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Covid-19 miscellany

Trump is on tape saying he had deliberately lied and downplayed the danger from day one.

He understood the virus was very deadly and very easily spread but he decided to downplay the danger.

This politicization of the pandemic caused millions to take it less seriously and killed unknown thousands and thousands of people.

Trump is a mass murderer who somehow gets away with it.

The world is insane.
Human rights tribunal puts anti-maskers on notice, saying complaints require proof of disability

B.C. body says it has received 'large volume of complaints' concerning COVID-19 mask mandate.

The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal has made it clear that anyone thinking of filing a complaint because they were told to wear a mask in a store will actually have to prove they have a disability that prevents them from doing so.

In a screening decision handed down Wednesday, tribunal member Steven Adamson wrote that "a large volume of complaints" have been filed over B.C.'s COVID-19 measures requiring face coverings in public indoor spaces like grocery stores, libraries and community centres.

The tribunal normally doesn't publicize this type of decision, which determines if a complaint contains a possible violation of the B.C. Human Rights Code. But Adamson said he wanted to publish one anonymized example for the purpose of public education.

"The Code does not protect people who refuse to wear a mask as a matter of personal preference, because they believe wearing a mask is 'pointless' or because they disagree that wearing masks helps to protect the public during the pandemic," Adamson said.

"Rather, the Code only protects people from discrimination based on certain personal characteristics, including disability."
Trump is on tape saying he had deliberately lied and downplayed the danger from day one.

He understood the virus was very deadly and very easily spread but he decided to downplay the danger.

This politicization of the pandemic caused millions to take it less seriously and killed unknown thousands and thousands of people.

Trump is a mass murderer who somehow gets away with it.

The world is insane.

The world isn't responsible for Trump. Trump and his followers are insane and dangerous.
In ihe UK or England at least is over it.

Covid deaths have fallen to the lowest in six months as the UK records 10 fatalities and and infections drop by 27% in a week to 3,423.

But the control freaks will still not stfu or relinquish control.

I don't claim to know much about UK.
But what your post sounds like is "UK has a plan that's working, let's get rid of it!"
In ihe UK or England at least is over it.

Covid deaths have fallen to the lowest in six months as the UK records 10 fatalities and and infections drop by 27% in a week to 3,423.

But the control freaks will still not stfu or relinquish control.

I don't claim to know much about UK.
But what your post sounds like is "UK has a plan that's working, let's get rid of it!"

Yep! I hate to tell T the reality, but the truth is that the countries that took "the most control" of COVID using scientific based recommendations, suffered less than those countries who ignored science. The countries that required masks, social distancing, and other prudent practices suffered far less. And we can see that in the United States as well. I travel across state lines between Oregon and Idaho constantly. Idaho has been very lax. Some counties don't require wearing masks at all. Oregon has been very vigilant. This "control" as T would call it has lead to half as many COVID cases as Idaho (after adjusting for population).
Yep! I hate to tell T the reality, but the truth is that the countries that took "the most control" of COVID using scientific based recommendations, suffered less than those countries who ignored science.
Science has never been the driver of these draconian measures.

The countries that required masks, social distancing, and other prudent practices suffered far less. And we can see that in the United States as well. I travel across state lines between Oregon and Idaho constantly. Idaho has been very lax. Some counties don't require wearing masks at all. Oregon has been very vigilant. This "control" as T would call it has lead to half as many COVID cases as Idaho (after adjusting for population).

California, had some of the most strict controls and yet still had some of the worst outcomes.
In ihe UK or England at least is over it.

Covid deaths have fallen to the lowest in six months as the UK records 10 fatalities and and infections drop by 27% in a week to 3,423.

But the control freaks will still not stfu or relinquish control.

"over it" would be zero fatalities and zero new infections outside quarantine.

That weekly total is more Covid deaths than Queensland has had in the entire course of the epidemic.

And the only reason it's not still FAR worse is because of the restrictions that you are so staunchly opposing.
In ihe UK or England at least is over it.

Covid deaths have fallen to the lowest in six months as the UK records 10 fatalities and and infections drop by 27% in a week to 3,423.

But the control freaks will still not stfu or relinquish control.

It's not over. Plenty of people are still dying of it.

Compare what happened in the US to what has happened in places like Australia, or China. They actually lock down as needed, stomp it out, then go back to life as normal. The death toll is very low.

Here we have a gazillion people who don't give a hoot and several hundred thousand dead because of that.
Yep! I hate to tell T the reality, but the truth is that the countries that took "the most control" of COVID using scientific based recommendations, suffered less than those countries who ignored science.
Science has never been the driver of these draconian measures.

The countries that required masks, social distancing, and other prudent practices suffered far less. And we can see that in the United States as well. I travel across state lines between Oregon and Idaho constantly. Idaho has been very lax. Some counties don't require wearing masks at all. Oregon has been very vigilant. This "control" as T would call it has lead to half as many COVID cases as Idaho (after adjusting for population).

California, had some of the most strict controls and yet still had some of the worst outcomes.

California isn't a country.

Australia and New Zealand had some of the most strict controls, and our outcomes make your country look positively medieval.

We have had some severe outbreaks, too; Melbourne in particular almost got completely out of control, and had to be almost completely shut down and isolated for two months before we were able to contain the spread.

This is something that could still be done in the US or Europe, if there weren't so many idiots in government who refuse to accept short term pain for long term gain.

The economy in Australia and NZ is absolutely booming.
Yep! I hate to tell T the reality, but the truth is that the countries that took "the most control" of COVID using scientific based recommendations, suffered less than those countries who ignored science.
Science has never been the driver of these draconian measures.

If science wasn't the driver why does it work?

The countries that required masks, social distancing, and other prudent practices suffered far less. And we can see that in the United States as well. I travel across state lines between Oregon and Idaho constantly. Idaho has been very lax. Some counties don't require wearing masks at all. Oregon has been very vigilant. This "control" as T would call it has lead to half as many COVID cases as Idaho (after adjusting for population).

California, had some of the most strict controls and yet still had some of the worst outcomes.

You realize California has about the lowest rate in the country right now?
Three hours after second shot,no reaction yet.

This time there was a blue grass band.
If science wasn't the driver why does it work?

The countries that required masks, social distancing, and other prudent practices suffered far less. And we can see that in the United States as well. I travel across state lines between Oregon and Idaho constantly. Idaho has been very lax. Some counties don't require wearing masks at all. Oregon has been very vigilant. This "control" as T would call it has lead to half as many COVID cases as Idaho (after adjusting for population).

California, had some of the most strict controls and yet still had some of the worst outcomes.

You realize California has about the lowest rate in the country right now?

33rd in total cases per capita according to worldometer. 29th in deaths per capita.

Wouldn’t quite call that “some of the worst”.
Three hours after second shot,no reaction yet.

This time there was a blue grass band.

Had mine Thursday afternoon. My arm is still a little tender but soreness in the injection site was the only problem.

I had one of my brother's "special" peanut butter cookies he and my SIL make. Felling pretty good right now.
Three hours after second shot,no reaction yet.

This time there was a blue grass band.
Oh man. Can you send some of your local leadership down here to show people how this should be done? :)

Give it a few hours. It took about 6 or 8 hours before I started feeling the first effects after my second vaccine. Of course, you may not have any side effects at all; I am unfortunate enough to have a compromised immune system due to a chronic illness and it gives me grief every time my body encounters something out of the usual.

Three hours after second shot,no reaction yet.

This time there was a blue grass band.
Oh man. Can you send some of your local leadership down here to show people how this should be done? :)

Give it a few hours. It took about 6 or 8 hours before I started feeling the first effects after my second vaccine. Of course, you may not have any side effects at all; I am unfortunate enough to have a compromised immune system due to a chronic illness and it gives me grief every time my body encounters something out of the usual.


Yeeah, mine hit 12 hours after the 2nd jab. Not too bad overall. Took tyenol for the headache and achiness, then was fine except for fatigue. That night I slept for 12 hours straight.
In ihe UK or England at least is over it.

Covid deaths have fallen to the lowest in six months as the UK records 10 fatalities and and infections drop by 27% in a week to 3,423.

But the control freaks will still not stfu or relinquish control.

The UK has suffered from vacillating policies. Weak leadership. UK is what happens when you don't pick a lane.worst of all worlds
I went to my local state park today for the first time since September 2020. It's a fairly popular loop trail around the ponds and though the woods. Massachusetts mask requirements are to have a mask on inside or outside when out in public. I'd guess 50% compliance.

I always kept my mask on but I'd let it down below by nose when no one was less than 100 yards away. But I'd always raise it when passing or anywhere close to anyone got within 100 yards of me.

The worst were white guys perhaps 40-55 years old. I'd guess only 1 in 10 was is compliance. No mask at all visible. The large majority of them would not yet be illegible for the vaccine here. And being vaccinated is not a pass to skip the mask.

A close second worst were white women perhaps 30-45 years old. I'd guess 35% compliance.

There are lots of Asians in my area. They were 100% in compliance and closely followed by families with young kids who I would guess 95% compliance.
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