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Covid-19 miscellany

So you don't have any published studies and you are confusing Robert Redfield with Robert Redford.
Dr. Redford or Dir. Redford? I wouldn't put it past him, but he died anyway during the whole Winter Soldier affair.

Nobody suggests that chinese purposefully manipulated virus to spread among humans.
In America? Yes, there are plenty pushing that conspiracy theory, in addition to the Trump Admin saying it came from a Chinese Lab.
Two weeks ago a Stockholm friend was invited to a group sex party. Also invited was an antivaxx hippie. Because of this my friend chose not to go. Everybody at the party got Corona.

There's a moral to this story.
Two weeks ago a Stockholm friend was invited to a group sex party. Also invited was an antivaxx hippie. Because of this my friend chose not to go. Everybody at the party got Corona.

There's a moral to this story.

"got" as in all definitely symptomatic - as "got" used to mean for flus and colds - or as in mostly asymptomatic and testing positive only with high PCR CT counts?
Everybody at the party got Corona.

A cold Corona, with a lime wedge squeezed and shoved down the neck of the bottle, is my favorite beer.

Kin I got some?

< cute kitty emoji>

So I see this going around...

Yeah, thanks to you. You constantly post this type of crap,


To see the stupid shit we have to put up with.

Like this:

The "Neanderthals" in Texas appear to be doing pretty well. Who knew "science and data" could be so effective ?

For the first time in about 14 months, the state of Texas reported zero deaths from COVID-19. The great news comes days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced new guidelines for vaccinated Americans, declaring it safe to participate in most activities without a mask. On top of zero reported deaths, Texas is also reporting the fewest COVID-19 cases in over 13 months, the lowest seven day positivity rate ever, and the lowest hospitalization rate in 11 months, according to the governor.


I understand that this news will be disappointing for some of the "wear your fucking mask" zealots on here.

Of course, California remains steadfast in it's stupid mask mandate despite that insufferable prick Newsom's claims of always following the "science and data".

I was in a big box store on Sunday, I was the only one in the place not wearing a mask. Even my wife who was vaccinated months ago was wearing her mask, lol. Nobody said a word to me about it. This morning I gassed up at Costco, sans mask of course, nobody said anything and there were quite a few people not wearing masks. Encouraging signs.
The "Neanderthals" in Texas appear to be doing pretty well.

You mean, the ones who were freezing in the darkness a couple of months ago? Because federally regulated energy supplies infringed on their freedom to pay $16,000 for a month of home electricity?
You repeat some dumb shit you've seen on facebook or some dumb meme like your latest contribution.

This was his latest contribution:
To see the stupid shit we have to put up with.

Like this:

The "Neanderthals" in Texas appear to be doing pretty well. Who knew "science and data" could be so effective ?

For the first time in about 14 months, the state of Texas reported zero deaths from COVID-19. The great news comes days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced new guidelines for vaccinated Americans, declaring it safe to participate in most activities without a mask. On top of zero reported deaths, Texas is also reporting the fewest COVID-19 cases in over 13 months, the lowest seven day positivity rate ever, and the lowest hospitalization rate in 11 months, according to the governor.


I understand that this news will be disappointing for some of the "wear your fucking mask" zealots on here.

Of course, California remains steadfast in it's stupid mask mandate despite that insufferable prick Newsom's claims of always following the "science and data".

I was in a big box store on Sunday, I was the only one in the place not wearing a mask. Even my wife who was vaccinated months ago was wearing her mask, lol. Nobody said a word to me about it. This morning I gassed up at Costco, sans mask of course, nobody said anything and there were quite a few people not wearing masks. Encouraging signs.

I agree that the 8 "facts" on that poster have been making the rounds.

From my layman knowledge from listening to experts on this it seems that only rare (but nonetheless important for those people) cases of antibodies that are accidentally autoimmune might be occuring.

This article discusses it

n a recent study, Greinacher et al.1 reported thrombotic complications, mostly cerebral vein thrombosis, associated with thrombocytopenia in 11 patients after they had been vaccinated with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AstraZeneca). Although none of these patients had received heparin, the authors detected high titers of anti–platelet factor 4 (PF4)–heparin antibodies that strongly activated platelets in vitro without heparin and in the presence of PF4. This syndrome, which resembles autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, was called vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), and an algorithm for the management of this syndrome was proposed on the basis of immunoassays detecting anti–PF4–heparin antibodies.

The vaccine liability issue is a known fact and probably only provable massive fraud in the studies would be able to undo that. That is unlikely to even have happened. But IF it did, that is a matter of criminal prosecution.

These people are not seeing that by having six outlandish "facts" included that it discredits the one real fact and the other minor/partial fact. Unless they are just fear gripped or grifters.

Does anyone have a debunking of "Fact 4"? I have seen that one a lot.
Hard to falsify either side of the lab leak hypothesis and poor arguments by either side mean nothing for what the actual truth is.

I think that the second quote is not germane.

If it did come from the lab then many people working there would know that.

Also, even if a rock solid zoonotic source is found, what should be the protocols of gain of function research be going forward?

It's not the lab workers, it's the test population. China certainly couldn't just disappear as many people as it would take. You might be able to pull it off in some war-torn parts of Africa, but not in any functioning society.
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