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Covid-19 miscellany

A number of stores in California have dropped the requirement to wear mask while inside. I was at my local recycling depot yesterday which is an outdoor facility and most patrons were mask free. A couple of superstitious fools were still wearing masks. But overall mask wearing has declined considerably from what I can tell.

When you go maskless are you being honest with everyone that you haven't been vaxxed?

I believe he has been? I seem to recall him reporting that he got his shot earlier than most of his age and occupational group because thay had spares at the school where his wife works, or some such?

Wow, I am amazed and that's good.
I believe he has been? I seem to recall him reporting that he got his shot earlier than most of his age and occupational group because thay had spares at the school where his wife works, or some such?

Wow, I am amazed and that's good.

It is kind of ironic though, assuming I remember correctly, that someone whose constant refrain is "it's no big deal" would skip the line to get the vaccine early...
I believe he has been? I seem to recall him reporting that he got his shot earlier than most of his age and occupational group because thay had spares at the school where his wife works, or some such?

Wow, I am amazed and that's good.

It is kind of ironic though, assuming I remember correctly, that someone whose constant refrain is "it's no big deal" would skip the line to get the vaccine early...

There's nothing malicious about taking advantage of waste shots, it shouldn't be considered skipping the line. I got mine that way, a month earlier than I would have otherwise qualified.
My sister in law called today to tell me her uncle, fully vaccinated, got covid and died today.
My sister in law called today to tell me her uncle, fully vaccinated, got covid and died today.

Sorry for your family's loss.

Yup, it's uncommon but it is happening.


An unvaccinated worker set off an outbreak at a U.S. nursing home where most residents were immunized

If you look at some numbers here...

There were 116 employees to the facility. It is unknown how much contact they all have with each other since they may be divided according to shifts, weekends/weekdays, different functions etc. Plus, they are not at the facility 24/7, but probably more like 1/3rd of the time. In any case, only about half were vaccinated at the time of the outbreak. So 83 vaccinated, 83 not vaccinated. 20 employees who were not vaccinated got infected. That's about 24% and again we don't know how close the employees are to being cohorted or how separate they are so that could be nearly a shift or similar. Now out of the other 83 vaccinated employees, only 4 got infected. So employees who were vaccinated had about 1/5th the chance of being infected as unvaccinated employees.

Out of the 83 residents, it says 90% were vaccinated and so 75 were vaccinated and 8 were not. Since it says 26 residents were infected including 18 vaccinated, it means ALL 8 who were not vaccinated got covid. Meanwhile, only 24% of those vaccinated got it. Out of the 75 fully vaccinated seniors, 1 ended up dying. Meanwhile, 2 unvaccinated residents died...out of 8. 25% died.

**Also, just read the CDC study where I can see my numbers are slightly off because the article had rounded the number of employees who had been vaccinated. The moral of the story is the same, but it's a good read.
My sister in law called today to tell me her uncle, fully vaccinated, got covid and died today.
Oh no! I am so sorry for the family. Do you have any details on when he was vaccinated and when he got infected?

This is the kind of thing that keeps me wearing a mask and social distancing even though I am fully vaccinated.

My sister in law called today to tell me her uncle, fully vaccinated, got covid and died today.
Oh no! I am so sorry for the family. Do you have any details on when he was vaccinated and when he got infected?

This is the kind of thing that keeps me wearing a mask and social distancing even though I am fully vaccinated.


I didn't want to press her for details and I don't know any.
A couple of weeks ago (3/5) Denmark went back to normal but introduced a digital Corona pass. If you want to attend social events you will need to prove that you were tested a minimum of 72 hours ago. There are test centers everywhere now and they are very fast.

The result = works like a charm. In spite of vastly increased testing the number of cases has remained stable over time. What that means in practice is that the number of cases have gone down, since a lot more people are being tested.


While it pains me to admit it, this is what we should have done right from the start. It turns out that people are retarded little children who need daddy government to tell them how to run their lives.

Denmark has also switched policy on the order of vaccinations. Now 20 year olds are being moved to the front of the vaccination line. Not because they are at risk from the disease, but because they're fucking idiots who don't know how to behave responsibly and spread it explosively. I think this is very pragmatic and smart.
My sister in law called today to tell me her uncle, fully vaccinated, got covid and died today.

The vaccine says 95% effective.

We know this.

If I were over 70 or had compromised immunity I would probably still wear a mask. Even if vaccinated.
The "Neanderthals" in Texas appear to be doing pretty well. Who knew "science and data" could be so effective ?

For the first time in about 14 months, the state of Texas reported zero deaths from COVID-19. The great news comes days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced new guidelines for vaccinated Americans, declaring it safe to participate in most activities without a mask. On top of zero reported deaths, Texas is also reporting the fewest COVID-19 cases in over 13 months, the lowest seven day positivity rate ever, and the lowest hospitalization rate in 11 months, according to the governor.


I understand that this news will be disappointing for some of the "wear your fucking mask" zealots on here.

Of course, California remains steadfast in it's stupid mask mandate despite that insufferable prick Newsom's claims of always following the "science and data".

I was in a big box store on Sunday, I was the only one in the place not wearing a mask. Even my wife who was vaccinated months ago was wearing her mask, lol. Nobody said a word to me about it. This morning I gassed up at Costco, sans mask of course, nobody said anything and there were quite a few people not wearing masks. Encouraging signs.
The "Neanderthals" in Texas appear to be doing pretty well. Who knew "science and data" could be so effective ?

For the first time in about 14 months, the state of Texas reported zero deaths from COVID-19. The great news comes days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced new guidelines for vaccinated Americans, declaring it safe to participate in most activities without a mask. On top of zero reported deaths, Texas is also reporting the fewest COVID-19 cases in over 13 months, the lowest seven day positivity rate ever, and the lowest hospitalization rate in 11 months, according to the governor.


I understand that this news will be disappointing for some of the "wear your fucking mask" zealots on here.

Of course, California remains steadfast in it's stupid mask mandate despite that insufferable prick Newsom's claims of always following the "science and data".

I was in a big box store on Sunday, I was the only one in the place not wearing a mask. Even my wife who was vaccinated months ago was wearing her mask, lol. Nobody said a word to me about it. This morning I gassed up at Costco, sans mask of course, nobody said anything and there were quite a few people not wearing masks. Encouraging signs.

Dude, this is because everybody already died. Eventually the only people who are left are no longer susceptible to the virus.
The "Neanderthals" in Texas appear to be doing pretty well. Who knew "science and data" could be so effective ?

For the first time in about 14 months, the state of Texas reported zero deaths from COVID-19. The great news comes days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced new guidelines for vaccinated Americans, declaring it safe to participate in most activities without a mask. On top of zero reported deaths, Texas is also reporting the fewest COVID-19 cases in over 13 months, the lowest seven day positivity rate ever, and the lowest hospitalization rate in 11 months, according to the governor.


I understand that this news will be disappointing for some of the "wear your fucking mask" zealots on here.

Of course, California remains steadfast in it's stupid mask mandate despite that insufferable prick Newsom's claims of always following the "science and data".

I was in a big box store on Sunday, I was the only one in the place not wearing a mask. Even my wife who was vaccinated months ago was wearing her mask, lol. Nobody said a word to me about it. This morning I gassed up at Costco, sans mask of course, nobody said anything and there were quite a few people not wearing masks. Encouraging signs.
It is hard to take your statement seriously, when you've been saying the same thing, regardless the number of deaths occurring per day, during this entire pandemic.
Rayj, what you doing man, fix this double-post shit. Maybe add a post hash check to see if a post with identical content was already submitted in the last 10 posts?
The "Neanderthals" in Texas appear to be doing pretty well. Who knew "science and data" could be so effective ?

For the first time in about 14 months, the state of Texas reported zero deaths from COVID-19. The great news comes days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced new guidelines for vaccinated Americans, declaring it safe to participate in most activities without a mask. On top of zero reported deaths, Texas is also reporting the fewest COVID-19 cases in over 13 months, the lowest seven day positivity rate ever, and the lowest hospitalization rate in 11 months, according to the governor.


I understand that this news will be disappointing for some of the "wear your fucking mask" zealots on here.

Of course, California remains steadfast in it's stupid mask mandate despite that insufferable prick Newsom's claims of always following the "science and data".

I was in a big box store on Sunday, I was the only one in the place not wearing a mask. Even my wife who was vaccinated months ago was wearing her mask, lol. Nobody said a word to me about it. This morning I gassed up at Costco, sans mask of course, nobody said anything and there were quite a few people not wearing masks. Encouraging signs.

Dude, this is because everybody already died. Eventually the only people who are left are no longer susceptible to the virus.

Don't worry. A new variant will be along soon courtesy of the Covidiots of Brazil and India.
Rayj, what you doing man, fix this double-post shit. Maybe add a post hash check to see if a post with identical content was already submitted in the last 10 posts?

Please see the announcement I made at the top of the board.
The "Neanderthals" in Texas appear to be doing pretty well. Who knew "science and data" could be so effective ?

For the first time in about 14 months, the state of Texas reported zero deaths from COVID-19. The great news comes days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced new guidelines for vaccinated Americans, declaring it safe to participate in most activities without a mask. On top of zero reported deaths, Texas is also reporting the fewest COVID-19 cases in over 13 months, the lowest seven day positivity rate ever, and the lowest hospitalization rate in 11 months, according to the governor.


I understand that this news will be disappointing for some of the "wear your fucking mask" zealots on here.

Of course, California remains steadfast in it's stupid mask mandate despite that insufferable prick Newsom's claims of always following the "science and data".

I was in a big box store on Sunday, I was the only one in the place not wearing a mask. Even my wife who was vaccinated months ago was wearing her mask, lol. Nobody said a word to me about it. This morning I gassed up at Costco, sans mask of course, nobody said anything and there were quite a few people not wearing masks. Encouraging signs.
It is hard to take your statement seriously, when you've been saying the same thing, regardless the number of deaths occurring per day, during this entire pandemic.

Here's another thing.

If C19 is becoming less of a disaster anywhere, including Texas, that's great news.

But the numbers are easy to manipulate. Because most people who die have underlying causes, often multiple underlying causes. Otherwise healthy people sometimes die of C19, but it's rare.
If Texas changed their rules for reporting, they could virtually eliminate C19 deaths. If a person with COPD dies of complications brought on by C19, which cause of death gets reported? COPD, or C19? The same statistical method can be used to inflate C19 deaths. If anybody who tests positive for C19 as they're dying gets reported as a C19 fatality, the reported numbers will go up. Added funding for dealing with C19 has incentivized hospitals to report deaths as C19.

It's all a big mess. I don't really trust any of the numbers. I just look at trends, and try to learn a bit about the context.
The drop in C19 related deaths and cases in the US is definitely a good thing.

We currently have three things working against C19 in the US: vaccination, natural immunity, social distancing/masks. The third thing is getting lifted. So that means we'll soon have two things working against C19, vaccinations (less than 50% of adults (only 75% of elderly) fully immunized) and natural immunity. The question will be how long do either of those last, and how many more variants are going to come out to potentially compromise one or the other.

And how much will TSwizzle whine about a potential future shutdown because of the realities of nature not being restricted to what they are willing to accept?
Rayj, what you doing man, fix this double-post shit. Maybe add a post hash check to see if a post with identical content was already submitted in the last 10 posts?
Board needs a new rule, "Though shall not speak disapprovingly on the member that keeps the board working."
Rayj, what you doing man, fix this double-post shit. Maybe add a post hash check to see if a post with identical content was already submitted in the last 10 posts?
Board needs a new rule, "Though shall not speak disapprovingly on the member that keeps the board working."

Fair. Though I have, for years, contemplated throwing my hat into that circle, or making the attempt anyway. It was mostly a joke. Mostly.
The "Neanderthals" in Texas appear to be doing pretty well. Who knew "science and data" could be so effective ?

For the first time in about 14 months, the state of Texas reported zero deaths from COVID-19. The great news comes days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced new guidelines for vaccinated Americans, declaring it safe to participate in most activities without a mask. On top of zero reported deaths, Texas is also reporting the fewest COVID-19 cases in over 13 months, the lowest seven day positivity rate ever, and the lowest hospitalization rate in 11 months, according to the governor.


I understand that this news will be disappointing for some of the "wear your fucking mask" zealots on here.

Of course, California remains steadfast in it's stupid mask mandate despite that insufferable prick Newsom's claims of always following the "science and data".

I was in a big box store on Sunday, I was the only one in the place not wearing a mask. Even my wife who was vaccinated months ago was wearing her mask, lol. Nobody said a word to me about it. This morning I gassed up at Costco, sans mask of course, nobody said anything and there were quite a few people not wearing masks. Encouraging signs.

It's easy to cure the Covid-19 epidemic--simply don't report the deaths or don't list them as Covid.
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