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Democrats 2020

Elizabeth Warren on Twitter: "We need a government that's on the side of families—not giant corporations polluting our communities. @RashidaTlaib and I walked through 48217, the most polluted zip code in Michigan, and talked with the families living every day with the effects of pollution. https://t.co/LsXlZQza7r" / Twitter

Here Are The Democratic Presidential Candidates With The Most Donations From Billionaires
1. Pete Buttigieg: 23 billionaire donors
2. Cory Booker: 18 billionaire donors
3. Kamala Harris: 17 billionaire donors
4. Michael Bennet: 15 billionaire donors
5. Joe Biden: 13 billionaire donors
6. John Hickenlooper: 11 billionaire donors
7. Beto O’Rourke: 9 billionaire donors
8. Amy Klobuchar: 8 billionaire donors
9. Jay Inslee: 5 billionaire donors
10. Kirsten Gillibrand: 4 billionaire donors
11. Elizabeth Warren and John Delaney: 3 billionaire donors each
12. Steve Bullock: 2 billionaire donors
13. Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang, and Marianne Williamson: 1 billionaire donor each
14. Bernie Sanders, Julian Castro, Bill De Blasio, and Tim Ryan: 0 billionaire donors

More reason to like Elizabeth Warren, and some reason to be disappointed in Kamala Harris. I want to like KH, because she is relatively young, but her acceptance of big money is troubling.

Those two adding to the pollution just by been there!
Well clearly I was wrong with Harris. She seems more interested in pre-scripted moments and taking pot shots at her opponents.
Ilhan Omar on Twitter: ".@BernieSanders isn’t fighting to win just one presidential election -- he’s fighting for the soul of our democracy.
Here’s more on why I’m so proud to give Bernie my endorsement for president of the United States: https://t.co/1NLMPnzS1x" / Twitter

with a video on that.

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "Bernie is leading a working class movement to defeat Donald Trump that transcends generation, ethnicity, and geography. I know this from experience -- I’ve worked with him up close on bold progressive reforms. I’ve seen the values that motivate his fight for progress." / Twitter

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "Bernie Sanders knows that in one of the richest countries in the world, no student should go without a hot meal. This week, we introduced a universal school lunch bill to make sure every student who wants a hot meal can get one year-round." / Twitter

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "Bernie is also well aware that America doesn’t suffer from scarcity -- we suffer from greed. Together we brought forward legislation to cancel all $1.6 trillion of student debt and pay for it with a small tax on Wall Street speculation." / Twitter

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "Bernie supports guaranteeing healthcare for all, creating a humane immigration system that doesn’t treat immigrants like criminals, and ending forever wars. He is fighting for the America we deserve -- one that collectively works toward a brighter future for every one of us." / Twitter

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "For all these reasons and more, I have no doubt that @BernieSanders is the best candidate to take on Donald Trump in 2020. Let’s get him elected!" / Twitter

with this response

Don't eat me, bro on Twitter: "@IlhanMN @BernieSanders Just make sure he does all his campaigning near a hospital." / Twitter
Democratic debate winners and losers: October - Vox
  • Winners (5): Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, opioid epidemic activists, universal basic income
  • Losers (3): Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Biden, free trade

Elizabeth Warren was treated like the frontrunner at the Democratic debate - Vox

Democratic debate: Kamala Harris brought up abortion rights - Vox - something neglected in the previous debates

Turning to how the candidates were dressed, the men all wore business suits with Andrew Yang tieless again. As in the previous debates, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Tulsi Gabbard wore pantsuits. EW wore black pants and shirts with a dark purple jacket, KH wore black pants and jacket with a white shirt, and TG wore all white. Amy Klobuchar wore a skirtsuit that was all dark purple-red -- wine-colored.

I remember expecting Marianne Williamson to be wearing some stereotypical priestess robe.
The Dems have a death wish. This ought to frighten the living beejesus out of Middle Americans!


I'm not a fan of Bernie and I'm pretty sure that he won't be the nominee, but it's funny that your link refers to the squad as Jew haters, when they just endorsed a Jewish guy. You sure do know how to pick some good fake news.

Yea, a self hating anti semetic Jew who should he ever get his grubby hands on the keys to the White House would leave Israel at the mercy [which they have none] of mullahs and terrorists who only live for the day they can slaughter every Jew in existence.
The Dems have a death wish. This ought to frighten the living beejesus out of Middle Americans!


I'm not a fan of Bernie and I'm pretty sure that he won't be the nominee, but it's funny that your link refers to the squad as Jew haters, when they just endorsed a Jewish guy. You sure do know how to pick some good fake news.

Yea, a self hating anti semetic Jew who should he ever get his grubby hands on the keys to the White House would leave Israel at the mercy [which they have none] of mullahs and terrorists who only live for the day they can slaughter every Jew in existence.

Sorry. I support Israel and it's right to exist. However, I'm an American first. We don't need politicians who because of their religion are paralyzed in the face of any criticism of Israel. Besides Israel didn't help us during the Normandy invasion.
Yea, a self hating anti semetic Jew who should he ever get his grubby hands on the keys to the White House would leave Israel at the mercy [which they have none] of mullahs and terrorists who only live for the day they can slaughter every Jew in existence.

Sorry. I support Israel and it's right to exist. However, I'm an American first. We don't need politicians who because of their religion are paralyzed in the face of any criticism of Israel. Besides Israel didn't help us during the Normandy invasion.

Stop being so childish!
How Bernie won a prized endorsement from his hospital bed - POLITICO
As the 78-year-old Sanders laid in a hospital bed in Nevada after a heart attack, with his presidential campaign in jeopardy, his campaign manager Faiz Shakir received a call and passed his phone to the Vermont senator. It was Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She told Sanders she was coming aboard his campaign, months before she was expected to issue an endorsement.

Asked about the endorsements on CNN following Tuesday night’s debate, Warren said “[L]ook, I have great respect for all three of those women. I think they are terrific. And here’s what I know for sure, when this primary is over, we are all going to be on the same side.” Her campaign declined to comment further.
I wonder what the three said to her -- did any of them assure her that she was their second choice?

About their recent meeting in Vermont,
“I remember when they sat and talked to each other, it just felt like people who just know each other and understand each other,” Shakir said. “They have been to some degree within their own caucuses — whether it's the House caucus or the Senate caucus — made to feel that they're outsiders looking in. And I think they find [a] common bond in that: That we are in a struggle where even the establishment of the Democratic Party doesn't always appreciate how we're approaching these issues.”
They didn't reveal what they talked about at the time, but the two plan a rally together in Queens just outside her district on Saturday, Oct 19.

Ilhan Omar will also be endorsing him.
Warren’s foreign policy, which is seen by some progressives as more hawkish than Sanders’, was a factor in Omar’s decision to endorse him over the Massachusetts senator. In a video released Wednesday, Omar said Sanders is “the only candidate that wants to make sure that we end our endless wars.”

'Knock Down the House' Stars Endorse Bernie Sanders' Campaign | Hollywood Reporter
Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "Thank you [MENTION=990]CO[/MENTION]riBush, @paulajean2020, and @amy4thepeople for endorsing our campaign! Together we can defeat Donald Trump and finally create a government that works for everyone in this country. https://t.co/qNcskMTGs0" / Twitter
So all four KDtH stars will be endorsing BS: AOC, Cori Bush, Paula Jean Swearengin, and Amy Vilela.
Vilela, who ran for Congress on a Medicare-for-all platform in Nevada after the death of her daughter and placed third, continues to advocate for Medicare for all. Bush, a community organizer active in Ferguson, Missouri, who ran for the state House and lost, is prepping another bid for U.S. Congress. Swearingen, who ran for Congress in West Virginia as an environmental activist and lost, is also preparing a new 2020 campaign, for the Senate.
AOC earlier stated
So far, the freshman representative has suggested she is leaning toward both Sanders and Warren, another of the Democrats' more progressive candidates for 2020. “What I would like to see in a presidential candidate is one that has a coherent worldview and logic from which all these policy proposals are coming forward,” Ocasio-Cortez told CNN months ago. “I think Sen. Sanders has that. I also think Sen. Warren has that.”
She also worked with Kamala Harris a little bit.
How Bernie Sanders won the endorsements of Ocasio-Cortez and Omar - The Washington Post
On Sept. 21, Omar (D-Minn.) spoke at an Iowa forum where she outlined the need for a candidate who would fight for broad change, and soon after, she advocated for Sanders with other members of “the Squad,” a group of left-leaning female House members, according to an aide who is close to her.

A week later, Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), also a Squad member, visited Sanders in his hometown of Burlington, Vt., and the two sat down for breakfast, joined by Sanders’s wife, Jane, and his campaign manager, Faiz Shakir. Ocasio-Cortez’s visit “was a very key step in the process” of earning her endorsement, Shakir said later.
Why Ocasio-Cortez Is Endorsing Sanders - The New York Times
Recent alliances: Over the summer. Mr. Sanders proposed legislation to eliminate student debt. The issue is a priority for Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, who has openly talked about her struggle to pay off her student loans. She gave him her full support.

“What a beautiful day to liberate ourselves from student debt,” Ms. Ocasio-Cortez said at the time. “It was literally easier for me to become the youngest woman in American history elected to Congress than it is to pay off my student loan debt,” she said. “That should tell you everything about the state of this.”
AOC also had some meetings with Elizabeth Warren, but BS won.

Krystal Ball reacts to Ocasio-Cortez endorsing Sanders: 'Class power over girl power' | TheHill
Here's campaign manager Faiz Shakir:

"Think about the courage of this person who says, 'you know, I know what you just went through but I have so much trust and confidence in you that you are the one who will fight the fight that I believe in. I'm with you.’ To hear that was like, 'wow’.”
Then some stuff on class differences.
"An OpenSecrets review of campaign donations found that while Warren was naturally the top recipient among scientists and professors, Sanders led by far among teachers, nurses, servers, bartenders, social workers, retail workers, construction workers, truckers, and drivers. Of all the money going to 2020 democrats from servers -- one of the lowest-paying jobs in the country -- more than half went to Sanders alone. This is just what is required to challenge the power of the ultrarich: a politics that does not treat lower-income voters as a kind of passive supplement for professional liberals, but one that can put the new working class itself at the center of the action." So well said.

And this is the choice that AOC has just made. It's a choice to center the working class.

I asked myself if AOC was a true leader of character, or just someone who saw an opportunity to beat Joe Crowley because of his arrogant, establishment-bound complacency. Now we know the answer, and the multi-racial working class has another champion to stand next to Bernie and fight the good fight.
Hillary Clinton suggests Russians are grooming a Democrat for 2020 - YouTube - "Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton says the Russians are currently "grooming" a Democrat running in the presidential primary to run as a third-party candidate and champion their interests. #CNN #News "

Tulsi Gabbard Lashes Back at Hillary Clinton After Claim of Russian Influence - The New York Times - "In a podcast interview this week, the former secretary of state suggested that Ms. Gabbard was being “groomed” by Russia to run a third-party presidential campaign."

Tulsi Gabbard on Twitter: "Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a ..." / Twitter

Tulsi Gabbard on Twitter: "... concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and ..." / Twitter

Tulsi Gabbard on Twitter: "... powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose.
It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly." / Twitter

This led to the trending hashtag #QueenOfWarmongers

Someone responded
BrooklynDad_Defiant Savage! on Twitter: "@TulsiGabbard @HillaryClinton You know what POWERFUL forces have destroyed your campaign?
- Your past (LGBTQ hate, Assad)
- Your present (trump defender, views on Mueller & Ukraine)
- Your future, as a Russian asset & darling of the GOP
Take ALL the seats, @TulsiGabbard. https://t.co/ZLLBaZLdqL" / Twitter
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