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Poll Dem VP Pic: your choice?

Reflecting that a poll is included in the thread.

Democratic Vice President Pick

  • Josh Shapiro

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Gretchen Whimer

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Michelle Obama

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Cory Booker

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chuck Schumer

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Other?

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Eric Swalwell

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Andy Beshear

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
The only people on the poll list that have any chance at all of being picked are Shapiro and Beshear. Whitmer ruled herself out and the others are non-starters for various reasons. I think we need an updated list.

Whitmer only allegedly ruled herself out. No politician ever effectively rules themselves out from a campaign with any finality until they have no more choice.

I don’t believe they will put two women on the ticket. It will be balanced with a straight white cisgendered man. That’s politics. Ticket balancing has been going on since the dawn of the republic.
Speaking of veeps, just to show you what a vile pig J.D. Vance is, in 2021 he attacked Kamala as a “childless cat lady” who is “miserable with her life” because she doesn’t have kids. What a stupid ass clown.
I don’t believe they will put two women on the ticket. It will be balanced with a straight white cisgendered man. That’s politics. Ticket balancing has been going on since the dawn of the republic

That may be but it's still doubtful Whitner has given up on it.
I don’t believe they will put two women on the ticket. It will be balanced with a straight white cisgendered man. That’s politics. Ticket balancing has been going on since the dawn of the republic

That may be but it's still doubtful Whitner has given up on it.

Whitmer has said she does not want to be veep. And even if she changes her mind, they are not going to have two women on the ticket. That is politics.

I expect it will be one of these four: Beshear, Cooper, Kelly or Shapiro.
Whitmer has said she does not want to be veep. And even if she changes her mind,

You keep assuming she has made up her mind against it.

I’m not assuming anything. She stated she does not want to be veep. But as I just pointed out, even if she changes her mind, they are not going to put two women on the ticket. Not sure why you are beating this dead horse.
Andy Beshear.
I am in complete agreement with you. I've read a lot about him. The fact that a moderate Democrat could win and is popular in a very conservative state means a lot. He could draw in the double haters, the independents who might think Harris is too liberal and the former Trumpers who want to vote for someone who is a moderate. I think he'd be a great match for Harris. I'm surprised some of my other political junkie posters aren't familiar with him. Most of those on the list aren't the well known.

Harris is progressive. She supports Medicare for All, the rights of women to have bodily autonomy, help for the economically lower classes etc. Just because she was a prosecutor, doesn't mean she hates minorities. Some idiot on WaPo said she was responsible for putting people away for decades. Judges sentence people, not prosecutors and Georgia's own Fanni Willis is also very tough on crime, yet she is very popular in very liberal Fulton county.

As far as Pete B goes, it's not just the fact that our bigoted country isn't ready for a gay VP. I read an article last year, that gave evidence that it's almost impossible for a short man to win the presidency in the US, and probably other places as well. That's another form of bigotry, but when I read it, it made me think of Dukakis, a short Democrat who lost the race for presidency. How many short men have been presidents? Not very many afaik. Plus, I'd like to see someone who was or is a governor.

Now that I think of it, I have no idea how tall Beshear is. :eek:
I'm in Kentucky.

Beshear is popular here in large measure due to his reassuring daily briefings during Covid. I don't think that will much affect conservative views of him in other states, and I don't think he brings a lot to the ticket in general.

(Google says Beshear is 6'1". The internet doesn't seem to know how tall JD Vance is...)
You probably need to select a non-white, illegal, pregnant, left-handed, non-binary, disabled, tree hugging, EV driving, EA2L whale as the VP pick.

That should tick pretty well all the boxes.

(EA2L = English as 2nd language)
Well, Trump certainly appears to tick the EA2L whale boxes...
I’m not assuming anything. She stated she does not want to be veep.

And you're assuming she's telling the truth.

Sigh. I am not assuming anything. I have already said she might change her mind, or maybe you are right and she is lying now. What difference does it make? The Dems are not going to put two women on the ticket. If you think otherwise, make your case that they will, and also make your case that Whitmer is lying.
I never said they would pick Whitmer, read better.
I did not know that Mayor Pete had moved to Traverse City. Lots of celebrities have homes there.
Speaking of veeps, just to show you what a vile pig J.D. Vance is, in 2021 he attacked Kamala as a “childless cat lady” who is “miserable with her life” because she doesn’t have kids. What a stupid ass clown.
She has two step children, who are now adults.
JD may not want to draw attention to the candidates’ children lest the MAGA purists find out he has mixed race children with Indian names.
Speaking of veeps, just to show you what a vile pig J.D. Vance is, in 2021 he attacked Kamala as a “childless cat lady” who is “miserable with her life” because she doesn’t have kids. What a stupid ass clown.
She has two step children, who are now adults.
JD may not want to draw attention to the candidates’ children lest the MAGA purists find out he has mixed race children with Indian names.
There has already been a lot of grumbling about JD's Indian wife from the right the people that say racism no longer exists.
You seem to be talkng up Whitmer as vp. I am telling you why that is highly unlikely. Are we done?
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