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Defunding the Police?

Nazi thugs, or a bunch of drunk Russians?

They were bad dudes. Another story from a different angle:


My point is that I don't want fuckers like these guys in the public where I am or where anyone else. But you can't detain guys like this with social workers.

No one has suggested that. You were the one who changed the subject from domestic disputes to a gang of thugs harassing people.
Is there some way we might predict what happens when demoralized police decide to sit it out and depolice; or when police are defunded? What prediction?

112 injured or killed in 83 shootings over 9 days in NYC: 'I haven't seen anything like this in my entire life'

Amid calls to defund the police, NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said last week that the city's homicide rate had hit a 5-year high and that the criminal justice system was "imploding." The number of people shot has risen 42 percent compared to last year.

Mm, yes, seems like we get the exact same hysterical police demands for more money every year around this time, citing a "massive spike in violence". It's almost as is the spike itself is seasonal and will occur regardless of any overall pattern...
There is the Wester dictionary definition, there is how it is commonly used in normal conversation, and there is how it is being used in regard to the protests.

Depending on who is speaking it can mean completely taking away funds for police to be replaced by some unspecified community based system. In another context it can mean reducing funds for military style weapons armored cars or reducing the scope of police and transferring money to other programs.

Here in Seattle the talk is taking homeless, drug emergency response, and domestic responses away from police.

If you listen to people speaking on the news enough one realizes good English and grammar is not a consideration. You have to learn to interpret in the context of who is speaking. For example Trump.

Take domestic responses away from the police? 40% of all officer deaths were caused by them responding to domestic responses.

What comes through all the reporting is how deeply blacks see police as an armed aggressive intruder sent not to help but control. In the 60s one part of the LAPD's job was enforcing asocial boundary between blacks and white neighborhoods.

It is not as if blacks have no justification of how they see police. The video of the police killing that started all this was so obvious and undeniable a lot of white people had an epiphany..
You hate cops, we get that. And you presume all cops are bad, we get that.

All cops are bad because they have no choice in the matter. The thin blue line prevents them from being good just as much as it makes them all bad.

Yea, that's balony. The vast majority of cops are good and do their job the best that they can. The majority of police malfeasance is the result of poor training. In my local district, the average policeman gets 4 hours of self defense training per year. Per year. My 13-year gets three times that per year. Having said that, yes we need dramatic reforms (far more training).

Forgive me for holding this assertion in some doubt. But training does not break the thin blue line. Until lying by police is a criminal act with severe consequences, i do not believe training matters.
I would challenge anyone to spend time as a cop in NY or LA and not become hardened.

It is not an excuse for police abuse of power, but we create and allow the conditions social and economic that police have to work in and cry morality about the way in which they clean up our collective mess.

The majority of us live our lives oblivious to the reality at the bottom of the system.

Look up once and while from the TV and video game.
Yea, that's balony. The vast majority of cops are good and do their job the best that they can. The majority of police malfeasance is the result of poor training. In my local district, the average policeman gets 4 hours of self defense training per year. Per year. My 13-year gets three times that per year. Having said that, yes we need dramatic reforms (far more training).

Forgive me for holding this assertion in some doubt. But training does not break the thin blue line. Until lying by police is a criminal act with severe consequences, i do not believe training matters.

In Oregon, police officers are required to have 8 hours in continuous training which may be either fire arms or self defense.


Secondly, of course cops cover each other. They are human. People in like professions cover for each other all the time.
There is the Wester dictionary definition, there is how it is commonly used in normal conversation, and there is how it is being used in regard to the protests.

Depending on who is speaking it can mean completely taking away funds for police to be replaced by some unspecified community based system. In another context it can mean reducing funds for military style weapons armored cars or reducing the scope of police and transferring money to other programs.

Here in Seattle the talk is taking homeless, drug emergency response, and domestic responses away from police.

If you listen to people speaking on the news enough one realizes good English and grammar is not a consideration. You have to learn to interpret in the context of who is speaking. For example Trump.

Take domestic responses away from the police? 40% of all officer deaths were caused by them responding to domestic responses.

There is a small trained mental health group in Seattle that reponds to domestic situraions without police. If needed they walk away and call for help. A member was interview on a local station.

The idea is that an armed officer entering the situation to begin with automatically escalates the situation.

On this local police are in agreement. They want to shed what amounts to social work. They are not trained for it.

Walking away assumes they are able to walk away.
I would challenge anyone to spend time as a cop in NY or LA and not become hardened.

It is not an excuse for police abuse of power,
You're right. It isn't.
but we create and allow the conditions social and economic that police have to work in and cry morality about the way in which they clean up our collective mess.

The majority of us live our lives oblivious to the reality at the bottom of the system.

Look up once and while from the TV and video game.
Having been at both ends of the system, I tend to agree you have no fucking idea what is happening at the bottom end.

You like cops because you are who they are protecting and serving. Mostly. All while staying put in the Omelas.
Yea, that's balony. The vast majority of cops are good and do their job the best that they can. The majority of police malfeasance is the result of poor training. In my local district, the average policeman gets 4 hours of self defense training per year. Per year. My 13-year gets three times that per year. Having said that, yes we need dramatic reforms (far more training).

Forgive me for holding this assertion in some doubt. But training does not break the thin blue line. Until lying by police is a criminal act with severe consequences, i do not believe training matters.

In Oregon, police officers are required to have 8 hours in continuous training which may be either fire arms or self defense.


Secondly, of course cops cover each other. They are human. People in like professions cover for each other all the time.

I live in Oregon. The training is window dressing. Portland police utterly failed a review by the dept of Justice under Obama. They didn't end up having to fix it because trump.
Who in their right mind would enlist to become a cop anywhere in the States at this point of time! It certainly may keep many good honest men and women away from contemplating a career in law enforcement.
There is the Wester dictionary definition, there is how it is commonly used in normal conversation, and there is how it is being used in regard to the protests.

Depending on who is speaking it can mean completely taking away funds for police to be replaced by some unspecified community based system. In another context it can mean reducing funds for military style weapons armored cars or reducing the scope of police and transferring money to other programs.

Here in Seattle the talk is taking homeless, drug emergency response, and domestic responses away from police.

If you listen to people speaking on the news enough one realizes good English and grammar is not a consideration. You have to learn to interpret in the context of who is speaking. For example Trump.

Take domestic responses away from the police? 40% of all officer deaths were caused by them responding to domestic responses.

There is a small trained mental health group in Seattle that reponds to domestic situraions without police. If needed they walk away and call for help. A member was interview on a local station.

The idea is that an armed officer entering the situation to begin with automatically escalates the situation.

On this local police are in agreement. They want to shed what amounts to social work. They are not trained for it.

The problem here is that mental health workers are not going to want to walk into uncertain and potentially dangerous situations. And they are dang not going to do it at police officers pay! It's laughable to anyone with experience in mental health. These workers are in incredibly high demand. There aren't enough now as there is. As someone with family members in constant need of therapists, you can't find one willing to see patients due to covid-19; let alone send them into disputed areas. A lot of problems could be solved if we dramatically increased our mental health care force.

We need someone to rush into potentially dangerous domestic calls, assess the situation, diffuse and deescalate the situation, cool everyone down, then send in the therapists. Not many people are willing to do this job at $50K salary per year and with poor training.
Who in their right mind would enlist to become a cop anywhere in the States at this point of time! It certainly may keep many good honest men and women away from contemplating a career in law enforcement.

What you'd consider to be "good honest men and women" have no fucking right to be in law enforcement.

Who in their right mind would enlist to become a cop anywhere in the States at this point of time! It certainly may keep many good honest men and women away from contemplating a career in law enforcement.

What you'd consider to be "good honest men and women" have no fucking right to be in law enforcement.


Right got it! Only do-gooders and and scum of the Earth rapists, robbers and other undesirables should become cops. Honest law abiding citizens are not welcome in law enforcement. That figures!
Who in their right mind would enlist to become a cop anywhere in the States at this point of time! It certainly may keep many good honest men and women away from contemplating a career in law enforcement.

What you'd consider to be "good honest men and women" have no fucking right to be in law enforcement.


Right got it! Only do-gooders and and scum of the Earth rapists, robbers and other undesirables should become cops. Honest law abiding citizens are not welcome in law enforcement. That figures!

Spoken like someone who hasn't seen Blue Murder or Scales of Justice, I see. I guess you think it's fine watching a buddy choke a nigger to death for nine minutes. Nothing wrong there. But if the same cop choked a dago to death for nine minutes, why do I think you would be upset?

Just a feeling. Purely speculative on my part.
Just to clarify, this is the stuff angelo thinks is good policing, and worthy of protection.


Never forget everyone, anitfa and leftists are the real enemy of a free society!
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