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Covid-19 miscellany

Just seen a moron of facebook say he won't get the vaccine because it has heavy metals in it. There are no metals in the vaccine.
Just seen a moron of facebook say he won't get the vaccine because it has heavy metals in it. There are no metals in the vaccine.

But was he wearing a Black Sabbath t-shirt is the question.

I realize some people have (stupid) concerns about vaccines but Covid-19? That’s a real Slayer.
We’re all sick of It. Wish people had behaved responsibly last year so we could have been done.

A year ago we had about ten weeks of hard lockdown. Everything stopped unless it was genuinely essential for survival.

Every case was isolated. Every contact was traced. Everyone who had so much as strayed within a few miles of a known case was tested.

Since then, we have pretty much not had to worry. We have had a few minor outbreaks with fewer than a half-dozen cases. We have detected loads of cases in quarantined arrivals from overseas, and given them appropriate treatment.

We have mandatory reporting of attendance at restaurants, shops, sporting events, etc.; This means that if a case is found outside quarantine, we can get all of the plausible contacts traced within a few days.

We are essentially 'back to normal', with the exception of overseas travel. The economy is booming.

All it took was two or three months of pain.

But there's no other way.

People tend to look at rates of growth, rather than at absolute numbers; And that's a terrible mistake. If there are >0 unquarantined cases, then you are fucked. Things are not 'getting better' because the death toll has fallen from 100/week to 75/week. Things are getting better if new cases (excluding those detected in quarantined arrivals) have remained at zero for a fortnight.

Infectious diseases only need one new case, to be unstoppable. Cutting new cases from 1,000 to 10 is meaningless, if you don't cut all the way to zero.

There are no participation trophies. No amount of effort is rewarded except that which eliminates transmission of the virus.

But the virus cannot transmit itself. If we stop carrying it to fresh victims, it goes away.

This isn't theory. It's observably true - look at Australia and New Zealand.

Sure, you could have done it last year. But there was never, is never, and never will be, a time when such an approach would fail to work. Do it now; Or in twenty years - the result will be the same. Stop people from infecting each other, and the virus is history.

You could start tomorrow.

Of course, you're vaccinated, right?

Actually, we started on January 20, 2021.
You started a full lockdown in January? I didn't hear about that.

And no, I am not vaccinated, despite being in a priority category, and despite the promises of our Prime Minister.

Almost nobody in Australia under the age of 80 is vaccinated, unless they work in healthcare or in direct association with the quarantine system.

Our state governments have done a superb job of managing the response to Covid. Our federal government have made a total pig's ear of the vaccination program, and if Covid were not such a non-issue for the vast majority of Australians, this would be a huge concern. As it is, the poor vaccination rollout is playing a dangerous game, making the occasional outbreaks far more dangerous than they need to be.

Our federal election is due by May 2022 (although technically only a half-Senate election is mandatory by then; The PM could theoretically hold off on the House of Representatives election until September).

I suspect the voters will be very unimpressed with the woeful performance of our federal government. But a year is a long time in politics.
Of course, you're vaccinated, right?

Actually, we started on January 20, 2021.
You started a full lockdown in January? I didn't hear about that.

And no, I am not vaccinated, despite being in a priority category, and despite the promises of our Prime Minister.

Almost nobody in Australia under the age of 80 is vaccinated, unless they work in healthcare or in direct association with the quarantine system.

Our state governments have done a superb job of managing the response to Covid. Our federal government have made a total pig's ear of the vaccination program, and if Covid were not such a non-issue for the vast majority of Australians, this would be a huge concern. As it is, the poor vaccination rollout is playing a dangerous game, making the occasional outbreaks far more dangerous than they need to be.

Our federal election is due by May 2022 (although technically only a half-Senate election is mandatory by then; The PM could theoretically hold off on the House of Representatives election until September).

I suspect the voters will be very unimpressed with the woeful performance of our federal government. But a year is a long time in politics.

Your country started with full lockdown, although I'm not exactly sure what that meant for Australia.

Our country started with vaccinations, with stay at home orders on a state by state case, with most states with stay at home orders getting a lot of pushback from the same people who don't want to be vaccinated. Same with mask mandates. I'm fortunate that I live in a state that was an early adopter of stay at home AND mask mandates. My state has a pretty high vaccination rate and my little county is in the top 5 for our state.

I think we can both agree that our country's response has been less than stellar. I lay a lot of the blame on the former guy for the US. But plenty of people are stupid without having such an ignoble example before them for 4 years.
Just seen a moron of facebook say he won't get the vaccine because it has heavy metals in it. There are no metals in the vaccine.

If there's no metal, then what do you think the aliens made the RFID chips out of, inside the vaccine, that allow them to track you with 5G and shoot you with Jewish space lasers?
And my state once again is determined to prove how little they care

Come to Missouri! We will let you infect anyone anytime!


This from the state that ranks 39th in vaccinations for COVID. Why am I not surprised? These politicians don't care about anything except money; after all, they have to make sure their salaries are paid. And the Missouri general population still thinks the whole thing was a "plandemic" created by the "New World Order" to take control.

There is a very consistent pattern that has emerged that blue States are vaccinating at a significantly higher rates and red States. Thanks so much Trump, Fox and other morons for making hurd immunity impossible to achieve.
We’re all sick of It.
Unfortunately there are far too many anti science lockdown zealots out there.

The thing is, the lock down could have been SO SHORT. That was my point. But the people bad at math who thought they knew better have dragged this out far beyond what was needed because they couldn’t be bothered to stop the spread.

If we actually _were_ zealots about a lockdown, and contact tracing, and vaccines, it would only take - as proven - about 10 weeks. We could have been done by now. If we could be zealots about vaccines, we could be pretty much done, except for the risk of mutations from other places that are not vaccinated.

But we have thoughtless people who think being a “zealot” about disease control is somehow a bad thing, and here we are with 600,000 people dead and a year of this problem.
There is a very consistent pattern that has emerged that blue States are vaccinating at a significantly higher rates and red States. Thanks so much Trump, Fox and other morons for making hurd immunity impossible to achieve.
Numbers? That correlation seems too good to be true. I'm not saying that that isn't the case, just that I want to see the evidence.
There is a very consistent pattern that has emerged that blue States are vaccinating at a significantly higher rates and red States. Thanks so much Trump, Fox and other morons for making hurd immunity impossible to achieve.
Numbers? That correlation seems too good to be true. I'm not saying that that isn't the case, just that I want to see the evidence.

This is not the source that I had looked at a couple days ago but the chart makes it pretty clear that generally blue states are doing far better at getting the population vaccinated than red states. It's the vertical axis that counts toward my comment.

The data in the table at the bottom could be charted blue vs red.

I haven't color coded this but just sorting that table data on % of population who has had their first dose, it's pretty clear that the top would be mostly blue and the bottom would be mostly red.

State % first shot.jpg
Is that inclusive of people below 16 years of age? If not as soon as they become EUA eligible then these numbers will drop a fair bit.
Sweden's Corona vaccine rollout is a complete shit show. They haven't done anything right so far. So why start now?

They're having trouble with informing people how and were they can get vaccinated. It's not centrally organized. Each region is handling it on their own, with wildly varying rules. Nobody knows what rules apply. A lot of people who are eligible now and want to get the vaccine aren't able to figure out the system. While not even 10% have been vaccinated in Sweden they're now forced to open it up to just anyone, simply to keep doses from going to waste. First thing that happens when they open it up is that the website for booking the vaccine goes down. Well done Sweden.

The system is a problem for me, since I'm Swedish and need to go to Sweden to get my vaccine. I live in Copenhagen. So it's just 15 minutes over a bridge to get there. The region I belong to is Stockholm. But I will get vaccinated in Malmö. Because I belong to Stockholm I'm not eligible at the moment. If I would belong to Malmö I would get vaccinated there now. But I don't. So I can't. When Stockholm allows me to get vaccinated I will get vaccinated in Malmö.

Who ever devised this system is a fucking idiot.
Sweden's Corona vaccine rollout is a complete shit show. They haven't done anything right so far. So why start now?

They're having trouble with informing people how and were they can get vaccinated. It's not centrally organized. Each region is handling it on their own, with wildly varying rules. Nobody knows what rules apply. A lot of people who are eligible now and want to get the vaccine aren't able to figure out the system. While not even 10% have been vaccinated in Sweden they're now forced to open it up to just anyone, simply to keep doses from going to waste. First thing that happens when they open it up is that the website for booking the vaccine goes down. Well done Sweden.

The system is a problem for me, since I'm Swedish and need to go to Sweden to get my vaccine. I live in Copenhagen. So it's just 15 minutes over a bridge to get there. The region I belong to is Stockholm. But I will get vaccinated in Malmö. Because I belong to Stockholm I'm not eligible at the moment. If I would belong to Malmö I would get vaccinated there now. But I don't. So I can't. When Stockholm allows me to get vaccinated I will get vaccinated in Malmö.

Who ever devised this system is a fucking idiot.

Can't you get your shot in Denmark? I'm pretty sure Austria and Germany vaccinate permanent residents regardless of citizenship, with the same criteria (I.e., I'll probably get my first shot in August or September if they don't pick up the pace). And you're not just any foreign national resident, you're an EU citizen, so denying you the shot when it would be your turn as a Dane is arguably in violation of EU regulations.
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