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Covid-19 miscellany

Well, the arbitrary number here is 2 meters, so close. But yes, 'social distancing' is not just 2 meters. It's to... keep social distancing!
In general, just reducing one's meatspace interactions with other people, and keeping the greatest distance one can in those interactions, is clearly better than not doing so in re: covid. That's social distancing, no numbers.

That said, obviously 2 meters is better than 1 to reduce the risk. And 3 is better than 2, etc., all other things equal.

All things being equal? Stay home and stop lecturing and finger wagging.
Why do people even respond to TS on such things? It really is pointless unless it's for the benefit of the lurkers.

His argument is like, if the streets are filled with land mines, the solution is to stay home rather remove the landmines. Maskless people are the landmines. Remove them. They are the danger.

U can respond if you want TS but I have you on ignore.
That said, social distancing is even more important.
Your faith (for that is what it is, an article of faith) is charming. The 6ft “social distancing” bullshit is a made up arbitrary number made up out of thin air.

Stay home.

The two meters is simply about providing a general guideline as otherwise "distance" is undefined.

And we should be staying away from each other as much as practical. We have Zoom, we have Facetime, we have Skype, little needs to be done in person.
Why do people even respond to TS on such things? It really is pointless unless it's for the benefit of the lurkers.

His argument is like, if the streets are filled with land mines, the solution is to stay home rather remove the landmines. Maskless people are the landmines. Remove them. They are the danger.

U can respond if you want TS but I have you on ignore.

Yeah, it's pointless.

I would like to point out that if he were correct, and masks and distancing had no effect, then Melbourne (pop. 5 Million) would have a death toll similar to that of American or European cities of similar size.

And if he were right about Covid being essentially harmless, American and European cities of similar size to Melbourne could expect to have seen a death toll lower than Melbourne's 800.

Melbourne was by far the worst affected Australasian city; Australia has only had 910 deaths in total, of which about 800 were in Melbourne.

The idea that Covid was inevitable or unavoidable is completely undermined by the Australian example - unlike NZ, where the disease was always contained, the outbreak in Melbourne was uncontrolled for some time, but was brought under control in a few months by the imposition of strict regulations.

Half a million Americans are dead because they, like TSwizzle, value "freedom" above a few months of being told what to do to save the lives of their countrymen.

Not the freedom to elect their government; Not the freedom to speak their minds; Not the freedom to live without fear of violent assault. The "freedom" to have close personal contact with strangers during a pandemic disease outbreak, without taking even the most unexacting precautions.

I am increasingly convinced that Americans have zero clue what freedom actually means. I guess we can add it to the very long list of English words that mean something totally different in America. Because from observation, Americans think freedom has little to do with the ability to live as one wishes, and everything to do with exercising the right to be a supremely self-centred cunt, whose interaction with society is strictly a one way street. Ask not what you can do for your country, ask only what your country can do for you.

Outside the USA, this behaviour is typically only found in people under the age of nine years, and is frowned upon in anyone older than about five. But apparently it's not just normal, but an inalienable right for (white, male, cis) adults in the US.
Well, the arbitrary number here is 2 meters, so close. But yes, 'social distancing' is not just 2 meters. It's to... keep social distancing!
In general, just reducing one's meatspace interactions with other people, and keeping the greatest distance one can in those interactions, is clearly better than not doing so in re: covid. That's social distancing, no numbers.

That said, obviously 2 meters is better than 1 to reduce the risk. And 3 is better than 2, etc., all other things equal.

All things being equal? Stay home and stop lecturing and finger wagging.

I stay home most of the time, but not all of the time. When I leave home, I take precautions as explained. If you do not want people do say they disagree with you, you should not post. If you post, people will very probably disagree with you, sometimes for good reasons - as in this thread -, sometimes for bad reasons. The mask I mentioned above can be washed 15 times before it begins to lose its properties in a significant manner. And it costs $5 in US dollars. I'm pretty sure there are better ones over there, and they can't be expensive. Wearing them is just a very tiny inconvenience. Keeping the distance one can depending on context is also rather easy.
Why do people even respond to TS on such things? It really is pointless unless it's for the benefit of the lurkers.

His argument is like, if the streets are filled with land mines, the solution is to stay home rather remove the landmines. Maskless people are the landmines. Remove them. They are the danger.

U can respond if you want TS but I have you on ignore.

In the vast majority of threads in this forums, replying to people to disagree with their ideology-based views will never convince them in the least. It's how debate here goes I'm afraid. It's for the benefit of readers mostly (but sometimes, who knows, odd things might happen). TSwizzle is not an unusual case in that regard.
Fauci is a joke;

Dr Fauci flip-flops again! Top infectious disease expert says outdoor COVID transmission is 'low' and updated mask guidelines due to be released by the CDC will exercise 'common sense'


Zero credibility.

Changing ones position when faced with new evidence is a good thing.

Stubbornly sticking with a position you know to be wrong is far worse than 'flip-flopping'.

But I agree with you that the Daily Mail has zero credibility.
Fauci is a joke;

Dr Fauci flip-flops again! Top infectious disease expert says outdoor COVID transmission is 'low' and updated mask guidelines due to be released by the CDC will exercise 'common sense'


Zero credibility.

Outdoor transmission was always on the low side. With many people now also being vaccinated, it makes sense to make a modification to policy to respond to the new expected transmission probability. So, for example, such change in policy guidelines may apply more to areas higher vaccination rates where there is no surge. That would make sense so far as risk mitigation. The opposite would make no sense: telling people to huddle outside maskless in areas of surge and low vaccination rate. In short, USE YOUR BRAIN.
32 “covid deaths” in the UK, “ cases” falling but the anti science authoritarians still cling to power.

The fact that the UK government are anti science is a major reason why lockdowns, masks, etc. are still necessary in the UK. Their lack of authoritarianism, when authoritarianism is needed, is another major reason.

Over here, our government responded in accordance with scientific advice, imposed a severe lockdown for a few months, and have largely returned to normal. We have had six covid deaths in my state. Not six today; or six this week; six in total. .

Bosnia-Herzegovina has been having around 60-80 deaths for the last few weeks. Not in total. Not per week. Per day. They have a population of 0.6 Queenslands. Czechia's daily death count (when taking the 7-day average rather than the raw daily numbers that are affected by lagged reporting and random fluctuations) finally dipped below 100 for the first time since October just a couple weeks ago, having reached above 200 twice, once in November and once in March. Their population is just under 2 Queenslands.
Fauci is a joke;

Dr Fauci flip-flops again! Top infectious disease expert says outdoor COVID transmission is 'low' and updated mask guidelines due to be released by the CDC will exercise 'common sense'


Zero credibility.

WTF, you have a problem with Fauci now suddenly, ie the most sensible person on the planet throughout the entire pandemic. If you have a problem with anything he's said, I will assume it's a misquote. Because his track record so far has been flawless. He nailed it right from the start, including being super upfront about what we don't know.
So when did the US have a masked when outside policy? In the local National Reservation, the signs say you need to be masked outdoors if you can't keep distance. The anti-Covid response people seem to have missed they were wrong about everything. Yet, seem quite content continuing being wrong and being quite arrogant about it as well.
Why do people even respond to TS on such things? It really is pointless unless it's for the benefit of the lurkers.

His argument is like, if the streets are filled with land mines, the solution is to stay home rather remove the landmines. Maskless people are the landmines. Remove them. They are the danger.

U can respond if you want TS but I have you on ignore.

Yeah, it's pointless.

I would like to point out that if he were correct, and masks and distancing had no effect, then Melbourne (pop. 5 Million) would have a death toll similar to that of American or European cities of similar size.

And if he were right about Covid being essentially harmless, American and European cities of similar size to Melbourne could expect to have seen a death toll lower than Melbourne's 800.
Big Bash League Final (sorry, didn't mean to upset you bringing up T-20) was signed off for having 75% attendance! Australia treated this seriously, and then were able to make with the benefits of that. Instead, the US has had to pretend it wasn't an issue, allowed football attendance and the US saw over a quarter million Americans die across the holidays.

The US is plateau'd still and we are probably seeing stressers on spread being a combination of idiots that got COVID-19 and those immunized.
I stay home most of the time, but not all of the time. When I leave home, I take precautions as explained.

That is fine for you but there is no need to scold and harangue people who don't. Stay in your lane.

If you do not want people do say they disagree with you, you should not post. If you post, people will very probably disagree with you, sometimes for good reasons - as in this thread -, sometimes for bad reasons.
It's not that they disagree with me, they deliberately misrepresent my position and continue to do so despite being corrected several times.

The mask I mentioned above can be washed 15 times before it begins to lose its properties in a significant manner. And it costs $5 in US dollars. I'm pretty sure there are better ones over there, and they can't be expensive. Wearing them is just a very tiny inconvenience.

Some masks are better than other no doubt. But the vast majority of "face coverings" (bandanas, ill fitting etc) I see are ineffective and just for some it the wearing of a face mask is tribal, religious or virtue signaling. The mask is the MAGA hat of the left. It's a considerable inconvenience however I wear them where I have to. Outside, I never have worn them. Most people don't wear them outside and nobody says anything. Nobody yells "wear a fucking mask". Wearing a mask outside just signals your stupidity.

Keeping the distance one can depending on context is also rather easy.

That's under your control but the 6ft was arbitrary, made up. People need to get on with their lives. the schools need to be opened, businesses need to be allowed to operate.
I've discovered the joy of wearing a mask while bike riding during dusk... I no longer eat half-a-pound of gnats. Loving the newly found protection from macro bugs, ha.

By the way, why isn't Fauci et al explaining clearly that the reason you need to get vaccinated and wear a mask until your vaccination is fully effective is that the pockets of population that have made this a matter of "personal liberty" and refuse to either vaccinate or wear masks is where the disease will continue to bounce around and mutate. The mutations inevitably will become new strains that are potentially deadlier and more transmissive... and then we are all 100% back to square one... full lockdown and another year of quarantine.

If every single person in the US went on full lockdown quarantine for just TWO WEEKS last year... ALL communicable diseases of every kind would be eradicated.
Instead, "personal liberties" keeps America a disease ridden shithole.
Yeah, the lockdown that never happened. I was surprised to find out how many industries were considered essential. Granted, driving was a lot easier during rush hour, but that was more people working at home.

It would have cost the nation a couple trillion, but had we all stayed at home and paused as much as possible for two months, we'd been more like Australia. But America, well a decent portion of it, acted like teenagers. Well over 600,000 dead later... and we are still hearing the whining. It is pathetic.
That is fine for you but there is no need to scold and harangue people who don't. Stay in your lane.

Do you have the same attitude towards drunk drivers?

"If you're scared of sharing your lane with drunken drivers, putting you at risk for their freedumb, just stay home"?

Maybe you do, it's hard to tell from your posts.
That is fine for you but there is no need to scold and harangue people who don't. Stay in your lane.
The irony here in "stay in your lane" is that those not wearing masks or getting vaccinated are the ones swerving into other people's lanes... all the while honking their horn and cursing at the others to get out of their way.
So when did the US have a masked when outside policy? In the local National Reservation, the signs say you need to be masked outdoors if you can't keep distance. The anti-Covid response people seem to have missed they were wrong about everything. Yet, seem quite content continuing being wrong and being quite arrogant about it as well.
Why do people even respond to TS on such things? It really is pointless unless it's for the benefit of the lurkers.

His argument is like, if the streets are filled with land mines, the solution is to stay home rather remove the landmines. Maskless people are the landmines. Remove them. They are the danger.

U can respond if you want TS but I have you on ignore.

Yeah, it's pointless.

I would like to point out that if he were correct, and masks and distancing had no effect, then Melbourne (pop. 5 Million) would have a death toll similar to that of American or European cities of similar size.

And if he were right about Covid being essentially harmless, American and European cities of similar size to Melbourne could expect to have seen a death toll lower than Melbourne's 800.
Big Bash League Final (sorry, didn't mean to upset you bringing up T-20) was signed off for having 75% attendance! Australia treated this seriously, and then were able to make with the benefits of that. Instead, the US has had to pretend it wasn't an issue, allowed football attendance and the US saw over a quarter million Americans die across the holidays.

The US is plateau'd still and we are probably seeing stressers on spread being a combination of idiots that got COVID-19 and those immunized.

In Massachusetts it's been mask on inside or outside when not on your own property or in a car with others in your household. I agree it's a bit extreme in some cases but it was put into effect because people were not using judgement on the 6 foot thing.

Doesn't change the fact that it's the maskless that put others at risk. It's just that the risks change depending on the situation. It should not be as TS keeps harping on that people should stay home to remain protected from the maskless. The maskless are the ones who need to change their behaviors.
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