bloomberg’s constantly updated utilization chart, the sixth-lowest of any state.


Newsom really is an incompetent buffoon.

No words for the incompetent buffoon that was in the white house and had no distribution plan at all?
The good news is that California finally ramped up its lagging COVID-19 vaccination program last week. The bad news, at least for Gov. Gavin Newsom, is that despite the surge, the state fell well short of the 1 million additional inoculations that he had promised during the 10-day period that ended on Friday. The worst news is that California still has one of the nation’s lowest levels of administering the doses of vaccine it has been supplied. The 1.3 million vaccinations are 36.7% of the 3.5 million doses California has received, well under the national rate and, according to Bloomberg’s constantly updated utilization chart, the sixth-lowest of any state.


Newsom really is an incompetent buffoon.

Ya know.
For the last couple of months the executive branch of the Federal government could have been planning a vaccination program that didn't leave state governments scrambling to fulfill the mission.

Instead, we got a bunch of unsuccessful lawsuits claiming that our presidential election system didn't work out well for Trump.

Sorry dude. Whining that state governments didn't do Trump's job for him isn't going to bring him back.
The states knew the vaccines were coming, so they should have been prepared. They share responsibility.
The states knew the vaccines were coming, so they should have been prepared. They share responsibility.

I agree, to an extent.

But the bottom line is that C19 is a global disaster. Here in this country it's a national crisis. State governments cannot deal with this effectively when the Federal government doesn't deal with it effectively.

Had Trump and his administration come up with a plan California wouldn't have been scrambling to create one on their own. But Trump has been too busy trying to overturn the election results to do any leading.

And now everyone, including Californians, are stuck dealing with the outcome of Trump's choices.

Not just Trump, to be fair. All the people who claimed that he was going to Make America Great Again, while we were going down the tubes, qualify.

*sigh*. Seems California is now last in terms of vaccine usage across all states.

Hey ho Newsom has to go !
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