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Democrats 2020

The conservatism of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | Salon.com - "Right-wing socialism panic paints progressives as pinkos run amok. But these beliefs aren't really that radical"
The proposals of Warren and Sanders would make them moderates in most Western European countries, but they also reveal a streak of conservatism, if one of the ways to understand conservatism is the emphasis on the preservation of order in society, the imposition of limits and the respect for tradition in complicated, evolving societies.

Although the United States is slow to progress to the status of civilization that residents of counties like Canada, Japan and Australia take for granted, even among conservative circles, the social welfare state is not entirely foreign to American life. Similarly, ideas like Medicare for All, public universities with minimal or no tuition, and high tax rates on the wealthy are entirely faithful to the “good old days” that President Trump and his supporters seemingly long to resurrect.
Harry Truman and Richard Nixon had proposed universal healthcare schemes, and they weren't exactly flaming radicals.
Rather than the administrators of a hippie commune, Sanders, Warren, and others are as extreme in their ideology as every Republican governor who presided over their respective states and commonwealths, along with their public university systems, in the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s. It was not until the 1980s that college tuition began its upward trajectory toward rates of highway robbery.
Tuitions were low when they were not zero, low enough to be easily paid for by part-time jobs.

Labor unions used to be much stronger in the past. As to immigration, Ronald issued an amnesty for 3 million illegal immigrants.
Lazy journalists, milquetoast Democratic strategists, and citizens of curiosity and conscience should take note that the illuminative story of domestic politics is not how the prominence of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or the popularity of Warren and Sanders, is proof that the Democratic Party has drifted off the edge of the “far left,” but that the far right has so thoroughly succeeded in moving the country’s political culture away from the center that the moderate policies of the 1970s now apparently resemble Fidel Castro’s revolutionary agenda.
I notice that at 538, Trump's approval rating has finally been dropping thanks to the recent antics in Washington. At 538 Trump's approval rating is now an abysmal 40.7% At Real Clear Politics it is currently 41.6%. A steep drop from 44.9% as of September 24th.

"He went down, down down, and the devil called him by name."
- Tom Waits

Trumps approval rating is bound to rise after the killing of the ISIS keader piece of shite!
I notice that at 538, Trump's approval rating has finally been dropping thanks to the recent antics in Washington. At 538 Trump's approval rating is now an abysmal 40.7% At Real Clear Politics it is currently 41.6%. A steep drop from 44.9% as of September 24th.

"He went down, down down, and the devil called him by name."
- Tom Waits

Trumps approval rating is bound to rise after the killing of the ISIS keader piece of shite!
Not by much. A majority of Americans knew bin Laden by name. I'm willing to bet 99% of Americans didn't know Baghdadi's name.
Rashida Tlaib joins Ocasio-Cortez, Omar in endorsing Bernie Sanders - CNNPolitics
"I am endorsing Amo Bernie Sanders because he's not gonna sell us out," Tlaib says in the pre-recorded clip, noting her nickname for the senator. "He understands that it's not just about policies and about words, but it's going to be also about completely transforming the structures in place."
When Sanders took the stage, he was quick to compliment his newest endorser.

"Congresswoman Tlaib has been a leader," Sanders told the crowd in Detroit. "Rashida has been a leader in the fight for decent jobs, a leader in the fight for affordable housing, a leader in the fight for a clean border and she has shown that she is prepared to take on corporate greed and corruption and stand with the working class of this country."

"I will look to her for her leadership in Congress under a Sanders' administration," Sanders added.
Bernie Sanders on Twitter: ""I am endorsing Amo Bernie Sanders because he's not gonna sell us out. He understands that it's not just about policies and about words, but it's going to be also about completely transforming the structures in place." -@RashidaTlaib https://t.co/3SaGZeOUT7" / Twitter
"he's not gonna sell us out"? This is an inter-party primary folks!

When was the last time Freshman Representatives have ever had this much of a microphone?
Rashida Tlaib calls him Amo Bernie - Uncle Bernie in Arabic

Like AOC calling him Tío Bernie - Uncle Bernie in Spanish

My father is from Croatia, but I don't identify with that nation. But in Croatian, it is Ujak Bernie.

From CNN again:
Tlaib's announcement came hours after the death of her predecessor, former Michigan Rep. John Conyers, who represented parts of Detroit for more than a half-century before resigning in 2017. Conyers was also the longtime sponsor of the House single-payer health care bill. Sanders authored the Senate's "Medicare for All" bill and has made the policy a cornerstone of his presidential campaigns.

"Our Congressman forever, John Conyers, Jr. He never once wavered in fighting for jobs, justice and peace," Tlaib tweeted shortly before joining Sanders. "We always knew where he stood on issues of equality and civil rights in the fight for the people. Thank you Congressman Conyers for fighting for us for over 50 years."
Yea, again the dems can't win without the "professional/managerial/ownership" voters. The white non-college working class voters mostly vote republican. They are motivated by their religion and guns.

Will you vote for Trump and/or stay home if Bernie is the nominee yes or no
For fuck sakes, that is a dumb post. I think it is well established that short of Williamson being on the ticket, the Democrat is getting the vote from the liberals and moderates here.
This is not the case at all. I see a lot of (mostly young) dumb idealists who outright state that they will either vote 3rd party, or not vote at all if their candidate isn't chosen. I've tried to point out how stupid they are being, but they think idealism will somehow make a point (as the world fucking burns....).
For fuck sakes, that is a dumb post. I think it is well established that short of Williamson being on the ticket, the Democrat is getting the vote from the liberals and moderates here.
This is not the case at all. I see a lot of (mostly young) dumb idealists who outright state that they will either vote 3rd party, or not vote at all if their candidate isn't chosen. I've tried to point out how stupid they are being, but they think idealism will somehow make a point (as the world fucking burns....).

Their point is maybe that nobody other than their candidate has as good a chance to prevent the world from burning
For fuck sakes, that is a dumb post. I think it is well established that short of Williamson being on the ticket, the Democrat is getting the vote from the liberals and moderates here.
This is not the case at all. I see a lot of (mostly young) dumb idealists who outright state that they will either vote 3rd party, or not vote at all if their candidate isn't chosen. I've tried to point out how stupid they are being, but they think idealism will somehow make a point (as the world fucking burns....).

Their point is maybe that nobody other than their candidate has as good a chance to prevent the world from burning
Not when they're effectively voting for trump. We're talking general election here, not primary.
Their point is maybe that nobody other than their candidate has as good a chance to prevent the world from burning
Not when they're effectively voting for trump. We're talking general election here, not primary.

Right, I was too. If only candidate X has a shot in hell of changing anything, then I don't blame someone who can't be bothered to vote between candidates Y and Z, who have no chance of changing anything, even if Z is worse
Their point is maybe that nobody other than their candidate has as good a chance to prevent the world from burning
Not when they're effectively voting for trump. We're talking general election here, not primary.

Right, I was too. If only candidate X has a shot in hell of changing anything, then I don't blame someone who can't be bothered to vote between candidates Y and Z, who have no chance of changing anything, even if Z is worse
And this is how we get trump (in the first place, and possibly again). Letting the perfect be the enemy of the good (or at least better) is always a losing strategy. Always.
For fuck sakes, that is a dumb post. I think it is well established that short of Williamson being on the ticket, the Democrat is getting the vote from the liberals and moderates here.
This is not the case at all. I see a lot of (mostly young) dumb idealists who outright state that they will either vote 3rd party, or not vote at all if their candidate isn't chosen. I've tried to point out how stupid they are being, but they think idealism will somehow make a point (as the world fucking burns....).
I was speaking of those at this web board.
The conservatism of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | Salon.com - "Right-wing socialism panic paints progressives as pinkos run amok. But these beliefs aren't really that radical"

Really? Giving free money to people just because they are black is not black? How about wanting to go net carbon neutral by 2050 and to pay for it by printing more money?

Labor unions used to be much stronger in the past. As to immigration, Ronald issued an amnesty for 3 million illegal immigrants.
One of the biggest mistakes of his presidency. But not even he was anywhere in the ballpark of the de facto open borders politicians like AOC demand.
Rashida Tlaib calls him Amo Bernie - Uncle Bernie in Arabic
Bernie has become very anti-Israel lately. No wonder Palestinian extremist Tlaib (she wants to destroy Israel and establish so-called "Palestine" from the river to the sea) likes him.

Like AOC calling him Tío Bernie - Uncle Bernie in Spanish
Who I think of when I hear the word "tio".
Kiss your orange moron's ass goodbye. He's gonna lose big.


Just 32 percent of all suburban voters now say they would definitely vote to reelect the president, according to a new Grinnell College poll conducted by the Iowa-based pollster Ann Selzer. Another 14 percent said they would consider someone else, and 51 percent said they would definitely vote for a candidate other than Trump.

Trump’s poll numbers have never been stellar. He is the only president in modern history not to have a net-positive approval rating in any Gallup survey during his first term in office.

But the top line numbers — just 40 percent approve of Trump’s job performance, according to the Grinnell survey — hint at deeper problems for the president among key demographic groups. Among women who did not attend college, Trump’s favorable rating stands at just 46 percent; he won that group with 61 percent of the vote in 2016. Among suburban women, only a quarter, 26 percent, approve of Trump.

All the stupid images you post here cannot help Trump win re-election.


Suburban women especially appear motivated to make their disapproval felt: Eighty-eight percent of suburban women said they would definitely vote in the 2020 presidential election, 10 points higher than voters overall.
“This to me is striking not so much in that they are aligning against President Trump, but the degree to which they are aligning against President Trump,” Selzer told The Hill. “That is sort of the pin in the hand grenade. They have the opinion and they’re more likely to vote.”

Women are going to whip his ass out of office.
Kiss your orange moron's ass goodbye. He's gonna lose big.


Just 32 percent of all suburban voters now say they would definitely vote to reelect the president, according to a new Grinnell College poll conducted by the Iowa-based pollster Ann Selzer. Another 14 percent said they would consider someone else, and 51 percent said they would definitely vote for a candidate other than Trump.

Trump’s poll numbers have never been stellar. He is the only president in modern history not to have a net-positive approval rating in any Gallup survey during his first term in office.

But the top line numbers — just 40 percent approve of Trump’s job performance, according to the Grinnell survey — hint at deeper problems for the president among key demographic groups. Among women who did not attend college, Trump’s favorable rating stands at just 46 percent; he won that group with 61 percent of the vote in 2016. Among suburban women, only a quarter, 26 percent, approve of Trump.

All the stupid images you post here cannot help Trump win re-election.


Suburban women especially appear motivated to make their disapproval felt: Eighty-eight percent of suburban women said they would definitely vote in the 2020 presidential election, 10 points higher than voters overall.
“This to me is striking not so much in that they are aligning against President Trump, but the degree to which they are aligning against President Trump,” Selzer told The Hill. “That is sort of the pin in the hand grenade. They have the opinion and they’re more likely to vote.”

Women are going to whip his ass out of office.

This is Trump against Candidate X. If they can keep the stock market humming, everyone's retirement account juiced and Candidate X is Socialist Sanders or I'm Gonna Fuck Corporate America Six Ways to Sunday Warren, people who vote with their wallets are going to think long and hard in the booth.
But Trump's negatives were not so very high in 2016. In the three states he flipped he has lost about 17% support in each and is now going to lose big. and that is the case in many swing states. Women voters now largely hate Trump's guts. I keep posting the polls and surveys about all of this, but the trumpoids just ignore the facts. 2020 will not be 2016. The blue wave of 2018 demonstrated that 2016 is deep in the past and clinging to ignorant claims about the polls doesn't help you or Trump. And yes, Clinton had 3 million more votes than the Trumpanzi. Winning the presidency by flipping three states in the electoral college by 77,704 votes total is a skin of the teeth anomaly. Trump is going to get stomped.
A Timeline of Wayne Messam's Collapsing 2020 Presidential Campaign | Miami New Times - "Say Goodbye to Wayne Messam, the Presidential Hopeful Who Raised Just $5 Last Quarter" something that he claims was a "computer glitch". But despite getting very little support, he has not ended his campaign.

Nine Candidates Have Made The November Democratic Debate So Far | FiveThirtyEight - Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, Buttigieg, Steyer, Yang, Booker, Klobuchar fully qualify. O'Rourke, Gabbard, Castro qualify in donors but not in polls.

Qualifying For The December Debate Will Be Difficult For Many Democrats | FiveThirtyEight - Biden, Sanders, Warren fully qualify. Buttigieg, Harris, Klobuchar, O'Rourke, Yang qualify in donors but not in polls.

But it is over a month to go, and some of the unqualified ones may become qualified. The most likely ones are Buttigieg, Harris
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