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Covid-19 miscellany

32 “covid deaths” in the UK, “ cases” falling but the anti science authoritarians still cling to power.

The fact that the UK government are anti science is a major reason why lockdowns, masks, etc. are still necessary in the UK. Their lack of authoritarianism, when authoritarianism is needed, is another major reason.

Over here, our government responded in accordance with scientific advice, imposed a severe lockdown for a few months, and have largely returned to normal. We have had six covid deaths in my state. Not six today; or six this week; six in total.

The reason most countries failed to keep so many of their citizens alive is their refusal to take draconian action when it was clearly the correct response. It's still the correct response today - two or three months of almost total lockdown would eradicate the virus. But the majority of governments worldwide haven't the testicular fortitude for it, and are far more worried about the loss of face due to not having done it a year ago, than they are about the loss of life due to continuing not to do it.
Michigan had one of the best covid responses in the entire country. Then dumbass republicans that think like Tswizzle took away Gov. Whitmer's emergency response powers and now we're the worst in the country. It's the Tswizzles of the world that are the ones that keep forcing us all into lock downs.

What is it, swizzle? Does wearing a mask and social distancing affect your manhood image? Why are you so afraid of doing the things necessary to getting this pandemic behind us?
Michigan had one of the best covid responses in the entire country. Then dumbass republicans that think like Tswizzle took away Gov. Whitmer's emergency response powers and now we're the worst in the country. It's the Tswizzles of the world that are the ones that keep forcing us all into lock downs.

What is it, swizzle? Does wearing a mask and social distancing affect your manhood image? Why are you so afraid of doing the things necessary to getting this pandemic behind us?
I thought it was that there’s no point in shutting down the economy just to save the lives of a few old and weak people, who would have likely died soon anyway.
UFC 261 played out to a packed house on Saturday night in Jacksonville, Florida;

The sold-out event drew a star-studded crowd. There was no social distancing inside the 15,000-plus-seat arena and few masks in any direction. It was a clear sign that at least some fans are ready to return to normal after more than a year of dealing with COVID-19 changes to their routines. Seven-time Super Bowl champion Tom Brady was sitting cage-side along with Tampa Bay teammates Mike Evans, Blaine Gabbert and Josh Wells. Florida legend and Jacksonville native Tim Tebow was on hand with his wife. And Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback Gardner Minshew and linebacker Myles Jack were in the first few rows. Former Bucs receiver Antonio Brown dipped into a large bucket of popcorn as he sat next to YouTube sensation and celebrity boxer Jake Paul


It’s not an event I would have attended but it’s time sports venues, particularly outdoor stadiums were completely open without restrictions.
So Tom Brady is good at playing with (deflated) balls and that makes him an epidemiology expert. Got it.
UFC 261 played out to a packed house on Saturday night in Jacksonville, Florida;

Isn't Florida the state where the governor stomped on citizens freedom to get or give C19 vaccination documents?
The legacy media

What does that mean?

To me, legacy is a continuation of old relationships. There's no legacy media any more, not that I know about. For better or worse, the internet killed that off awhile back.
The legacy media doesn’t bother reporting on the tens of thousands anti lockdown protesters on the streets of London on Saturday and the few that did painted them in a negative light. Today, 8,000 football fans were in attendance at Wembley stadium in London to see a cup final and the legacy media seems giddy with delight.


Wembley Stadium has a seating capacity of 90,000

8,000 fans can easily maintain social distancing in such a venue.
For those who still believe that this virus only makes old people very sick, here's this....


At Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, in one of America’s worst coronavirus hot spots, entire units are still filled with Covid-19 patients. People weak with the virus still struggle to sit up in bed. And the phone still rings with pleas to transfer patients on the verge of death to units with higher-tech equipment.

But unlike previous surges, it now is younger and middle-aged adults — not their parents and grandparents — who are taking up many of Michigan’s hospital beds. A 37-year-old woman on a ventilator after giving birth. A 41-year-old father. A 55-year-old autoworker who has been sick for weeks.

“We’re getting to the point where we’re just so beat down,” said Alexandra Budnik, an intensive care nurse who works in a unit with lifesaving machines, or circuits, that are in short supply. “Every time we get a call or every time we hear that there’s another 40-year-old that we don’t have a circuit for — it’s just like, you know, we can’t save them all.”

Across Michigan, which is experiencing by far the country’s most dangerous outbreak, more younger people are being admitted to hospitals with the coronavirus than at any other time in the pandemic. Michigan hospitals are now admitting about twice as many coronavirus patients in their 30s and 40s as they were during the fall peak, according to the Michigan Health & Hospital Association.

Wear a fucking mask, get vaccinated and social distance as much as possible. Be careful because even vaccinated people sometimes catch COVID from someone who hasn't been vaccinated. It's rare, but it still happens. I read recently that a staff member in a nursing home who wasn't vaccinated, infected 22 residents. I personally think that vaccinations should be required for anyone who works in healthcare. It used to be that many employers required employees to have flu vaccines each year? How did such simply public health initiatives become an attack on some idiots freedom. I guess Free dumb is a better word to describe these people.
The legacy media

What does that mean?

To me, legacy is a continuation of old relationships. There's no legacy media any more, not that I know about. For better or worse, the internet killed that off awhile back.

Maybe “legacy media” is a way of differentiating Fox News from other outlets since they can’t call themselves not the “mainstream media” while simultaneously bragging about their high ratings.
Teh Gruaniad totally ignored the anti lockdown protest in London. Front page today is covering fans protesting about a European Super Leagoe for Europe’s “elite teams” and whether Boris Johnson is ok with it ;

Boris Johnson has been urged to reveal whether he signalled his endorsement of the European Super League (ESL) when he met the chief executive of one of the English football clubs leading the breakaway in Downing Street days before it was unveiled.


Priorities eh ?
Teh Gruaniad totally ignored the anti lockdown protest in London. Front page today is covering fans protesting about a European Super Leagoe for Europe’s “elite teams” and whether Boris Johnson is ok with it ;

Boris Johnson has been urged to reveal whether he signalled his endorsement of the European Super League (ESL) when he met the chief executive of one of the English football clubs leading the breakaway in Downing Street days before it was unveiled.


Priorities eh ?

Strange, I got this story from the Guardian main page. I just had to scroll down a little.

Wear a fucking mask, get vaccinated and social distance as much as possible.
It’s like a religion for some of you. You view the mask like some sort of charm. It’s about as effective against covid as a crucifix is against vampires. Or perhaps you view it like wearing a St Christopher when traveling. Weird.

Oh, no I won’t wear a fucking mask.
Wear a fucking mask, get vaccinated and social distance as much as possible.
It’s like a religion for some of you. You view the mask like some sort of charm. It’s about as effective against covid as a crucifix is against vampires. Or perhaps you view it like wearing a St Christopher when traveling. Weird.

Oh, no I won’t wear a fucking mask.

Oh, why bother. You never respond when shown to be wrong. I see no use in responding now.
Wear a fucking mask, get vaccinated and social distance as much as possible.
It’s like a religion for some of you. You view the mask like some sort of charm. It’s about as effective against covid as a crucifix is against vampires. Or perhaps you view it like wearing a St Christopher when traveling. Weird.

Oh, no I won’t wear a fucking mask.

Oh, why bother. You never respond when shown to be wrong. I see no use in responding now.

Eventually the damage really will be isolated to the anti-vax/anti-maskers. There will be broad spectrum treatments as well as vaccines that will handle almost any coronavirus.
At this point they've already killed the most vulnerable half million, and soon, anyone caught vulnerable will almost certainly have no one else to blame.
Wear a fucking mask, get vaccinated and social distance as much as possible.
It’s like a religion for some of you. You view the mask like some sort of charm. It’s about as effective against covid as a crucifix is against vampires. Or perhaps you view it like wearing a St Christopher when traveling. Weird.

Oh, no I won’t wear a fucking mask.

For example (in Spanish; I suggest Google Translate if needed):


It's about probability. Given the available info, it is less probable all other things equal that I will either get it or pass it on if I wear a reasonably good face mask. For that reason, I wear a reasonably good good face mask, which has a reasonably low cost. I could also wear a bad one, or commit a felony a wear no face mask, but that would increase the probability that others and I get covid.

That said, social distancing is even more important.

(as for the vaccine, that would be great, but I will not be eligible for a long time).
Wear a fucking mask, get vaccinated and social distance as much as possible.
It’s like a religion for some of you. You view the mask like some sort of charm. It’s about as effective against covid as a crucifix is against vampires. Or perhaps you view it like wearing a St Christopher when traveling. Weird.

Oh, no I won’t wear a fucking mask.

This is about odds and statistics.

Too hard for the science illiterates proud of their ignorance.

If everybody wears a mask that lowers the chance of spreading the virus universally.

That means less virus spreads and this thing goes away quicker.

Too hard for some to understand.

Find me an anti-masker who is also not a right wing nut job.
That said, social distancing is even more important.
Your faith (for that is what it is, an article of faith) is charming. The 6ft “social distancing” bullshit is a made up arbitrary number made up out of thin air.

Stay home.

Well, the arbitrary number here is 2 meters, so close. But yes, 'social distancing' is not just 2 meters. It's to... keep social distancing!
In general, just reducing one's meatspace interactions with other people, and keeping the greatest distance one can in those interactions, is clearly better than not doing so in re: covid. That's social distancing, no numbers.

That said, obviously 2 meters is better than 1 to reduce the risk. And 3 is better than 2, etc., all other things equal. But the number should not be the goal. So, if one is at 2 meters but can keep 3 without any cost, then 3. And if one can't keep 2 but can keep about 1.4 (say at the supermarket), then 1.4 is better than closer.
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